Category Archives: Issues

Seminar on May 5 Tax Hike Ballot Proposal

Not an LPM Event, but of Likely Informative Aid to Michigan Libertarians


Please join the Lakes Area Tea Party and grassroots organizations across SE Michigan for an evening of information and motivation regarding Michigan’s May 5 ballot Proposal 1.

Some supporters claim that, without complex and costly legislation, the budget for road repairs might be depleted to the point that roads could become impassable.

Many opponents say that there is already enough state government revenue to fix the roads without further burdening the taxpayers or resorting to legislative tricks.

Do you want answers? You will hear from our panel of experts regarding the amendments to the Michigan Constitution and the numerous attached laws that will take effect if the proposal passes.

Expert Speakers Include:

Tom McMillin, Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan
Adam De Angeli, Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan
Tony DeMott, Michigan Campaign for Liberty
David Dudenhoefer, Michigan Campaign for Liberty
Bill McMaster, Taxpayers United Michigan Foundation
Scott Hagerstrom, Coalition Against Higher Taxes and Special Interest Deals
Paul Mitchell, Coalition Against Higher Taxes and Special Interest Deals
You will learn exactly what is in this proposal, how it got there, who will benefit, and who will suffer. Guests will be invited to ask tough questions, too.

You will find out what your elected officials are up to in Lansing, and what impact you can have on this proposal and other “road funding” legislation.

Be sure to sign up today for your FREE tickets at Eventbrite, and remember to invite your friends. Thanks for joining us!

We thank these host committee members and encourage you to contact them for more information about their organizations.

Farmington Area Republicans
Garaj Mahal
Greater West Bloomfield Republicans
Independence Township Conservatives Club
Oakland County Campaign for Liberty
Oakland County Young Republicans
Rattle With Us Tea Party
Republican Liberty Caucus of Michigan
SE Michigan 9.12 Tea Party
The Gadsden Center
Tri-county Liberty Coalition
Troy Area Tea Party
Troy Republican Committee
Willow Run Tea Party Caucus

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Neil Carrick Files Suit for Religious Freedom

Dear Friends,

minister.jpgAs many of you know I filed a lawsuit concerning Religious Freedom against the State of Michigan. The case is Carrick v Snyder. The Defendants name are the Michigan Governor and Attorney General. The Complaint will be online in the next few days.

The Detroit News just posted this story. So in the next few days stories like this will emerge over me filing a lawsuit against the Governor and the Attorney General of Michigan over Religious Freedom and the Right of Clergy to do what they believe is right when it comes to marriage.

I am hopeful that as stories come out people will have a better understanding of my views. No one article capturing it I am sure.

I have asked several news groups about the possibility of doing more interviews but it is to sketchy at this point to know who is going to report more. I know of one national news group that most likely will do a story on it in the coming week. To be honest I could have several calls tomorrow it is possible to know. But I will try to put as much information up as I can on my facebook page about Religious Freedom at

And at Neil Carrick Ministries at:

I am praying more groups, churches and denominations help out. I had a few reach out to me so far from out of Michigan.

I am sure I am going to get called some hateful names and people who are in my faith may be the worst.

I have taken a pretty hard stance for religious freedom. This includes defending people who are Muslims over their right to Religious Freedom. I also was very pointed about the hypocritical views of many and misuse of the bible. If you know me you know how much I love scripture and I don’t take this lightly. Scripture being so central to my beliefs.

I am sure that I will have some minimum support. It is hard to support somebody who is doing thing as intense as this. When the United Church of Christ took on their effort they had a lot more resources than I do. When the Brown  Family took on Utah they had one of the best attorney’s alive to win and prevail against a powerful state.

It is not going to be easy. If you want to help please feel free to reach out to me. I am sure nobody is going to beat my door down.

I realize I am one person so I will say a little prayer than a few more people join this effort.

When I wake up in the morning I am sure thousands of people will see the story in their paper. I am sure a lot will sit it online. All I can do is believe that God will help me as I move forward.

Neil Patrick Carrick

Note: Neil will appear on Fox 2 Detroit’s ‘Let it Rip’ on Sunday a.m. 9:30 (1/18/15)
More News: Washington Post Blog by a UCLA Law Professor 1/14/15

He will be speaking at the Oakland County Libertarian meeting Wednesday February 18.
He spoke at the Wayne County Libertarian February meeting.

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A Big Disappointment

After the historic losses of Democrats in the 2014 election…

… politicians from both major parties are suddenly in a hurry to get something done. Establishment types are doing their best to both undermine the incoming class of Republican law makers and quietly get home to enjoy the holidays. After years of gridlock and a so called “do nothing congress”, we are expected to believe there is a renewed interest in doing the people’s business.

A search of Google shows that April 29, 2009 was the last time Congress passed an actual budget. Research a little more and you will find that even that was not a true budget. This kind of funding is known as an omnibus spending bill. The last time America operated under a true budget was in 1997 during the Clinton-Gingrich era. The country has been operating on continuing resolutions ever since.

The most recent omnibus bill funds the government through most of 2015. Consider this action exhibit ‘A’ that the major parties could care less what the voters have to say. With a clear mandate to stop reckless spending and government encroachment, the establishment made sure to get what it wanted signed, sealed, and delivered before the new congress was seated. Strange how after all these years of gridlock, when it came to funding state mandated health care and corporate welfare, R’s and D’s suddenly felt the urge to “get something done”.

Less than 2 months after running against the issue and winning big, lame duck Republicans funded government health care for another year. Why would they do this? One possibility is that it’s a strategic move designed to keep government funded health care alive and well. Republicans are now positioned to use the appropriations process over the next 2 years to nibble at the edges of law’s funding. This also creates a series of well-timed photo ops leading up to a presidential election. If all you cared about was getting your party back into full control, this would be a great plan. Libertarians see this situation through a different lens. Big government rarely gives back power that it seizes. This funding legislation also gives the establishment another year to socialize government run health care and make it acceptable to the masses.

It didn’t take long for the Republican Party to disappoint. Should we be surprised? Libertarians and other pro-freedom advocates have been pointing out this kind of hypocrisy for years. Unfortunately the message is only being heard by a small audience. With nearly 2 years of political drama still to come before the 2016 election, Libertarians will certainly have more opportunities to show a fed up electorate a better way. Let’s not waste them.

Jason Brandenburg
Libertarian Party of Southwest Michigan

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The Year of the Disgruntled Voter

ScottyHomeComments in light of the recent election

A ‘100 year sweep’, ‘Republican landslide’, ‘Dems may never recover’. While the Republican tidal wave is significant, let’s not forget this recent election unfolded with the backdrop of historically low opinion polls of all sides at all levels. Before Republicans become too smug in their 2014 victory, they would be wise to remember they are one messianic snake oil salesman away from becoming irrelevant (see 2008).

Every two years both major parties do an excellent job of turning literally one half of America against the other. In 2016 the spin machines spew forth all kinds of nasty stuff yet again, much of it true. Years of ugly rhetoric from all forms of media has left the modern voter going to the polls, not to vote FOR something, but rather voting against the party they believe to be the “bad guys”. Every four to eight years one side manages to win enough seats to push back on the other and stakes are raised yet again.

It’s funny how incoming lawmakers are more than happy to leverage the very issues they just blasted the other side for during the campaign. The cleverest politicians keep a public distance between what they say and what they do. Some Republicans have already started tempering expectations for actions against the Affordable Care Act. Obama did essentially the same on Iraq, national debt, spying on Americans, and any number of other unconstitutional pet projects he had waiting to deploy.

Rightly so, Americans just do not trust politicians to do what they say. The voter is fed up with power self serving plutocrats claiming they will fix everything if only we elect them. Need some evidence? As reported by Larry Kudlow, consider this question and answer from Edison Research. This polling company interviewed 18,000 voters around the country as they left the polls on November 4 asking the following:

Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good president?
Yes: 42 percent. No: 52 percent.

Do you think Jeb Bush would make a good president?
Yes: 29 percent. No: 59 percent.

Do you think Chris Christie would make a good president?
Yes: 24 percent. No: 64 percent.

Do you think Rand Paul would make a good president?
Yes: 26 percent. No: 60 percent.

Do you think Rick Perry would make a good president?
Yes: 24 percent. No: 62 percent.

In the 2016 presidential election, for whom would you be more likely to vote?
Hillary Clinton (Dem): 24 percent. The Republican candidate: 40 percent.

Not only does a yet-to-be-named Republican beat Hillary, but those polled turned their nose up to every Republican name that was dropped. This does not sound like a public ready to anoint another mythical political hero of any stripe.

You can reference Kudlow’s article here:

Does the very fact that a Clinton and a Bush both appear on a poll of this nature turn your stomach? It does mine. Maybe the public is willing to endure another campaign season featuring a Clinton and a Bush on the top ticket? Public opinion is a fickle thing, but this Libertarian wonders if 2016 will be the year a fed up public finally looks to cast a protest vote.

What are the chances that American is ready for the real “other” party? Maybe 2016 will be a true 100 year election for big L’s. The time has never been riper for a real conversation about reducing the reach and influence of government. Libertarians have been champions of this approach since the party was founded in the early 1970’s. Unlike Republicans and Democrats, Libertarians have generally not participated in the every two year mud throwing contest that goes on at a national level. The Libertarian party has credibility and history on its side. What it does not have is a great track record of electoral success.

The time has never been better to remind this republic of the freedoms and healthy economy it used to enjoy. Issues like personal privacy, endless taxes and fees, federal over spending, industry crushing regulation, a constant state of war, these are all things that Libertarians are on the right side of. The list is so long now there is opportunity to reach voters all over the political spectrum. Big government has been a disappointment to both conservatives and liberals, albeit for different reasons. If polls such as the one cited above are accurate, making the case to reduce the reach of government should really be a matter of marketing the pro-freedom message.

Presented in the right context, a pro-freedom campaign would be a breath of fresh air to a usually stale process. If 2016 does turn out to be the year of the disgruntled voter, the Libertarian party should be on their minds when they cast their vote. The Libertarian party could potentially make big gains if the public only knew who they were. Being active in the public debate is one way to let the voter know what the real alternative is. A pro freedom agenda holds viable solutions to the issues of these times. The American voter deserves to hear that a smaller more accountable government is the best way to start mending that which is broken.

Jason Brandenburg

Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party

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2013 Platform

(As revised in convention, June 15, 2013)


The Libertarian Party does not believe in or advocate the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals.


Libertarians seek a society based on personal liberty and responsibility—a society in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives. This most desirable method of organizing society is the natural order that arises when the inalienable rights of individuals to life, liberty and property ownership are respected and protected.

People have the right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and pursue happiness in whatever manner they choose so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others. Libertarians welcome the peace, prosperity, and diversity that freedom brings.

The essential precondition for a free society is that people follow their own dreams in their own ways without government interference. This precondition allows that the only legitimate function of government is the protection of the inalienable rights of its citizens. To that end, government at all levels should be strictly limited to the essential services necessary to uphold individual rights, maintain public order, and adjudicate disputes. Government at the state and federal level should be involved only in issues not best handled by local or regional government.


1. Federalism. To restore a necessary check on federal power, we advocate the repeal of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

2. Federalism. We endorse the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reserves to our state and its people all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, or prohibited from the states or the people by the U.S. Constitution.

3. In the absence of a declaration of war by the United States Congress, we oppose any use of Michigan troops by the federal government for any purpose other than natural disaster relief.

4. Individuals have the right to defend themselves and others. Article I, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution states: “Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.” We oppose any law that dilutes the right of a law-abiding person to own a firearm or other means of self-defense.

4. We oppose any form discrimination by government based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other group identification. Each person has the same inalienable rights that the State has a duty to protect.

5. State government should be removed entirely from the licensing process, including occupational licensing. It has produced no better results than private licensing and amounts to another tax. For example, marriage licenses are contracts between individuals and should be left to the individuals, their attorneys and religious officials, without the need to pay the state for a stamp of approval.

6. We support returning to a part-time legislature, which is sufficient to carry out the legislative duties as prescribed by our State Constitution.

7. We advocate a sunset law requiring an automatic end to most government offices, agencies, departments, laws, regulations, taxes, and expenditures within ten years if not reauthorized.

8. We oppose immunities for any public officials or employees for illegal acts or omissions. Like any citizen, they should be subject to criminal prosecution and held liable for any injuries caused by their actions.

9. There should be maximum separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.


1. The only electoral duty of the State government should be providing for fair and efficient conduct of elections. Political parties, like any private voluntary group, should be free from government control and allowed to establish their own rules for nomination procedures and conventions. All taxpayer-funded subsidies to candidates for public office and political parties, including primaries and conventions, should be eliminated.

2. We support the addition of the alternative “None of the above is acceptable” to all ballots. We further propose that in the event that “None of the above is acceptable” receives a plurality of votes in any election, a new election shall be held for which none of the losing candidates shall be eligible. Other forms of voting should also be considered, such as instant runoff voting or proportional representation.

3. Campaign finance laws are unwarranted restrictions of free speech or association and should be repealed.

4. The time during which voters may circulate any statewide petition should be extended to two years.

5. Voters should have the power of referendum on all existing or new legislation.


1. The current practice of forced jury duty should be replaced by volunteer juries.

2. The common law authority of a trial by jury preceded our constitution and is the foundation of our legal system. If a jury of peers deems a law unjust, oppressive or inappropriately applied, it has the right and duty to acquit the defendant. We support the right of defendants to a fully informed jury, which would require judges to instruct jurors of their authority to judge not only the facts, but also the justice of the law according to their own good consciences.

3. We support restitution for victims of crimes or civil infractions at the expense of the perpetrator. The victim should have the right to pardon the perpetrator, provided the victim is not threatened or coerced.

4. Private adjudication of disputes by mutually acceptable judges or mediators should be encouraged.

5. No-fault laws should be repealed because they deprive the victim of the right to recover damages from those responsible for causing harm.

6. The right of trial by jury should be allowed in all civil or criminal cases.

7. The use of civil asset forfeiture to enforce laws circumvents constitutional protections and should be ended.

8. Random police roadblocks and other searches without probable cause bypass constitutional protections and should be prohibited.

9. We support equal treatment and oppose sexual discrimination in any judicial proceeding adjudicating a parental right, privilege or obligation concerning his or her child.


1. Law enforcement cannot guarantee individual safety. Self protection is a personal responsibility. All individuals have the right to defend themselves and to possess the means to do so, as guaranteed by the State Constitution Article I, Section 6.

2. State prison facilities should be used only for the incarceration of individuals who have proven themselves a threat to others.

3. Curfew laws should be repealed as the behavior of children is the responsibility of the parent, not the state.

4. Laws requiring the use of seat belts and helmets are misguided, paternal, and should be repealed. Individuals must assume responsibility for their own safety.


1. Government should confine itself to protecting individuals from aggression, coercion and deceit. We oppose all laws and regulations that attempt to protect individuals from the consequences of their own behavior. While not necessarily condoning such activities, we advocate the repeal of all laws criminalizing gambling, possession and sale of drugs and alcohol, and sexual relations between consenting adults. All those presently incarcerated or ever convicted solely for the commission of these victimless crimes should be pardoned and their records expunged.

2. Voluntary communities may enforce rules that prohibit certain activities to which all members subscribe, such as substance-free dorms.


1. The legislature should find more voluntary means of supporting state services, such as lotteries and user fees.

2. The personal income tax should be repealed.

3. Taxation of privately owned real property should be eliminated. In effect, it makes the state the owner of all lands by forcing individuals to pay rent to the state or forfeit their title.

4. The personal property tax on Michigan businesses should be repealed.

5. Tax favoritism should be illegal. Abatements, subsidies, credits, or other incentives to businesses based on geographical area, job creation, or any other criteria deny equal protection under the law.

6. Sales tax on used merchandise that is resold results in double taxation and should be eliminated.

7. Adding sales tax to products already subject to specific state taxes, such as gasoline and cigarettes, should be ended. This practice results in double taxation, as consumers are paying a tax on a tax.

8. We oppose any sales or use tax on the Internet.


1. We believe in the free market, thus the complete separation of the economy and the state.

2. No commercial enterprises should be granted legal monopoly status, including the so-called natural monopolies of electricity, natural gas, water supplies, telephones, and cable television. The Michigan Public Service Commission should be abolished and all rate regulation in these industries ended. The right to offer such services in the marketplace should not be curtailed. We also call on the legislature to end the state monopoly on lotteries.

3. State regulation of industries such as insurance and communications, and professions such as medicine and law, should be ended. They should be regulated by trade or consumer groups.

4. The condemnation of private property for public use should only be allowed when necessary for the protection of the rights of the citizens.


Providing for the needy by forcibly taxing others is contrary to the legitimate function of government, which is to protect the rights of everyone. Disbursing charity from a welfare system costs society more than it gains. It is inefficient, open to fraud and abuse, and creates resentment. Traditional, voluntary sources of emergency support from families, churches, and private charities have always been more humane, more effective, and willingly borne by the givers. Therefore, until the income tax is repealed, we advocate dollar-for-dollar tax credits for all charitable contributions to encourage a transition from public welfare to private support.


1. Education is a parental responsibility and best handled at the most local level. While we advocate the separation of school and state, regional cooperation in funding and administration should be encouraged for economies of scale.

2. Because parents are best situated to decide what is in their own children’s best interests, we support all measures that enhance the educational choices available, such as charter schools, tax credits for private school tuition, and home schooling.

3. Compulsory attendance and truancy laws should be repealed. Students cannot be forced to learn, and teachers should not be forced to act as juvenile delinquency officers.

4. All individuals, regardless of age, are entitled to the protections of the constitutions of the United States and Michigan. Random drug tests, locker searches without probable cause, censorship of student publications, corporal punishment, or any similar actions violate those rights.

5. All votes relevant to school operations, including millage proposals, bond issues and school board elections, should be placed only on the regular, biannual ballot.


1. Aside from public safety, there is no greater concern for the people of Michigan than having a safe, healthy environment. We look forward to the day when all property not required for police and court functions is returned to private ownership and control.

2. We call for the restoration of every individual’s ancient, common law standing to sue for trespass any individual, business, government or other group that pollutes his or her property.

3. We oppose creation of new government parks or wilderness and recreation areas. Such parks and areas that already exist should be transferred to non-government ownership. Pending such transfer, their operating costs should be borne by their users rather than by taxpayers.

4. We support efforts to hold all individuals, businesses and governments accountable for the pollution they cause. With respect to so-called orphan sites, where those responsible for contamination of ground or water either cannot be found or cannot be made accountable for the damage they caused, we support the use of the Natural Resources Trust Fund currently earmarked for expansion of State parks to be redirected to clean up.


1. The most fundamental property right is an individual’s right to own and control his or her own body. All individuals have the right to determine their own health care needs and treatment. Exercise of this right does not remove the moral obligations not to violate the rights of others. We recognize the state, when it exists, has a duty to protect the rights of others, particularly those in society who are the most vulnerable, including: the very old, the very young, and the mentally handicapped. The state, where it exists, does have a duty to protect the life of all individuals, and should prosecute those who utilize force or fraud to end life.”

2. The right of people to extend or end their lives with dignity should not be infringed. We support the freedom to use living wills and durable medical powers of attorney.


We recognize the right to political secession. Exercise of this right, like the exercise of all other rights, does not remove legal and moral obligations not to violate the rights of others.


The Libertarian Party of Michigan ratifies and hereby includes in this document the platform of the national Libertarian Party.


Our silence about any other particular government law, regulation, ordinance, directive, edict, control, restriction, regulatory agency, or activity should not be construed to imply approval.


[Resolutions are statements of opinion on timely issues, and are adopted as described in our bylaws. They are not permanent planks of the LPM platform.]

2013 Resolutions Approved

Resolution: Grand Juries

We support grand juries investigating and indicting, ‘willful misconduct in office by public officers.’

Resolution: United States Federal Government, Status of Authority

Since the attacks of 9/11 and the illegal wars of aggression by the United States federal government (USG) in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere; the Patriot Act; the practice of torture and rendition, mass imprisonments without trial or notice; summary executions by the US president, intentional killings of civilians thru US military drone strikes, and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) provisions for indefinite detentions without trial; prosecutions and incarcerations of whistle blowers who expose government torture and atrocities, the coordinated national police-state crackdown on protest (esp. the Occupy Movement), and escalation of violence against the people via the Travel Security Administration (TSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); the recent buildup by National Security Agency (NSA) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct 24/7 surveillance and universal record keeping on all civilians, federal black operations (black ops) upon the people via (probable and provable) staged massacres of Americans in further pursuance of an absolute police-military juggernaut, and resultant federal plans to confiscate guns; and routine Cartel machinations such as exempting Monsanto and other biotech firms from the rule of law, conduct of geoengineering and weather modification programs for profit and warmaking, the neverending atrocity known as the War on Drugs, and thru secret programs exposing billions of people worldwide to unconscionable environmental and biological toxins—not to mention Obamacare, the UN’s Agenda 21, and Common Core educational edicts; the bailouts and giveaways to insider financial powers, expansion of the traditional welfare state, and debauchery of the currency via the central banks; and, finally, creation of an artificial burden of unfathomable debt, expropriation and suppression of individual wealth and production, and a host of other grossly unconstitutional acts—it has become clear the current USG has become nothing less than a psychotically vicious and illegal criminal enterprise.

Accordingly, we the undersigned, no longer recognize this incarnation of the USG as valid or legitimate, we withdraw moral sanction and (to the extent each individual considers prudent) material support—until such time, as a minimum, all of the above unconstitutional acts of aggression are ended and remedied. Nor shall we the undersigned be sitting still waiting for compliance; we shall pursue all effective strategies that restore libertarian self-government to individuals within their states and communities, and nullify all federal breaches of authority—as stated clearly in the Tenth Amendment, “if it ain’t in here, the USG don’t got it.” To those in the current USG: You’d better get cracking… otherwise your time is up.

Resolution in Respect of David Irons David Irons

A steadfast member of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, David C. Irons passed away at his home on May 25, 2013 of a heart attack. He spent most of his life in the Lansing area and was a welcome presence at the meetings of the Capital Area Libertarian Party. His intellectual curiosity and probing mind brought many hours of thoughtful conversation to the discussions.

An independent streak flowed throughout his life and led him to become a building inspector, vending machine operator, carpenter and overall Jack-of-all trades. Despite the demands of his family life and career, David was able to juggle his responsibilities well enough to enable him to run as a candidate for public office in several elections. His friendly, well-spoken demeanor allowed him to present the libertarian viewpoint in a way that opened the eyes of others to his message.

The energy, insightfulness and sense of humor David contributed to the Libertarian Party will be missed. Our sincere condolences and thoughts of cherished memories go out to his wife Nancy, his son Anthony and their extended family.


Capital Area Libertarian Party
Box 27065
Lansing MI 48909-7065

Prior LPM Platforms

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LPM Platform 2012

As revised in convention, June 2, 2012


The Libertarian Party does not believe in or advocate the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals.


Libertarians seek a society based on personal liberty and responsibility—a society in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives. This most desirable method of organizing society is the natural order that arises when the inalienable rights of individuals to life, liberty and property ownership are respected and protected.

People have the right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and pursue happiness in whatever manner they choose so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others. Libertarians welcome the peace, prosperity, and diversity that freedom brings.

The essential precondition for a free society is that people follow their own dreams in their own ways without government interference. This precondition allows that the only legitimate function of government is the protection of the inalienable rights of its citizens. To that end, government at all levels should be strictly limited to the essential services necessary to uphold individual rights, maintain public order, and adjudicate disputes. Government at the state and federal level should be involved only in issues not best handled by local or regional government.


  1. In the absence of a declaration of war by the United States Congress, we oppose any use of Michigan troops by the federal government for any purpose other than natural disaster relief.
  2. Individuals have the right to defend themselves and others. Article I, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution states: “Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.” We oppose any law that dilutes the right of a law-abiding person to own a firearm or other means of self defense.
  3. We endorse the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reserves to our state and its people all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, or prohibited from the states or the people by the Constitution.
  4. We oppose any form of discrimination by government based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other group identification. Each person has the same inalienable rights that the State has a duty to protect.
  5. State government should be removed entirely from the licensing process, including occupational licensing. It has produced no better results than private licensing and amounts to another tax. For example, marriage licenses are contracts between individuals and should be left to the individuals, their attorneys and religious officials, without the need to pay the state for a stamp of approval.
  6. We support returning to a part-time legislature, which is sufficient to carry out the legislative duties as prescribed by our State Constitution.
  7. We advocate a sunset law requiring an automatic end to most government offices, agencies, departments, laws, regulations, taxes, and expenditures within ten years if not reauthorized.
  8. We oppose immunities for any public officials or employees for illegal acts or omissions. Like any citizen, they should be subject to criminal prosecution and held liable for any injuries caused by their actions.
  9. To restore a necessary check on federal power, we advocate the repeal of the 17th Amendment.
  10. There should be maximum separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers.


  1. The only electoral duty of the State government should be providing for fair and efficient conduct of elections. Political parties, like any private voluntary group, should be free from government control and allowed to establish their own rules for nomination procedures and conventions. All taxpayer-funded subsidies to candidates for public office and political parties, including primaries and conventions, should be eliminated.
  2. We support the addition of the alternative “None of the above is acceptable” to all ballots. We further propose that in the event that “None of the above is acceptable” receives a plurality of votes in any election, a new election shall be held for which none of the losing candidates shall be eligible. Other forms of voting should also be considered, such as instant runoff voting or proportional representation.
  3. Campaign finance laws are unwarranted restrictions of free speech or association and should be repealed.
  4. The time during which voters may circulate any statewide petition should be extended to two years.
  5. Voters should have the power of referendum on all existing or new legislation.


1. The current practice of forced jury duty should be replaced by volunteer juries.
2. The common law authority of a trial by jury preceded our constitution and is the foundation of our legal system. If a jury of peers deems a law unjust, oppressive or inappropriately applied, it has the right and duty to acquit the defendant. We support the right of defendants to a fully informed jury, which would require judges to instruct jurors of their authority to judge not only the facts, but also the justice of the law according to their own good consciences.
3. We support restitution for victims of crimes or civil infractions at the expense of the perpetrator. The victim should have the right to pardon the perpetrator, provided the victim is not threatened or coerced.
4. Private adjudication of disputes by mutually acceptable judges or mediators should be encouraged.
5. No-fault laws should be repealed because they deprive the victim of the right to recover damages from those responsible for causing harm.
6. The right of trial by jury should be allowed in all civil or criminal cases.
7. The use of civil asset forfeiture to enforce laws circumvents constitutional protections and should be ended.
8. Random police roadblocks and other searches without probable cause bypass constitutional protections and should be prohibited.
9. We support equal treatment and oppose sexual discrimination in any judicial proceeding adjudicating a parental right, privilege or obligation concerning his or her child.


1. Law enforcement cannot guarantee individual safety. Self protection is a personal responsibility. All individuals have the right to defend themselves and to possess the means to do so, as guaranteed by the State Constitution Article I, Section 6.
2. State prison facilities should be used only for the incarceration of individuals who have proven themselves a threat to others.
3. Curfew laws should be repealed as the behavior of children is the responsibility of the parent, not the state.
4. Laws requiring the use of seat belts and helmets are misguided, paternal, and should be repealed. Individuals must assume responsibility for their own safety.


1. Government should confine itself to protecting individuals from aggression, coercion and deceit. We oppose all laws and regulations that attempt to protect individuals from the consequences of their own behavior. While not necessarily condoning such activities, we advocate the repeal of all laws criminalizing gambling, possession and sale of drugs, and sexual relations between consenting adults. All those presently incarcerated or ever convicted solely for the commission of these victimless crimes should be pardoned and their records expunged.
2. Voluntary communities may enforce rules that prohibit certain activities to which all members subscribe, such as substance-free dorms.


1. The legislature should find more voluntary means of supporting state services, such as lotteries and user fees.
2. The personal income tax should be repealed.
3. Taxation of privately owned real property should be eliminated. In effect, it makes the state the owner of all lands by forcing individuals to pay rent to the state or forfeit their title.
4. The personal property tax on Michigan businesses should be repealed.
5. Tax favoritism should be illegal. Abatements, subsidies, credits, or other incentives to businesses based on geographical area, job creation, or any other criteria deny equal protection under the law.
6. Sales tax on used merchandise that is resold results in double taxation and should be eliminated.
7. Adding sales tax to products already subject to specific state taxes, such as gasoline and cigarettes, should be ended. This practice results in double taxation, as consumers are paying a tax on a tax.
8. We oppose any sales or use tax on the Internet.


1. We believe in the free market, thus the complete separation of the economy and the state.
2. No commercial enterprises should be granted legal monopoly status, including the so-called natural monopolies of electricity, natural gas, water supplies, telephones, and cable television. The Michigan Public Service Commission should be abolished and all rate regulation in these industries ended. The right to offer such services in the marketplace should not be curtailed. We also call on the legislature to end the state monopoly on lotteries.
3. State regulation of industries such as insurance and communications, and professions such as medicine and law, should be ended. They should be regulated by trade or consumer groups.
4. The condemnation of private property for public use should only be allowed
when necessary for the protection of the rights of the citizens.

Providing for the needy by forcibly taxing others is contrary to the legitimate function of government, which is to protect the rights of everyone. Disbursing charity from a welfare system costs society more than it gains. It is inefficient, open to fraud and abuse, and creates resentment. Traditional, voluntary sources of emergency support from families, churches, and private charities have always been more humane, more effective, and willingly borne by the givers. Therefore, until the income tax is repealed, we advocate dollar-for-dollar tax credits for all charitable contributions to encourage a transition from public welfare to private support.


1. Education is a parental responsibility and best handled at the most local level. While we advocate the separation of school and state, regional cooperation in funding and administration should be encouraged for economies of scale.
2. Because parents are best situated to decide what is in their own children’s best interests, we support all measures that enhance the educational choices available, such as charter schools, tax credits for private school tuition, and home schooling.
3. Compulsory attendance and truancy laws should be repealed. Students cannot be forced to learn, and teachers should not be forced to act as juvenile delinquency officers.
4. All individuals, regardless of age, are entitled to the protections of the constitutions of the United States and Michigan. Random drug tests, locker searches without probable cause, censorship of student publications, corporal punishment, or any similar actions violate those rights.
5. All votes relevant to school operations, including millage proposals, bond issues and school board elections, should be placed only on the regular, biannual ballot.


1. Aside from public safety, there is no greater concern for the people of Michigan than having a safe, healthy environment. We look forward to the day when all property not required for police and court functions is returned to private ownership and control.
2. We call for the restoration of every individual’s ancient, common law standing to sue for trespass any individual, business, government or other group that pollutes his or her property.
3. We oppose creation of new government parks or wilderness and recreation areas. Such parks and areas that already exist should be transferred to non-government ownership. Pending such transfer, their operating costs should be borne by their users rather than by taxpayers.
4. We support efforts to hold all individuals, businesses and governments accountable for the pollution they cause. With respect to so-called orphan sites, where those responsible for contamination of ground or water either cannot be found or cannot be made accountable for the damage they caused, we support the use of the Natural Resources Trust Fund currently earmarked for expansion of State parks to be redirected to clean up.


1. The most fundamental property right is an individual’s right to own and control his or her own body. All individuals have the right to determine their own health care needs and treatment. Government has no constitutional authority to interfere with the practitioner/patient relationship.
2. The right of people to extend or end their lives with dignity should not be infringed. We support the freedom to use living wills and durable medical powers of attorney.

We recognize the right to political secession. Exercise of this right, like the exercise of all other rights, does not remove legal and moral obligations not to violate the rights of others.

The Libertarian Party of Michigan ratifies and hereby includes in this document
the platform of the national Libertarian Party.


Our silence about any other particular government law, regulation, ordinance,
directive, edict, control, restriction, regulatory agency, or activity should not be construed to imply approval.


Adopted at the LPM Convention April 30, 2011

I. We support private entrepreneurship, and consider the creation of government-backed competitors to be destructive to the free market. For this reason, we oppose the proposed state-backed Detroit-to-Windsor bridge.

II. We recognize the right of business owners to enter into exclusive contracts with labor organizations or to refrain from doing so, and oppose legislation that abridges that right.

III. Nathan Allen

Whereas, Nathan Allen has been a valuable member of the Libertarian Party since June 2000 helping build the party in Michigan for over a decade;

Whereas, Nathan Allen has served with distinction as the State Chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, as Chair of the Oakland County Libertarian Party, as state convention chairman, as a national convention delegate from Michigan, as campaign manager of numerous candidate campaigns, and as a candidate for the Libertarian Party five times;

Whereas, Nathan Allen has approached each Libertarian Party effort with professionalism, enthusiasm, principle, and tact;

Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Libertarian Party of Michigan honors and expresses its gratitude to Nathan Allen for all he has done in behalf of liberty in Michigan and for the
Libertarian Party.

[Resolutions are statements of opinion on timely issues, and are adopted as described in our bylaws. They are not permanent planks of the LPM platform.]

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Open Letter to Long-Suffering Michigan Voters

It’s ‘Time’

To the Constituents of Michigan Republican legislators:

Sen. Randy Richardville, R-Monroe; Sen. Tory Rocca, R-Sterling Heights; Sen. Jim Marleau, R-Lake Orion; Sen. Mike Kowall, R-White Lake; Sen. Roger Kahn, R-Saginaw; Sen. Geoff Hansen, R-Hart; Sen. Howard Walker, R-Traverse City; Sen. Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons, R-Alto; Rep. Dave Pagel, R-Berrien Springs; Rep. Amanda Price, R-Holland; and Rep. Ken Yonker, R-Caledonia.

Mr. Steve MaceVice Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan

Mr. Steve Mace
Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan

My name is Steve Mace. I’m the Vice Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM).

The executive board and members of the LPM fully understand that many of you woke up this morning feeling exceptionally betrayed – betrayed by Representatives and Senators who deceived you into believing that they opposed government waste. They told us they were fiscal conservatives.

They destroyed that ‘promise’ last night when they voted to massively expand an extremely broken system as the state Senate passed HB4714, aka ‘SnyderCare’ – an essential mechanism of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA), aka ‘ObamaCare.’

We understand, and we feel your pain. As the two parties in the House and Senate shift more and more to becoming essentially one party, we want to reach out to you, the Voter. We want to let you know there’s a party in Michigan truly dedicated to fiscal conservatism and transparency – the Libertarian Party of Michigan.

It’s time for Lansing to stop wasting our hard-earned money. It’s time to send a very real, very clear message to Lansing. It’s time to begin sending Representatives and Senators to the Legislature who will be there to represent your values, your common sense. It’s time to elect people who put you first.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there are many misconceptions about what the LPM stands for. Many of these myths were created by the other parties that feel threatened by those who do not put party allegiance before common sense, and before voters.

These are hurdles for us to clear. But I would encourage you to visit our website and see for yourself what our platform is. At the following link:

Our message is clear:

  • Fiscal responsibility: End government waste of your money. It’s not the government’s money… it’s yours! Without you, the government has no funds.
  • Fiscal transparency: You have every right to know where and what your money is being spent on, at all times.
  • Lower taxes: Government has become addicted to your hard-earned money. Government needs to be weaned from it. End the strangulation of Michigan Taxpayers and small businesses.
  • Liberty and Freedom: Simply put, what you do is your business. What you believe is your right. So long as you are not infringing on another’s Liberty and Freedom, the government has no place managing your life.

Rather straightforward. And it always has been.

We understand that the Democrats and Republicans will do all they can to prevent you from hearing other candidate’s opinions and platforms. They will (and have) prevented others from engaging in public debates. They dismiss others as irrelevant, making you believe that you only have two choices.

I would encourage you to weigh the opinions and positions of all the candidates. See through the smoke and mirrors of the two-party system, and those who advocate limiting your choices at the voting booth.

It’s time for a new course for Michigan. It’s time for new voices in the Legislature. It’s time for We, the People, to take back our government from those who continue to be deceptive about what they really stand for.

In 2014, I strongly encourage you to look into all the candidates for State Representative in your community. I’m not asking you for your vote; that’s the job of the candidates.

Here’s what I am asking you to do:

  • If you’ve joined the ranks of the tens of thousands of your fellow Michiganders who have come to the conclusion that being betrayed year after year, time and time again, is no longer acceptable, then take a fair and objective look at the LPM candidates. Hear them out. Weigh them on their own merits – then send your message at the voting booth.
  • There is no such thing as a ‘wasted vote’. There is no such thing as ‘it won’t make a difference.’ When your true voice is heard in the Legislature, your vote has counted.

Thank you for your time. And whenever you have any suggestions, feedback or a question, the executive team of the Libertarian Party of Michigan will be glad to help you.

Kindest Regards,

Steve Mace
Vice Chair
Libertarian Party of Michigan

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