Welcome to the Libertarian Party of Michigan’s comprehensive archive. If you are looking for our current website, please link to it here: http://michiganlp.org
In order to create a new website with a contemporary slick look, we started out fresh. This meant we weren’t going to just make incremental changes to the old one. As a result a large body of content has not populated that site. No worries! It’s all right here. So explore old pages, newsletters, and other documents to you’re heart’s content.
Some documents are also archived in PDF format on Google Drive
LPM Creates Historical Commission, Seeks Archives from Longtime Members
By Greg Stempfle, Political Director
The Libertarian Executive Committee has created a new LPM Historical Commission. This project was inspired by the the National Libertarian Party which recently created their own Historical Committee, chaired by Caryn Ann Harlos of Colorado. Creating historical archives of the LPM has been a long term project of mine and I was happy to propose and be named chair of the commission. I was newsletter editor when the LPM headquarters in Hazel Park closed in the mid-2000s and I took in a lot of LPM documents and archives. A large bulk of this material, including many VHS tapes, was collected by the late activist Bill Shotey. I digitized all of this material and gave a large collection of documents to the Bentley Historical Library and all of the old issues of the Michigan Libertarian newsletter I was able to obtain, going back to the early 1970s, are available online. I have named LPM Secretary Emily Salvette and LEC member Ben Carr, who has a degree in history, to serve on the commission.
Navigation Problems?
The main website recently underwent a make-over. One temporary side-effect of this move is that many pages and media that this web links to will not be visible, or there may be some links that appear to have no destination. If you get a message like this:
Ooops… Error 404
We are sorry, but the page you are looking for does not exist.
As a work-around, you may simply place the word “old” and a period in front of the url, and the page will link properly. For instance, one would change “http://michiganlp.org/Freedom” to “http://old.michiganlp.org/Freedom”
Thank you for your patience. We look forward to restoring a seamless browsing experience to the Libertarian Party of Michigan Historical Archives.
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History of the Libertarian Party