Former Prosecutor Quits Democrats, Joins Libertarian Party
Stacy Spaulding Van Oast
For Immediate Release
November 22, 1999
Contact: Stacy Van Oast, State Chair
DEARBORN. Ghazey Aleck II, who was elected in 1992 as a Democrat and served for four years as the Clare County prosecutor has quit the Democratic Party and joined the Libertarian Party.
“This is the only party that is truly dedicated to the Constitution,” said the 38-year-old attorney who decided to return to private practice instead of running for reelection in ’96. “This is the party of principle instead of politics.”
Aleck also served as Clare County Democratic Party chair for two years before being elected prosecutor.
When asked by friends and former political allies why he would leave a major party to join the LP Aleck is unhesitating in declaring his priorities. “I’d rather be with the 1% who are right than with the 99% who are wrong — just because they are in the majority,” he says.
The new LP member has been in the news of late because of his serving as defense counsel for Garry Going, a Weidman resident being prosecuted by the Department of Natural Resources for coming the rescue of a fawn he found by the side of the road that had lost its mother to an automobile collision.
“That case,” says Aleck, “is a perfect example of how the legislature and the bureaucrats have lost all sense of proportion and humanity for the sake of their inflexible rules. Can’t they take a step back and get some perspective? Factor a little common sense — if not justice — into the situation?”
The Clare resident plans to be an active LP member, helping to organize his area for the party and possibly even running for office again. Except, next time, it will be as a Libertarian.
“I can’t just stand by and watch what the Democrats and the Republicans are doing to our country. I owe it to my kids,” Aleck says, referring to 10-year-old daughter, Brianna, and 7-year-old son, Ghazey III. “If I don’t do something now, there won’t be any semblance of freedom left in our country for their kids.”