Resolution to be presented at 4/7 meeting of Kalamazoo affIliate:
A resolution urging the citizens of Southwest Michigan to oppose Proposal 1 on the May 5th , 2015 statewide ballot.
Whereas, The passage of Proposal 1 would be a $2 billion overall tax increase this year and each year thereafter; and
Whereas, The Michigan state budget has increased from $39.1 billion in fiscal year 2004-05 to $52.30 billion in fiscal year 2014-15; and
Whereas, This would raise the state’s sales tax by 17% from 6% to 7%; and
Whereas, This would give Michigan the second highest gas tax in the nation; and
Whereas, There would be an increase of $10.9 million per year in vehicle registration fees; and
Whereas, This would add 10 new state laws and a Constitutional amendment; and
Whereas, The average family would pay between $680-$800 more per year in taxes; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party, That we request the Michigan Legislature make the necessary cuts to the state’s budget to fund road projects without a tax increase; and
Resolved by the Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party, That we request the citizens of Southwest Michigan to oppose Proposal 1 on the May 5th , 2015 statewide ballot.