The Libertarian Party of Michigan is Co-sponsor to ACLU Forum
Scotty Boman
Libertarian Party of Michigan
P.O. Box 27065
Lansing, MI 48924
-For Immediate Release –
Contact: Scotty Boman (313) 247-2052, LPM State Chair
Or contact the ACLU at: (313) 578-6810
“The Libertarian Party of Michigan is Co-sponsor to ACLU Forum”
Birmingham, Michigan- The Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) has is co-sponsoring an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) forum on the REAL ID Act. The forum will be on Wednesday the 25th of April at 6:30 PM. “The ACLU and the LPM don’t always agree on specific issues, in fact we were on opposite sides of proposal 2, but this is one issue where we can work together.” Said LPM Chair Scotty Boman.
A post card promoting the event reads:
Worried about identity theft? Don’t believe longer lines at the Secretary of State Office will make us safer? Find out why Arkansas, Idaho and Maine have rejected “REAL ID,” a dream for identity thieves and a privacy nightmare. The REAL ID Act – A REAL NIGHTMARE Join the ACLU of Michigan and the ACLU Oakland County Branch to learn about the impact of “REAL 10” on your privacy and security. Learn how to lobby and sign up to talk with your legislators about “REAL ID!
Special Guests include:
NOAM BIALE REAL ID Campaign Organizer
ACLU National Office SENATOR GILDA JACOBS (D-Huntington Woods).
TIM O’BRIEN Executive Director- Small Government Alliance.
Times: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Visit: RealNightmare.org
Location: The Community House, 380 South Bates Street Birmingham, MI 48009
Phone: (248)-644-5832
Fax (248) 644-2476
Contact: ACLU of Michigan Phone: (313) 578-6810 Email: www.aclumich.org