Taxpayers Against Waste forms in Berkley
Leonard Schwartz
News Release
Taxpayers Against Waste
by Leonard Schwartz, Leonard@LeonardSchwartz.us
Fred Collins and Leonard Schwartz created an Oakland County ballot question committee — Taxpayers Against Waste. It will oppose ballot questions that increase waste and support ballot questions that reduce waste.
TAW’s first project is opposing a $168 million ($430 million including interest) bond proposal in the Berkley School District, which includes Berkley, Huntington Woods, and northern Oak Park. It will be on the ballot on Tuesday, Feb. 23. The website for this project is www.BerkleySchoolTax.com.
Please support Taxpayers Against Waste
TAW will do a literature drop on a date to be determined. To volunteer for the literature drop, contact Fred Collins, Fred@BerkleyLine.com.
Contributions should be mailed to:
Taxpayers Against Waste
13711 Victoria
Oak Park MI 48237-1409
Corporations and other businesses can contribute money to ballot question committees. Because taxes affect profitability, businesses can deduct contributions to TAW as business expenses.