New Libertarian Party Chair Ready to Spread the Word
CONTACT: Bill Shotey
(313) 278-3673
LIVONIA. Tim O’Brien, newly elected Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Michigan is ready, willing, and able to spread his party’s message of freedom and responsibility.
With fifteen years of involvement in the LPM and more than two decades as a writer and media professional, O’Brien is a polished and entertaining public speaker.
For more than three years O’Brien provided bi-weekly political commentaries on Detroit NPR affiliate WDET, presenting the Libertarian view on subjects ranging from the environment and affirmative action to gun control and free trade. His radio experience also lead to several stints as a fill-in talk show host on Pontiac’s WPON.
Mr. O’Brien has made numerous TV appearances representing the Libertarian viewpoint. In addition to “Editorial Reply” segments on virtually every TV station in metro Detroit the veteran political analyst has been a guest on shows like Transition (where he debated protectionism with a union lawyer) and Straight Talk (where he argued against drug prohibition on one occasion and tobacco restrictions on another — the latter when even the tobacco industry itself refused to send a spokesperson to represent the individual rights point of view.)
The new Libertarian Party Chair edited the party newsletter in ’87 and ’88, is the primary author of both the LPM by-laws and platform, and twice served on the national Libertarian Party platform committee. He is also a political essayist who has been published in magazines such as Liberty and Reason, as well as major daily newspapers such as the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press. He has been a frequent lecturer on university campuses around the state and has often been called upon to perform Master of Ceremonies duties at Libertarian functions.
“Having a media professional instead of a management type as our Chair is a new approach for us,” observed the party’s current newsletter editor and former three-term chairman, Keith Edwards. “To those who are unfamiliar with it, the Libertarian view on virtually any issue is usually controversial and always intriguing. Audiences are often surprised to find themselves nodding in agreement with an idea that had never even occurred to them before.”
“And Tim is a fantastic communicator,” adds Edwards. “I know of no one who can present our positions with greater clarity or wit.”