Activists Rally Sandy Levin To Audit The Fed
Scotty Boman
Activists Rally Sandy Levin To Audit The Fed
CONTACT: Scotty Boman. 313-247-2052
Roseville, MI – Advocates of Federal Reserve System transparency will Rally outside the Roseville office of Representative Sander Levin on the morning of a critical vote. Later that morning the House of Representatives will vote on the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, H.R. 459, which was introduced by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. The Bill has at least 271 co-sponsors, but Sander Levin is not one of them.
The gathering will include candidates for political office including Libertarian US Senate Candidate Scotty Boman, and Republican US House candidate Don Volaric. Scotty Boman said, “I am firmly behind the Libertarian slate of candidates that will be available to voters this November. At the same time, it is important to put aside partisan differences and reach across the aisle to work together on issues that affect all Americans. The harmful consequences of the Federal Reserve System and its veil of privileged secrecy is such an issue.”
Volaric is seeking the Republican nomination for the new 9th Congressional District in which Levin will be running (though Levin is currently in the old 12th District). Both Levin and the Republican nominee will be competing with Libertarian James Fulner in the general election.
When asked about H.R. 459 Fulner said, “Auditing the Fed is a no-brainier. Even my small local fraternal disorganization that only has thousands of dollars going in and out of our bank accounts for the charitable work we do has to go through an annual audit to ensure all of money is coming from and going to what we say it is and we are accountable for it. Yet, the Federal Reserve, the purse strings that hold the entire US economy together, has not been audited for decades. The American people are waking up to what the Political class and the Fed have been doing, evident by the fact the people have convinced 271 co-sponsors from both old party’s to have signed on to Ron Paul’s audit the fed bill. My opponent, Sandy Levin, is not among them, proof that he’s still standing with the 1% while giving lip service to the 99%. Regardless of how the vote tomorrow ends up, its only one small step. 2012 probably won’t be the end of the world, but it may be the end of the world as we know it. That’s why the Jim Fulner Campaign is asking the folks of SE Michigan to rise up, and start their own libertarian rEVOLution”
Boman has campaigned beside Fulner, and endorses Libertarians in the general election while encouraging participation in the primaries. “It’s important to encourage candidates to support sound policies at every step of the process. So-long as every resident is forced to support primaries with their taxes, they are all entitled to vote in them.” Said Boman.
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