Below are the proposed By-Laws that the By-Law committee has come up with. You may find a copy of the current By-Laws at We are asking that you respond with the Number(s) of the proposal(s) you like in no particular order.
We would like responses received by April 25, 2015. Also, if you have a proposal that you would like to see please send it to This year new proposals will not be added to the agenda after April 25, 2015 so that we may run business more orderly. Also, any amendments will have to be to the secretary one hour before the By-Laws Meeting is on the Agenda.
Thank you for your contributions on the By-Laws.
Kimberly Moore
Treasurer & 2015 By-Laws Committee Chair
Proposal 1:
add the text:
VII Nomination of Candidates
Add new #3 – renumber subsequent clauses if passed.
3…In odd year conventions the delegates present at the LPM Convention shall nominate an LPM Member to act as an LNC Regional Representative nominee.
Proposal 2:
change the text from:
III Officers
1. The officers of the Party shall be a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, a treasurer, and five at-large directors, hereinafter referred to as the “Executive Committee.”…
III Officers
1. The officers of the Party shall be a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, a treasurer, and an at-large director from each affiliate appointed by that affiliates delegates, hereinafter referred to as the “Executive Committee.”…
Proposal 3:
change the text from:
III Officers
1… All of these officers shall be elected at a regular convention of the Party by the attending delegates and shall take office immediately upon the close of such convention and shall serve until the final adjournment of the next regular convention.
III Officers
1…All of these officers shall be elected at a regular odd year convention of the Party by the attending delegates and shall take office immediately upon the close of such convention and shall serve until the final adjournment of the next regular odd year convention.
Passage of this proposal will also affect the language of proposal 5.
Proposal 4:
change text from:
III Officers
7. A member of the Executive Committee who misses three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee or fails to perform his or her fiduciary duties may be removed from the Executive Committee and replaced by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee or a majority vote at convention following a motion for a vote of no confidence…
A member of the Executive Committee who misses two consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee or fails to perform his or her fiduciary duties may be removed from the Executive Committee and replaced by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee or a majority vote at convention following a motion for a vote of no confidence.
Proposal 5:
change the text from:
V. Judicial Committee
1.The judicial power of the Party shall be vested in a Judicial Committee composed of three Party members. No member of the Executive Committee may be a member of the Judicial Committee.
V. Judicial Committee
1. The judicial power of the Party shall be vested in a Judicial Committee composed of three Party members. All of these committee members shall be elected at a regular convention of the Party by the attending delegates and shall take office immediately upon the close of such convention and shall serve until the final adjournment of the next regular convention. No member of the Executive Committee may be a member of the Judicial Committee.
Proposal 6:
change text from:
VII Nominating Candidates
3. The Party’s nominee for each office shall be chosen by a majority vote of the delegates in attendance at the time of voting…
The Party’s nominee for each office shall be chosen by a majority vote of the delegates in attendance, residing in the offices district, at the time of voting…
Proposal 7:
change text from:
VI. Conventions
4. A majority shall rule at the convention except for the platform and resolutions of the Party which shall require a two thirds vote of those present, or as otherwise required by these bylaws.
VI. Conventions
4. A majority shall rule at the convention except for the platform and resolutions of the Party which shall require a two thirds vote of those present at even year conventions, or as otherwise required by these bylaws.
Proposal 8:
change the text from:
III Officers
4. The secretary shall be the recording officer of the Party. Excepting the Party newsletter or press releases, the secretary shall be responsible for all regular communications within the Party and between the Party and outside individuals, groups, and organizations.
III Officers
4.The secretary shall be the recording officer of the Party. The secretary shall be responsible for all regular communications within the Party and between the Party and outside individuals, groups, and organizations.
Proposal 9:
change the text from:
IV. Local Party Organization
2…The Executive Committee can arbitrate disputes between affiliates.
2…The Judicial Committee shall arbitrate disputes between affiliates.
Proposal 10:
VI. Conventions
Add new clause #8
8….Members in good standing shall not be denied delegate status at the business sessions of conventions. Additional charges may be charged to cover other material items available at the conventions.
Proposal 11:
Change the Text from:
VI. Conventions
3. All members of the Party who attend and register at a convention shall be delegates, unless the Party shall receive major party status…..
3. All members of the State Party who attend and register at a convention shall be delegates, unless the Party shall receive major party status…..