State Convention
The 2016 State Convention was held at the Radisson Hotel in Downtown Lansing, MI on Saturday May 14th.
In addition to the very exciting Presidential Election and our part in it, we nominated candidates for public office all across Michigan. This was the essential part of our mission to restore liberty! Without candidates, we’re just another lobby group.
In addition to nominating candidates for office, we filled the new Board of Directors for the Party.
Our luncheon speaker was Brett Bittner, who was representing the Advocates for Self-Government. The Advocates are a leading voice in the liberty movement and provide a vital resource for candidates and other activists.
We ended the day with our annual banquet. This year was a special treat; the Top 3 candidates in our recent Straw Poll showed up to have a discussion about the campaign. Attendees met Gary Johnson, Darryl Perry, and Austin Petersen (earlier in the day). Each of them offer a unique perspective on the Libertarian Party and the opportunities that exist this year to reach many votes. Only Gary Johnson and Darryl Perry stuck around for the banquet debate program.
View the Agenda HERE to see what time each item will be happening.
8:00 AM Radisson Hotel: 111 N Grand Ave, Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 482-0188
Bill Gelineau
JJ McCurry
Mary Buzuma
Gregory Stempfle
Kimberly M
James Hudler
Kennth Proctor
Emily Salvette
Leonard Schwartz
Bill Hall
Scott B
Andrew Hall
Bob Broda
Jay Gillotte
Vicki Hall
Larry Johnson
Will White
Loel Gnadt
Griffin Hall
John Jascob
Diane Bostow
Jim Fulner
Christopher Mabie
Dan Goebel
David Haglund
Erwin Haas
Emily Osment
Jonathan Osment
Donna Gelineau
Alternates Continued
Katie Gilbert
Roger Young
Justin Burns
Kerry Bentavolio
Jim Young
Lorence Wenke
Nancy Wenke
Logan Fleckenstein
Landrum Cross
Bret Cashman
January Flood
Jim Schell
Keith Butkovich
Bradley Hunt (Write-in)
Most of the National Convention Delegates and Alternates were selected at the Presidential Straw Poll and National Delegate Selection combination event.
This event will took place on March 19th, 2016 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Berkley, Michigan.
The Straw Poll
Our members cast “votes”. After the candidates have given their formal presentations and schmoozed the crowd, the check-writing begins. Each dollar donated toward a candidate’s campaign counts for one vote. Straw Poll promotional materials and results will be sent to the LP News and published on social media and in the LPM newsletter.
Our Committee will count the money, in the form of cash, checks, credit card charges or other forms of payment. Pledges do not count – we must have reasonable evidence of actual payment. All donations to the campaigns are, of course, the candidates’ to keep….AND the LP of Michigan expects each candidate to be solely responsible for making sure any donations are solicited and handled in accordance with applicable law. We will count all the “votes”, but will immediately turn any donations over to the individual campaigns.
Candidates Attending:
We now have 6 campaigns committed to participate in the Straw Poll event:
In person speaker:
Represented by members / staff:
Candidates and representatives spoke for about 30 minutes.
The Straw Poll was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Berkley, Michigan – 2299 Twelve Mile Road, Berkley, Michigan 48072; We will start on time promptly at 11 am.
11 am – Introduction – Kimberly McCurry – Chair, Libertarian Party of Michigan
11:15 am – Reading the rules
11:25 am – 1:30 pm Presentation by Candidate & Campaign Mingling
1:30 – 1:45 pm – Donation “voting”
1:30 – 2:15 pm – Lunch is served during the “counting” process
Ticket Prices were only $15.00 each until March 16th. $25 between March 17th and March 19th at the floor.
The National Delegate Special Convention
After the Straw Poll concluded we opened the floor to members to elect those interested in attending the Libertarian National Convention being held in Orlando Florida. Michigan was allocated seating for 25 delegates and allowed to have 50 alternate seats. In 2016 we not only elected a new National Board but we had the opportunity to vote for our candidate for President of the United States. We had 2 state members appointed to committees Emily Salvette – Credentials, and JJ McCurry – Convention. And as one of the states in the top ten national member count we also had Jim Fulner representing us to the National Platform Committee appointed by your state LEC. We hope that many of our members will be interested in attending.
To do so delegates must have been a member by February 18th, 2016 or be renewed by the date of this convention. Not a Member yet?
The tentative schedule for the convention portion of the day was as follows:
2:45 pm – Convening of the Special Convention of the Libertarian Party of Michigan
Nomination of Delegates to the LPUSA National Convention in Orlando, Florida
3:30 pm – Convention closes