Rev. Neil Carrick To Speak to Wayne County Libertarians on Marriage and Religious Freedom
Ray Warner, Chair
Libertarian Party of Wayne County
Scotty Boman, Vice Chair
Libertarian Party of Michigan
Libertarian party of Michigan Wayne County
February 5th, 2015
Detroit MI – This Thursday Reverend Neil Carrick will be speaking on Same-Sex Marriage and the right to marry the partner (or partners) of one’s choice at the Libertarian Party of Michigan Wayne County monthly meeting. Rev. Carrick is a prominent promoter of the Freedom of Marriage movement in Michigan. He is currently embroiled in a lawsuit against the Governor and the Attorney General of Michigan over the issues of Same-Sex Marriage and Freedom of the Clergy in performing ceremonies. He specifically objects to a Michigan law, that makes it is a crime punishable by up to a $500 fine for someone who “knowingly” performs a marriage ceremony for same-sex couples.
Same-Sex marriage in particular has taken center stage in Michigan with Governor Snyder’s recent decision not to appeal a federal injunction on gay marriage. This recognizes the marriage licenses of same-sex couples married on March 22nd.
Jonathan Osment, a member of the Libertarian party of Michigan, asks for people to show support. “Given the recent decision by Governor Snyder, it’s clear that positive change is coming, and people like Rev. Carrick are the reason why”.
Rev. Carrick has been previously profiled by the Detroit news ( ), Washington post ( ), and numerous talk shows.
Carrick will be speaking on what the current movement is, possible amendments, and how the community can get involved.
The Libertarian Party of Wayne County Monthly meeting is held at Tijuana’s Mexican Kitchen 18950 Ford Road. Detroit, MI at 7:00pm 02/05/2015. Their website is located here: .