—Michigan Libertarian
November 2011, Volume 40: No. 11
(To view this newsletter in your browser, click here)
Online newsletter for the Libertarian Party of Michigan

Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions

In This Issue

Special Appeal: Renew LP Membership by Tomorrow
Judge rules for LP of Ohio

Boman Endorsed by 'Liberty Candidates'

Other LPM News and Announcements
   LPM Affiliates Contest Completed
Michigan bar owners ban legislators from their bars
   Farmington Hills to get Big Brother system
   Gearing up for the 2012 Convention
   RIP 2011: Jack Kevorkian, John Hospers, Nathan Allen RIP

Image of the Month

Quote of the Month
Past Blast
Book and Movie Reviews


Welcome to the November 2011 issue of the online newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, the Michigan Libertarian. The newsletter is our main vehicle for sharing what's happening for Libertarians in Michigan. You may manage your subscription by going here or visiting our Web site www.mi.lp.org (same as www.michiganlp.org).

Renew Your LP Membership by Tomorrow!!

A Special Message from Andy Wolf,
Indiana's Libertarian National Committee Representative

As you are aware, the 2012 national LP convention will be held on the first week of May in Las Vegas, Nevada. Delegations will be credentialed from each state. How big and how important do you want Region 3 to play in this? YOU DO have influence on our standing at the national convention. HOW? There are two factors in the size of the delegation.

One relates to past presidential election results for the LP candidate in the respective state. The other is much more under our control and is directly based on "sustaining membership" in the NATIONAL PARTY. Sustaining membership is determined by a person having signed the "LP Pledge of non-aggression" and contributing $25 to the national party.

There is ONE IMPORTANT DEADLINE - tomorrow, Halloween - the deadline for LP membership initiation or renewal is October 31, 2011!!!!!! If you have not renewed, go, by tomorrow, to www.lp.org/membership and renew your membership. With a large delegation, we can control some of the activities and decisions being made, including the selection of the 2012 POTUS nominee....

Let's have a major voice in the direction of the national party!

Andy Wolf
District 3 Representative to the Libertarian National Committee
Chair of the Libertarian Party of LaPorte County (Indiana)

8Judge rules LP of Ohio on ballot

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Ballot Access for Libertarian Party of Ohio

LP of Ohio

Wednesday, 07 September 2011

A U.S. District Court judge ruled Wednesday against the state of Ohio in a lawsuit brought by the Libertarian Party of Ohio to preserve its right to be on the ballot. Judge Algenon Marbley granted the Libertarian Party of Ohio’s request for a preliminary injunction that protects ballot access for the party through 2012, including for Libertarian candidates already on the November 2011 ballot in Akron and Troy.

The ruling is part of ongoing litigation, LPO v. Husted, which the LPO filed in response to the passage of HB 194 by the General Assembly earlier this year, a measure that made several changes to Ohio’s voting system. “This ruling is not just a victory for the Libertarian Party of Ohio, but for the majority of Ohioans, including Republicans and Democrats, who are looking for a viable alternative to our current, dysfunctional two-party system,” said Michael Johnston, LPO vice chair.

“With this ruling, Judge Marbley has guaranteed that our soldiers returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan will be able to participate in an open electoral process, not unlike the one they laid their lives down to create in the Middle East. We look forward to engaging all political opponents in a vibrant debate in the upcoming Presidential election cycle.”

“Women fought for the right to vote 100 years ago, minorities fought the same fight 50 years ago, and here we are in the 21st century doing the same thing,” said LPO Chair Kevin Knedler....
[full article: update 18 October 2011]

8Boman Endorsed by 'Liberty Candidates'

Liberty Candidates Endorses Scotty Boman
Contact: Scotty Boman (ph. 313-247-2052)

Scotty for SenateLIBERTY-CANDIDATES.ORG enthusiastically welcomes Scotty Boman to the growing slate of candidates championing a return to Constitutional governance in the United States! A Liberty Candidate will defend the great American principles of:

  • Individual Liberty
  • Constitutional Government
  • Sound Money
  • Free Markets
  • Non-interventionist Foreign Policy.

This endorsement is the hallmark of a true Liberty Candidate. To qualify, Candidates must submit answers to the liberty questions (http://tinyurl.com/libertyapplication). Then, each application is voted on by a committee made up of peers and other liberty minded individuals. Each candidate’s website is visited by committee members to see that a candidate’s answers and his/her stance on the issues coincide.

About Liberty-Candidates.org Liberty Candidates.org’s mission is to support Liberty Candidates running for public office in the United States. A true Liberty Candidate will defend the great American principles of Individual Liberty, Sound Money, Free Markets, Constitutional Government and a Non-interventionist Foreign Policy. Our Goal is to have at least one Liberty Candidate in each state!

Gigi Bowman, Founder gigi@liberty-candidates.org

Scotty is an explicit Michigan libertarian running in the Republican primary for US Senate.

8Other LPM News and Announcements

LPM Affiliates Contest, The Winner is...
Denee Rockman-Moon

An anonymous donor to the Libertarian Party of Michigan offered $500 to the affiliate that brings in the most NEW members (not renewals) to the LP from May 1, 2011 until October 31, 2011. The money may be used in any way the winning affiliate wishes to further the cause of liberty in its area. The rules:

  1. Any brand new member (not renewal) to the LPM or national LP residing in Michigan counts. A member is defined as someone who has donated $25 or more to the LPM or LP and has signified his or her agreement with the LP statement of principles.
  2. Unless a new member indicates otherwise in writing, he or she counts for the affiliate that covers the address given on the membership application.
  3. New members may join any affiliate they wish and indicate where they want to be counted, but they may only be counted once for purposes of this contest.

The day of accounting has arrived. And the winner is... stay tuned (not available as the newsletter goes to press), the winner will be announced on the LPM Website within the next few days.

Michigan bar owners ban legislators from their bars for smoking ban

Some days, politicians could use a drink. But lawmakers in Michigan may soon find it harder to get one. Hundreds of bar owners in the Great Lakes State plan to deprive lawmakers of their hospitality by banning them from their establishments in protest of the state's smoking ban. A new group, Protect Private Property Rights in Michigan, claims it has more than 500 bar owners statewide pledging to blacklist almost every lawmaker. The idea is to persuade the Legislature to at least revisit the ban, which went into effect last year.

"We're going to have to remind Lansing that our bars are in fact private property, so therefore they are now persona non grata as of Sept. 1," said Stephen Mace, director of the group and a bar worker himself. How effective the ban is could depend on how much Michigan's lawmakers cherish their local watering holes. Mace said the primary goal is to get a discussion started again in the capital -- he said many of the Republican candidates who swept into office last November were opposed to the ban but haven't done much to address it since their swearing-in.


Farmington Hills to get Big Brother system

From BrasscheckTV.com: We have always been a big fan of science-fiction, yet, however entertaining a particular book, TV series, or movie might be, the future is rarely depicted as anything but dark and frightening. From 1984 to THX1138 to Logan's Run, there is always a complex and inescapable surveillance system. Well, with the aid of grant money from the federal government, Illuminating Concepts is about to launch the first concept installation of such a system in the city of Farmington Hills, Michigan. Welcome to the horror of science-(non)fiction today... in a Michigan neighborhood near you:


Gearing up for the 2012 Convention

We're already gearing up for the 2012 State Convention next May, but we need your help to pull it off!! We're looking for a few great volunteers to join the LPM Convention Committee. The committee is responsible for developing the agenda, venue arrangements, promotion, registration, and on site logistics. Meetings will either be on line or via conference call. Please contact Renee Lewis at livingstonladyliberty@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out! — Renee

LP RIP 2011: Jack Kevorkian, John Hospers, Nathan Allen

Dr. Jack Kevorkian died Friday, June 3rd. His name became a household word as a result of his work in performing assisted suicides, and his campaign to legally put end of life decisions in the hands of patients. Most people, however, are not familiar with his relationship to the LPM: In 1993, he was given the “Freedom Fighter of 1993” award by the LPM. His late sister, Margo, accepted the award on his behalf. This award began the annual tradition that came to be called the “Defender of Liberty Awards.” Kevorkian also provided end of life services for a sister of Libertarian author and activist Mary Ruwart. A public memorial service was held in his honor at White Chapel Cemetery in Troy, MI at 9:30 AM Friday June 10th.

John Hospers, the Libertarian Party's first presidential nominee in 1972, died on June 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 93. Full story here. Hospers became the Libertarian Party's first nominee for U.S. President at its first national convention in Colorado on June 18, 1972. Hospers and his running mate, Tonie Nathan (1st woman to receive an electoral vote), each received one electoral vote in the 1972 election from Roger MacBride, a renegade elector in Virginia. Hospers was a professor of philosophy at several universities, including the University of Southern California.

Nathan Allen passed away May 26 (after a long battle with cancer. Nathan was a long-time activist for libertarianism in Oakland County. He has served most ever position available for the LPOC over the past 10 years. He also spent one year at the chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, and just last year was a king maker receiving enough votes as a Libertarian to make up the difference between the Democrat and the Republican candidates in the State Rep. District 39 race. Here is the resolution honoring Nathan passed at convention last month.

Image of the Month


Ed.—Just some humor for this month. But I'm going to link you to a serious alternative journalism site, for a Paul Craig Roberts recent article entitled, 'Americans: Awash in Spin.' It begins:

"I have come to the conclusion that Big Brother’s subjects in George Orwell’s 1984 are better informed than Americans. Americans have no idea why they have been at war in the Middle East, Asia and Africa for a decade. They don’t realize that their liberties have been supplanted by a Gestapo Police State. Few understand that hard economic times are here to stay...." http://www.infowars.com/americans-awash-in-spin/

Quote of the Month

Virtually all reasonable laws are obeyed, not because they are the law, but because reasonable people would do that anyway. If you obey a law simply because it is the law, that's a pretty likely sign that it shouldn't be a law. – Unknown

Michigan Libertarian Blast from the Past

Take a stroll down memory lane with this excerpt from one of the longest-running state Libertarian newsletters. Today, check out the November/December 1984 issue. Click on this link for the full PDF version of this newsletter.

November 1984 Michigan Libertarian

Former editor and LPM archivist Greg Stempfle has compiled the entire body of available Michigan Libertarian newsletters up on this page of the LPM Website.

Feedback, Letters, Ads, Humor

Courtesy Jon Addiss of Lansing (Humor)

Staties' Angels
Received this email from a friend. It kind of reminds me of government programs. Enjoy!


Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive, double-pane, energy-efficient kind.

Today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He complained that the work had been completed a year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.

Hellloooo, just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid.

So, I told him just what his fast-talking sales guy told me last year... that these windows would pay for themselves in a year.


It's been a year, so they're paid for, I told him.

There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.

Ed.— On the letters to the editor front, nobody sent one in this month, so true to my word, instead of the sexist, pandering Miss America photo, we once again display the horrifying image of 'Staties' Angels.' Better get on the stick and send those letters in to e-newsletter@michiganlp.org now. Don't wait another day.

Movie and Book Review Feature

The following review excerpts are courtesy LPM Webmaster Brian Wright's commentary and review site, The Coffee Coaster. If you are interested in receiving the e-newsletter for the Coffee Coaster, so you may receive notice of his site's reviews and commentary, please fill out the form link here then check the Email List box 0_Coffee_Coaster.

Movie Review
Lion of the Desert
An unforgettable, sooo relevant, heroic movie...
that few people have even HEARD of ___ 10/10

But in a nutshell, it treats Arabs as human beings while showing how the Italian fascist colonial power of the early 20th century committed a full-frontal holocaust—complete with concentration camps, torture, rape, terror bombing, and WMDs—on the indigenous people of Libya.[1] Moreover, the movie treats Arabs as heroic, rational, civilized beings that we can look up to and find inspiration from. Particularly, the person of Omar Mukhtar (Anthony Quinn), who was born in a small town near Tobruk, Libya, in 1862, and was working as a spiritual teacher of the Quran when the Italians came to conquer Libya in 1911. At the age of 49, Mukhtar became the resistance leader of a desert force that inflicted loss after loss upon the Italian forces who came to subdue him; he knew the terrain and used it to his advantage over the often young and ill-prepared Italians. [Full Review]

Book Review
Strategic Terror (2006)
The politics and ethics of aerial bombardment
by Beau Grosscup

In 1919, under the command of the future and controversial air power chief Arthur Harris, the British bombed the Afghanistan cities of Jalalabad and Kabul. In the same year, they employed Trenchard's RAF to quash the Egyptian demand for independence. In addition to the bombing of Somaliland, in 1920, British planes struck the Iranian town of Enzeli and civilian populations in Transjordan. Also in 1920, the British began using bombers in innovative ways to enforce their new imperial strategy of 'control without occupation' in Iraq. The practice of bombing entire areas was inaugurated for what were labeled 'pacification' purposes. [Nonstop] aerial attacks on entire villages were used to soften up civilians before the arrival of the tax collector... [the passage goes on to describe English aerial atrocities against the Hottentots of SW Africa in 1922, 1925, 1930, 1932 and massive bombing of 'rebellious' villages in Burma and northwest India in 1932.] Spain, France, and Italy also bombarded colonial peoples in the interwar years. — Page 55  [Full Review]

Libertarian Party of Michigan Contacts

LPM Leadership
State Chair – James Lewis, chair@michiganlp.org
Vice Chair – Todd Richardson, brightonwolfman@gmail.com
Secretary – Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.net
Treasurer – Denee Rockman-Moon,

Webmaster – Brian Wright - brian_r_wright@yahoo.com
Political Director – Bill Gelineau – politics@mi.lp.org

Libertarian Executive Committee At-large Directors:
Andrew Hall - bsatroop282@aol.com
Jay Longtain - jlongtain@yahoo.com
Pam Sanderson – factorylady@yahoo.com
Larry Johnson - michlibertarian@gmail.com
Tim Keirnan - mailtim@sbcglobal.net

Judicial Committee:
Daniel Grow- grow.daniel@gmail.com
Bill Gelineau - freedomlover59@hotmail.com
Will Tyler White – whitewi5@msu.edu

Affiliate Contacts (counties served)

Calhoun County LP (Calhoun)
Jack Worsham, Chair, worsham74@aol.com Website: www.orgsites.com/mi/lp

Capital Area LP (Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Shiawassee)
Bob Broda, Chair, bob-broda@comcast.net  Website: www.calparty.org

Great Lakes Bay Region Libertarians (Arenac, Genesee, Midland, Saginaw, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella; it is also covering Genesee and the Thumb area counties: Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, Tuscola)
Jay Longtain, Chair, jlongtain@yahoo.com
Website: tricitylp.org

Affiliate Contacts (counties served, continued)

LP of Livingston County (Livingston)
Todd Richardson, Chair, Chair.LivingstonLP@gmail.com Website: http://www.livingstonlibertarians.us

Libertarians of Macomb County (Macomb)
Jim Allison, Chair, jim.e.allison@gmail.com

LP of Oakland County (Oakland)
Jim Young, Chair
lpocmi@lpocmi.org Website: http://www.lpocmi.org/

LP of SW Michigan Berrien (Cass, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Branch, St. Joseph)
Daniel Grow, Acting Chair, grow.daniel@gmail.com  Website: www.lpswmich.org

Straits Libertarian Party (SLaP)
James Johnson, Chair, minidu@gmail.com


LP of Washtenaw County (Washtenaw)
Paul Giuliano, Chair, pgiulian@umich.edu 
Website: http://lpwc.wordpress.com/

LP of Wayne County (Wayne, Monroe)
Ray Warner, Chair, raymondrand@yahoo.com

LP of West Michigan (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa)
Larry Warner, Chair, the_real_radnex@yahoo.com  Website: www.lpwm.org


November 2 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County has changed its meetings to the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

November 2 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

November 3 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

November 3 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details

November 7 - Great Lakes Bay Region LP - Monthly Meeting – Dinner at 6, meeting at 7 at Damon’s, 4960 Towne Centre Rd, Saginaw Township, MI 48604 (off Tittabawassee, just west of I-675 at exit 6). Everyone interested in liberty from Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac and Tuscola counties is invited. Jay Longtain, jlongtain@yahoo.com

November 8 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

November 8 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

November 16 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

November 16 – Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting – No meeting for November or December, will resume on January 18, 2012. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

November 29 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

December 1 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

December 1 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details

December 5 - Great Lakes Bay Region LP - Monthly Meeting – Dinner at 6, meeting at 7 at Damon’s, 4960 Towne Centre Rd, Saginaw Township, MI 48604 (off Tittabawassee, just west of I-675 at exit 6). Everyone interested in liberty from Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac and Tuscola counties is invited. Jay Longtain, jlongtain@yahoo.com

December 7 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

December 7 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

December 10– LP of Oakland County Yuletide Party, 7:30 'til Midnight, hosted by Randy and Dianne Szabla, 32034 W. 13 Mile, Farmington Hills, MI 48018. Pot Luck: bring a dish and your adult beverages. Information: Dianne Szabla, ph. 248.626.6322 dianneszabla@netscape.net

December 13– LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

December 13– Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu.

December 21 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting has been cancelled for the holidays - The group will resume meetings on January 18, 2012. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

December 27 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

May 2-6, 2012 - Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Convention -Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas NV. [Ref. Wikipedia page.]

More... For all events, see the full online calendar on the Website:
http://www.mi.lp.org/Shared Documents/Calendar.aspx
The Michigan Libertarian ONLINE is distributed on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news articles by the 25th of the prior month to:

Note: The final print edition of the Michigan Libertarian is available online at http://www.mi.lp.org/Past%20Newsletters/ Michigan%20Libertarian%2038.2%20summer%202009.pdf

About the Michigan Libertarian

The Michigan Libertarian is published/posted on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news/articles to e-newsletter@michiganlp.org by the 25th of the prior month. The Michigan Libertarian is one of the longest-running Libertarian newsletters in the country, debuting in 1973 shortly after the founding of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. The "new" Michigan Libertarian (a predominantly online version) debuted on August 1, 2009 and replaced the weekly LPMOnline and the printed-and-mailed ML.  We will post the newsletter on the Website and deliver via email on the first of every month. A printed version of the new Michigan Libertarian will be sent free to anyone who signs up, which you may do at the LPM web site www.mi.lp.org (or www.michiganlp.org).

LPM members who need a hard copy may request one be mailed to them by contacting
e-newsletter@michiganlp.org or calling the LPM toll-free number 888-Free-Now.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Newsletter
You are subscribed to a newsletter email list on http://test.michiganlp.org/mailinglist: Click here to modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We respect all unsubscribe requests.

Newsletter URL (Webpage address for this issue of the ML):
