—Michigan Libertarian
September 2011, Volume 40: No. 09
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Online newsletter for the Libertarian Party of Michigan

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In This Issue

From the Chair
Mingling with LP Leaders in Columbus
Howell Melon Festival for the Homeless

Liberty Festival in Manchester

Other LPM News and Announcements
   Great Lakes Bay LP Big .50 Raffle
   LPM Affiliates Contest
   Gearing up for the 2012 Convention
   Jack Kevorkian, John Hospers, Nathan Allen RIP

Image of the Month

Quote of the Month
Past Blast
Book and Movie Reviews


Welcome to the September 2011 issue of the online newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, the Michigan Libertarian. The newsletter is our main vehicle for sharing what's happening for Libertarians in Michigan. You may manage your subscription by going here or visiting our Web site www.mi.lp.org (same as www.michiganlp.org).

From the Chair
Contact James Lewis (chair@michiganlp.org)

Spread the Word!

Fellow Libertarians,

As we roll into the new school year. And the colleges begin to gather their students for the new year. We as a party need to recognize the opportunity. The LEC is going to begin an initiative to move into the campuses around the state. As we push forward, if any of you out there have connections to any of these campuses in the state, please contact me with your information as it could expedite our expansion process.

As always stay vigilant to our cause, because if there ever was a time that our party makes the most sense it is now. So feel free to share your stories with me how you spoke to others about what the Libertarian Party is about. Get involved. Get the message out. And don't quit telling it. If you need ideas how to do this, reach out to me. I am here for you to help.

In Liberty and for the Republic,
James H Lewis II Chair.

Mingling with LP Leaders in Columbus
Emily Salvette

The following is a report found on the Web for the recent Libertarian National Committee meeting and Libertarian State Leadership Association (LSLA). It's from Joseph P. Silvestri, Libertarian Party of Nevada, 20 August 2011

Who’s Brett H. Pojunis? And what’s the LSLA? Although not (yet) a household name, Brett is a quickly rising star in the Libertarian Party. If you haven’t noticed, his company (http://www.newmediaplus.com/) created our fantastic new website. I think it’s the best in the country. Since Brett has joined the LPNevada, his efforts have greatly improved our party. It has been a pleasure to work with this talented entrepreneur and steadfast Libertarian.

Recently we attended the Libertarian State Leadership Alliance (http://www.lsla.org/) conference held in Columbus, Ohio. This conference is held annually and brings out the best political leaders of the Libertarian Party from around the country. Each year we hold a series of workshops to assist Libertarian Party leaders grow our party. I enjoy it immensely. It’s encouraging to work together and network with other professional people committed to building up the nation’s Third Party.

This year we elected a new slate of Officers to serve for the upcoming year. It’s noteworthy that these seasoned long-term LP leaders (mostly chairmen of their respective state organizations) acknowledged the skill set and value Brett brings to the LP. I’m proud to announce Brett was elected as Treasurer for the LSLA and that the next LSLA conference will be held in Las Vegas next May in conjunction with the 2012 LP National Convention.

Besides touting the efforts of one of our newest and best activists, I’m also stressing that we need new people like Brett. We need committed, dedicated professionals to build our party into a powerful organization that wins elections and helps restore liberty. If you believe you have the skills and dedication to do more than just talk about liberty, but are ready to work for it, then join us! Become a member (register Libertarian, pay your dues) and then get involved.... Joseph P. Silvestri

For complete article visit this page. It's a pitch for getting involved in the LP of Nevada. So let's simply transfer that enthusiasm to our own state party and pitch in and get excited. 2012 will be a banner year for the Libertarian Party and its new leaders and candidates.

8Howell Melon Festival Saving the Homeless

Operation Politically Homeless big hit at the Festival
by Tim Keirnan, Vice Chair Livingston Libertarians

Check it out! Based on the random people who stopped at our booth to take the World's Smallest Political Quiz, we have a strong mix of Libertarians and Centrists in Livingston County! I don't know about you, but I thought we'd have a dominant Right/Conservative result. Are you encouraged at the dominance of Centrists and Libertarians? I am.

Political QuizWe noticed a lot of people who thought they'd be Conservative but found themselves in the Libertarian quadrant, or just on the edge of it. Of course, we did not take the quiz ourselves, so as not to skew the result towards Libertarians. Come on down to our social meeting at Cleary's in Howell next Thursday, September 1st, and celebrate.

8Rockin' at Campaign for Liberty Festival

Scotty Boman wins straw poll for US Senate at the Liberty Festival
Contact: Scotty Boman (ph. 313-247-2052)


Pictures below. The people at the booth are Lawrence Johnson (Left), Gregory Creswell (Right) , I forget the name of the guy in the middle. The guy cooking Ben the pig (Named for the FED chair) is Jimmy Shiel. He and his wife live in the log cabin on the property.

NEWS RELEASE: College professor and long-time libertarian activist, Scotty Boman won a Senatorial straw poll at an event hosted by the Michigan Campaign for Liberty on Saturday August 27th. The event was the Michigan Campaign For Liberty 3rd Annual Liberty Festival. The straw poll, held at 4:00 PM, followed a festive Pig Roast at which guests met with vendors, ate home cooked food and participated in direct conversations with United States Senate hopefuls.

Other attendees included Cornerstone Schools founder Clark Durant who recently declared himself a candidate for United States Senate, the family of conservative activist Gary Glenn, and supporters of Liberty Festival 2011businessman Peter Konetchy. Staw Poll winner Scotty Boman announced the formation of an exploratory committee at the Michigan Republican Convention in January. The complete results were:

Scotty Boman 30
Gary Glenn 19
Clark Durant 6
Peter Konetchy 6
Jimmy Shiel 4
Randy Hekman 3
Rick Wilson 1
Pete Hoekstra 1
Debbie Stabenow 0

Boman said, “I am pleased with the results of the poll. I expected to do well, but had not expected to win by such a large margin. Either way it was a great chance to talk to so many fantastic individuals in a relaxed setting.” Boman has yet to formally declare his intent to run for the office: “I am still testing the waters, but today’s wave of support makes me feel more inclined to jump in.” Boman said.

8Other LPM News and Announcements

Great Lakes Bay LP Big .50 Raffle

The Great Lakes Bay Libertarian Party is conducting the "Big .50 for Liberty Raffle". Winner will receive an Armalite AR50-A1 rifle, outfitted with a Leupold Mark 4 optic and a Prince bi-pod. 2500 tickets will be sold. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Winner need not be present to win. Those interested in purchasing tickets, may contact Jay Longtain at jlongtain@yahoo.com or (989) 573-0297. Drawing will be held September 5th, 2011, 7:30pm at Damon's restaurant - Saginaw, MI. In the event 2500 tickets are not sold by the draw date, winner will receive cash value of 50% of total ticket sales. Winner must be at least 18 years of age and be able to legally possess firearms. — J. Longtain

LPM Affiliates Contest
Denee Rockman-Moon

An anonymous donor to the Libertarian Party of Michigan is offering $500 to the affiliate that brings in the most NEW members (not renewals) to the LP from May 1, 2011 until October 31, 2011. The money may be used in any way the winning affiliate wishes to further the cause of liberty in its area. Here are the rules:

  1. Any brand new member (not renewal) to the LPM or national LP residing in Michigan counts. A member is defined as someone who has donated $25 or more to the LPM or LP and has signified his or her agreement with the LP statement of principles.
  2. Unless a new member indicates otherwise in writing, he or she counts for the affiliate that covers the address given on the membership application.
  3. New members may join any affiliate they wish and indicate where they want to be counted, but they may only be counted once for purposes of this contest.

The LPM membership director will tally the new member counts and report results in the Michigan Libertarian every month. The winner will be announced and a check awarded at the next LibertyFest Dinner. Affiliates, the contest is running. Start your engines.

Gearing up for the 2012 Convention

We're already gearing up for the 2012 State Convention next May, but we need your help to pull it off!! We're looking for a few great volunteers to join the MILP Convention Committee. The committee is responsible for developing the agenda, venue arrangements, promotion, registration, and on site logistics. Meetings will either be on line or via conference call. Please contact Renee Lewis at livingstonladyliberty@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out! — Renee

Jack Kevorkian, John Hospers, Nathan Allen (RIP)

Dr. Jack Kevorkian died Friday, June 3rd. His name became a household word as a result of his work in performing assisted suicides, and his campaign to legally put end of life decisions in the hands of patients. Most people, however, are not familiar with his relationship to the LPM: In 1993, he was given the “Freedom Fighter of 1993” award by the LPM. His late sister, Margo, accepted the award on his behalf. This award began the annual tradition that came to be called the “Defender of Liberty Awards.” Kevorkian also provided end of life services for a sister of Libertarian author and activist Mary Ruwart. A public memorial service was held in his honor at White Chapel Cemetery in Troy, MI at 9:30 AM Friday June 10th.

John Hospers, the Libertarian Party's first presidential nominee in 1972, died on June 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 93. Full story here. Hospers became the Libertarian Party's first nominee for U.S. President at its first national convention in Colorado on June 18, 1972. Hospers and his running mate, Tonie Nathan (1st woman to receive an electoral vote), each received one electoral vote in the 1972 election from Roger MacBride, a renegade elector in Virginia. Hospers was a professor of philosophy at several universities, including the University of Southern California.

Nathan Allen passed away May 26 (after a long battle with cancer. Nathan was a long-time activist for libertarianism in Oakland County. He has served most ever position available for the LPOC over the past 10 years. He also spent one year at the chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, and just last year was a king maker receiving enough votes as a Libertarian to make up the difference between the Democrat and the Republican candidates in the State Rep. District 39 race. Here is the resolution honoring Nathan passed at convention last month.

Image of the Month


The image comes from Scotty Boman, from the actual Detroit-area intersection: the overpass near 8 Mile and I-94 in Harper Woods. Picture taken July 31st 2011. Note the Jon Coon for Senate sticker on the lower right.

Quote of the Month

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom.
– John Quincy Adams (1821)

Michigan Libertarian Blast from the Past

Take a stroll down memory lane with this excerpt from one of the longest-running state Libertarian newsletters. Today, check out the November 1994 issue. Click on this link for the full PDF version of this newsletter.


Former editor and LPM archivist Greg Stempfle has compiled the entire body of available Michigan Libertarian newsletters up on this page of the LPM Website.

Feedback, Letters, Ads, Humor

Father of the President (Humor)

Miss America 2009The year is 2016 and the United States has just elected the first woman president, who happens to be from Wisconsin . A few days after the election the president-elect, whose name is Susan, calls her father and says, "So, Dad, I assume you will be coming to my inauguration?"

"I don't think so. It's an 18 hour drive."

"Don't worry about it Dad, I'll send Air Force One. And a limousine will pick you up at your door."

"I don't know. Everybody will be so fancy. What would your mother wear?"

"Oh Dad," replies Susan, "I'll make sure she has a wonderful gown custom-made by the best designer in Washington..."

"Honey," Dad complains, "you know I can't eat those rich foods you eat. Do they serve tap beer?"

The President-to-be responds, "Don't worry Dad. The entire affair will be handled by the best caterer in Washington. I'll ensure your meals are salt free. You and mom just have to be there."

So Dad reluctantly agrees and on January 20, 2017, Susan is being sworn in as President of the United States. In the front row sits the new president's dad and mom.

Dad, noticing the senator sitting next to him, leans over and whispers, "You see that woman over there with her hand on the Bible, becoming President of the United States?"

The Senator whispers back, "You bet I do."

Dad says proudly, "Her brother played football for the Green Bay Packers." .

Movie and Book Review Feature

The following review excerpts are courtesy LPM Webmaster Brian Wright's commentary and review site, The Coffee Coaster. If you would like to submit book or movie reviews (or commentary and articles for that matter) please notify the editor.

Movie Review
Running Man
Comic/harsh political satire nails our time _ 8/10

The source of The Running Man is a novel by the amazing Stephen King. The movie version effectively captures several key ideas about a police-state society that has descended to complete corporate-state mind-control and the barbarism of video 'bread and circuses.' The setup scenes for the story—an archetypical antilibertarian dystopia in which anyone can become an enemy of the state instantly—are the most damning of our own world: a crassly commercialized (mainly sports and sex) prison planet. It's amazing that King had our world so totally imagined in 1982. All the pieces are in place now: constant worldwide war against nebulous enemies, a corporate media compliant with any deception or false flag operation the security state wishes to execute—from WMDs in Iraq to video slaying Osama bin Laden 10 years after his death—, expropriation of the masses to the point they can only afford to flip the switch on their credit-card-purchased (HD) boob tubes... to follow their latest 'reality' shows or zillionaire athletes. If it's on TV, or if everyone on TV says it's true, it's true. No questions asked, at least not by anyone patriotic. [Full Review]

Book Review
Executive Hobo (2011)
Riding the American Dream
by Bo Keeley

Clown and I continue to walk the train identifying the different cars: gondolas, tankers, other hoppers, flatcars and, at the very end, a solitary boxcar. The dog grows smaller in the distance even as the tramp has disappeared in the briars. "I can't let go the feeling of freedom of the man and dog," declares Clown. "Yes," I agree. "They are a living example of hobo life and of the American pursuit of happiness. It's what this one country on the big globe stands for. The collective doesn't decide the purpose of the individual. Every person, hobo, and dog has a right to try different paths, pick one, and live it for himself." — Page 82  [Full Review]

Libertarian Party of Michigan Contacts

LPM Leadership
State Chair – James Lewis, chair@michiganlp.org
Vice Chair – Todd Richardson, brightonwolfman@gmail.com
Secretary – Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.net
Treasurer – Denee Rockman-Moon,

Webmaster – Brian Wright - brian_r_wright@yahoo.com
Political Director – Bill Gelineau – politics@mi.lp.org

Libertarian Executive Committee At-large Directors:
Andrew Hall - bsatroop282@aol.com
Jay Longtain - jlongtain@yahoo.com
Pam Sanderson – factorylady@yahoo.com
Larry Johnson - michlibertarian@gmail.com
Tim Keirnan - mailtim@sbcglobal.net

Judicial Committee:
Daniel Grow- grow.daniel@gmail.com
Bill Gelineau - freedomlover59@hotmail.com
Will Tyler White – whitewi5@msu.edu

Affiliate Contacts (counties served)

Calhoun County LP (Calhoun)
Jack Worsham, Chair, worsham74@aol.com Website: www.orgsites.com/mi/lp

Capital Area LP (Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Shiawassee)
Bob Broda, Chair, bob-broda@comcast.net  Website: www.calparty.org

Great Lakes Bay Region Libertarians (Arenac, Genesee, Midland, Saginaw, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella; it is also covering Genesee and the Thumb area counties: Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, Tuscola)
Jay Longtain, Chair, jlongtain@yahoo.com
Website: tricitylp.org

Affiliate Contacts (counties served, continued)

LP of Livingston County (Livingston)
Todd Richardson, Chair, Chair.LivingstonLP@gmail.com Website: http://www.livingstonlibertarians.us

Libertarians of Macomb County (Macomb)
Jim Allison, Chair, jim.e.allison@gmail.com

LP of Oakland County (Oakland)
Jim Young, Chair
lpocmi@lpocmi.org Website: http://www.lpocmi.org/

LP of SW Michigan Berrien (Cass, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Branch, St. Joseph)
Daniel Grow, Acting Chair, grow.daniel@gmail.com  Website: www.lpswmich.org

Straits Libertarian Party (SLaP)
James Johnson, Chair, minidu@gmail.com


LP of Washtenaw County (Washtenaw)
Paul Giuliano, Chair, pgiulian@umich.edu 
Website: http://lpwc.wordpress.com/

LP of Wayne County (Wayne, Monroe)
Ray Warner, Chair, raymondrand@yahoo.com

LP of West Michigan (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa)
Larry Warner, Chair, the_real_radnex@yahoo.com  Website: www.lpwm.org


September 1 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting
– 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

September 1 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E. Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details

September 6 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting - 7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County has changed its meetings to the first Tuesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

September 7 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

September 12 - Great Lakes Bay Region LP - Monthly Meeting – The monthly meeting is moved by one week due to the holiday. Dinner at 6, meeting at 7 at Damon’s, 4960 Towne Centre Rd, Saginaw Township, MI 48604 (off Tittabawassee, just west of I-675 at exit 6). Everyone interested in liberty from Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac and Tuscola counties is invited. Jay Longtain, jlongtain@yahoo.com

September 13 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

September 13 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

September 21 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

September 21 – Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

September 27 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

October 3 - Great Lakes Bay Region LP - Monthly Meeting – Dinner at 6, meeting at 7 at Damon’s, 4960 Towne Centre Rd, Saginaw Township, MI 48604 (off Tittabawassee, just west of I-675 at exit 6). Everyone interested in liberty from Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac and Tuscola counties is invited. Jay Longtain, jlongtain@yahoo.com

October 4 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets the first Tuesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

October 5 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

October 6 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

October 6 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details.

October 11– LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

October 11– Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

October 19 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

October 19 – Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

October 25 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

October 31 – National Membership Delegate Count Deadline – Michigan’s delegate allocation to the national Libertarian Party Presidential Nominating Convention will be based on how many active national members we have on this date. Join the LP or renew your membership today! https://www.lp.org/membership

May 2-6, 2012 - Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Convention -Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas NV

More... For all events, see the full online calendar on the Website:
http://www.mi.lp.org/Shared Documents/Calendar.aspx
The Michigan Libertarian ONLINE is distributed on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news articles by the 25th of the prior month to:

Note: The final print edition of the Michigan Libertarian is available online at http://www.mi.lp.org/Past%20Newsletters/ Michigan%20Libertarian%2038.2%20summer%202009.pdf

About the Michigan Libertarian

The Michigan Libertarian is published/posted on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news/articles to e-newsletter@michiganlp.org by the 25th of the prior month. The Michigan Libertarian is one of the longest-running Libertarian newsletters in the country, debuting in 1973 shortly after the founding of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. The "new" Michigan Libertarian (a predominantly online version) debuted on August 1, 2009 and replaced the weekly LPMOnline and the printed-and-mailed ML.  We will post the newsletter on the Website and deliver via email on the first of every month. A printed version of the new Michigan Libertarian will be sent free to anyone who signs up, which you may do at the LPM web site www.mi.lp.org (or www.michiganlp.org).

LPM members who need a hard copy may request one be mailed to them by contacting
e-newsletter@michiganlp.org or calling the LPM toll-free number 888-Free-Now.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Newsletter
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Newsletter URL (Webpage address for this issue of the ML):
