LPM Online

July 8, 2008

  1. Upcoming Events

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Just Released: New Polling Numbers for Bob Barr! — by Bob Barr 2008

    Dear Friend,

    After an eventful week and holiday weekend, we're ready for yet another week of strong gains.

    First and foremost, let me say THANK YOU! We made our holiday goal of raising $88,000 by July 4th!

    In other good news, yesterday Bob appeared on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" as well as "CNN Newsroom." The ABC appearance was even posted on the front page of Yahoo!

    To top off the end of a great week, late last night we received an alert from the polling firm, Zogby International.

    In the first comprehensive general election poll (a sample of over 46,000 likely voters), Bob Barr is now at six percent nationally!

    What does this mean for us?

    Before we've even raised our first million or obtained even a smidgen of media comparable to Obama or McCain, Bob Barr is already polling at six percent!

    Let me give you the reaction of David Beiler, our political analyst who worked with Ross Perot during his '92 and '96 campaigns. When he saw the poll, David's immediate reaction was, "WOW! This is fantastic!"

    David was there in 1992 when Ross Perot, then polling at seven percent nationally, was included in the debates with Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.

    There are many reasons why this is great news for us but when I read the poll, two words came to my mind immediately: four points.

    Four percentage points are all that we need to get into the Google/YouTube presidential debate that is scheduled for September 18th.

    According to the debate rules we need to break ten percent in at least three polls before the debate starts in New Orleans.

    This is an achievable goal if we all work together to make it happen.

    Please do all that you can to spread the word about our campaign. Hit the Internet and hit the streets and let your friends and family know that there is a better choice for America: His name is Bob Barr.
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  3. Party mourns passing of ISIL President — by Libertarian Party

    For the original article, link here:


    The Libertarian National Committee expresses our sorrow on the passing of Vince Miller, president of the International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL). His many accomplishments include the founding in 1980 of Libertarian International, which subsequently merged with the Society for Individual Liberty to become ISIL. He was a champion of liberty and a good friend of the Libertarian Party; he labored tirelessly and well to build the freedom movement.

    We offer our gratitude to Mr. Miller for his great work for liberty, our condolences to his family and many friends, and our best wishes to ISIL for its continued success.

    The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party by visiting www.LP.org. The Libertarian Party proudly stands for smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.
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  4. LPM Online Is Changing

    This is the last edition of the weekly LPM Online newsletter. We are starting a new monthly newsletter that we hope will be informative and timely, but not repetitive. We will also begin to e-mail special announcements and alerts on an as-needed basis, so watch your in box for important notices from the LPM.

    Please send articles and calendar items for the monthly online newsletter to LPM Secretary Emily Salvette at salvette@umich.edu by the 25th of each month. The newsletter will be posted on the 1st of every month.

    We are currently assembling a mailing list for this newsletter from the names currently subscribed to LPM Online. If you or your activists want to make sure you're on that mailing list, please send an excel spreadsheet with the email addresses you would like added, or for individual requests, an email with the word "subscribe" in the subject line, to VoteBillHall@aol.com
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