We welcome new contributions with careful attention to our guidelines. Articles for the next issue of the Michigan Libertarian must be submitted to chair@michiganlp.org, and newsletter@michiganlp.org no later than the 20th of each month. This allows for publication on the first of each month. We routinely post articles to the website homepage ahead of our publication date.
The Libertarian Party of Michigan depends on contributions to carry out its mission Please Visit us at MichiganLP.org and scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to gain access to our contribution form.
Back to ContentsBy Connor Nepomuceno and Scotty Boman
Mary Buzuma not only wants herself to be included; she advocates openning it to all balloted candidates:
WOOD TV Draws Protest
Open the debate. More voices. Better choices.
Says Buzuma.
I love the people of Michigan and when you love something, you feel compelled to step in and help solve the problems and failings that are hurting the ones you love. As Governor, it would be my honor to serve and help the people of the great state of Michigan...To join the protest, be at WOOD TV Studio on October 13th at 7:00 PM. 120 College Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503" For more information contact Connor Nepomuceno Communications Director, Libertarian Party of Michigan Email: Communications@MichiganLP.org / CJNepo1@gmail.com Phone: 508-579-7878.
By Mike Saliba, District 10 Congressional Candidate
I want to declare a truce in this ridiculous culture war. Of course, I have thoughts about the cultural issues were facing. But as a member of Congress, it will not be my job to deal with them and the Constitution certainly doesn't give me or any other member of the Federal government to force them on you.
Culture will take care of culture. People who own public restrooms and their customers will decide who gets to use them. Movie studios the people who buy the tickets will decide who gets cast in the movies. Sports organizations and the athletes they organize will decide who competes. The Federal government doesn't have a say.
What should the Federal government focus on, if not these deeply divisive issues? I have a few issues I'm concerned about. The United States is now ranked 25th on the Index of Economic Freedom. When President Biden won the 2020 election, we were 17th. When President Trump was elected in 2016, we were ranked 11th. Since I first became politically active in 2000 our national debt has gone up over 540%. Interest rates are the highest they've been in my adult life. Inflation is the highest it's been in my entire life. Most frightening, as we continue to flirt with World War 3, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have set its Doomsday Clock the closest to midnight it has ever been before.
While Republicans and Democrats have been happy to take up sides and arms in the culture war, they have walked hand in hand in a bipartisan effort to bring about all the problems I'm concerned with. And while those who seek to keep us divided have plenty to say about what they think about the skin tone of mermaids or drag queen bingo night, they have almost no explanation why the dollars you've been saving are worth less and less every day or how the limited government defined by our Constitution continues to grow and intrude into your day to day life in ways it never had before.
We The People must stop falling into the trap of divide and conquer.
Readers may contact Mike Saliba's campaign here:
Upcoming Events
Please contact local affiliate officers (see above listing) to learn how to get involved in their meetings.The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice.
October 2, 2022 - Lapeer County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
E.G Nicks Grill & Tavern. 825 S Main St, Lapeer, MI 48446.
For more information, contact Kyle McCauley at 248.974.5085.
October 3, 2022 - Mary Buzuma interview, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Joining link: meet.google.com/cvr-euak-ehq.
October 4, 2022 - Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Traveler's Cafe and Pub. 5225 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
For more information, contact Jason Brandenburg email at swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net
October 6, 2022 - Livingston County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Brewery Becker. 500 W Main St, Brighton, MI 48116.
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email jamestweeks@outlook.com.
October 7, 2022 - Meet the Candidates Forum, 10:00 AM - Noon.
Council on Aging and Blue Water CoC. 600 Grand River Ave, Port Huron, MI 48060
Call the Council at (810) 987-8811
October 8, 2022 - Greg Stempfle for SOS Eastpointe Door Hanger Distribution, 10:00 AM.
John F Kennedy Park. 24517 Schroeder Ave. Eastpointe, MI 48021.
For more information email Leah Dailey at: fuleahrd@gmail.com
October 12, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County Monthly Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Habib's Cuisine, 14316 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126, USA.
Please visit the Libertarian Party of Wayne County's new Website for updates.
For more information, contact Andrew Chadderdon, andrew.chadderdon@gmail.com
October 12, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Macomb County Monthly Meeting, Dinner 7:00 PM Business 8:0 PM
b.d.'s Mongolian grill. 1350 Hall Rd. Sterling Heights, MI. 48313.
Please visit the Libertarian Party of Macomb County's website:
https://macomblp.org for updates.
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at MacombLP@mail.com
October 13, 2022 - Gubernatorial Debate Protest, 7:00 PM
WOOD TV8. 120 College Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49503
For more information, contact Connor Nepomuceno at (508) 579-7878 or email Communications@MichiganLP.org.
October 13, 2022 - Huron-Raisin Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
The Wurst Bar, 705 W. Cross St. Ypsilanti, MI 48197
For more information, contact Larry Johnson at 734-475-9792 or email michlibertarian@gmail.com or call (734) 320-7237
October 13, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Isabella County Meeting (Affiliate Applicant), Start time 8:00 PM.
To participate in the meeting email Stephanie Dunn at: stephaniedunn111969@gmail.com or call at (989) 572-4450
October 13, 2022 - Walkerville Thrives - Meet the Candidates, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Walkerville Wesleyan Church, 144 176th Ave, Walkerville, MI 49459
For more information, contact Mary Buzuma at email vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org
October 15, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Macomb County's semi-annual Adopt a Road clean-up, starts 9:00 AM.
This may be combined with a Saliba for Congress litterature drop.
b.d.'s Mongolian grill. 1350 Hall Rd. Sterling Heights, MI. 48313.
Please visit the Libertarian Party of Macomb County's website:
https://macomblp.org for updates.
For more information Call 586-201-3535 or contact Mike Saliba at MacombLP@mail.com
October 16, 2022 - Capital Area Affiliate Meeting 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Reno's North (16460 Old U.S. 27) Lansing, MI
Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email capitalarealp@gmail.com for event details and instructions to join.
October 16, 2022 - Lapeer County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
E.G Nicks Grill & Tavern. 825 S Main St, Lapeer, MI 48446.
For more information, contact Kyle McCauley at 248.974.5085.
October 18, 2022 - Upper Peninsula Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 8:00 PM.
The UPLP will be holding this meeting by Zoom Teleconference. Please link to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89324982981
The Meeting ID is 893 2498 2981 and one can call (312) 626-6799, and enter the Meeting ID, to join.
Everyone interested in learning about the UPLP and the Libertarian Party is welcome to join.
If you would like to get involved please contact Ryan Roberts ryan_r03@hotmail.com, (906) 420-2995] or Joshua Jongema.cannyds@gmail.com.
October 19, 2022 - Rochester Community Schools Candidate Forum (with Mike Saliba - US House District 10), 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
This virtual event will be on Zoom.
To contact our candidate email Mike Saliba at: theMikeSaliba@yahoo.com
October 19, 2022 - Jackson-Hillsdale Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant. 311 W Louis Glick Hwy, Jackson, MI
Contact Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net Guest Speaker: Ms. Haili Gusa, Jackson County Community Organizer for Protect Life Michigan. Topics - Michigan Abortion Laws, Proposal 3, and Canvassing. Literature, Bumper stickers and yard signs will be available.
October 19, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.
Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern. 30450 Telegraph Road, Bingham Farms, MI 48025.
Business starts at 7:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Connor Nepomuceno at: cjnepo1@gmail.com or call at (508) 579-7878
October 22, 2022 - Greg Stempfle for SOS door hanging event, 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM.
Mchattie Park. 474 S. Lafayette St. South Lyon, MI 48178.
For more information email Leah Dailey at: fuleahrd@gmail.com
October 24, 2022 - Libertarian Executive Committee Meeting 7:30 PM
Please contact an LEC officer or LPM affiliate leader for the Zoom link.
October 30, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Genesee County Affiliate Meeting, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
October 30, 2022 - Lapeer County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PMWhite Horse Tavern. 621 W Court St, Flint, MI, 48503.
Business is from Noon to 2:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Chair David Canny, cannyds@gmail.com.
Facebook page: LPGM Facebook Profile
E.G Nicks Grill & Tavern. 825 S Main St, Lapeer, MI 48446.
For more information, contact Kyle McCauley at 248.974.5085.
November 12, 2022 - Straits Area LP (SALP) Business Meeting
Hoppies @ Pellston Airport. 1395 US-31, Pellston, MI, 49769
For more information, contact Andy Evans at (231) 625-8403 or email amevans_1968@yahoo.com.
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If you are new to the Michigan Libertarian, you can link to 2016 issues here, http://michiganlp.org/category/newsletters . Other issues are preserved in our historical archives here: http://old.michiganlp.org/resources-2/newsletter.
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