April 2022

Volume 51:04

In This Issue:

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Spring Convention 2022 Draws Libertarians from Throughout Michigan

By Scotty Boman, Editor

Spring Convention Delegates getting down to business. Photo by Ben Dejong.
Spring Convention Delegates getting down to business. Photo by Ben Dejong
Ann Arbor, MI - On Sunday March 13th Michigan Libertarians convened at the Spring Convention to listen to speakers, announce candidacies, vote on Platform amendments, and select National Convention delegates.

The day began with a Benefactor breakfast followed by the start of business. There were officer reports, agenda approval, and open floor. Open floor included an announcement by Co-Director of Decriminalize Nature Michigan (DNM) Myc Williams. He informed the delegation that DNM had a ballot initiative petition ready to circulate and that they would be looking for volunteers. In addition to decriminalizing entheogenic substances, the initiative calls for de-felonizing all drug possession.

Looking ahead, Ben Boren said there would be two new affiliates by the next Convention.

LNC Candidates had a panel discussion at the Luncheon. Photo by Ben Dejong.
LNC Candidates had a panel discussion at the Luncheon. Photo by Ben Dejong

Candidates and Speakers

The 2022 Spring Convention also featured a couple candidate announcements. The Libertarian Party of Michigan's (LPM) 2014 candidate for Governor, Mary Buzuma announced that she would be seeking the LPM nomination for that office at the Summer Convention. Another delegate, Bruce Jaquays, also announced his intent to seek the nomination for Governor. Also, former Chair and 2018 Secretary of State candidate, Greg Stempfle, announced that he would be seeking the nomination for that office again this year.

Spring Convention Speakers

 Fenix Amunition Co. CEO Justin Nazaroff. Photo by Ben DeJong.
Fenix Amunition Co. CEO Justin Nazaroff. Photo by Ben DeJong.

Convention business was punctuated by guest speakers. The luncheon featured a Libertarian National Committee (LNC) Candidate Panel. The convention speaker was Justin Nazaroff. He is the CEO of Fenix Ammunition Company. The Central Michigan University and Walsh College graduate spoke on operating his business during pandemic lockdowns, and how being on the receiving end of authoritarian policies motivated his activism. He is also a competitive shooter, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt.

There were also legislative candidate announcements including Greg Black for State Representative and Mile Saliba for US House.

Spring Convention Platform Amendments

The Platform Committee primarily presented changes in wording, of existing planks, while not proposing significant changes in intended meaning. Some changes brought the verbiage more in line with the Dallas Accord. The delegates had time to adopt four of the Committee's proposals. This included minor changes to Article III Courts, Sections 8 and 11. Those changes were to enhance clarity. The revision also removed language that connected rights to the United States Constitution.

Vice Amendments

The delegates also adopted proposed changes to Article V. Vice Laws, Section 1. The adopted language brings the plank more in line with the Dallas Accord, but also contained an additional substantial change: the phrase "...and other substances" was added to the sentence calling for the legalization of gambling and drugs. This is substantial since it calls for the legalization of any substance without exception.

The Spring Convention delegates also voted to reword Article V. Vice Laws, Section 4. While Cannabis would be included, implicitly, in Section 1, it was previously mentioned explicitly because of high-profile ballot proposals that eventually led to the legalization of Marijuana in Michigan. In a similar spirit, the Platform Committee proposed expanding the language to include entheogenic. Decriminalize Nature has spearheaded several local initiatives, and a statewide ballot initiative, to decriminalize these naturally occurring hallucinogens.

National Convention Delegate Nominations

One of the reasons the LPM has two conventions, in even years, is to meet early enough to nominate national convention delegates, while meeting late enough to nominate candidates after we know who the primary eligible parties have run in their primaries. It also allows for a seamless transition to standard practices of primary eligible parties in years when the LPM qualifies as such.

The State Convention Delegates selected National Convention delegates with an approval style ballot. The convention then tabulated the votes to rank their preferences, while not imposing a minimum number of votes. To qualify as a National Convention Delegate or alternate, the nominee had to earn more votes than None Of The Above (NOTA), but nobody voted for NOTA. The 33 highest ranking nominees qualified as National Convention delegates, and up to the next 50 would qualify to be alternates. So, since there were fewer than 83 nominees, all of them either won as delegates or alternates. LPM Chairman Tim Yow is automatically chair of the Michigan delegation.

2022 National Convention Delegates

The Michigan Convention delegates chose the following people to be delegates to the 2022 National Convention:

 LPM Chair Tim Yow is automatically a National Convention Delegate. Photo by Ben DeJong.
LPM Chair Tim Yow is automatically a National Convention Delegate. Photo by Ben DeJong.

  • Tim Yow
  • Luke Sciberras
  • Daniel Ziemba
  • Liz Franzago
  • Nathan Hewer
  • Joe Hartman
  • Connor Nepomuceno
  • Angela Thornton
  • Andrew Chadderdon
  • John Jascob
  • Ryan Roberts
  • Josh Smith
  • David Bockelman
  • Mary Buzuma
  • Greg Black
  • Leah Dailey
  • Bruce Jaquays
  • Rhett Hamel
  • Ryan Brennan
  • Jeff Lentz
  • Jessica Sentman
  • Delegates from the Mises Caucus. Photo by Ben DeJong.
    Delegates from the Mises Caucus. Photo by Ben DeJong.

  • Daniel Woike
  • Jason Barton
  • Ben Boren
  • Kevin Ellis
  • Gordon Huston
  • Daniel Muehl-Miller
  • Adam Nolin
  • Andrew Ranta
  • Andy Koons
  • Laine Minor
  • Gunther Ruck
  • Bill Hall
  • Theodore Petzold

2022 National Convention Alternates

The Michigan Convention delegates chose the following people to be alternates to the 2022 National Convention (In descending order of preference, with ties settled by a roll of the dice):

Ryan Roberts (Left) and Andrew Ranta (right) came all the way from the Upper Peninsula to attend this convention in Ann Arbor. Photo by Ben DeJong.
Ryan Roberts (Left) and Andrew Ranta (right) came all the way from the Upper Peninsula to attend this convention in Ann Arbor. Photo by Ben DeJong.

  • Ryan Henry
  • Jacob Kelts
  • Jessica Fox
  • Steve Fox
  • Mike Saliba
  • Lawrence Johnson
  • Jeff Pittel
  • James Hudler
  • Vicki Hall
  • Jami Van Alstine
  • Scotty Boman
  • Brian Ellison
  • Griffin Hall
  • Leonard Schwartz
  • Andrew Hall
  • Brandon Warzybok
  • Jay Gillotte
  • Deborah Van Alstine
  • Jim Fulner
  • Will Tyler White
  • David Canny
  • Loel Gnadt
  • Fred Horndt
  • James Peace
  • James Weeks
  • Bruce Smith
  • Jeff Wood
  • Jonhathan Ettinger
  • Max Riekse
  • Social Media Director Connor Nepomunceno uploaded video of all convention business to the LPM YouTube channel here.

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    Officers & Staff

    General Contact: Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW.

    Chair: Tim Yow. chair@michiganlp.org
    First Vice Chair: Ben Boren. vcaffiliates@michiganlp.org
    Second Vice Chair: Andrew Chadderdon vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org
    Secretary: Daniel Ziemba. secretary@michiganlp.org
    Treasurer: Norman Peterson. treasurer@michiganlp.org
    District 1 Rep: Ryan Roberts. dist1rep@michiganlp.org
    District 2 Rep: Steven Fox. dist2rep@michiganlp.org
    District 3 Rep: Jordan Martin. dist3rep@michiganlp.org
    District 4 Rep: Rich Theelon. dist4rep@michiganlp.org
    District 5 Rep: Dave Canny dist5rep@michiganlp.org
    District 6 Rep: Brandon Warzbyok. dist6rep@michiganlp.org
    District 7 Rep: Brian Ellison. dist7rep@michiganlp.org
    District 8 Rep: Joe Hartman. dist8rep@michiganlp.org
    District 9 Rep: Mike Saliba. dist9rep@michiganlp.org
    District 10 Rep: Joe. dist10rep@michiganlp.org
    District 11 Rep: Bruce Jacquays. dist11rep@michiganlp.org
    District 12 Rep: Daniel Muehl-Miller. dist12rep@michiganlp.org
    District 13 Rep: Breona Arold. dist13rep@michiganlp.org
    District 14 Rep: Paul Vainer. dist14rep@michiganlp.org

    Judicial Committee Members

    Connor Nepomuceno. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
    Robert Roddis. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
    Joshua Smith. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org


    Webmaster: Vacant. Webmaster@MichiganLP.org
    Communications Director: Connor Nepomuceno cjnepo1@gmail.com
    Newsletter Editor: Scotty Boman. newsletter@michiganlp.org
    Ciculation Directors: Jeff Pittel & Catherine Filus. catherine@catherinefilus.com
    Social Media Director: Connor Nepomuceno cjnepo1@gmail.com
    Historical Committee Chair: Emily Salvette esalvette@gmail.com

    Affiliate Contacts

    Capital Area: Luke Sciberras, Chair. 248-302-1064, capitalarealp@gmail.com
    Genesee County: Chair David Canny, cannyds@gmail.com.
    Huron-Raisin: Larry Johnson, 734-320-7237, MichLibertarian@gmail.com
    Jackson-Hillsdale: Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net
    Livingston County: James Weeks II, (810) 422-8769, j.weeks@riseup.net
    Macomb County: Mike Saliba, chair@macomblp.org
    Northern Michigan: Philip Lindsay. philiplindsay25@gmail.com
    Oakland County: Paul Vainer, paul.vainer@gmail.com or Vice Chair Ben Carr at 248-919-8152
    Southwest Michigan: Jason Brandenburg. swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net
    Straits Area: Chair Andy Evans, (231) 625-8403, . amevans_1968@yahoo.com
    straitslp.com or facebook.com/StraitsAreaLP
    Upper Peninsula Libertarian Party: Chair Ryan Roberts, (906) 420-2995, UPLP.org. ryan_r03@hotmail.com
    Wayne County: Jami Van Alstine, jamiracquel2004@yahoo.com
    West Michigan: Steve Fox . (616) 406-7784, Email Steve Fox at sfoxphoto@gmail.com or call (616) 633-8390.

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    Upcoming Events

    Please contact local affiliate officers (see above listing) to learn how to get involved in their meetings.

    The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice.

    April 13, 2022 - Libertarians of Macomb County Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    BD's Mongolian Grill. 13150 Hall Road, Sterling Heights, MI, 48313.
    For more information, contact Mike Saliba at macomblp@gmail.com

    April 13, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County Business Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    Oak Lanes. 8450 N Middlebelt Rd, Westland, MI 48185.
    Please visit the Libertarian Party of Wayne County's new Website for updates.
    For more information, contact Jami Van Alstine, jamiracquel2004@yahoo.com

    April 14, 2022 - Huron-Raisin Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Reservations at 6:30 PM)
    For more information, contact Larry Johnson at 734-475-9792 or email michlibertarian@gmail.com or call (734) 320-7237

    April 20, 2022 - Jackson-Hillsdale Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Steve's Ranch Restaurant. 311 W Louis Glick Hwy, Jackson, MI
    Speaker - Mr. Corey W. Kennedy, Vice Chairman of the Jackson County Board of Commissioners and Chairman of the Jackson County Public Safety and Transportation Committee. Store Director Polly's Country Markets.
    Topics - Jackson County Update and Future Plans / Projects. Food Security.

    Contact Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net

    April 20, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.
    Perfect Game Bowling Alley. 35000 Grand River Ave, Farmington Hills, MI 48335
    Business starts at 7:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Paul Vainer at: paul.vainer@gmail.com https://lpocmi.org/

    April 17, 2022 - Capital Area Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    Reno's North (16460 Old U.S. 27) Lansing, MI
    Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email capitalarealp@gmail.com for event details and instructions to join.

    April 19, 2022 - Upper Peninsula Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 8:00 PM.
    The UPLP will be holding this meeting by Zoom Teleconference. Please link to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89324982981
    The Meeting ID is 893 2498 2981 and one can call (312) 626-6799, and enter the Meeting ID, to join.
    Everyone interested in learning about the UPLP and the Libertarian Party is welcome to join.
    If you would like to get involved please contact Ryan Roberts [ryan_r03@hotmail.com, (906) 420-2995] or Joshua Jongema.cannyds@gmail.com.

    April 19, 2022 - West Michigan Affiliate Meeting, 1:00 PM
    The LPWM plans to select its delegates to the state convention in the community room at the Krause Memorial Library, 140 East Bridge Street, NE, Rockford.
    At the same time, members from the 74th State Representative District (Walker, Grandville and Northwest Kent County) will caucus to select their nominee for the August special election for that district.
    For more information, contact Steve Fox at at sfoxphoto@gmail.com or call (616) 633-8390.

    April 24, 2022 - Libertarian Party of Genesee County Affiliate Meeting, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
    White Horse Tavern. 621 W Court St, Flint, MI, 48503.
    Business is from Noon to 2:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Chair David Canny, cannyds@gmail.com.
    Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LPGCMI

    May 3, 2022 - Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Traveler's Cafe and Pub. 5225 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
    For more information, contact Jason Brandenburg email at swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net

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    If you are new to the Michigan Libertarian, you can link to 2016 issues here, http://michiganlp.org/category/newsletters . Other issues are preserved in our historical archives here: http://old.michiganlp.org/resources-2/newsletter.

    Connect with us on social media

    Copyright 2019 Libertarian Party of Michigan, All rights reserved.

    The Michigan Libertarian is a publication of the Libertarian Party of Michigan Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW. The Libertarian Party of Michigan website is paid for with regulated funds by the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee, Inc. d/b/a the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Not authorized by any candidate.