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We Have Lost a Good Friend: Arnis Davidsons
By Jason Brandenberg
Arnis Davidsons at the Portage parade.
Plainwell, MI - It is with a heavy heart that I write this message to inform you all that the Libertarian Party (LP) of Southwest Michigan has lost a good friend.
Arnis Davidsons was a founding member of our rejuvenated group of liberty activists and played a major role in making the Southwest Michigan region active again. If you ever met Arnie, you know that he had a lot to say on many topics, but never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was a kind and friendly fellow who was always smiling both inside and out. Arnie was a true friend of liberty and the LP of Michigan. He was very active in both the West Michigan and Southwest Michigan affiliates and even ran for political office under the LP banner several times.
The hurse in which Arnis Davidsons had his final ride. Photo by Kipp Welch II.
Arnis had a wonderful positive personality and made friends wherever he went. He will truly be missed.
Well wishes for Arnie's family and loved ones can be left at this link:
The liberty movement and Michigan LP is a better organization because of this man's years of involvement.
I am a better person for having known and learned from Arnie.
Rest in peach my friend, you will be missed.
What Some of His Friends Were Posting on His Profile
Davidsons at the Allegan County Fair. Photo by Bruce Smith.
I will always remember him, and the hair which coexists on his face.
He was one of the few people I actually like...
Maybe we will get to meet again one day. - Dan Browe
Arnis "Arnie" Davidsons at an LPM Convention. Photo by Bruce Smith.
Today Arnis Davidsons is being laid to rest.Arnie was such a wonderful man, that words cannot express how amazing he truly was.
He would give the shirt off his back to help someone.
He talked me through some hard times.
He was and still is one of the best members of the MLP I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
He will be very deeply missed by so many people.
It's gonna be a long day. - Shelly Gregoire
A stalwart and much deserved recipient of the 2014 award for "Producer of Liberty". Plus he was funny and lived his life as a libertarian. Will miss your wisecracks and wisdom Arnis. - Will Tyler White, what a sad story, my prayers are for him, his family, his friends and everyone else who knew him....God bless... - Gregory Creswell
Arnis will be missed. Had the privilege to met and spend some limited time with him these last two years. One hell of Libertarian! RIP - Bruce Smith
Please keep the friends and families of Arnis Davidsons close to your heart today.
My good friend passed away on Thursday. - Kipp Welch II
Delegates socialized at round tables at the 2019 Bay City State Convention.
Bay City, MI - The Libertarian Party of Michigan held its state convention on Saturday, April 13, 2019 at the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, in Bay City. Over 110 delegates from across the state met to conduct biennial party business including the selection of new party officers, amending the party bylaws and platform, and passing several resolutions. During the luncheon, delegates participated in a Q and A session with three presidential candidates. During the evening banquet, the party gave out our annual Defender of Liberty Awards and heard from former New Hampshire State Representative Caleb Dyer.
Officer Reports
Opening reports were given by former Chairman Bill Hall, who welcomed everyone to convention. He congratulated the 2018 candidates and thanked those who helped him during his two-year term. He also singled out Greg Stempfle, Jason Brandenburg, Emily Salvette, Norm Peterson and Scotty Boman for their volunteer efforts.
Greg Stempfle, Second Vice Chair, then gave his report. He noted that candidates who want their Libertarian campaign literature preserved at the Bentley Library in Ann Arbor should send copies to him. Stempfle also recognized 2018 gubernatorial candidate Bill Gelineau, who spoke briefly about his campaign for governor and thanked individuals from his campaign team.
Treasurer Jason Brandenburg reported noting that the LPM increased spending for campaigns in 2018. He also asked the next LEC to use $1,700 in unspent funds budgeted for a special event this year to "do something great" to get our LP name known.
Membership Chair Lisa Gioia gave her report and reminded everyone to join the national LP by October 31, 2019, the deadline on which delegate allocations will be made for the 2020 LP Convention in Austin, Texas. This was followed by Will White who presented his Legislative Committee report.
Newsletter editor Scott Boman discussed the newsletter and thanked those who had helped him, including deputy editors Norm Peterson and Mary Buzuma, as well as Catherine Filus, who distributes the newsletter and announcements to members via MailChimp.
The next item of business was the presentation of the proposed bylaws and the committee report. Bylaws Chair Greg Stempfle assumed the chair for deliberation of amendments. Three changes were made to the state party bylaws.
Firstly, delegates approved an amendment describing how members of standing or special committees are selected. All committee appointments will now require LEC approval.
Secondly, an amendment was passed which will make it easier for members of the national Libertarian Party to be delegates to the state convention. To be eligible one must still be a state party member before becoming a delegate, but if you have been a national party member for at least 30 days, you are exempt from the state party 30-day membership rule.
The third and final change was a stylistic change to subsection numbering. Another proposal, that would have eliminated the state convention delegate apportionment system, did not pass.
Bill Hall then resumed the chair for platform consideration. The platform proposal adopted by delegates called for the abrogation of all cannabis laws and an expungement of criminal records.
Vice Laws Section 4.
The natural, lawful, unalienable, and absolute rights of the citizens of Michigan to cultivate and utilize the natural plant known as cannabis shall not be infringed. All local and state laws regarding cannabis should be repealed, nullified or otherwise abrogated. All prior and current non-violent cannabis related convictions should be null and void and expunged from those individual's records.
Presidential Debates
The luncheon program, moderated by Jeff Wood, was a forum and Q & A session with three candidates for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination in 2020: Christopher Marks, Vermin Supreme and Arvin Vohra.
Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee. Elected April 13 2019.
New Leadership
After the luncheon, delegates selected new party officers to a two-year term. Greg Stempfle, former LPM Political Director and Chair of the Oakland Affiliate, was elected as the new LPM chair. Ben Boren of Charleviox was elected 1st Vice Chair and will act as the Affiliate Director. Boren is also the vice chair of the Northwest Michigan LP. The new 2nd Vice Chair is Jamie Lewis of Grand Rapids. Lewis is also the Chair of the West Michigan affiliate and was a candidate for State House. Wendi Parker, from Galien in Berrien County, was elected as Secretary. Parker has previously served on the LEC as the 6th Congressional District Representative. The new LPM Treasurer is Norm Peterson of Jackson. Peterson is Chair of the Jackson-Hillsdale affiliate and served on the LEC last term as the 7th district representative.
Below are the results of the officer elections:
Chair- Greg Stempfle, 80 James Weeks 13, NOTA 4, write-ins 2
1st Vice Chair- Ben Boren 59, Mike Saliba 38, NOTA 2, write-ins 1
2nd Vice Chair- Jamie Lewis 61, Kaite Nepton 36, NOTA 2, write-ins 1
Secretary- Wendi Parker 65, James Weeks 33, NOTA 3, write-ins 1
Treasurer- Norm Peterson 56, Patty Malowney 21, Jeff Wood 19, NOTA 2, write-ins 1
This was followed by the Congressional District caucuses who selected representatives to the Libertarian Executive Committee with the following results:
District 1 - Dana Carver
District 2 - Patty Malowney
District 3 - Nathan Hewer
District 4 - Brian Ludwig
District 5 - Ben Dryke
District 6 - Antonio Smith
District 7 - Jason Rees
District 8 - Jeff Wood
District 9 - Mike Saliba
District 10 - Catherine Filus
District 11 - Jerry Bloom
District 12 - Larry Johnson
District 13 - Jeremy Morgan
District 14 - Tim Yow
Following district elections, the convention body reconvened to select three members of the Judicial Committee. Kerry Morgan, Ken Proctor, and Katie Nepton were elected on the first ballot as committee members:
Judicial Committee- Kerry Morgan 69, Ken Proctor 64, Katie Nepton 55, James Hudler 44, James Weeks 33, NOTA 4, Write-ins 1
This was followed by the passage of four resolutions, as an extension of the platform debate, listed below:
Stop Police Brutality!
Whereas the initiation of force by state police officers is often done under false or unclear pretenses, that all individuals possess the same set of rights, that individual rights are not suspended when accusations are made against an individual, and that a free society cannot co-exist within a militarized police state,
We, the Libertarian Party of Michigan, resolve that awarding impunity to police who violate the individual rights of an accused is more harmful than the alleged crime itself, that the perpetual betrayal of the public's trust by law enforcement officers is an indication of a culture of tyranny, and that the judges and the state police officers responsible for protecting or participation in this systematic aggression should be immediately removed from their positions of authority and prosecuted for the crimes they committed in their betrayal of the people.
Free Assange!
Whereas the Libertarian Party of Michigan holds that the most grievous of crimes is the mass murder committed by the federal government overseas,
Whereas journalism is not in any way, shape or form, a crime and is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution,
Let it be RESOLVED that whistleblowers crimes provide a valuable service for the American people, and that Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and all other whistleblowers, journalists and their publishers must have all charges dropped and be released from detention immediately.
Libertarians Reject More Taxes to Fix the Damn Roads
Whereas a tax on gas for roads was rejected by the voters in 2015;
Whereas the vote in 2015 was the largest defeat in Michigan history of a ballot proposal to amend the state constitution;
Whereas the legislature increased taxes in Michigan since the aforementioned defeat;
Whereas the state of Michigan takes in more than enough revenue to pay for road maintenance;
Whereas the state spends that revenue on non-essential, self-serving or harmful, projects;
Whereas voluntary alternatives such as private roads are worthy of consideration;
Whereas taxation is theft;
Be it resolved, that we oppose any increase in the Michigan gas tax, or in any other tax.
Proposal 1 Not Good Enough
Be it resolved, that the Libertarian Party of Michigan supports the amendment to the Michigan Constitution as of this date proposed by End Prohibition Michigan.
Proposed language to amend the Michigan Constitution
This proposal would add a new Section 28 to Article 1.
* The natural, lawful, unalienable and absolute rights of the people to cultivate and utilize the natural plant known as cannabis shall not be infringed. These rights include, but are not limited to, the possession. Consumption, growing, manufacturing, delivery, treatment, purchase, sale, transfer storage and transport of any plant, seed, flower, leaf, mixture, derivative, extract, product, or preparation of any cannabis plant for personal preparations including, but not limited to the recreational, religious, medical, development, educational, commercial and industrial purposes within the State of Michigan.
All local and state penalties shall be repealed, nullified or otherwise abrogated.
No fines, fees, regulations, or penalties to diminish the use of cannabis shall be applied or allowed.
Any tax levied in accordance with the current State of Michigan sales tax code. Cannabis used for medicines and foods shall be exempt from all taxes.
All prior and current non-violent cannabis related convictions shall be null, and void and the records of such convictions expunged from the records.
This was the final act of convention business and the state meeting was adjourned.
2019 Defender of Liberty Awards Received by Gioia, Szablas, Dietz
By Greg Stempfle, Chair
Lisa Gioi Randy & Dianne Szabla with their 2019 Defender of Liberty Awards. Defender of Liberty Awards Banquette speaker Caleb Dyer was a former Libertarian State Representative from New Hampshire.
Three 2019 Defender of Liberty Awards were given to deserving candidates after the close of convention business.
The 2019 Promoter of Liberty Award was given to Lisa Lane Gioia
This award is given to a Libertarian activist whose efforts have done the most to promote the LP and Libertarian principles. Gioia, of Oakland County, was nominated by Greg Stempfle for her willingness to run as our attorney general candidate in 2018. Below is an excerpt from her nomination statement:
"As the 2018 fall convention arrived, no Libertarian had yet to step up and run for Michigan Attorney General. The LPM had candidates for all statewide races that we would nominate, except this one. Once it was confirmed that Michigan election law does not require the Attorney General to be a lawyer, Lisa Lane Gioia volunteered to be our nominee. By doing so, Lisa put herself under public scrutiny and faced more criticism than most third-party candidates normally receive. She quickly familiarized herself with the responsibilities of the office and began engaging the media the next week. There were some occasions that I was on the phone with Lisa, late into the night, helping to craft a libertarian message and answer candidate questionnaires. Despite her lack of a legal background, she accepted the difficult challenge of becoming a credible candidate.
Promoter of Liberty winner Lisa Lane Gioia and the Szablas.
In an article published in MIRS Capital Confidential entitled, "2 of 5 Attorney General Candidates Aren't Attorney's" the writer states, "Gioia doesn't have a law degree even though she's been nominated by the Libertarian Party to be the candidate for that office. The West Bloomfield resident owns her old freelance translation business, translating English to Japanese for an intellectual property law firm." I believe the author is implying that while Lisa may not be an attorney, she's clearly intelligent enough to be one and has the necessary skills to navigate complex legal systems.
Prior to her run for Attorney General, Lisa campaigned for US Congress in 2016. It should be also be noted that she serves on the LPM Membership Committee handling new member inquires, was the 2017 LPM Platform chair, and is Development Director for the Libertarian Party of Oakland County. A Lisa also does an excellent job of representing and promoting the party to the news media.
Lisa is always outgoing, friendly, and welcoming to new and potential members, whether in correspondence or face to face. In an organization often full of introverts, Lisa's extroversion, and passion for liberty, have always helped the party to grow."
The 2019 Producer of Liberty Award was given to Dianne and Randolph "Randy" Szabla
Greg Stempfle presents the Producer of Liberty Award to Dianne and Randolph "Randy" Szabla.
This award is given to a dedicated, behind-the-scenes, activist whose quiet labors over the years exemplifies the backbone of the LP. Diane and Randy, also of Oakland County, were co-nominated by Greg Stempfle and former LPM Chair Brian Wright, for their state party activism dating back to at least 1976. Below is an excerpt from their nomination statement:
"I have only known Dianne and Randy personally for a few years now, since becoming active in Oakland County affiliate, but I knew of them long before. Dianne and Randy's names would frequently appear in newsletters for helping the party with various behind the scenes activities and responsibilities.
By way of supporting this nomination I submit the following which I found through careful search party archives. This list covers merely some of their accomplishments in the party over the years, and while accurate is almost certainly incomplete."
Active members with the LPM since the 1970s.
Both Dianne and Randy were Presidential electors for the LPM in 1980.
Both Dianne and Randy are among those listed on the "Michigan Liberty Honor Roll" as having "contributed in concrete fashion to the LPM's successful ballot drive", in the February 1980 Michigan Libertarian.
Randy has campaigned for public office as a Libertarian on at least four occasions. These campaigns include; State Representative in 1976, 1980, and 1982, and additionally for Wayne State Board of Governors in 1988.
Dianne has campaigned for public office as a Libertarian twice; in 1982 for Oakland County Commissioner and in 1988 for MSU Board of Trustees.
Dianne has been Treasurer of the LP of Oakland County for many years; serving on multiple occasions since 1993 (probably longer).
Dianne and Randy have graciously hosted an LPM holiday party at their house for many years."
As a co-nominator Brian Wright recounted his college days at Wayne State with Randy where together they ran the Wayne State Students for Objectivism. He recounted early ballot access petition drives and working on the Ed Clark for President campaign. Read Brian's article about this nomination at his blog here:
The 2019 Spokesperson for Liberty Award was given to Kevin Dietz
The 2019 Spokesperson for Liberty Award will be given to Kevin Dietz.
This award is given to a member of the community whose patriotism and conviction have inspired contributions to the cause of Liberty. Here is an excerpt from the nomination statement given.
Kevin Dietz, a television reporter with channel 4 WDIV in Detroit, was given the award for his relentless coverage of the plight of Rick Wershe (BKA White Boy Rick). Here is an excerpt from the nomination statement by Scotty Boman:
"I nominate KevinDietz for his relentless coverage of the plight of Rick Wershe (BKA White Boy Rick).
Rick Wershe had been serving a sentence of life without parole for a "victimless" crime (selling of prohibited substances) since the 1980's.
Because Dietz kept the spotlight on this case, a movie, documentary and a book about Wershe were also created. Eventually efforts to commute Wershe's sentence were able to get traction until he was finally released on those charges (Wershe ended up being extradited to Florida on other charges, but he is now eligible for parole there )."
Because Dietz is a television celebrity, contacting him has proved difficult. His nominator, Scotty Boman, will provide the Michigan Libertarian with an update when he is able to place the award in Kevin Dietze's hands. He was not reached in time to attend the 2019 Defender of Liberty Awards.
This article links to some of Dietz's coverage of the Rick Wershe saga.
Michigan Libertarians Say "Free Assange! Stop Police Brutality!"
By Scotty Boman, Editor
Editor Scotty Boman thanks the Editorial staff for their work on the Newsletter. Photo by Lisa Gioia.
Bay City, MI - Delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan state convention made their feelings about the abuse of power clear on April 13th; they resolved to free Julian Assange and to stop Police brutality.
Stop Police Brutality
Over two-thirds of those attending the event at the Courtyard Marriot in Bay City want to see the firing and prosecution of law enforcement officers who use excessive force, as well as those in the judicial branch who enable them. They expressed this sentiment in the resolution that read...
Whereas the initiation of force by state police officers is often done under false or unclear pretenses,
that all individuals possess the same set of rights,
that individual rights are not suspended when accusations are made against an individual,
and that a free society cannot co-exist within a militarized police state.
We, the Libertarian Party of Michigan, resolve that awarding impunity to police who violate the individual rights of an accused is more harmful than the alleged crime itself,
that the perpetual betrayal of the public's trust by law enforcement officers is an indication of a culture of tyranny,
and that the judges and the state police officers responsible for protecting or participation in this systematic aggression should be immediately removed from their positions of authority and prosecuted for the crimes they committed in their betrayal of the people.
Free Assange
The convention also appears to be a hotbed of support for Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange. Most Libertarians view him as a political prisoner who is being prosecuted to punish him for exposing "the most grievous of crimes" by government officials. They expressed this in the following resolution:
Whereas the Libertarian Party of Michigan holds that the most grievous of crimes is the mass murder committed by the federal government overseas;
Whereas journalism is not in any way, shape or form, a crime and is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution;
Let it be RESOLVED that whistle-blowers crimes provide a valuable service for the American people, and that Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and all other whistle-blowers, journalists and their publishers must have all charges dropped and be released from detention immediately.
I would like to once again thank the delegates who attended the April 13 Libertarian Party of Michigan convention for electing me to be the new chairperson of the party. I am humbled by the amount of support I received from many of you and by the responsibility I will be undertaking.
For those that don't know me. I have been involved with the Libertarian Party since 1996 when I saw Harry Browne speak at Michigan State. In the 20 plus years since that time, I have chaired both Wayne and Oakland Counties, served as Michigan Libertarian newsletter editor, served as 2nd vice chair/political director, and run for public office eleven times, including Secretary of State in 2018. I have seen the LPM do many things; some that worked, some that didn't. I want to take all of that knowledge and experience to continue to build a more smoothly running political party that can provide support for our candidates for public office.
Greg Stempfle. Elected Chair in 2019.
My primary goals during 2019 will be 1) to improve internal party communication between the LEC, affiliates, and our membership, 2) with the help of new Political Director Jamie Lewis, provide a better framework of support for candidates, and 3) with the help of Affiliates Director Ben Boren, establish affiliates in regions currently unaffiliated. To that last point, Ben and I will be attending an organizational meeting for Libertarian Party activists in Alpena on May 1st.
On Sunday, April 28, the LEC met in East Lansing to begin implementing these goals and to plan for the upcoming campaign cycle. Scotty Boman was selected as newsletter editor and Lisa Lane Gioia was selected to chair the Membership Committee. Other members of the Membership Committee are Norm Peterson, Ben Dryke, Catherine Filus, and Jerry Bloom. A number of other committee assignments (Legislative, Historical, Social Media, and Webmaster) were tabled until the next meeting to give us time to recruit volunteers. A request for volunteers for specific roles will be sent out to our membership within the week.
Michigan Libertarians Reject More Taxes to Fix the Damn Roads
By Scotty Boman, Editor
Luke Sciberras being interviewed by WLNS at the Capital Area LP "yellow vest" tax protest outside the Michigan Capitol.
Bay City, MI - Delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan state convention made their feelings about Gretchen Whitmer's 45¢ per gallon gas tax increase clear on Saturday April 13th.
They expressed their typical opposition to all taxes while hinting at out-of-the-box solutions like private roads. They also aligned themselves with the mainstream of the electorate by pointing to the historically lopsided defeat of a more modest road tax proposal in 2015.
Over two-thirds of those attending the event at the Courtyard Marriot in Bay City voted to support this resolution:
Complete Text
Whereas a tax on gas for roads was rejected by the voters in 2015;
Whereas the vote in 2015 was the largest defeat in Michigan history of a ballot proposal to
amend the state constitution;
Whereas the legislature increased taxes in Michigan since the aforementioned defeat;
Whereas the state of Michigan takes in more than enough revenue to pay for road maintenance;
Whereas the state spends that revenue on non-essential, self-serving or harmful, projects;
Whereas voluntary alternatives such as private roads are worthy of consideration;
Whereas taxation is theft;
Be it resolved, that we oppose any increase in the Michigan gas tax, or in any other tax;
On March 24th the Capital Area Libertarian Party received coverage on WLNS. Read the full story and view the video here.
Proposal 1 Not Good Enough For Michigan Libertarians
By Scotty Boman, Editor
Welcome to Weed Freedom Zone. Photo provided by JALP.
Bay City, MI - While many Michiganders are looking to last year's Proposal 1 as the conclusion of the decades long marijuana legalization movement, delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan state convention on Saturday April 13 saw it as a beginning, and they are looking ahead to more reforms.
Many of those attending the convention in Bay City expressed dismay at the taxes that will be levied on cannabis and are disturbed by the continued incarceration of people imprisoned for marijuana related activities before they were legalized.
Over two-thirds of the delegates voted to endorse the following resolution:
Complete Resolution
Be it resolved, that the Libertarian Party of Michigan supports the amendment to the Michigan Constitution as of this date proposed by End Prohibition Michigan.
Proposed language to amend the Michigan Constitution
This proposal would add a new Section 28 to Article 1.
The natural, lawful, unalienable and absolute rights of the people to cultivate and utilize the natural plant known as cannabis shall not be infringed. These rights include, but are not limited to, the possession. Consumption, growing, manufacturing, delivery, treatment, purchase, sale, transfer storage and transport of any plant, seed, flower, leaf, mixture, derivative, extract, product, or preparation of any cannabis plant for personal preparations including, but not limited to the recreational, religious, medical, development, educational, commercial and industrial purposes within the State of Michigan.
All local and state penalties shall be repealed, nullified or otherwise abrogated.
No fines, fees, regulations, or penalties to diminish the use of cannabis shall be applied or allowed.
Any tax levied in accordance with the current State of Michigan sales tax code. Cannabis used for medicines and foods shall be exempt from all taxes.
All prior and current non-violent cannabis related convictions shall be null and void and the records of such convictions expunged from the records.
Some events are also posted by their hosts at the
site. The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or
check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have
one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or
locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to
most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of
the Events page of our website.
May 7, 2019 - Southwest Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The next meeting of the LP of Southwest Michigan will be at The Crew Restaurant. 3810 East Cork Street
Kalamazoo, MI. (269) 337-9800. Take the Sprinkle Rd/Cork exit off I-94.
For more information, please contact Jason Brandenburg at also on Facebook at
May 8, 2019 - Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ike's Restaurant, 38550 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at
May 14, 2019 - Northwest Michigan affiliate monthly business meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
West End Tavern. 12719 S West Bay Shore Drive, Traverse City, MI
The Northwest Michigan Libertarians recently became an official affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, as members selected officers and set a regular meeting schedule. In addition, the group created official bylaws, which were approved by the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Michigan.
We will discuss an upcoming Memorial Day outreach event in Buckley, where we will have a table with our banner and pass out literature. We plan to get t-shirts for members to purchase for this and future outreach activities.
The officers will conduct a business meeting every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please see the Events Page for more information.
Business meetings will focus on the group's goals of electing political candidates and conducting outreach and educational activities. Anyone is welcome!
The monthly meeting will be also be held electronically as well.
For more information, please contact Donna Gundle-Krieg at
May 15, 2019 - Jackson-Hillsdale Libertarian County Convention, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant, 311 W. Louis Glick Hwy. Jackson, MI 49201
Speaker - Jackson County Chairman James E (Steve) Shotwell, Jr.
Topic - Jackson County going forward and answer Your Questions.
We encourage Teachers, Politicians and Public Officials to attend this meeting. IT'S YOUR TAX MONEY!
For more information contact Norman Peterson (269) 330-2980. JHLP Website:
May 15, 2019 - The Libertarian Party of Oakland County monthly meeting, Dinner at 6:30 PM, meeting at 7:30 PM.
The Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern. 30450 Telegraph Road, Bingham Farms, MI 48025.
For more information contact Greg Stempfle, (313) 929-1789,
May 19, 2019 - Capital Area Affiliate monthly meeting, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Harper's Restaurant and Brew Pub. 131 Albert Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823.
Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email to confirm location. Times and locations may very from month to month.
May 22, 2019 - Libertarian Party of West Michigan - Bringing Liberty to Rockford, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The Libertarian Party of West Michigan will hold this event in the
Krause Memorial / Kent District Library - Krause Memorial/Rockford Branch
140 E Bridge St, Rockford, Michigan 49341. Social time at 6:30 pm.
More details are posted on the Libertarian Party of West Michigan Facebook Page: https:/
May 22, 2019 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County general meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Regular business meetings will continue to be on the first Thursday of the month. However we will now have a general meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Livonia Elks at 31117 Plymouth Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. south side, just a short distance east of Merriman. Park in the back; enter through rear entrance.
- Walk straight ahead through the vestibule, lobby area, and then turn down the hallway to the right. Walk down about 50' or so, and turn left into the short hallway; pass the couple of restrooms - and there we are!
There may be additional changes in the future, so please call ahead for future meetings.
For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email
June 4, 2019 - Southwest Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The next meeting of the LP of Southwest Michigan will be at The Crew Restaurant. 3810 East Cork Street
Kalamazoo, MI. (269) 337-9800. Take the Sprinkle Rd/Cork exit off I-94.
For more information, please contact Jason Brandenburg at also on Facebook at
June 5, 2019 - Huron-Raisin Social Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
For more information, contact James Hudler at 734-475-9792 or email
June 6, 2019 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County monthly business meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
This is our final West Pointe BBQ meeting; the Libertarian Party of Wayne County decided to have a change of scenery. Westpoint Bar-B-Que at 25301 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, Michigan 48124.
We will be discussing a new location for our business meetings which will continue to be held on the first Thursday of each Month..
Business and speakers, for the Wayne County affiliate, are normally scheduled from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, but people arrive around 6:30 PM to order dinner. For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email
June 6, 2019 - Livingston County Michigan Libertarians social meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM The meetings have two parts:
Meet and greet: Catch up with each other at 7 while we order food and introduce any visitors.
Guest Speaker / Miscellaneous: If we have something going on that requires discussion before the business meeting, we talk about it. Occasionally, we will have a guest speaker.
The other meeting we have every month is the business meeting. At this meeting, usually held at our Secretary's home in Howell, the officers and volunteers discuss affiliate business. The membership is welcome to attend these meetings, which are announced at the prior week's social meeting.
Cleary's Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email Back to Contents
The Michigan Libertarian is a publication of the Libertarian Party of Michigan
Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone:
888.FREE.NOW. The Libertarian Party of Michigan website is paid for with
regulated funds by the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive
Committee, Inc. d/b/a the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Not authorized
by any candidate.
Upcoming Events
Some events are also posted by their hosts at the site. The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of the Events page of our website.
May 7, 2019 - Southwest Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The next meeting of the LP of Southwest Michigan will be at The Crew Restaurant. 3810 East Cork Street Kalamazoo, MI. (269) 337-9800. Take the Sprinkle Rd/Cork exit off I-94. For more information, please contact Jason Brandenburg at also on Facebook at
May 8, 2019 - Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ike's Restaurant, 38550 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at
May 14, 2019 - Northwest Michigan affiliate monthly business meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
West End Tavern. 12719 S West Bay Shore Drive, Traverse City, MI
The Northwest Michigan Libertarians recently became an official affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, as members selected officers and set a regular meeting schedule. In addition, the group created official bylaws, which were approved by the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Michigan.
We will discuss an upcoming Memorial Day outreach event in Buckley, where we will have a table with our banner and pass out literature. We plan to get t-shirts for members to purchase for this and future outreach activities.
The officers will conduct a business meeting every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please see the Events Page for more information.
Business meetings will focus on the group's goals of electing political candidates and conducting outreach and educational activities. Anyone is welcome!
The monthly meeting will be also be held electronically as well. For more information, please contact Donna Gundle-Krieg at
May 15, 2019 - Jackson-Hillsdale Libertarian County Convention, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant, 311 W. Louis Glick Hwy. Jackson, MI 49201
Speaker - Jackson County Chairman James E (Steve) Shotwell, Jr.
Topic - Jackson County going forward and answer Your Questions.
WEBSITE: We encourage Teachers, Politicians and Public Officials to attend this meeting. IT'S YOUR TAX MONEY! For more information contact Norman Peterson (269) 330-2980. JHLP Website:
May 15, 2019 - The Libertarian Party of Oakland County monthly meeting, Dinner at 6:30 PM, meeting at 7:30 PM.
The Rusty Bucket Restaurant and Tavern. 30450 Telegraph Road, Bingham Farms, MI 48025. For more information contact Greg Stempfle, (313) 929-1789,
May 19, 2019 - Capital Area Affiliate monthly meeting, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Harper's Restaurant and Brew Pub. 131 Albert Ave. East Lansing, MI 48823.
Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email to confirm location.
Times and locations may very from month to month.
May 22, 2019 - Libertarian Party of West Michigan - Bringing Liberty to Rockford, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
The Libertarian Party of West Michigan will hold this event in the Krause Memorial / Kent District Library - Krause Memorial/Rockford Branch 140 E Bridge St, Rockford, Michigan 49341.
Social time at 6:30 pm. More details are posted on the Libertarian Party of West Michigan Facebook Page: https:/
May 22, 2019 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County general meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Regular business meetings will continue to be on the first Thursday of the month. However we will now have a general meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Livonia Elks at 31117 Plymouth Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. south side, just a short distance east of Merriman. Park in the back; enter through rear entrance. - Walk straight ahead through the vestibule, lobby area, and then turn down the hallway to the right. Walk down about 50' or so, and turn left into the short hallway; pass the couple of restrooms - and there we are!
There may be additional changes in the future, so please call ahead for future meetings.
For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email
June 4, 2019 - Southwest Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The next meeting of the LP of Southwest Michigan will be at The Crew Restaurant. 3810 East Cork Street Kalamazoo, MI. (269) 337-9800. Take the Sprinkle Rd/Cork exit off I-94. For more information, please contact Jason Brandenburg at also on Facebook at
June 5, 2019 - Huron-Raisin Social Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
For more information, contact James Hudler at 734-475-9792 or email
June 6, 2019 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County monthly business meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
This is our final West Pointe BBQ meeting; the Libertarian Party of Wayne County decided to have a change of scenery. Westpoint Bar-B-Que at 25301 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, Michigan 48124.
We will be discussing a new location for our business meetings which will continue to be held on the first Thursday of each Month..
Business and speakers, for the Wayne County affiliate, are normally scheduled from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, but people arrive around 6:30 PM to order dinner. For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email
June 6, 2019 - Livingston County Michigan Libertarians social meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The meetings have two parts:
Cleary's Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email
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