—Michigan Libertarian
February 2013, Volume 42: No. 02
(To view this newsletter in your browser, click here)
Online newsletter for the Libertarian Party of Michigan

Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions

In This Issue

From the Chair
LPM Convention 2013
Platform and Bylaws
Libertarians in the News
Libertarian New Year's Resolutions
Gary Johnson: The Book

Image of the Month
Quote of the Month
Past Blast
Book and Movie Reviews


Welcome to the February 2013 issue of the online newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, the Michigan Libertarian. The newsletter is our main vehicle for sharing what's happening for Libertarians in Michigan. You may manage your subscription by going here or visiting our Web site www.mi.lp.org (same as www.michiganlp.org).

From the Chair

http://old.michiganlp.org/Pictures/Denee.jpgDenee Rockman-Moon

Join the Team

We are living in increasingly exciting LPMer times. New affiliates are queuing up for activation in Berrien and Genesee Counties, Midland/Bay City, and Marquette, with a couple of college groups emerging as well. Our convention is only a few short months away. Also please check out the news release below that Steve Mace put together for my response to the governor's recent misdirected roadway tax grab.

We have teams in place to help facilitate our great expectations, advancements, and to fulfill the goals of this GREAT PARTY – That wants to serve YOU! We already have in the works a new Website to be up within the next couple of months, Facebook additives are in the works, potential candidates standing by, and volunteers waiting to work on your team! Here are the following teams that we are putting together. Please take some time and to think about what area you would be best in to help volunteer in our growth.

  1. 2013 State Convention Team – usually held around beginning of June
  2. 2014/2016 Campaign Team – to help the success of our Candidates
  3. 2013/2014 Fundraiser Team – to help coordinate 2 to 3 fundraisers each year.
  4. 2013 Membership Team/Personal Relations - help with the growth and contact of members within the party as well as outside the party
  5. 2013 Write for our newsletter – help oversee articles and ideas to help grab readers and audience attention.

If you are interested, please send me an email (denee.rockman-moon@live.com or chair@mi.lp,org) with the following information: 1) the team you want to join, 2) email address to contact you, 3) phone number and best time to reach you, and 4) any questions you have.

In Liberty,

8LPM Convention 2013

Mark your calendar for the 2013 LPM Convention!
by Mary Buzuma: mary.buzuma@att.net

HiltonJune 15, 2013
Hilton Grand Rapids Airport
4747 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI

It's time to start thinking about the new opportunities to spread the word of liberty. Let's use the next 4 months to identify friends and other kindred spirits to come to the LPM convention this year. Interest in the Libertarian Party continues to grow and this year is a great opportunity for newcomers as well those who have been around for a while to learn more and get engaged in the activist opportunities of the LPM.

This year's gathering presents a great opportunity to both learn and contribute to the plans and activities that drive the freedom message. Plans include guest speakers, informative breakout sessions, good food and fun! There's lots to do in the area, so bring the family. Contact: mary.buzuma@att.net

8Platform and Bylaws

A necessary and important part of our state conventions, including the upcoming one in Grand Rapids, is to make any desired changes to the party's platform and bylaws.

From Chris Sharer, Chairman of the Platform Committee:

The 2013 LPM platform committee seeks your participation and input. The party's current platform is located here: http://michiganlp.org/Shared%20Documents/Platform.aspx. Please contact Christopher.Sharer@gmail.com to sign up for the committee and/or submit changes for consideration. We have two suggestions that have been brought forth so far:

1. Strike plank XII from our platform and replace it with plank 3.7 from the national party platform. The passages follow:

LPM - XII. SECESSION We recognize the right to political secession. Exercise of this right, like the exercise of all other rights, does not remove legal and moral obligations not to violate the rights of others.

LP of the US - 3.7 Self-Determination

Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of individual liberty, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to agree to such new governance as to them shall seem most likely to protect their liberty.

2. Add plank 1.4 from the national party platform to the LPM platform. The passage reads:

1.4 Abortion Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

With the advent of the 24/7 US national terror state—indefinite detention without trial, extrajudicial killings at home and abroad, torture, search and frisk sweeps, irradiated pornoscanning junk-groping TSA thugs, mutilation of protestors, 'Operation Chaos' federal-zombie massacres, gun confiscations, gross and daily violations of the Constitution, savage assaults on hemp and marijuana users, etc.—this is THE YEAR for the Libertarian Party Platform... both nationally and in Michigan. We need your input to stand up as an organization by speaking out against and confronting the frightening range of injustices that threaten "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Is this the year our platforms become a DECLARATION!? That the people rally behind as one?

Note: LPM cofounder, former chair, and current Webmaster Brian Wright has announced his plans to submit a new section into the LP of Michigan platform dealing with the sorts of 'crimes of state' mentioned above... and/or truth and remediation in general (possibly even a plank on reparations from the banks to the productive class). If addressing those subject areas appeals to you, please discuss with Brian at brian@brianrwright.com and with me at Christopher.Sharer@gmail.com.

From Jim Fulner, Chairman of the Bylaws Committee:

The 2013 LPM convention is approaching more quickly than one may think. Is there something you think the LPM could be doing better than it currently is? The by-laws govern the day-to-day operations of the Party, while the convention rules govern specific rules beyond or in lieu of Robert's Rules of Order (our current parliamentary authority per the by-laws). Our current by-laws can be found here.

The committee will need at least a few Libertarians in order to present member recommendations to the floor. The committee will need to meet at least twice prior to the convention, first via teleconference then later either in person or again via teleconference per the decision of the committee. Jim Fulner has been selected as chair of this committee by the LEC. If you are interested in serving on this committee—or if you simply want to submit changes—please send an e-mail to fulner@gmail.com.

8Libertarians in the News

LPM News Release 25 January 2013
Contact Steve Mace c/o Media@MichiganLP.org

State Libertarian Party Vows to Fight Snyder Road Plan
State Party Chair says, “Lansing is stuck in a ‘cycle of failure’”

(Troy, Mich.) – At Governor Rick Snyder’s State of the State speech last week, he laid out his plan for Michigan’s crumbling roads. His plan includes asking the legislature to approve a $1 billion infrastructure initiative, with taxpayers footing the bill. While his plan has stunned many in his own party, it has been greeted with a promise of open dialog by Democrats — Democrats who are still reeling from Snyder’s signing of Michigan’s “Right to Work” legislation last month.

Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) chairwoman, Denee Rockman-Moon says, “Raising taxes is not the solution. Michiganders are only beginning to crawl out of the hole that both state Democrats and Republicans placed them in… raising taxes via license and registration fee increases serves only as a further burden on [still] cash-strapped citizens. Snyder or if this were still Granholm, it’s simply more of the same.”

Rockman-Moon is also highly critical of Snyder’s closeness with state lobby group, the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA). MITA is currently running ads on radio encouraging taxpayers to support their lobby effort. The MITA/Snyder plan is also being pushed via a Website and Facebook page, “Just Fix the Roads.”

“MITA’s clients stand to make hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars should the tax increases pass,” Rockman-Moon says. “Our roads have been a mess for decades. Governor after governor promises to get the job done. What happens is simply more throwing of taxpayer money into bottomless potholes and lobbyists' pockets. It hasn’t worked before, and it won’t work now,” said Rockman-Moon.

The LPM chair says she would be happy to sit down, along with LPM economists, infrastructure specialists and the administration to discuss alternative ideas.

When asked what the state party’s plan would look like Rockman-Moon responded, “It would involve some immediate privatization of our roads and a long-term solution apposed to just another Band-Aid on a severed limb. Our plan would actually lower taxes and fees in order to encourage business [and] tourism; and leave more money in taxpayers’ pockets.”

The LPM, which is currently enjoying a very large membership increase, says they intend to repay the faith voters are beginning to place in the party by taking on Lansing, with or without seats in the legislature. “Lansing is stuck in a cycle of failure. It’s time for new ideas. We need new ideas that do not involve raising and throwing away more taxpayer money. We will do all we can to fight the Governor and his lobbyist friends' plans to start filling in the potholes with Michiganders’ hard-earned money,” said Rockman-Moon.

8Rules of the Freedom Road for 2013

New Year's Resolutions
by Harry Browne (LP presidential candidate 1996 and 2000)

  1. I resolve to sell liberty by appealing to the self-interest of each prospect, rather than preaching to people and expecting them to suddenly adopt my ideas of right and wrong.
  2. I resolve to keep from being drawn into arguments or debates. My purpose is to inspire people to want liberty — not to prove that they’re wrong.
  3. I resolve to listen when people tell me of their wants and needs, so I can help them see how a free society will satisfy those needs.
  4. I resolve to identify myself, when appropriate, with the social goals someone may seek — a cleaner environment, more help for the poor, a less divisive society — and try to show him that those goals can never be achieved by government, but will be well served in a free society.
  5. I resolve to be compassionate and respectful of the beliefs and needs that lead people to seek government help. I don’t have to approve of their subsidies or policies — but if I don’t acknowledge their needs, I have no hope of helping them find a better way to solve their problems.
  6. No matter what the issue, I resolve to keep returning to the central point: how much better off the individual will be in a free society.
  7. I resolve to acknowledge my good fortune in having been born an American. Any plan for improvement must begin with a recognition of the good things we have. To speak only of America’s defects will make me a tiresome crank.
  8. I resolve to focus on the ways America could be so much better with a very small government — not to dwell on all the wrongs that exist today.
  9. I resolve to cleanse myself of hate, resentment, and bitterness. Such things steal time and attention from the work that must be done.
  10. I resolve to speak, dress, and act in a respectable manner. I may be the first Libertarian someone has encountered, and it’s important that he get a good first impression. No one will hear the message if the messenger is unattractive.
  11. I resolve to remind myself that someone’s “stupid” opinion may be an opinion I once held. If I can grow, why can’t I help him grow?
  12. I resolve not to raise my voice in any discussion. In a shouting match, no one wins, no one changes his mind, and no one will be inspired to join our quest for a free society.
  13. I resolve not to adopt the tactics of Republicans and Democrats. They use character assassination, evasions, and intimidation because they have no real benefits to offer Americans. We, on the other hand, are offering to set people free — and so we can win simply by focusing on the better life our proposals will bring.
  14. I resolve to be civil to my opponents, and treat them with respect. However anyone chooses to treat me, it’s important that I be a better person than my enemies.

8Gary Johnson: The Book

Seven Principles of Good Government... still applicable
Referred by Will White

GaryJohnsonBookGary Johnson makes the most consistent and compelling arguments for limited government of any politician on the American scene today. Even if you don’t agree with everything he advocates, his new book is worth reading for its common-sense policy proposals and intellectual honesty. Silver Lake Publishing is proud to announce the release Gov. Gary Johnson’s SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF GOOD GOVERNMENT. CLICK HERE to get this book at the best price available anywhere. Johnson is the former two-term governor of New Mexico. He made headlines during his tenure as governor for supporting school vouchers, a freeze on all state taxes, real cuts in government agency funding and the decriminalization of marijuana. In 2012, he is running for President of the United States on the Libertarian Party ticket. He will be campaigning aggressively through the fall in all 50 states.

Image of the Month

If a Statist

Quote of the Month

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished
unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
– Voltaire

Michigan Libertarian Blast from the Past

Take a stroll down memory lane with this excerpt from one of the longest-running state Libertarian newsletters. Today, check out the February issue of 1998. Click on this link for the full PDF version of this newsletter.


Former editor and LPM archivist Greg Stempfle has compiled the entire body of available Michigan Libertarian newsletters up on this page of the LPM Website.

Feedback, Letters, Ads, Humor

Letter: 28 January 2013
Scotty Boman scottyboman@hotmail.com

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130124/POLITICS02/301240381#ixzz2Jc1fVckZ

... It's try, try again for group seeking December recall of Sen. Levin Sen. Carl Levin might not be out of the woods yet. A group working to recall the state's senior senator has failed in its attempt to get enough petition signatures in the 90-day window that closed at the end of December, but vows to try again. The Committee to Recall Carl Levin is upset Levin, D-Detroit, and Sen. John McCain , R-Ariz., sponsored the new National Defense Authorization Act, passed last year, that civil libertarians say allows for the arrest and detention of U.S. citizens without constitutional due process.

Supporters deny the bill provides for such action. One of the people behind the recall effort is Scotty Boman , who ran against Levin in 2008 and against U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, who was re-elected in 2012. "This is disappointing, but I knew it was a long shot," Boman said in a statement announcing the failure of the effort.

He told Insider he and Warren Raftshol plan to launch another effort after they review new state recall laws. He also said if they go ahead it likely won't be until early spring. Levin is up for re-election in 2014 and he has said he'll make a decision in the spring whether to run again.


And that's how the fight started...

One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a Christmas gift...

The next year, I didn't buy her a gift.

When she asked me why, I replied, "Well, you still haven't used the gift I bought you last year!"

Movie and Book Review Feature

[Submissions of reviews are solicited for this Michigan Libertarian Movie and Book Review feature.
Please contact us via webmaster@michiganlp.org -- ed.]

Movie Review
The Big Lebowski
The funniest 60s-burnout flick ever made _ 9/10

Or was it 70s? Actually, the high point of the years of counterculture and the antiwar movement seemed to lie somewhere between 1965 and 1975. A mixed bag (of weed, predominantly) to be sure, but yours truly was there real time, though sadly on the sidelines. I knew a guy, Steve, a Vietnam vet who worked with us in the audiovisual department at Wayne State in Detroit—in those days with the draft, if you survived your time in the killing fields you came home, none of this extended-tour crap—and he was constantly high. He reminds me now of the Dude (Jeff Bridges), with the possible exception that Steve had a full time job. [Full Review]

Book Review
Nobody's Business (1996)
The absurdity of consensual crimes in our free country—Peter McWilliams

Peter never stooped to the brutality of his tormentors; he held to the end that these officials who imposed and applied such draconian restrictions while Peter awaited sentencing were only well-meaning pawns in a silly policy.  “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  Even though John Stossel managed to air a positive 20/20 segment on Peter’s plight shortly before Peter died, virtually no one in the controlled media elevated the story to where it belongs: the saga of Peter McWilliams, late-20th-century Gandhi for personal liberty. [Full Review]

Libertarian Party of Michigan Contacts

LPM Leadership
State Chair – Denee Rockman-Moon, chair@michiganlp.org
Vice Chair – Larry Johnson,  michlibertarian@gmail.com
Secretary – Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.net
Treasurer – Kim Moore, kmoore_libertarian@ymail.comWebmaster – Brian Wright - brian_r_wright@yahoo.com
Political Director – Bill Gelineau – politics@mi.lp.org

Libertarian Executive Committee At-large Directors:
Andrew Hall - halla12@ferris.edu
Jim Fulner - fulner@gmail.com
Christopher Sharer - christopher.sharer@gmail.com
Keith Butkovich - sirkeith17@hotmail.com
Gregory Creswell - i.am4_gcreswell@yahoo.com

Judicial Committee
Keith Edwards - keithmarni@wowway.com
Bill Gelineau - freedomlover59@hotmail.com
Shyler Engel – shyler.engel@gmail.com

Affiliate Contacts (counties served)
Capital Area LP (Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Shiawassee)
Bob Broda, Chair, bob-broda@comcast.net  (contact Will White: whitewi5@msu.edu 
Website: www.calparty.org

Kalamazoo Area LP
Dennis Miller, Temp. Chair, drmiller94@gmail.com
Phone: 269-270-7747
The new Kzoo group will be handling the former Calhoun County and Southwest Michigan LP for counties: Calhoun, Berrien, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, Branch, Cass, and Van Buren. Jack Worsham (worsham74@aol.com), Daniel Grow (grow.daniel@gmail.com), Bill Bradley and other leaders of the former affiliates will be working with the Kzoo affiliate.

Affiliate Contacts (counties served, continued)

Lakeshore Libertarians
Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.netLP of Livingston County (Livingston)
Pam Sanderson, Chair, Chair.LivingstonLP@gmail.com Website: http://www.livingstonlibertarians.us

Libertarians of Macomb County (Macomb)
Keith Edwards, Chair: keithmarni@wowway.com
Dan Flamand, Vice Chair: daniel.flamand@att.net

LP of Oakland County (Oakland)
Jim Young, Chair lpocmi@lpocmi.org
Website: http://www.lpocmi.org/

Straits Libertarian Party (SLaP)
James Johnson, Chair, minidu@gmail.com

LP of Washtenaw County (Washtenaw)
Larry Johnson michlibertarian@gmail.com
Also contact Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu 
Website: http://lpwc.wordpress.com/

LP of Wayne County (Wayne, Monroe)
Ray Warner, Chair, raymondrand@yahoo.com

LP of West Michigan (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa)
Larry Warner, Chair, the_real_radnex@yahoo.com  Website: www.lpwm.org



February 6 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets on the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com, or its Facebook page—“Like” us at Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County! Contact LPWC Chair, Larry Johnson, michlibertarian@gmail.com.

February 7 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernan's Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

February 7 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Pam Sanderson, factorylady@yahoo.com, for details.

February 11 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm. Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at the former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

February 12 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

February 17 – Libertarian Executive Committee Meeting – 4 pm by telephone conference. Call 218-844-3366, access code #576532 (long distance charges may apply depending on your phone plan). The state executive committee meets the 3rd Sunday of every month. All LPM members may dial in to teleconferences or attend face-to-face meetings. Contact Denee Rockman-Moon, chair@mi.lp.org.

February 20 - Libertarians of Macomb County Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact Keith Edwards, keithmarni@wowway.com

February 20 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

February 25 – Deadline for Michigan Libertarian –Get your article, advertisement, or event published in our online publication. Send them to: e-newsletter@michiganlp.org or Emily Salvette at salvette@umich.edu.

February 28 – Kalamazoo Area LP Meeting – 7 pm, Portage Public Library, 300 Library Lane, Portage. The new Kalamazoo area LP meets the 4th Thursday of the month. Contact Dennis Miller, drmiller94@gmail.com, 269-270-7747.

March 6 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets on the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com, or its Facebook page—“like” us at Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County! Contact LPWC Chair, Larry Johnson, michlibertarian@gmail.com

March 7 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

March 7 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Pam Sanderson, factorylady@yahoo.com, for details.

March 10 – Libertarian Executive Committee Meeting – 2 pm face-to-face at the Troy office. Columbia Center II, 101 West Big Beaver, Suite 1400, Troy, MI 48084. Call 218-844-3366, access code#576532 (long distance charges may apply depending on your phone plan). The state executive committee meets the 3rd Sunday of every month. All LPM members may dial in to teleconferences or attend face-to-face meetings. Contact Denee Rockman-Moon, chair@mi.lp.org

March 11 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm. Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at the former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

March 12 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

March 16-17 – Libertarian National Committee meeting - Embassy Suites O’Hare, 5500 North River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018. Sessions Saturday and Sunday from 8am-5pm. All LP members may observe sessions. Joint LNC/ LP Illinois happy hour or dinner planned on Friday or Saturday night. See http://www.lp.org/event/lnc-meeting-at-embassy-suites-o%E2%80%99hare for more information.

If you'd like to be considered for appointment by the LNC to the Credentials, By-laws or Platform Committee for the 2014 National LP Convention, please send an email stating your interest and your qualifications to credentials@lp.org, bylaws@lp.org, or platform@lp.org respectively.  Chairman Geoffrey Neale intends to place populating those committees on the proposed agenda for the next LNC meeting (March 16-17, 2013 in Chicago--see calendar).

March 20 - Libertarians of Macomb County Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact Keith Edwards, keithmarni@wowway.com

March 20 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

March 28 – Kalamazoo Area LP Meeting – 7 pm, Portage Public Library, 300 Library Lane, Portage. The new Kalamazoo area LP meets the 4th Thursday of the month. Contact Dennis Miller, drmiller94@gmail.com, 269-270-7747.
June 15 – Libertarian Party of Michigan –Hilton Grand Rapids Airport.  Save the date!

More... For all events, see the full online calendar on the Website:
http://www.mi.lp.org/Shared Documents/Calendar.aspx The Michigan Libertarian ONLINE is distributed on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news articles by the 25th of the prior month to: e-newsletter@michiganlp.org

Note: The final print edition of the Michigan Libertarian is available online at http://old.michiganlp.org/Past%20Newsletters/ Michigan%20Libertarian%2038.2%20summer%202009.pdf

About the Michigan Libertarian

The Michigan Libertarian is published/posted on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news/articles to e-newsletter@michiganlp.org by the 25th of the prior month. The Michigan Libertarian is one of the longest-running Libertarian newsletters in the country, debuting in 1973 shortly after the founding of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. The "new" Michigan Libertarian (a predominantly online version) debuted on August 1, 2009 and replaced the weekly LPMOnline and the printed-and-mailed ML.  We will post the newsletter on the Website and deliver via email on the first of every month. A printed version of the new Michigan Libertarian will be sent free to anyone who signs up, which you may do at the LPM web site www.mi.lp.org (or www.michiganlp.org).

LPM members who need a hard copy may request one be mailed to them by contacting
e-newsletter@michiganlp.org or calling the LPM toll-free number 888-Free-Now.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Newsletter You are subscribed to a newsletter email list on http://test.michiganlp.org/mailinglist: Click here to modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We respect all unsubscribe requests.

Newsletter URL (Webpage address for this issue of the ML):
