—Michigan Libertarian
February 2012, Volume 41: No. 02
(To view this newsletter in your browser, click here)
Online newsletter for the Libertarian Party of Michigan

Subscribe/Unsubscribe Instructions

In This Issue

2012 LP Presidential Nominating Convention May 2-6
Growing membership for the affiliates

LPM News and Announcements
   Liberty Fest in Holt, March 10
   Gearing up for the 2012 LPM Convention (June 2)

   Special election for state rep in Grand Blanc area
   Two new members elected to the LEC
   Next LEC Meeting, February 19

Image of the Month

Quote of the Month
Past Blast
Book and Movie Reviews


Welcome to the February 2012 issue of the online newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, the Michigan Libertarian. The newsletter is our main vehicle for sharing what's happening for Libertarians in Michigan. You may manage your subscription by going here or visiting our Web site www.mi.lp.org (same as www.michiganlp.org).

8Join the real action in Vegas this year:

2012 Libertarian Party Presidential Nominating Convention May 2-6

Nolan ChartBe part of history! Help select the 2012 LP candidate for President The Libertarian Party will hold its national presidential nominating convention in Las Vegas May 2-6 where you can help choose our party's standard bearer to run against Barack MittNewt (on the slim chance that Ron Paul does not win the Republican nomination).

You can be one of Michigan's 39 delegates or 50 alternates to Las Vegas if you are a current member of the Libertarian Party of Michigan or if you join the LPM before April 3. Here's how: If you're not an LPM member*, join today at michiganlp.org or by clicking here (*according to LPM bylaws, a basic member of the national Libertarian Party is automatically an LPM member).

Find out more about the national convention at this page. Send a message indicating your interest that includes your name and residential address to the LPM state secretary, Mary Buzuma, at secretary@mi.lp.org. Or, until March 10, give your name and address to your LPM affiliate leader for him or her to pass on to the state secretary (Affiliate chairs: please send your collected names to Mary Buzuma by March 10)

A Libertarian from another state can be a delegate from Michigan after March 10 if our allotment isn't full and if he/she pays the LPM dues fee of $25. See the complete rules for LPM delegate selection by clicking here, or contact the state secretary for more information. While delegate lists must be submitted to the national credentials committee by April 3, if you decide at the last minute to go to Las Vegas you can still be a delegate. Our delegate list can be amended even at the convention!

Don't delay, sign up today! Even if you are just thinking about going to the convention, please submit your name right away. There's no obligation to attend, and it's much easier to get names in and vetted early rather than adding them at the last minute. You will want to go to this convention. Picking a presidential candidate along with hundreds of other Libertarians from around the country is exciting and special--you'll want to be part of this! We hope to see you in Las Vegas!

8Getting fired up for an historic election year

C'mon affiliates, let's grow membership!
by Denee Rockman-Moon

With the economy in the state that it is in, we as Libertarians need to make sure we stand up and let our voices be heard! Over the last three years we have had over 680 people in the state of Michigan contact us for information about our party, wanting to volunteer, or even run for an office position as a Libertarian. The more people we come in contact with the more our message gets out to those that know nothing about us.

If you are member and need literature to pass out please contact me thru email at denee.rockman-moon@live.com or you can visit http://www.lpstuff.com/shop/. I would like to say "Thank you" to all those that have recently renewed their memberships, or have become a new member! Please keep spreading the word.

[Note: Our LP of Michigan Convention will be held June 2, 2012 - at the Marriott Hotel, Livonia. We are still defining the event. Help Renee and others by joining the convention committee and conference call on February 8.]

Affiliate Chairs and Members: Helpful Hints for Recruiting New Members

  • Use the names of new inquiries from the LPM to send a letter or call them asking them to join and/or attend your next meeting or event.
  • Have a sign up sheet at all meetings for peoples names and contact information. A few days after your meeting have someone write or call any new people on the sign up sheet to thank them for attending the meeting, answer any questions they may have and ask them to join the party.
  • Send each new inquiry in your county(ies) the next two issues of your newsletter. In each of these, insert letter printed on brightly colored paper asking them to join. Get mailing labels for these new names from the LPM Membership Clerk.
  • Hold an "Open House" meeting. This would be a meeting geared specifically for LP newcomers and people interested in learning more about the party. o You should find a speaker that can give a brief history of the party, explain the basic philosophic principles of libertarianism and answer questions about the party.

    • This meeting should be held in an easy to find location and probably at a different time than your regular monthly meeting since you want to get people to attend who may not be able to fit your regular meeting into their schedule. I would suggest a weekend afternoon.
    • Send invitations out a month in advance to all members and recent inquiries for your area. And follow up with phone calls the week before the meeting.

Also I want to send out a big whoppin' "Thank You" for all the RENEWALS we have been receiving and welcoming all the new members! On the Website, please find your affiliate and locate its next meeting from our events column... then come to the next meeting of your affiliate. The more we grow and make our voices heard, then the sooner we are no longer ignored. 2012 is the Year of Liberty. You won't be part of the victory parade if you sit on the sidelines. Let's get in the game and make our presence felt! — drm

8Other LPM News and Announcements

Liberty Fest to be held in Holt, Saturday, March 10
Andrew Hall

Gary JohnsonGuest speaker will be Gary Johnson and other candidates for the national LP nomination at its nominating convention, May 2-6, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please join us for a presidential straw poll and banquet, with awarding of the Libby Awards. The Libfest will be held at:

Delhi Cafe
4625 Willoughby Road
Holt, MI 48842-7402
4:30 p.m.to 9 p.m.

Note: the picturing of Gary Johnson (above) is solely for purposes of drawing more people to the event, not to indicate that the LPM formally endorses any particular candidate. — Ed

Cost (until February 27, 2012) $35 basic level $55 sponsor level (name appears in program) $60 couple (basic deal for couples) $75 Friend of Liberty level (name appears in program, reserved preferred seating, and free drink) Open to everyone! Meal choices: prime rib, chicken kiev, vegetarian Plan to bring your friends and family to enjoy this informative and entertaining evening. Come show your support for limited government in Michigan by supporting the Libertarian Party!

Information page: http://old.michiganlp.org/Shared%20Documents/LibertyFest.aspx
Online registration: http://old.michiganlp.org/webpages_Aux/2012/Libfest_Payments.html

I am asking for nominations for the Libby awards [<-- please click on this link for a description of the awards] by February 10 at 5 pm.

Gearing up for the 2012 LPM Convention

We're already gearing up for the 2012 LPM State Convention in June, but we need your help to pull it off!! We're looking for a few great volunteers to join the LPM Convention Committee. The committee is responsible for developing the agenda, venue arrangements, promotion, registration, and on site logistics. Meetings will either be on line or via conference call.

Please join Renee Lewis (livingstonladyliberty@gmail.com) on a conference call February 8,, 2012 at 7 p.m. to be part of the convention planning team or have input. Dial (559) 546-1000, then use the Participant Access Code: 499838#. If you know of anyone else that wants to help with the planning or even the day of the convention, please forward their contact info to Renee or ask them to contact Renee or to join our next call. See event listing below.

February 28 special election for state rep

The time may be past for Libertarians in the Grand Blanc area to file for this office. But with Rep. Paul Scott being recalled, there will be a special election on February 28, and some opportunity to promote libertarianism in the public forums of other candidates who may be running in the contest. Contact Jim Fulner at fulner@gmail.com for more information.  

Two new members elected to the LEC

Erwin Haas (LP West Michigan) and Christopher Sharer (Oakland County) were elected to fill the 2 LEC At Large seats recently vacated by Jay Longtain and Pam Sanderson who resigned for personal reasons. The election occurred during the monthly meeting of the LPM LEC on January 15, 2012. Welcome Erwin and Chris and thank you to Jay and Pam for your dedicated service to the LPM LEC.

Next LEC Meeting February 19

February 19 - Libertarian Executive Committee Meeting – 1 pm. All LPM members are invited to join the online meeting or listen in by phone.

  • To join the meeting ON LINE go to https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/384153904 Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP)—a headset is recommended.
  • To call in, dial (773) 945-1032 Access Code: 384-153-904, Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting. Meeting ID: 384-153-904. (Note that long distance charges may apply.)

Contact Mary Buzuma, secretary@mi.lp.org for more information. All are welcome to listen in with open floor at the end of the meeting.

Image of the Month

From a Recent Yahoo! News Front Page

Ron Paul

Disclaimer Note: Ron Paul is a Republican candidate for president, who shares many principles with the Libertarian Party. In fact, in 1988, Dr. Paul was the Libertarian Party candidate for president. The official policy of the Libertarian Party of Michigan is not to endorse candidates of other parties, so the mention of Dr. Paul's campaign is solely for purposes of sending a note of encouragement to the small-l libertarian movement we all share. — Ed.

Quote of the Month

Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day.
— Thomas Jefferson

Michigan Libertarian Blast from the Past

Take a stroll down memory lane with this excerpt from one of the longest-running state Libertarian newsletters. Today, check out the February 1982 issue. Click on this link for the full PDF version of this newsletter.

Michigan Libertarian February 1982

Former editor and LPM archivist Greg Stempfle has compiled the entire body of available Michigan Libertarian newsletters up on this page of the LPM Website.

Feedback, Letters, Ads, Humor

Marijuana Initiative and 2012 Election

Lawyers from Cannabis Counsel PLC formed the Committee for a Safer Michigan, CSM, to sponsor a 2012 badly-worded ballot initiative to decriminalize marijuana.

In my opinion, the leaders of CSM are clueless about how to run a successful ballot initiative. They need 322,608 valid signatures by July 9. Their petition drive is hopeless. Don't waste time and money on CSM's petition drive.

There is a better way to oppose the war on marijuana this year: the ballot box. This is an election year for all county prosecutors, county sheriffs, state representatives, and representatives in Congress. In the Democratic or Republican primary in August:

  1. support candidates who oppose the war on marijuana and
  2. oppose candidates who support the war on marijuana.

In November, if there is no Libertarian on the ballot for those offices, consider each candidate's stance on the war on marijuana. It is easier to run a petition drive in odd years and in good weather. The best time to start is late April or early May. I hope that people who know how to run a successful ballot initiative start one in 2013.

Leonard Schwartz
Oakland County

Some Ideas for a Libertarian Party State of Michigan Theme

Regarding my comment last night, these might be positive themes to consider, although I could live without one if that's our decision, too.

  • "Let's Work Together, Michigan" (accompanied by the old Canned Heat hit song which I think would apply to our upbeat message of peaceful revolution, hear attached file that I do not intend to be any kind of copyright violation so I truncated the file)
  • "Everyone Is Welcome"
  • "Leaving the Past Behind"
  • "For Our State and Our Future" (I mean Michigan state, not the collectivist authorian structure of "the state" so maybe this is better: "For Michigan's Future"

The ones below are certainly *not* good ideas but I can't resist adding them:

  • "Let's Stop Sucking, Michigan!"
  • "Time To Get Serious for Liberty and Stop Watching TV Every Night On Your Couch"
  • "Lemmings Not Welcome"
  • "Before It's Too Late, Michigan"

Tim Keirnan
Livingston County

Federal Reserve violates freedom of religion

Our American banking system is built on the Federal Reserve. At its core, the Fed functions as an American Master of Interest and Inflation, and every bank must follow suit. Not only is our banking system a moral hazard, a corrupt political tool and a force of economic instability, it also indirectly forces every bank to operate against the tenets of many religions. The fiat currency created by the Fed allows for the monetization of debt, which results in inflation, and inflation is the very definition of a “Diverse Measure.”

According to many religious texts, including the Bible and the Torah, inflation is an abomination to God. Under Islam, the Fed’s setting of interest rates is a sin. As for the Amish, they have avoided paying into Social Security for years based on their religious objection to participating in an insurance plan (it too closely resembled gambling in their estimation). Of course, as many of us know, the FDIC is an insurance program that allows banks to practice fractional reserve banking in violation of these Amish principles.

This isn’t to say that every bank should be prohibited from charging interest or even that because of religion the Fed shouldn’t be allowed to print fiat money (although I would most certainly prefer they didn’t), but rather that religious freedom under the First Amendment is nearly impossible to achieve in the United States in regard to banking practices. This is because competition in currency and non-uniform banking practices are not allowed under our central banking system. Yet, our Bill of Rights is very clear... [full article in doweneedgov.com]

Jonathan Siglow

Movie and Book Review Feature

The following review excerpts are courtesy LPM Webmaster Brian Wright's commentary and review site, The Coffee Coaster. If you are interested in receiving the e-newsletter for the Coffee Coaster, so you may receive notice of his site's reviews and commentary, please fill out the form link here then check the Email List box 0_Coffee_Coaster. [Reader submissions of reviews are also solicited for this feature.]

Movie Review
A Better Life
Father and son drama in the world of 'border challenged' ___ 8.5/10

This small bilingual movie is the ultimate send up of father and son love in the context of the Southern California 'illegal' culture. From the gitgo we follow Carlos (Demián Bichir) as he rides shotgun in landscaping bossman Blasco's (Joaquín Cosio) big ol' truck from the poor East LA neighborhoods across town to the homes of the extremely well-to-do. Carlos is the lead worker, and he shines in the major task of trimming palm trees: this entails actually walking up the tree a hundred feet in the air with a special harness and heavy spiked boots, quite dangerous. But Blasco and Carlos are two of perhaps millions of undocumented cash-economy day-labor/businessmen who don't bother with insurance or IRS reporting forms. [Full Review]

Book Review
Drug War Addiction (2001)
From the front lines of America's #1 policy disaster
by Sheriff Bill Masters

Yes, Masters' book is excellent and makes the case beyond any reasonable doubt that the WOD is terrorism of the most wretched and extreme kind. But he writes 10 years ago! What's changed since then?! Just recently a SWAT team attacked the home of and murdered an innocent former Marine in Tucson, AZ. These atrocities have to stop, and those responsible for them— namely anyone associated with the apprehension and prosecution of persons for drug offenses—need to be put on trial for treason and removed from society if found guilty. [btw, that includes anyone in the US Congress—73 senators and 255 representatives—who voted for the recent unconstitutional extension of the Patriot Act. These men and women are traitors and must be put away ASAP, not killed, but 'reconciled' and removed from all authority.] [Full Review]

Libertarian Party of Michigan Contacts

LPM Leadership
State Chair – James Lewis, chair@michiganlp.org
Vice Chair –Tim Keirnan - mailtim@sbcglobal.net
Secretary – Mary Buzuma, mary.buzuma@att.net
Treasurer – Denee Rockman-Moon,

Webmaster – Brian Wright - brian_r_wright@yahoo.com
Political Director – Bill Gelineau – politics@mi.lp.org

Libertarian Executive Committee At-large Directors:
Andrew Hall - bsatroop282@aol.com
Larry Johnson - michlibertarian@gmail.com
Erwin Haas - erwinhaas@yahoo.com
Christopher Sharer -
One position temporarily vacant -

Judicial Committee:
Daniel Grow- grow.daniel@gmail.com
Bill Gelineau - freedomlover59@hotmail.com
Will Tyler White – whitewi5@msu.edu

Affiliate Contacts (counties served)

Calhoun County LP (Calhoun)
Jack Worsham, Chair, worsham74@aol.com Website: www.orgsites.com/mi/lp

Capital Area LP (Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Shiawassee)
Bob Broda, Chair, bob-broda@comcast.net  Website: www.calparty.org

Affiliate Contacts (counties served, continued)

LP of Livingston County (Livingston)
Todd Richardson, Chair, Chair.LivingstonLP@gmail.com Website: http://www.livingstonlibertarians.us

Libertarians of Macomb County (Macomb)
Jim Allison, Chair, jim.e.allison@gmail.com

LP of Oakland County (Oakland)
Jim Young, Chair
lpocmi@lpocmi.org Website: http://www.lpocmi.org/

LP of SW Michigan Berrien (Cass, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Branch, St. Joseph)
Daniel Grow, Acting Chair, grow.daniel@gmail.com  Website: www.lpswmich.org

Straits Libertarian Party (SLaP)
James Johnson, Chair, minidu@gmail.com


LP of Washtenaw County (Washtenaw)
Paul Giuliano, Chair, pgiulian@umich.edu 
Website: http://lpwc.wordpress.com/

LP of Wayne County (Wayne, Monroe)
Ray Warner, Chair, raymondrand@yahoo.com

LP of West Michigan (Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, Ottawa)
Larry Warner, Chair, the_real_radnex@yahoo.com  Website: www.lpwm.org


February 1 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets on the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

February 1 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

February 2 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

February 2 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details

February 8 – LPM Convention Committee conference call – 7 pm. Anyone who would like to help with the LPM State Convention on June 2 is invited (and encouraged!) to call in. Dial (559) 546-1000 then use the Participant Access Code: 499838#. (Note, long-distance charges may apply depending on your phone plan) Contact Renee Lewis, livingstonladyliberty@gmail.com

February 10 – Deadline for Libby Award Nominations – Send nominations for Spokesman for Liberty, Promoter of Liberty and Producer of Liberty to Andrew Hall at halla12@ferris.edu

February 13 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

February 14 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

February 15 – LP of Oakland County Meeting – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

February 15 - Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation on the third Wednesday of every month. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

February 19 - Libertarian Executive Committee Meeting – 1 pm. All LPM members are invited to join the online meeting or listen in by phone. To join the meeting ON LINE go to https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/384153904 Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. To call in, dial (773) 945-1032 Access Code: 384-153-904, Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting. Meeting ID: 384-153-904. (Note that long distance charges may apply.) Contact Mary Buzuma, secretary@mi.lp.org

February 28 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

March 1 – Wayne County LP Monthly Meeting – 7 p.m. - Kiernans Steak House, 21931 Michigan Ave, Dearborn (at Monroe). Contact Ray Warner, 313-598-3666

March 1 – Livingston County LP Monthly Meeting - 7-8:30 pm. The Livingston County LP meets the first Thursday of each month at Cleary's Irish Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell 48843. Join them to discuss local and national news from a Libertarian perspective. Contact Todd Richardson chair.livingstonlp@gmail.com for details

March 7 - LP of Washtenaw County Monthly Meeting -7 to 9 pm at Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor (In the Parkland Plaza west of Ann Arbor). The LP of Washtenaw County meets on the first Wednesday of every month. You can see more announcements and information regarding the LPWC at its new website, http://lpwc.wordpress.com. Contact LPWC Chair, Paul Giuliano, pgiulian@umich.edu

March 7 – LP of South West Michigan Executive Committee Meeting – 6:00 – 6:50 pm at IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Rd., Benton Harbor. Guests are welcome. Followed by: Round Table Political Forum hosted by the LP of South West Michigan. 7-9 pm at The Livery, 190 Fifth St, Benton Harbor. Visitors are welcome to participate. Contact Bill Bradley, wbradley@i2k.com 269-637-4525, or Dan Grow, grow.daniel@gmail.com

March 10 – 2012 LibertyFest and presentation of the 2011 Libby Awards – Delhi Café, 4625 Willoughby Road, Holt, MI 48842, 4:30 – 9 p.m. Guest speaker: Gov. Gary Johnson and other candidates for LP pres. nomination. Costs: $35-$75. Info on registration: http://www.michiganlp.org/Webpages_Aux/2012/2012_LibertyFest.html. Contact Andrew Hall halla12@ferris.edu

March 12 – Capital Area LP Monthly Meeting – 7 pm at former LPM office, 2722 E Michigan Ave, Ste 22, Lansing (park and enter in back). Contact Will Tyler White, 517-349-3806, whitewi5@msu.edu

March 13 – LP of West Michigan Monthly Meeting – 6:30 pm. Join the LPWM on the second Tuesday of the month at Branns Restaurant on Leonard St. at US 131 in downtown Grand Rapids. Contact Nick Sundquist, Nicholas.sundquist@yahoo.com, 231-750-5468

March 21 – LP of Oakland County Annual Affiliate Convention – 6:30 pm dinner, 7:30 meeting -The LP of Oakland County meets the third Wednesday of the month at Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield), Berkley. Contact Jim Fulner, fulner@gmail.com

March 21 - Libertarians of Macomb County Monthly Meeting - 6:30 for dinner, 7:30 business meeting, at Loon River Café, 34911 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the LP are invited for good food and conversation on the third Wednesday of every month. Contact Dan Flamand, daniel.flamand@att.net.

March 27 – LP of Calhoun County Monthly Meeting - Executive Committee, 7 p.m. Please contact Jack Worsham for location. (269) 963-2679, WORSHAM74@aol.com

April 3 – Membership Deadline for National Convention Delegates – If you have never been a member of the Libertarian Party, you must join by April 3 to be eligible to serve as a delegate from Michigan

May 2-6, 2012 - Libertarian Party National Presidential Nominating Convention -Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas NV. More info here. Contact LPM State Secretary Mary Buzuma, secretary@mi.lp.org, if you would like to be a delegate or alternate.

June 2, 2012 - Libertarian Party of Michigan State Convention. Detroit Marriott Hotel, Livonia. Candidate nominations, officer elections, guest speakers and more! Contact Rene Lewis, livingstonladyliberty@gmail.com

More... For all events, see the full online calendar on the Website:
http://old.michiganlp.org/Shared Documents/Calendar.aspx
The Michigan Libertarian ONLINE is distributed on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news articles by the 25th of the prior month to:

Note: The final print edition of the Michigan Libertarian is available online at http://old.michiganlp.org/Past%20Newsletters/ Michigan%20Libertarian%2038.2%20summer%202009.pdf

About the Michigan Libertarian

The Michigan Libertarian is published/posted on the first of each month. Send calendar events and news/articles to e-newsletter@michiganlp.org by the 25th of the prior month. The Michigan Libertarian is one of the longest-running Libertarian newsletters in the country, debuting in 1973 shortly after the founding of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. The "new" Michigan Libertarian (a predominantly online version) debuted on August 1, 2009 and replaced the weekly LPMOnline and the printed-and-mailed ML.  We will post the newsletter on the Website and deliver via email on the first of every month. A printed version of the new Michigan Libertarian will be sent free to anyone who signs up, which you may do at the LPM web site www.mi.lp.org (or www.michiganlp.org).

LPM members who need a hard copy may request one be mailed to them by contacting
e-newsletter@michiganlp.org or calling the LPM toll-free number 888-Free-Now.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Newsletter
You are subscribed to a newsletter email list on http://test.michiganlp.org/mailinglist: Click here to modify your message preferences or to unsubscribe from any future mailings. We respect all unsubscribe requests.

Newsletter URL (Webpage address for this issue of the ML):
