Fliers and Materials for the LPM 2010 Campaign

This page is to provide links to various items that may prove of use in general campaigning for Libertarian candidates in 2010.

LPM Candidate Slate Card

This page offers a PDF version of our Candidate Slate Card, suitable for mass distribution at libraries, arcades, sporting events, Panera franchises, symphony orchestra performances, golf tournaments, work and play. Use your imagination. Simply print on someone's desktop printer using light card stock then have your local printshop make the cuts (if you don't have a paper cutter). Cheap thrills. These candidate slate cards are a perfect way to create an underground Libertarian Resistance movement. "They're everywhere, they're everywhere!"

Note: if printing yourself, be sure to align back of page with front of page for cutting, may take some trial and error.


Then, please feel free to also make a simple corresponding donation:

LPM Yard Signs

A perfect way to work in your planet-saving philosophy in the neighborhood. "They're everywhere, they're everywhere!" The image below is what we are using for these signs. To obtain some full-sized yard signs using this design, contact the chair at chair@mi.lp.org.

http://www.michiganlp.org/Files/10-1235 Vote Libertarian 14x22.jpg

Also, a simple corresponding donation to the Party is appreciated to defray the efforts: