August 2008

August 7 - Metro Detroit area
Bob Barr will be campaigning in Michigan .  Look for details as they become available on the website:

August 9 - Hillsdale County
7th annual Hillsdale County Coalition for Peace and Justice Festival.
10 am - 6 pm, 325 E Chicago St , Jonesville , MI 49250 . Scotty Boman will have a booth at this Festival. This will be a great opportunity to reach out to residents of the county that gave Ron Paul 15% of their vote in the primary. Please share this information with anyone who may live in the general area. Scotty Boman 313-247-2052

August 13 - Oakland County
LP of Oakland County meeting -
at Sila´s, 4033 W. 12 Mile (2 blocks east of Greenfield ), Berkley . 7 pm optional no-host dinner, meeting at 7:30.  Bruce Hoepner 248-414-7094

August  15 - 17
Washtenaw County
The Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County will be sponsoring a booth at the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival. The group could use volunteers to help staff the booth.  Please see this site for open slots:  Larry Johnson 734-320-7237

August 28 - West Michigan
Beer and Banter-
meeting at Pizza Hut, 28th St (near East Beltline SE), Grand Rapids starting at 6 pm. Topic will be determined. Special guest will be Diane Baum, activist. 6 pm free refreshments followed by 7 p.m. filming.  Pizza Hut is just east of East Beltline SE, opposite Toys R Us, downstairs dining room.

September 4 - Wayne County
Wayne County Libertarians meet
at Dimitri´s on the Avenue, 14316 Michigan Ave. , Dearborn at 6:30 pm.  We will be having a special "meet the WCLP candidates" evening.  Dinner orders at 6:30 and meeting at 7:30.  All of our candidates will have the opportunity to discuss their campaigns and plans for the November elections. Gregory Scott Stempfle 248-687-1470

September 5
- West Michigan
Filming of candidates at Grand Rapids Media Center . 
Time: evening, TBD.   - Candidate filming for any candidate of the LP, Grand Rapids Media Center . There is no cost to participate in this program. Contact Erwin Haas for details:

September 6 - Wayne County
Dally in the Alley
2008 from 11 am to 11 pm There will be a Libertarian booth at this annual inner-city street fair and music festival. Location: just south of WSU between Second Ave. , W. Forest, W. Hancock, and Anthony Wayne in Detroit 48201. Scotty Boman 313-247-2052

September 7
- West Michigan
LPWM EC Meeting at 1 pm; Picnic  2-6 pm in Big Rapids.
Summer Picnic and meeting of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan.  Location:  Osceola Pavilion, Big Rapids. This is an open public event - however, members are encouraged to sign up for potluck items. Contact: Tom Hren,  or Bill Gelineau,

September 11 - 14 - Oakland County
The LP of Oakland County will sponsor an LPM booth at the Troy Daze Festival.  All Oakland County candidates are welcome to display as well as any statewide candidates.  Volunteers are welcome.   Troy is the only Oakland County community with an active Libertarian on the City Council.  Join us and support all LP campaign efforts. Bruce Hoepner  248-219-3303

September 12 - West Michigan
Filming of candidates at Grand Rapids Media Center . 
Time: evening, TBD.   - Candidate filming for any candidate of the LP, Grand Rapids Media Center . There is no cost to participate in this program. Contact Erwin Haas for details:

September 16 - West Michigan
Meet the Candidates  
6:30 pm - 9 pm - Location:   Grand Rapids Community College .   Media and Public Introduction of West Michigan Candidates for Public Office.  Contact  Bill Gelineau,

For more events, see the online calendar at:

By Greg Stempfle

The July-August 2008 issue of the Michigan Libertarian can be found here.
Future issues of the Michigan Libertarian will also be distributed using this new online news service.  

If you would like to forego getting the newsletter in the mail and would prefer to download it, please send me an email at the address below with the words "pdf subscription" in the subject line.  

The deadline for submissions will be September 8 for the next issue.
This next issue will be the last one to go out before the general election.  I encourage all of our candidates to submit news and stories from the campaign trail to share with our membership.  Let us know what you´re up to!

Please send all news, activities, and advertising to


Thanks to David Yardley who sent a link to a great article in Campaigns and Elections Magazine: Barr Set to Make Debate Push.  BTW, make sure to visit Bob Barr's web site for the latest campaign news, and sign his petition to Congress to stop the Bill of Rights blackout!


The primary election presents a unique opportunity to reach
hard-core voters.  People who show up at the primary are almost guaranteed to vote in the general election.
Here is the plan.  You will be waiting at the polling place with Scotty Boman slim-jims.  Stay clear of voters on the way in.  They will be dodging a battery of literature and political swag on the way in.  They probably won´t have a chance to read any of it.
You greet them with a slim-Jim as they depart.  They will say they already voted.  You can smile and say, "Good!  Scotty Boman is on the ballot in November!" then hand the surprised voter a slim-Jim.
I have thousands of high-quality slim-Jims printed.  
Contact me (313-247-2052) ASAP so I can get them to you.  Otherwise, you can download a PDF (OK but not as cool as the printed version), and make your own.
PDF´s are on the file menu, or link to:
At the end of the day, send me an email to let me know what voting location you covered (include districts and precincts), it will be interesting to see what effect this has.
While many will be straight-ticket major party voters, some are voting in the primaries to vote on a ballot issue, judgeship, or precinct delegates.  Still others want to have a voice in which Democrat or Republican ends up on the ballot in November.  That doesn´t mean they will vote for that party in November.
For example, I know many people  (myself included) who voted in the Republican presidential primary (Gee I bet you wonder how I voted).  Needless to say, that doesn´t mean I am voting Republican in November.
The Days After:
On the next couple days, you can help Scotty and protect the environment at the same time.  Many exhausted candidates and campaign workers will leave the landscape littered with discarded sign-wires.  These are costly, however many of the people loosing the primary will have no need for them in the future.  Here is where you come in.  By cleaning up this unsightly resource, you will be saving the Scotty Boman campaign money.  
Please only remove discarded wires from PUBLIC property (like freeway embankments).  Libertarians respect private property.
You can either hold onto these wires until we get signs printed, or I will be happy to take them off your hands.
Scotty Boman

By Erwin Haas

It´s called jury nullification, the object of the Fully Informed Jury Amendment. It´s how northern juries freed captured Southern slaves before the Civil War. I´ll use my pulpit in Congress to trumpet message that citizens can subvert bullies in government; their bad laws won´t hold up in court, and that prosecution of petty possession and use indictments of drugs offenses will fail. It will empty the jails and prisons, deprive police and judges of power, and put politicians on notice that the looney laws that they pass have to pass citizen muster.

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