LPM Online

May 20, 2008

  1. Upcoming Events

    May 22, 2008 - 00:00 AM
    Libertarian National Convention 2008
    May 22nd to May 26th
    Every four years, Libertarians meet to choose who will represent them in the upcoming presidential elections. This is typically a very exciting event filled with debate, intrigue and celebration.
    Location: Adam's Mark. Denver, Colorado.
    Contact: Natcom CSR Phone: 1-800-ELECT-US Email: info@lp.org

    June 04, 2008 - 6:00 PM
    LPSWM Executive Committee Meeting
    Location: IHOP, 1981 Pipestone Road, Benton Harbor, MI
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: 269-637-4525 Email: secretary@lpswmich.org

    June 04, 2008 - 7:00 PM
    Political Round Table Discussion. Everyone is welcome
    Location: 190 Fifth Steeet, Benton Harbor, MI
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: 269-637-4525 Email: secretary@lpswmich.org

    June 05, 2008 - 7:30 PM
    Wayne County Caucus. Candidates will fill out candidate paperwork. We will also need to elect officers for the upcoming election year at this meeting. Dinner Orders 6:30 Meeting Time 7:30.
    Location: Dimitri's on the Avenue, 14316 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48126
    Contact: Greg Stempfle Phone: 1-313-929-1789 Email: stempfle@hotmail.com

    June 07, 2008 - 08:00 AM
    State Convention which will include the nomination of 2008 Candidates for office. Registration 8:00 AM Convention starts 9:00 AM There will be a hosted luncheon, and a banquet in the evening. The Libertarian Party of Wayne County will host the Hospitality Suite. The suite will host a few events such as Relaxation and Refreshments, fundraising, accepting donations on pop, munchies of various sorts (that doesn’t require a license), and Notary station. The “post-election” LEC will hold their traditional 1st meeting in this room at 4 pm. Possible photo opportunities with our Presidential Nominee in the HS. Candidate photos.
    Location: Best Western Gateway Hotel, 9191 Wickham Road, Romulus , Michigan 48174
    Contact: Bill Gelineau Phone: 888-Free-Now Email: wgelineau@firstam.com

    June 11, 2008 - 7:30 PM
    Join us next month, on June 11th for a Post Convention review (both National and State) with the Oakland attendees and Greg Creswell, our Gubernatorial candidate from the last State election. Also, hear from Greg about Detroit politics and a potential in for an LP candidate. Plus, further updates on the LeCureaux campaign.
    Location: Sila's Restaurant, located 2 blks East of Greenfield on the South side of 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: Bruce Hoepner Phone: 248-219-3303 Email: bahoeps@sbcglobal.net

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Check Your Ballot for Unopposed Incumbents — by Bill Hall

    Major party candidates running in the August primary were required to file by May 13, and withdraw by May 16. Hence, now is the time for you to visit the Bureau of Elections website at http://miboecfr.nictusa.com/election/candlist/08PRI/08PRI_CL.HTM to see whether your local state representative or Congressman is running unopposed, and needs some competition, in the form of you running as a Libertarian candidate. For offices wholly within your county, such as county clerk, sheriff, treasurer or commissioner, check your County Clerk's website to see if any are running unopposed.

    One of the benefits of deferring our State Convention to June 7, with a candidate filing date of Monday, June 9, is that for the first time we can pick and choose races where there is only one major party candidate, or it appears to be a particularly competitive race. Those are two types of races where a Libertarian candidate has great potential for more media attention, either because they will be the opposition, or the media may consider them a spoiler.

    Check it out today!
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  3. Eric Plourde gains fame in Ann Arbor Mayoral Race — by Emily Salvette

    University of Michigan student Eric Plourde, running for Mayor of Ann Arbor, has already been the subject of front page news stories, been mentioned in US News and World Report, and gained the endorsement of Ron Paul. Not bad for a 19-year-old Libertarian politician. He's running against the 4-term Democratic Mayor, John Hieftje. He was the subject of a front page article in The Ann Arbor News, which can be seen here: http://blog.mlive.com/annarbornews/2008/04/libertarian_candidate_for_ann.html

    Eric is president of the College Libertarians at U-M. He's a political science major who hopes to go to law school. He's working hard on his campaign and generating a lot of excitement in Ann Arbor.

    Eric's campaign web site is www.EPforAA.com.

    Please consider supporting his campaign with your time and money. (You can donate on his web site.) Young Libertarian activists such as Eric are the future of our party, and this young man is sure to be a good investment!
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  4. New Newsletter Available Now! — by Greg Stempfle

    The May/June issue of the Michigan Libertarian is now available online at:

    Mailed copies will be delivered this week.
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  5. John Conyers and Richard LeBlanc are Unopposed — by Greg Stempfle

    We have a unique opportunity in Wayne County this year. Every race in Michigan that features one major party candidate is right here in Wayne County. There is no Republican running against John Conyers for Congress this year in his quest for his 22nd term in office. In Westland, incumbent Democrat Richard LeBlanc will be unopposed due to GOP candidate Sam Durante dropping out because of health concerns. In Detroit where the GOP is nonexistent, State House seats 3 though 12 feature only Democratic candidates, including 17 of them in district 7 alone.
    It is up to us, the Libertarian Party of Wayne County to not allow Conyers and LeBlanc a free ride to re-election. We still have a few weeks before our state convention on June 7th to recruit Libertarians to run in these races. Ironically, I was the chief proponent of moving our state convention later in the year, even getting the bylaws changed in order to make this happen. It’s time I put my money where my mouth is and deliver on this opportunity. The upside of running in a two-way race is you will receive more media attention than normal and you may find yourself being listed more often. When I ran against John Dingell in 2006, I was the only Libertarian in Michigan that had my name on the CNN and MSNBC ticker because there was no Republican that year. Unfortunately, I got beat by a Green once the Ann Arbor vote came in, but for a while I was a strong second place.
    Let’s take a closer look at these districts:
    • US Congress District 14 (John Conyers - D)
    This district covers west Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park, west Dearborn, Melvindale, Allen Park, Southgate, Riverview, Trenton, Gibraltar, and Grosse Isle.
    • State House District 18 (Richard LeBlanc - D)
    This district is the entire city of Westland.
    • State House Districts 3-12
    These districts lie within the city of Detroit.

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