LPM Online

September 6, 2005

  1. Upcoming Events

    September 13, 2005 - 00:00 AM
    City primary (for cities holding primaries)
    Location: Your local precinct.
    Contact: You local LP affiliate chair Phone: 1-888-FREE-NOW

    September 13, 2005 - 07:30 AM
    Monthly get-together of the Capital Area Libertarian Party. Drinks and dinner available. This month we will be showing the DVD "A More Perfect Union" which is availalbe for distribution to local schools. This is an award-winning film about the creation of the US Constitution which was signed on September 17, 1787. A new federal law requires education on the subject on this anniversary date for every federally-funded school.
    Location: Barley's American Grill,727 E Miller Rd., Lansing. Lower level.
    Contact: Will Tyler White Phone: 517 349-3806 Email: whitewi5@msu.edu

    September 14, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant, 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093 (just south of 12 Mile).
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 ext 2003

    September 17, 2005 - 00:00 AM
    Constitutional Education Required by Public Law 108-477, SEC. 111. (b) Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution. While the Libertarian Party of Michigan does not agree with the federal law requiring such an educational program, we do agree it is an important part of everyone's civic duty to know and understand the supreme law of the land. Educational DVD's with a copy of the Constitution to present to your local school are available from www.nccs.net, or Will White, who will also print you a personalized cover letter.
    Location: Every Federally-funded school in America.
    Contact: Will Tyler White Phone: 517 349-3806 Email: whitewi5@msu.edu

    September 28, 2005 - 6:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County general membership meeting. Nonmembers are welcome. Meeting starts at 7:30. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W.12 Mile, 2 blocks east of Greenfield, in Berkley.
    Contact: Leonard Schwartz Phone: (248) 546-3569 Email: chair@lpocmi.org

    October 12, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant, 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093 (just south of 12 Mile).
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 ext 2003

    November 08, 2005 - 00:00 AM
    City General Election.
    Location: Your local precinct.
    Contact: Your local LP affiliate chair. Phone: 1-888-FREE-NOW

    November 09, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant, 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093 (just south of 12 Mile).
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 ext 2003

    December 14, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant, 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093 (just south of 12 Mile).
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 ext 2003

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Two Hot Mayoral Races — by Nathan Allen

    Oakland County has two exciting mayoral races:
    Brian Kelly is running for Mayor of Pontiac and Councilman Fred Collins is running for Mayor of Berkley.
    When the Democrats saw how well Fred was doing, they threw an old school teacher and longtime Democrat activist into the fray. She has made the race more exciting than Fred had anticipated. Fred remains the frontrunner but he will need more support than he had originally planned. Please visit his website and find out how you can contribute to his campaign.
    Brian Kelly has been walking the city in an effort to talk to every likely voter. Brian is fighting to stay alive through the Primary Election which is being held on September 13th., just one week away! With a crowded field of 10 candidates and an unpopular incumbent Mayor, we know Brian is a longshot but we believe he does have a shot. We have already sent a mailing to the absentee voters and bought lawn signs. A mailing to all the likely voters was sent to the printer last Friday. Brian has already put up about $1,000 of his own money and is looking for support from Libertarians statewide to help keep his campaign in the black. Please visit his website and contribute whatever you can.
    Note for both campaigns:
    Campaign contributions are not tax deductible.
    There is a $500 limit from individual contributors.
    Contributions over $100 require that we report your occupation, employer and employer address.
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  3. Note From the Chair — by Nathan Allen

    Nidus Update:
    Greg Dirasian has been working hard with national to keep Nidus abreast with the ever changing RE Data Base. If there are any affiliate officers who don't have a user name and password and want one, contact me at chair@michiganlp.org

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