LPM Online

April 26, 2005


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Note From the Chair
  3. Libertarian Talk Radio
  4. Land Use Hearings in Hillsdale County

  1. Upcoming Events

    April 27, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County general membership meeting. Meeting starts at 7:30. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile, 2 blocks east of Greenfield, in Berkley.
    Contact: Leonard Schwartz Phone: (248) 546-3569 E-mail: Leonard@Schwartz45.com

    May 11, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the Libertarian Party are invited to attend. The meeting begins at 7:30, but feel free to join us for good food and conversation at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant. 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093. The Cutting Board is on the west side of Schoenherr south of 12 Mile Road.
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 x2003 E-mail: Marthos@yahoo.com

    June 8, 2005 - 7:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. All members of the Libertarian Party, their friends and family, and anyone interested in learning more about the Libertarian Party are invited to attend. The meeting begins at 7:30, but feel free to join us for good food and conversation at 6:30.
    Location: The Cutting Board Restaurant. 28655 Schoenherr Road, Warren, MI 48093. The Cutting Board is on the west side of Schoenherr south of 12 Mile Road.
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (248) 548-2500 x2003 E-mail: Marthos@yahoo.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Note From the Chair by Nathan Allen

    So how was your weekend? Mine had a very unexpected surprise. I’m the new Chair of the LPM.


    For those who missed the convention this past weekend, I’d like to bring you up to date. The LEC now consists of four officers and the five at-large directors have been replaced by five functional directors. All of the functional director positions were NOT filled at convention. I am looking forward to hearing from our membership and expect the vacancies to be filled. We are in need of a Communications Director, Newsletter Director and a Development Director. I hope to fill all of these positions at our first LEC meeting.

    Scotty Boman is our Vice Chair, James Hudler is our Secretary, and Will White has stayed on as our Treasurer. As for the functional director positions, Greg Dirasian is the Membership Director and Leonard Schwartz is our Political Director.

    The first formal meeting of the LEC will be at the Lansing office on June 12.

    I hope to meet with every affiliate before our first LEC meeting. I need to know what your expectations are of me and I’d like to let the membership know what my plans are for the coming year.

    One of my main concerns will be getting the LPM website cleaned up and updated. I envision our opening page to be a welcome page to non-members. Webmaster is quite a task and I’m hoping to put together a team of web experts.

    If anyone has any desire to help in any capacity this year, Email me at, chair@michiganlp.org.

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  3. Libertarian Talk Radio by Nathan Allen

    I recently received the following email. I am including it here for your information and your consideration. *****

    Would it excite you to know that you could have 100% Libertarian talk radio on in your market, LIVE 6 nights per week?

    It's possible. My name is Ian, and I host "Free Talk Live". Free Talk Live is a worldwide syndicated talk program, and myself and all of my co-hosts are Libertarians.

    We want to be #1, and we can be with your help.

    Here's what you can do:
    1. Listen to the show via our live stream, or our archives at http://freetalklive.com (All FREE!).
    2. Call your local talk stations and tell them you want to hear Free Talk Live 6 nights per week. You can find the numbers for your local talk stations here: http://radio-locator.com. Just enter your city and state and look for the "News/Talk" or "Talk" stations. Of course you can always use the yellow pages as well.
    3. If you like the show, sign up for our email updates to keep up on the latest about Free Talk Live at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freetalklive
    4. Tell at least two friends about Free Talk Live, and maybe forward them this email.

    Thanks for your time, and please email me at ian@freetalklive.com with the results of your phone calls to your local talk stations!

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  4. Land Use Hearings in Hillsdale County by James B. Parker, LP of South Central Michigan

    Unsuccessful in their secretive push two years ago to remove property rights with a "Soil Erosion and Sedimentaion Control" law, the Hillsdale County Commissioners are trying to grease us up and get ready for a much broader "Land Use Ordinance". To do this, they scheduled a series of hearings through Michigan State University.

    Key Points as of April 19:

    1. "Land Use Ordinances" will regulate your use of your land, and tax it, for example, with a sewer tax—but without elected Representation. Hillsdale County’s Planning board is appointed, not elected.
    2. Large farms are to be protected by government, in spite of presented data that these are the major sources of erosion, the subject of the County’s last unsuccessful effort to restrict people’s property rights.
    3. All other uses of the land will be severely restricted—that point was emphasized by County Planning Board member Deb Sikorsky. The government will tell you where you may have your home, farm, factory, and office.
    4. The stated goals are preservation of Hillsdale County’s rural nature.

    And controlled growth are achieved with nearly no public input, but plenty of input from the local planning board and County board members.

    I have attended these hearings, to clarify key points and raise objections.

    Also attending are Cary Champion of my affiliate, and two members of the Michigan Coalition for Return to Constitutional Government.

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