LPM Online

May 4, 2004


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Metro Detroit Office
  3. End Financial Corruption in Lansing

  1. Upcoming Events

    May 6, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County Monthly Business Meeting. Oakland County LP activist Leonard Schwartz is also scheduled to discuss the formalities of nominating candidates for public office. Dinner at 7pm; meeting/discussion at 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center), 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    May 6, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Wayne County monthly meeting. Guest Speaker: Tim Beck, chairman for Detroit Coalition for Compassionate Care. Find out about the medical marijuana ballot question facing Detroit voters this Auguust Primary.
    Location: City Tavern Restaurant, 14316 Michigan Ave, Dearborn. Meeting at 7:30, dinner orders at 6:30.
    Contact: Greg Stempfle Phone: (313) 929-1789 E-mail: stempfle@hotmail.com

    May 8, 2004 - 7:00 PM
    "Almost Banned Movie Night." A Libertarian Party of Oakland County fundraising event. Join us for a viewing of "Harry's War." "Harry's War" is the comedy/drama about a man who had finally had enough. Harry Johnson (played by Edward Herrmann) handles his tax problem like any sane patriotic American...he declares war on the Internal Revenue Service. It isn't for hate of paying taxes, but love of and defense for his "Aunt" Beverly (played by 1986 Oscar winner Geraldine Paige), who is being unjustly harassed by the IRS. Suggested donation: $10/person. This movie was released in 1981 and almost immediately withdrawn from the theaters. The stars were audited in an apparent effort to further suppress it.
    Location: LPM Headquarters in Hazel Park. 619 E. 9 Mile Rd., Hazel Park.
    Contact: LPOC Events Coordinator Phone: (248) 591-9733 E-mail: Events@LpocMi.org

    May 12, 2004 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County. Speaker to be announced. Public is welcome to attend for a night of good food and good conversation. Dinner starts at 6:30, meeting starts at 7:30.
    Location: Mile's World Restaurant, on the northeast corner of Masonic (13 1/2 mile) and Groesbeck.
    Contact: Jim Allison Phone: (586) 751-5619 E-mail: Allison10@comcast.net

    May 12, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    LP of Oakland County Executive Committee meeting. All dues paying members are encouraged to attend and participate.
    Location: LPM Headquarters, 619 E. 9 Mile Rd., Hazel Park.
    Contact: Nathan Allen Phone: (248) 891-3003 E-mail: chair@LpocMi.org

    May 13, 2004 - 7:00 PM
    Libertarian Party of West Michigan monthly meeting.
    Location: Club North Banquet Room at 1359 Plainfield NE; just North of Leonard in Grand Rapids.
    Contact: Membership Director Steve Van Til Phone: (616) 738-2807 E-mail: stevev@lpwm.org

    May 13, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Discussion night. Ann Arbor city issues; including the proposed city income tax, high property taxes and city funding of the Ann Arbor Transit Authority will be discussed.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center), 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    May 20, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    LPWC Work session. Preparation for mailing of newsletter and/or calendar. Dinner 7pm; meeting 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center), 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    May 26, 2004 - 6:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County general membership meeting. Meeting starts at 7:30. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. Twelve Mile, Berkley, 2 blocks east of Greenfield.
    Contact: Nathan Allen Phone: (248) 891-3003 E-mail: chair@LpocMi.org

    May 27, 2004 - 9:00 AM
    Libertarian National Convention from May 27 through May 30. For information go to www.lpconvention.org or write the national LP at 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20037
    Location: Atlanta, Georgia.
    Contact: Lawrence Johnson Phone: (734) 476-7817 E-mail: michlibertarian@comcast.net

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Metro Detroit Office by Leonard Schwartz

    The search for a less expensive Metro Detroit office is taking longer than expected. To save money, LPM will vacate its current office in Hazel Park at the end of May.

    If you have lent office equipment or furniture for the office and want it back, please remove it. If you don't have a key to the office, please contact me.

    If you live in the Detroit area and are willing to store office equipment or furniture until the new Metro Detroit office opens, please contact me.

    There may be a rummage sale at the end of May for whatever is left. If you are willing to help run a rummage sale, please contact me. The rest will be discarded.

    Leonard Schwartz



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  3. End Financial Corruption in Lansing by Mark Powell

    71st District State Representative nominee Mark Powell drafted a resolution which was adopted at the LPM State Convention on April 17. It details the corrupt practices of partisan politics in the Michigan Legislature which are paid for by the taxpayers of this state............ Mark brings experience and conscience to an issue that led to his becoming a Libertarian. He served as a staff member in the Michigan House of Representatives from 2000-2003. He saved every one of his e-mails from the day he was hired until about a few days before he left government service............ This and other evidence shows a total disregard for the taxpayer as Republican and Democratic field operatives are assigned to "vulnerable" districts around the state. These expenditures are Lansing's dirty little secret AND IT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES! Neither the press nor the major parties want to put an end to it................ Our neighboring state of Wisconsin had a similar system for funding a caucus system that was recently dismantled. As it is now the taxpayer is paying for salaries, benefits and supplies for political operatives. The time is now for our candidates to inform the voters on this matter. Our Libertarian candidates should make this a flagship issue for the fall - look for more on this in coming weeks on our website...................... It is immoral and a financial disgrace that in this time of a 1.7 billion dollar deficit, that our legislators would sacrifice Child Protection workers for Politician Protection workers. This resolution gives ammunition to each one of our House candidates and the state party to use truth, justice and fairness in the opening shot of the 2004 race.......................... To get involved or support Mark in this crusade for taxpayer justice, contact class77@concentric.net.

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