LPM Online

December 30, 2003


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Editor for the Michigan Libertarian

  1. Upcoming Events

    January 3, 2004
    Winter Solstice Party. Contact James Hudler for time and details.
    Location: James Hudler's house in Chelsea.
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: (734) 475-9792 E-mail: aguli@provide.net

    January 5, 2004 - 7:00 PM
    Kalamazoo-St. Joseph Valley Libertarian Party Regular Meeting (Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph Counties). Order to eat (optional) at 6:30. Open to the public.
    Location: T.G.I. Friday's Restaurant, 5650 W. Main, Oshtemo (at Main & Hwy 131, Kalamazoo)
    Contact: Gerald Phillips Phone: (269) 382-0927 E-mail: gaphillips@jasnetworks.net

    January 8, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County Monthly Business Meeting. Dinner at 7pm, meeting 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center) at 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    January 10, 2004 - 10:00 AM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County annual Strategic Planning Conference. Topics include: (1) recruiting new LPOC officers, (2) recruiting candidates for nonpartisan elections in the spring, (3) recruiting candidates for partisan election in November, (4) fundraising.
    Location: LPM HQ, 619 E. Nine Mile in Hazel Park
    Contact: Leonard Schwartz Phone: (248) 546-3569 E-mail: schwartz@michiganlp.org

    January 15, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Discussion of gun rights and freedom led by Cornelius Thorn.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center) at 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    January 20, 2004 - 7:00 PM
    Libertarian Discussion Group
    Location: Denny's Restaurant, 3817 E. Cork St., Kalamazoo (at Sprinkle Rd. & I-94).
    Contact: Gerald Phillips Phone: (269) 382-0927 E-mail: gaphillips@jasnetworks.net

    January 22, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Video night. Prime, evocative videos from Libertarian archives will be shown. Dinner at 7pm, videos 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center) at 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    January 28, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County annual convention. LPOC will elect new officers for 2004. Business meeting starts at 7:30. Optional dinner starts at 6:30.
    Location: Sila's Restaurant, 4033 W. 12 Mile, Berkley, 2 blocks east of Greenfield.
    Contact: Leonard Schwartz Phone: (248) 546-3569 E-mail: schwartz@michiganlp.org

    January 29, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Ayn Rand Birthday Celebration. Dinner at 7pm; party 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center) at 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    February 5, 2004 - 7:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County Business Meeting including yearly election of LPWC officers. Dinner at 7pm; meeting 7:30pm.
    Location: Cubs' AC Restaurant (located in the Colonial Lanes Bowling Center) at 1950 S Industrial Hwy, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Jeff Weber Phone: (734) 434-6486 E-mail: humanism@comcast.net

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Editor for the Michigan Libertarian by Bill Gelineau

    A fine Christmas present was given to the LPM this year as we have been able to find a top-notch candidate for one of our key positions. ---- Jamie Lewis agreed to accept the position of Newsletter Editor of the Michigan Libertarian, our regular printed newsletter. Jamie has wide experience in the printing field and has a strong reputation for completing tasks in a timely manner. He has been a Libertarian Party member for many years - serving in a number of capacities - currently the Vice-Chair of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan. We will have twice the benefit when Jamie takes over as Editor. ---- Tom Quinn, the former Chair of the LPWM and U.S. Congressional Candidate has accepted the position of Assistant Editor. Tom's background as the founder of a for-profit school and teacher make him keenly qualified to assist in the development, proofing, and editing of information. ---- Most exciting will be the addition of John Di Giacomo as Affiliate Pages Editor. John is a relatively new member who is also a student at Central Michigan University. He will be responsible for developing information from our affiliates. ---- Working together, this team will continue the ongoing improvement of the Newsletter. Please forward any suggestions or articles to newsletter@michiganlp.org. Also, I like to take this opportunity to thank Greg Stempfle for his service to the LPM as Editor this past year. Greg has returned to school to complete his Master's Program....and reluctantly asked for a replacement as Editor for some time. He continued to produce several issues of the newsletter while a successor was found. Greg's personal effort to produce a quality newsletter with fair-minded editorial judgment set a standard for others to follow. ---- Thanks, Greg, for all you've done for the LPM!

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