The LPM state convention will be held May 19-21 at the Clarion Hotel in Ann Arbor. As a LPM member, you should plan to attend this critical convention so you can: -Select Libertarian Party candidates to run in the November 7, 2000 general election -Elect delegates to the National LP convention to be held June 30 through July 4 in Anaheim, California. This is where the LP candidate for President will be selected -Elect LPM officers and a new Executive Committee for the coming year -Consider changes to the official platform and bylaws of the state party Because it is so important for you to be there, we are introducing some new plans to make it easier for you to attend: -Most party business will take place on Saturday so members can come just for one day without missing important voting. The cost to attend all events on Saturday is only $50 if registered by January 31 -Childcare will be available on Saturday-a first for a LPM convention! There will be organized activities, and the Clarion Hotel (formerly a Holiday Inn Holidome) has an indoor pool and game room so kids will have plenty to do supervised by trained childcare workers. -Programs are planned for a wide range of participants. Students, new party members, and guests may learn about the Libertarian Party and our stand on important issues by attending classes that will run concurrent with the business sessions. For students and young adults, there will be a pizza and swimming party late Saturday afternoon. And, for those who want to bring family and friends to hear our exciting speakers, guest tickets will be available for the Saturday luncheon, the banquet, and the Sunday brunch. (Guests pay the individual meal price; they do not have to pay the registration fee, but they will not receive a convention packet or credentials for voting.) -The bylaws and platform committees will meet in advance to review proposed changes, which should make the Saturday business session run more efficiently. -If you're running for public office, there will be a free candidate-training seminar with Barb Goushaw on Sunday. We'll even have a professional photographer on site to take your campaign photo. We need you to accomplish our convention mission, "Liberty Enlightening the New Millennium," so make plans now to be in Ann Arbor next May. Our prices are the lowest in years and a real bargain if you register early. All the information you need about the 2000 LPM Convention is on our website at www.mi.lp.org/conv/. This includes a printable registration form at www.mi.lp.org/conv/regform.htm. Just print that page, fill out the form and send it in with your payment to the address on the form. There are special discounted rates for registering before January 31, 2000 so register now!
The LPM state convention will feature a marketplace and exhibit area in the hotel atrium on Saturday, May 20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendors/exhibitors may rent tables for $20 each. Please contact Brett Cashman at BJCash@aol.com or 734-481-1354 for more information or reservations.
December 6, 1999 Press Release: Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County P.O. Box 1072 Owosso, Michigan 48817 Contact: Ben Steele III, 517-288-5616 LPSC: HONOR THE BILL OF RIGHTS ON DECEMBER 15 The Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County wants to remind the residents of our county to observe the passing of a very special anniversary on December 15: that of the official adoption of our Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights--the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution--was adopted on that day in 1791. On September 17, 1787, the original Constitution for the United States of America was signed by 39 of the 42 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. By June 1788, nine of the thirteen original states had ratified the Constitution, meeting the requirement for adoption set out by the Convention. However, a great many representatives of the states, including George Mason, one of the three delegates to the Constitutional Convention who refused to sign the Constitution, feared that the document did not limit enough the power of the newly created federal government. They insisted that certain individual rights be enumerated. On September 25, 1789, Congress transmitted to the state legislatures twelve proposed amendments, two of which, having to do with Congressional representation and Congressional pay, were not adopted. The remaining ten amendments became the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights protects, among other rights: the right to freely practice the religion of an individual's choice--or to not practice a religion at all--without compulsion or interference by the government; the right to possess firearms for the defense of oneself and the country; the right to be free from arbitrary searches and seizure of one's property; and the right to due process under the law. The ninth and tenth amendments further limit the power of the federal government to only those functions enumerated by the Constitution. If you value these freedoms, the LPSC suggests that you spread the word about Bill of Rights Day, the national observance of the 209th birthday of the Bill of Rights, on December 15. You might also pause on that day to reflect upon the importance of these rights and make a decision: are they important enough to keep?
The Libertarian Party of Oakland County, pleased by the three press mentions in response to their last press release, issued the following press release on Dec. 2, 1999, regarding a new program that is being proposed by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. A similar program is being proposed for Macomb County, and by the state of Michigan.
RELEASE: Just Say No to New Senior Ripoff ==========================================The Libertarian Party of Oakland County (LPOC) passed a resolution last night to oppose the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' 20/20 Rx program. The Board of Commissioners is researching a prescription drug program for seniors that will give seniors a 20% discount on prescription drugs for $20 per year. The LPOC asks, "Why?" The American Association of Retired Persons already offers a discount prescription program for $15 per year. A quick search of the Internet shows that there are many discount prescription programs available, as well as mail-order pharmacies that offer discounts greater than 20%. All of these are happy to give price quotes via their toll-free telephone numbers. The free-market has already solved a problem that the Commissioners have just realized exists. A mere two weeks since announcing that many seniors do not even know to dial 911 in case of an emergency, the Board of Commissioners proposes an over-priced, under-performing program which will probably also remain a mystery to seniors. What's the real reason for the Board of Commissioners proposing such a program? Are they polling poorly amongst seniors or trying to find some remedy for the ill-conceived 911 surcharge that will overburden these people? "Once again, I say shame on the Board for creating yet another unnecessary program," LPOC Vice Chair Greg Dirasian commented. "It is time that the Board of Commissioners realizes that they are more often the problem than the solution."
The LPOC is moving their interim meeting date from the usual December 8, 1999 to December 15, 1999. There will not be a general membership meeting this month.
DEARBORN. Michael Corliss, the only announced candidate for the Libertarian Party of Michigan nomination for U.S. Senate next year against Republican incumbent, Spencer Abraham, today expressed his shock and revulsion at a putative 'justice' system that could keep someone incarcerated for three years based on alleged evidence that was never disclosed to the defendant. "It is hard for me to believe that this kind of thing can actually go on in America," said Corliss, upon the release Nasser Ahmed, 38, an Egyptian national and court-appointed translator to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman who was convicted along with nine others of conspiring to blow up the United Nations building in New York. "This man has spent the last three years in prison based on evidence the federal government claimed to have, but refused to disclose?" Corliss asked in disbelief. "And now, after three years of his life have been taken from him, the [Department of Immigration and Naturalization] authorities say that 'upon further review' they have decided to drop the case! "It's just unfortunate that we don't yet have a Libertarian justice system," Corliss lamented. "Our platform calls for compensation for those whose prosecution does not result in a conviction," he observed. "Of course, money can never adequately compensate someone for three years of his life. But, at least, it's something. Under our current system Mr. Ahmed is not even entitled to so much as an apology!" Secret evidence is completely contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the United States Constitution and could not be used in any legal proceedings against American citizens. Recent changes to the law, however, have carved out an exception for non-citizens suspected by the federal government of being potential terrorists. "It used to be that the Statue of Liberty's torch shone as a beacon of freedom to the world," said Corliss. "In keeping with our traditions of natural rights we extended all of our constitutional protections to everyone who came into our country." Corliss also observed that the new policy of preventive detention based on secret evidence has been used almost exclusively against Arab Muslims. At least twenty more such "detainees" remain in federal custody. "And where is our Senator Abraham, self-proclaimed champion of the cause of immigrants in general and those of Arabic extraction in particular?" the LP candidate demanded. "Apparently," he answered his own question, "too busy politicking for his own reelection to be bothered with this travesty of justice against just a few people." |
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