The Libertarian Party of Michigan has launched an exciting lobbying campaign to force the state legislatures to return to the issue of our rights to carry concealed weapons! The first part of this effort is a two week schedule of radio advertising across the state aimed at getting people to contact their legislators on this issue either by calling them directly or to use our new web project, SpeakOutMichigan.org. SpeakOutMichigan.org is an internet based lobbying system that allows a user to send e-mail messages to their state legislators about a specific issue. Its similar to recent projects that the National LP used to fight for our financial privacy (www.DefendYourPrivacy.com) and to protest the war in Kosovo (www.StopTheWarNow.com). SpeakOutMichigan.org is also flexible so we can periodically update it to use to fight for a different issue, even to oppose or support a specific bill proposal. SpeakOutMichigan.org will also let a user send a referral letter to a list of friends and family's e-mail addresses encouraging them to participate in the project. This type of referral system will allow support for this project to mushroom throughout the state resulting in thousands of messages being sent to all of the state legislators! All it takes is a few minutes of your time to get the ball rolling. Please visit www.SpeakOutMichigan.org today and let your voice be heard! The following is the referral letter for you to send to everyone you know who has an e-mail address. Please sign it personally so as to distinguish it from spam e-mail. Thank you. -------------------------------------------- Everyone believes in the right to self defense. However, this right is meaningless if the law does not permit you the means to exercise it. That is why I am participating in an Internet campaign to convince our state legislature to bring Michigan in line with most of the rest of the country by adopting what is called the "Shall Issue" standard for obtaining a concealed carry permit. Basically, this simply means that we will return to the traditional standard of "innocent until proven guilty" when someone applies for a carry permit. This puts the burden of proof back on the government to show why an applicant ought to be denied (such as a criminal record or a history of mental illness) rather than treating all law-abiding citizens like some kind of children who have to beg for permission. We seem to be hearing and reading more and more often about a deranged individual somewhere going on a shooting spree and killing helpless, unarmed people -- sometimes a dozen or more before he either runs out of ammunition or armed police arrive and he can be stopped. As for the muggers, carjackers and other criminals, exhaustive studies have shown that permitting honest people to carry a concealed weapon results in a substantial decrease in violent crime. Furthermore, there is no evidence to show that average people will shoot each other over petty arguments or traffic accidents as is so often claimed by "gun control" advocates. And in any case the simple reality is that neither criminals nor the mentally unbalanced are going to pay any attention to the law anyway, whatever it may say. The result is that it is only the sane, law-abiding people who are left defenseless. Please forward this message to any friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, or other people you know who may be interested in this issue (but please don't forward it indiscriminately as "spam" will only hurt our campaign). Then go to http://www.SpeakOutMichigan.org and sign the petition. It will be submitted directly to both your Representative and Senator in the Michigan legislature. Thank you!
The following is the schedule we have purchased for our radio ads designed to push the state legislatures to take up the concealed carry issue before next year's elections. The schedule started Monday, October 11 and will run throught Sunday, October 24, 1999. DETROIT ADI WXYT -- 3p-6p M-F "Mark Scott" 12x/week 6p-8p M-F "Fieger Time" 4x/week LANSING ADI WJIM -- 6a-8p M-F "Chris Holman" 15/week (Rotator) "Dr. Laura" "Rush Limbaugh" "G. Gordon Liddy" "Sen. Phil Arthurhultz" 6a-Mid S-S (various) 10/week 1a-4a M-S "Bell" 21/week GRAND RAPIDS ADI WOOD -- N-3p M-F "Rush Limbaugh" 4/week 5:45a M-F "Limbaugh Update"* 1/week 5p-9p M-F "G. Gordon Liddy" 2/week 9p-Mid M-F "Reagan" 5/week Mid-5a M-F "Bell" 5/week 5a-1a S-S "Bell" 5/week * "Update" includes sponsorship billboard announcement: Brought to you by the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Call 1-800-ELECT-US for free information. SAGINAW-BAY CITY ADI WSGW -- Noon-3p M-F "Rush Limbaugh" 5/week 3p-6p M-F "Knowles" 5/week 1a-4a M-F "Bell" 15/week FLINT ADI WFNT -- 10a-2p M-F "Liddy" 5/week 2p-5p M-F "Limbaugh" 5/week 5p-8p M-F "Hamblin" 5/week 8p-11p M-F "Reagan" 5/week 1a-5a M-F "Bell" 5/week TRAVERSE CITY ADI WTCM -- 6a-Mid M-F Rotator 15/week 1a-4a M-F "Bell" 10/week
Here's your chance to make history with the Libertarian party of Michigan! Be a part of a successful Libertarian Campaign! You can make a difference. The Campaign to Elect Diane Barnes for School Board in is looking for 10 , (Or More) lucky Libertarian volunteers to do a lit drop in Eastpointe for Diane's campaign. The lit drop will take place at 10 am , Saturday, Oct 30. There are only a few spots open for energetic, activists. Change the world! Help get another Libertarian elected to office!! Call Diane Barnes 810-774-1625. Offer is for a limited time only. Call now!
Over 200 Libertarian Party candidates will appear on ballots in 22 states this fall - a record for an odd-year election. These heroes of Liberty have thrust themselves into the grueling task of campaigning - facing late hours, lost wages, and not nearly enough thank-you's for their efforts. If there are Libertarians running in your area, I urge you to contact them, and give them a big thank you for doing the hard work of Freedom as Libertarian candidates. Then show them you really mean it by offering your support with volunteer time or a donation. If you're not lucky enough to have a Libertarian candidate on your ballot this fall, I hope you'll assist one of the candidates below with a contribution in show of your support. While all of our candidates deserve our utmost support, these campaigns show some of our greatest promise for victories this fall, based on level of campaign activity, and the physical parameters of the race. Richard Bees is running a strong campaign for the Indianapolis City-County Council, District 7. Rich has a long history of involvement in his community and church, and is receiving help from diverse sources. He's been endorsed over the incumbent by the Fraternal Order of Police, and has support from the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, among other groups. If the Bees campaign is successful, Indianapolis would be the largest city in the country with a Libertarian on its council. The campaign needs additional funds to fully publicize the endorsements. Please help us send $4,500 to help Rich earn the 3,500 votes that should win this partisan election. Please go to http://campaign99.lp.org to make your contribution. Michigan's Rosemary Racchi, running for Roseville City Council, is one of four candidates running for three seats in the town. She is the only non-incumbent, the only woman, and the only senior citizen in a largely senior area. She is running an active campaign with fundraising, signs, and door-to-door work. We want to send $3,500 to Rosemary for Roseville to assist with additional targeted direct mail and other persuasion efforts to the senior population - but we need your assistance. Can you help elect this energetic Libertarian candidate by going to http://campaign99.lp.org and making your best donation? Also in Michigan, Diane Barnes is making a strong run for the East Detroit School Board. Diane is well known in her community as an education activist - and the incumbents are in hot water over financial mismanagement of the school system. Diane has a strong network of volunteers, both from her education efforts, and from a previous Libertarian campaign for the Statewide Board of Education. We hope to send $2,000 to Diane's campaign to help her win the 3,000 votes she needs for victory -- but we need your help to do it. Please go to http://campaign99.lp.org and make your best donation. In Ohio, Jim Schrader is running for Millcreek Township Trustee, where his family has lived since 1835. Jim has previously showed the worth of Libertarian policy on a local level by chairing the town's zoning board for two terms. One of his proudest achievements while on the board was the elimination of permit requirements for home-based businesses. Jim was the Libertarian Party of Ohio's candidate for U.S. Representative in '98, and received over 5% of the vote in that race. Only about 300 votes are needed to win the Trustee seat. We want to send the Schrader campaign $500 to assist with additional direct mail. Can you help us elect this dedicated Ohio Libertarian with your best donation today? Our budget for assisting these candidates will come from your contributions. To help them achieve victory, please go to http://campaign99.lp.org. But please do this right now! Our candidates need these funds immediately to ensure their success. If you prefer, you may call me at the office (202-333-0008, ext. 227) to make your contribution, or to ask for more information about our best bets for '99. Or print out and mail the form below with your donation -- but be sure to mail your donation today. On behalf of our candidates, thank you very much for your help. Ron Crickenberger Political Director Libertarian Party ================================================ ENCLOSED IS MY CONTRIBUTION OF: [ ] $1000 [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 [ ] $25 [ ] Other $________ LIMITATIONS: Contributions to political committees are not tax-deductible. Please make your check payable to "Libertarian Party" or provide the following information for credit card payment: [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa Card number________________________ Expires____________ Signature______________________________________________ Name___________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City_________________________ State____ Zip____________ Phone__________________________________________________ E-Mail_________________________________________________ Occupation_____________________________________________ Employer_______________________________________________ NOTE: Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, and occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. PLEASE ADDRESS YOUR ENVELOPE TO: E-mail Response Libertarian Party 2600 Virginia Avenue NW/Suite 100 Washington, DC 20037
Don't miss your last chance to reserve tickets for the upcoming LibertyFest awards banquet sponsored by the Libertarians of Macomb County! This is promising to be an exciting evening with the presentation of the LPM's "Defender of Liberty awards" and our keynote speaker, Libertarian journalist, James Bovard. The deadline for reserving your seats at the price of $45 each is October 15, 1999 so contact Marnie Edwards at 810-777-7468 or keithmarni@aol.com ASAP. After October 15 the price goes up to $55 each. For more information and a printable reservation form, see our web site at www.mi.lp.org/lf99.htm. |
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