LPM Online

October 5, 1999


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Oakland County Phone Tax
  3. Oakland County Meeting Place Moved
  4. Speak Out Michigan
  5. "Unionversal" Health Care For All?

  1. Upcoming Events

    October 5, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of LP of Wayne County. Libertarian candidate for Livonia City Council, Al Jalynski to speak
    Location: LaTrattoria Restaurant - Michigan Ave. Dearborn
    Contact: Joann Karpinski Phone: (313) 925-6917 E-mail: MOMJOANN@aol.com

    October 9, 1999 - 6:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPMWM. Dinner Program to be announced.
    Location: Kountry Kitchen Restaurant 1720 N. Mitchell St. Cadillac
    Contact: John Willis Phone: (231) 775-0187 E-mail: adsman@netonecom.net

    October 10, 1999 - 11:00 AM
    There will be an LPM mailing party at Barb Goushaw's house on Oct. 10th before, during and maybe after the LEC meeting. The mailing starts at 11AM and lasts as long after the 1PM meeting as it takes. Depends on how many people show up. Pizza will be provided. Please come and work and shoot the proverbail Libertarian breeze. The work involves stuffing and sealing envelopes. No experience necessary. We will train you. If you cannot reach Joann, call Stacy VanOast at810-784-8783
    Location: 19514 W 9 Mile Rd Southfield MI 48075-3931
    Contact: Joann Karpinski - Volunteer Coordinator Phone: (313) 925-6917 E-mail: MOMJOANN@aol.com

    October 10, 1999 - 1:00 PM
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee meeting. All members of the LPM are welcome, but if you are not an LEC member or one of its appointees, please let us know you are coming so we can accomodate extra persons, thank you.
    Location: Home of Barb Goushaw and Bruce Hoepner, 19514 W. Nine Mile Rd., Southfield (248-355-5058).
    Contact: Stacy Van Oast Phone: (810) 784-8783 E-mail: stacyvo@eesc.com

    October 11, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Gun Raffle Drawing will be held at the monthly meeting of the Libertarian Party of Livingston County. Social time from 6:30-7 p.m.; dinner from 7-8 p.m. with drawing for gun at 8 p.m. A few tickets remain at $2 a piece or three for $5.
    Location: Mexican Jones Restaurante, 675 W. Grand River, Brighton, MI
    Contact: Teresa Pollok Phone: (810) 229-0737 E-mail: tpollok@livingonline.com

    October 12, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Regular monthly meeting of the Libertarian Party of Lapeer and Genesee Counties. Trustees and local libertarians are welcome to come meet over dinner for Libertarian oriented conversation.
    Location: Whitey's Restaurant, about a mile or so north of I-69 on M15 in Davison
    Contact: Trish Marie Phone: (810) 742-7268 E-mail: trishmare@aol.com

    October 13, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    LP of Oakland County Executive Committee Meeting. All members welcome. Meet for dinner at 6:30PM, business begins at 7:30PM.
    Location: Sila's, 4033 W. 12 Mile Rd., Berkley. Sila's is located 2 blocks east of Greenfield on 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: Greg Dirasian Phone: (248) 592-9731 E-mail: greg@newsnetpipeline.com

    October 14, 1999 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM
    Location: Brann's on Leonard in Grand Rapids
    Contact: Erwin J. Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    October 20, 1999 - 6:00 PM
    Libertarians of Macomb County monthly meeting. Drinks and dinner at 6:00 PM, business begins at 7:00 PM. Kay Reisin, a Government Partnership Specialist working for the Census Bureau, will speak about the Census 2000 and it's activities. NOTE: this meeting was rescheduled from our normal date of October 13.
    Location: Heinzman's Heidelberg, 43785 Gratiot, Clinton Twp, just north of Mt. Clemens.
    Contact: Keith Edwards Phone: (810) 777-7468 E-mail: keithmarni@aol.com

    October 27, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    LP of Oakland County General Membership Meeting. Public welcome. Meet for dinner at 6:30PM, business begins at 7:30PM.
    Location: Sila's, 4033 W. 12 Mile Rd., Berkley. Sila's is located 2 blocks east of Greenfield on 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: Greg Dirasian Phone: (248) 592-9731 E-mail: greg@newsnetpipeline.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Oakland County Phone Tax

    There will be a meeting at the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Auditorium (1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac) on October 5, 1999 at 7:30 PM to provide information to, and get feedback from the public on the planned 911 telephone tax. This tax money will be used to upgrade the 911 system to pinpoint the location of cellular phone callers. Would you like to let the County know what you think of yet another tax? Here's your chance.

    The FCC is requiring all 911 plans to have the capability of automatically identifying the location of cellular phone callers by June 2000. See the national LP news release at: http://www.lp.org/rel/990922-phone.html for more details on this invasion of individual privacy.

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  3. Oakland County Meeting Place Moved by Greg Dirasian

    The Libertarian Party of Oakland County has a new meeting place, Sila's Restaurant in Berkley. Sila's is located at 4033 W. 12 Mile Rd., Berkley, two blocks east of Greenfield.

    The LPOC Executive Committee will meet at Sila's on October 13, 1999 at 6:30 PM for dinner, business begins at 7:30 PM.

    Don't miss the General Membership Meeting on October 27, 1999 at Sila's. Meet for dinner at 6:30 PM, business meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

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  4. Speak Out Michigan by Greg Dirasian

    Earlier this year, the national Libertarian Party launched their DefendYourPrivacy.com web site to halt the "Know Your Customer" rule that was about to be foisted upon our banks. DefendYourPrivacy.com was a resounding success, resulting in over 170,000 emails being sent, and a fast halt to a bad rule.

    Now, the Libertarian Party of Michigan, which has already made an impact with its radio ad campaigns, will be launching SpeakOutMichigan.org - a web site designed to make grass roots activism as simple as clicking a few buttons on your keyboard.

    LPM members have the opportunity to get a sneak peak at this web site and test it out before the official launch next week. Don't be afraid to click any buttons, email is sent to a test address rather than your legislator until the official launch next week. Check it out and let us know what you think.

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  5. "Unionversal" Health Care For All? by Sue Blevins, President, IHF

    At the same time that doctors are attempting to form unions nationwide, the nation's largest physician groups have banded together to push for universal health insurance for all Americans. They have launched a public campaign to make universal coverage the top priority in the 2000 presidential election.

    However, the coverage they want to ensure could really be a mandate on the American public. They want to force Americans to buy (or government to pay for) health insurance that covers "generally accepted standards of medical practice, supported by outcomes-based evidence."

    Who will define the standards? Who will define the outcomes? The new unions? Will our treatment choices be limited to only those approved by "peer-reviewed", union-backed journals?

    Imagine Universal Religion
    Can you imagine what would happen if the nation's largest religious groups banded together to declare that religion is a "right," and that all Americans should be forced to join a church that offers "generally accepted standards of religion, supported by outcomes-based evidence?" We would never tolerate such dominance over our religious decisions. Do we really want to allow such control over our health care choices?
    Watch for Rhetoric
    In the coming months, watch out for the buzzwords "universal" and "right to health care." This rhetoric might sound good. But mandatory universal coverage could strip Americans of their freedom to buy the health services they prefer. We might end up with "unionversal" health care for all.

    You can view the statement "All Americans Must Have Health Insurance" at the following Web site address:

    This article was originally published in the July/August
    1999 issue of "Health Freedom Watch", the bimonthly watchdog
    report published by the Institute for Health Freedom.
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