Don't forget! Just four days until the Fall, 1999 LPM Affiliate Leadership Conference. Prepare for success in the Year 2000... And Beyond! Saturday, September 18; 10 a.m. ‘til 6:00 p.m.* Location: La Seniorita Restaurant, 2706 Lake Lansing Rd (decent mid priced menu and alcohol if desired); It is extremely convenient. It is right off the Lake Lansing exit off of 127. It is on the west side of the freeway. NOTE: This location is in EAST LANSING, that information was left off of the flier that was distributed to local affiliates. Everyone in a leadership role in the LPM and its affiliates and anyone else interested in becoming more active in the party is encouraged to attend!
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the "Beyond Left and Right", An Introduction to Libertarianism seminar with our very own Tim O'Brien. This is a great opportunity to bring that friend and/or family member who is on the verge of becoming a Libertarianism to a forum where all of his/her questions can be asked and answered! Thursday, September 23, 1999, 7:00 PM at the Southfield Civic Center, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan. There is NO CHARGE, however, seating is limited. For more information, please call 248-299-5668.
How does someone win a prestigious "Libby"? Any LPM member can nominate a worthy local individual by submitting a brief essay (200 words or less) describing how the nominee is deserving of an award and has worked to advance the cause of liberty. Nominations must include the author's name, telephone number and address. Send entries to the LPM, 21835 Cherry Hill, Dearborn, MI 48124 by October 10, 1999. Send them in today! When do the winners receive the prestigious "Libby"? The awards will be given out at the 4th Annual "Defender of Liberty" banquet being hosted this year by Banquet Chair Diane Barnes and the Libertarians of Macomb County. The banquet will be held on Saturday, November 6th. Don't miss your chance to find out who takes the "Libby" home. Resrvation forms will be in the mail soon!
OPH Opportunity: WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Libertarian Party of Mid-Michigan will be conducting an Operation Politically Homeless Booth at the September 24-26 Gun and Knife Show at the Ingham County Fair Grounds in Mason. Operation Politically Homeless offers us an excellent opportunity to get the Libertarian message out and find new members. Even more so at gun shows, where people tend to have stronger Libertarian leanings. In exchange for working at the OPH Booth, you'll get free admission to the show. Here are the dates and times of the Gun Show. If you're a student and would like to work at the show, we can arrange for you to get a ride to and from the Fair Grounds. Fri, Sept. 24: 2 PM to 8 PM Sat, Sept. 25: 9 AM to 5 PM Sun, Sept. 26: 9 AM to 4 PM If you are available to work any one of these dates (2 or more hours preferred), please contact us as soon as possible. To volunteer or get answers to any questions you have, please either send e-mail to Mike Brinkman at brinkman@tcimet.net, or else call Michael Miller at 351-0514. Peace, Liberty & Prosperity, Mike Brinkman
The upcoming Leadership Conference ("Y2K Preparedness Conference") will be held in the city of EAST LANSING. This information was left off the flyer. I apologize for any confusion. See you all there! Ben Steele III
The Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County ran an Operation Politically Homeless booth at the Shiawassee County Fair in August. Response was tremendous! The LPSC gathered 81 names and passed out thousands of pieces of literature. Two-hundred ten people took the World's Smallest Political Quiz, with 79 of them (38%) scoring Libertarian! The areas where Shiawassee County residents agreed most were: Ending taxes; Protecting free speech; Free trade; and Establishing a non-interventionist foreign policy. The LPSC would like to thank everyone who played a role in making this outreach effort possible, and successful. |
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