LPM Online

May 25, 1999


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Pay back
  3. Libertarians of Macomb County have a new meeting location
  4. 1999 City Elections ... Hurry, Don't Be Late!
  5. Campaign 2k
  6. Help Wanted -- Researcher

  1. Upcoming Events

    May 26, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarian Party of Oakland County. Public Welcome! Speaker to be announced.
    Location: Eastside Mario's, on the west side of Southfield Rd., just north of 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: David Collver Phone: (248) 542-9274 E-mail: disarm01@aol.com

    June 1, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting - LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30. Program starts at 7:45pm.
    Location: La Trattoria Restaurant - Dearborn MI
    Contact: Joann Karpinski Phone: (313) 925-6917 E-mail: Ben45@aol.com

    June 9, 1999 - 6:00 PM
    Libertarians of Macomb County monthly meeting. Drinks and dinner at 6:00 PM, business begins at 7:00 PM.
    Location: Heinzman's Heidelberg, 43785 Gratiot, Clinton Twp, just north of Mt. Clemens.
    Contact: Keith Edwards Phone: (810) 777-7468 E-mail: keithmarni@aol.com

    June 9, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County Executive committee meeting. This meeting is open to all dues-paying members.
    Location: Eastside Mario's, on the west side of Southfield Rd., just north of 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: David Collver Phone: (248) 542-9274 E-mail: disarm01@aol.com

    June 10, 1999 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM
    Location: Brann's on Leonard in Grand Rapids
    Contact: EJ Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    June 12, 1999 - 6:00 PM
    The LP of MidWest Michigan will be holding its regular monthly meeting at the Kountry Kitchen Restaurant at 6PM on June 12th. Guest speaker to be announced. The Kountry Kitchen is located at the North End of Cadillac next to the Crystal Flash Station.
    Location: Kountry Kitchen Restaurant, 1920 N. Mitchell ST. Cadillac
    Contact: John Willis Phone: (616) 775-0187 E-mail: adsman@netonecom.net

    June 13, 1999 - 1:00 PM
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee meeting. All members of the LPM are welcome, but if you are not an LEC member or one of its appointees, please let us know you are coming so we can accomodate extra persons, thank you.
    Location: Home of Barb Goushaw and Bruce Hoepner, 19514 W. Nine Mile Rd., Southfield (248-355-5058).
    Contact: Stacy Van Oast Phone: (810) 784-8783 E-mail: stacyvo@eesc.com

    June 17, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Our agenda will be accompanied by a potluck dinner. We will see the Lady Liberty statue. (Yes, We own it!) The Van Buren County Libertarian Party welcomes all guests.
    Location: Bill & Barbara Bradley,s house, 746 Lee Street, South Haven
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: (616) 637-4525 E-mail: bbradley@cybersol.com

    June 19, 1999 - 10:00 AM
    Libertarians of Macomb County Adopt-A-Road cleanup of Metro Parkway between Schoenherr and Dodge Park.
    Location: Bank parking lot at the southwest corner of Schoenherr and Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights.
    Contact: Rosemary Racchi Phone: (810) 776-2214 E-mail: aljt3@aol.com

    June 22, 1999 - 4:00 PM
    June 22nd is the last day to file petitions or register as a candidate for City office elections on November 2, 1999. Please notify the LPM Campaign Chair of your candidacy.
    Location: City Clerk's Office.
    Contact: Doug MacDonald Phone: (734) 591-9117 E-mail: Doug_MacDonald@msn.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Pay back

    Late one night in Washington, D.C., a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into the path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs.

    "Give me your money," he demanded.

    Indignant, the affluent man replied, "You can't do this - I'm a U.S. Congressman!"

    "In that case," replied the robber, "give me MY money!"

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  3. Libertarians of Macomb County have a new meeting location

    The LMC has found a new meeting location for its June 9, 1999 monthly meeting. The new meeting location is Heinzman's Heidelberg, 43785 Gratiot, Clinton Twp, just north of Mt. Clemens. Join us for dinner at 6:00 PM and business at 7:00 PM.

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  4. 1999 City Elections ... Hurry, Don't Be Late! by Doug MacDonald

    Only city office races are on the November 1999 ballot. They are almost always non-partisan. They are the easiest races to win. Here’s how simple it is to get started:

    1) I called information for the Livonia Clerk’s phone number.

    2) Then I wasted 5 minutes wading through a long, worthless automated information system and finally just told the darn thing that I didn’t have a touchtone phone.

    3) Then I spoke with a live human being and asked:

    A) What offices are on the ballot this November? She replied: Mayor, Clerk, Treasurer, and 4 Council Seats.

    B) What are the requirements to become a candidate for one of these offices? She replied: You must be registered to vote in Livonia and bring a sponsor and $50 to the City Clerk’s office.

    C) Most cities require petitions signed by 50 or 100 voters, what is a sponsor? She replied: A sponsor is a registered voter in the City of Livonia. We don’t use any petitions. For my own amusement, I recapped: Oh, I get it, bringing a sponsor is kinda like an in-person, unwritten petition of one? She replied: Well, I guess so.

    D) When is the last day to get on the ballot for these offices? She replied: June 22, by 4 pm. There is a $50 fee for registering. And, if you want signs, there is a $50 fee required by a city signage ordinance. [Apparently, they like to include first amendment violations as an incentive to encourage people to run for office to repeal them.]

    The whole process took less than 15 minutes. But, time is running out!!! If you want to beat the deadline and get on the ballot for 1999, make that phone call today!

    The next time you wish to gripe about the local speed trap, the blight inspector, intrusive ‘fire,’ ‘health’ or ‘building’ inspections, etc., remember how easy it would have been for you to get on the ballot and work to end all that. What is the price of Liberty? If you don’t pay your own way, who will? There is no welfare program for Liberty.

    Mayor, City Clerk and Treasurer are full-time jobs, but city council is not. You can even keep your day job!

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  5. Campaign 2k by Doug MacDonald

    In November 1998, the LPM ran 95 candidates. We received more press coverage than ever before. This additional coverage resulted directly from running a large number of candidates. It foretells the emergence of the Libertarian Party as a credible political alternative. But, we’re not there yet …

    Our political party credibility is determined by the strength of our presence on the ballot. For voters to consider our candidates, we have to show them that we are a large, active, competent, professional force in the political arena. To secure their votes, we must have not only good Libertarian candidates, but also back them up with party credibility. For party credibility, we must have other Libertarian candidates all the way up-ticket (higher level offices), down-ticket (lower level offices), and cross-ticket (each district or seat for multi-seat body, such as city or county council, or the Michigan House).

    We won’t truly gain political party credibility until we have candidates in every race on the ballot. It is crucial that we expand upon our 1998 successes. So, as Campaign Chair, here’s my goal: Contest a majority of the seats in the Michigan House. This will give voters a REAL alternative.

    In surveys, over 50% of the population wants a third party. Of these, most want a party which is socially tolerant and fiscally responsible. We are exactly what they want. And, if they wake up on November 7, 2000 recognizing that the LP is exactly what they’ve wanted all along, I want to give them a real option, not a hyped up phoney one! To provide a real alternative, we must contest a majority of the seats in the Michigan House.

    Be a part of history in the making! Run for State Rep in 2000. If you plan to run for state rep in 2000, please inform me, Doug MacDonald, at 734-591-9117 of your candidacy, so that I won’t waste time recruiting a candidate for your district.

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  6. Help Wanted -- Researcher by Doug MacDonald

    I need to know when, if ever, a third party contested a majority of seats in the Michigan House of Representatives. Changes in election law in 1931 will make the research difficult. If you have time to do this research, please call me, Doug MacDonald, at 734-591-9117. I can give you some help with how to proceed. And, if you happen to be a political science student at a college requiring volunteer experience for credit/your degree, I am sure we can work something out that will help both of us accomplish our goals!

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