LPM Online

April 13, 1999


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. No Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County Meeting In April
  3. Clear Title
  4. Don't Miss Convention Discount
  5. Emily Salvette Visits Macomb County

  1. Upcoming Events

    April 13, 1999 - 7:00 PM
    Libertarian Party of Lapeer & Genesee Counties monthly meeting. Anyone interested in Libertarianism and politics is welcome to join us for an evening of conversation and good food. LPLG members will be on hand to answer questions for people interested in signing on as new members.
    Location: Whitey's Restaurant in Davison which is on M-15 about 1 mile North of I-69.
    Contact: Trish Marie Phone: (810) 742-7268 E-mail: trishmare@aol.com

    April 14, 1999 - 6:00 PM
    Libertarians of Macomb County monthly meeting. Drinks and dinner at 6:00 PM, business begins at 7:00 PM. Our program, featuring Emily Salvette, begins at 8:00 (see article below).
    Location: USA Grill and Bar (810-775-2220), 27454 Gratiot Ave., Roseville (between I-696 and 12 Mile Rd.)
    Contact: Keith Edwards Phone: (810) 777-7468 E-mail: keithmarni@aol.com

    April 14, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Libertarian Party of Oakland County Executive committee meeting. This meeting is open to all dues-paying members.
    Location: Eastside Mario's, on the west side of Southfield Rd., just north of 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: David Collver Phone: (248) 542-9274 E-mail: disarm01@aol.com

    April 15, 1999
    Tri-City Libertarian Party will be having their annual "Tri-City Tea Party" dumping symbolic tea into the waterways near all three Main post offices in the tri-city area. Libertarian minded people in our area are invited to join us, and encoraged to wear "tri-corner" hats.
    Location: All three Main post offices in the tri-city area(Bay City, 10-11:30am; Saginaw, 1:30-3:30pm; Midland, 5-7pm)
    Contact: Clint Foster Phone: (517) 667-TCLP E-mail: freelandmi@aol.com

    April 15, 1999 - 4:00 PM
    Information dissemination on IRS, taxes and regulatory folley, by Libertarians of Western Michigan.
    Location: Grand Rapids Main Postoffice on Michigan St, Downtown
    Contact: E J Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    April 17, 1999 - 1:00 PM
    Sam Adams Liberty Festival. Visit the LPWC website at http://www.mi.lp.org/wash/ for details.
    Location: Pittsfield Grange, Ann Arbor.
    Contact: Emily Salvette Phone: (734) 668-2607 E-mail: salvette@aol.com

    April 22, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Van Buren County Libertarian Party. We will helping the Grand Rapids group with their tax protest event. Call if you want a ride to Grand Rapids with us. We will be reporting on this event at the 4/22 meeting along with other things such as the Lady Liberty project.
    Location: Home of John & Linda Cohen, 401 North Shore Dr. South Haven
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: (616) 637-4525 E-mail: bbradley@cybersol.com

    April 24, 1999 - 9:00 AM
    I131 cleanup. I will probably be on the westbound lane earlier.
    Location: Bean and Bagels on College and Michigan in Grtand Rapids
    Contact: EJ Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    April 27, 1999 - 7:00 PM
    The Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County Welcomes MIKE HOBAN, Executive Director of Brass Roots, Michigan's most aggressive pro-gun organization. Mr. Hoban will be speaking about the bill currently before the Michigan legislature to modify the state laws regarding the carrying of concealed weapons. If you care about your right to keep and bear arms, you can't miss this event!!
    Location: Morrice Community Center, 101 Mason Street, Morrice
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: (517) 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    April 28, 1999 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly meeting of the Libertarian Party of Oakland County. Public Welcome!
    Location: Eastside Mario's, on the west side of Southfield Rd., just north of 12 Mile Rd.
    Contact: David Collver Phone: (248) 542-9274 E-mail: disarm01@aol.com

    April 30, 1999
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Annual Convention, April 30 thru May 2, 1999. See our web site at www.mi.lp.org/99conv/ for details.
    Location: Ramada - Southfield, International Hotel & Convention Center, 17017 West Nine Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075-4566, 248-552-7777
    Contact: Pam Collins Phone: (248) 542-6885 E-mail: HRHCollins@aol.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. No Libertarian Party of Shiawassee County Meeting In April

    Due to the LPSC event to be held in Morrice on April 27 (please see Calendar of Events), the LPSC will not hold its regular meeting on April 17. The next meeting of the LPSC will be on May 15 at Nancy's Family Restaurant in Durand.

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  3. Clear Title

    A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client. He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the lawyer three months to track down. After sending the information to the FHA, he received the following reply (actual letter):

    "Upon review of your letter adjoining your client's loan application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have prepared and presented the application, we must point out that you have only cleared title to the proposed collateral property back to 1803. Before final approval can be accorded, it will be necessary to clear the title back to its origin."

    The lawyer responded as follows (actual letter):

    "Your letter regarding title in Case No. 189156 has been received. I note that you wish to have title extended further than the 194 years covered by the present application. I was unaware that any educated person in this country, particularly those working in the property area, would not know that Louisiana was purchased by the U.S. from France in 1803, the year of origin identified in our application. For the edification of uninformed FHA bureaucrats, France acquired title by Right of Conquest from Spain. The land came into possession of Spain by Right of Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route to India by the then reigning monarch, Isabella. The good queen, being a pious woman and careful about titles, almost as much as the FHA, took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before she sold her jewels to fund Columbus' expedition. Now the Pope, as I'm sure you know, is the emissary of Jesus Christ, who is widely regarded as the Son of God. And God, it is commonly accepted, created the world including, I believe it is safe to presume, that part called Louisiana. He, therefore, would be the owner of origin. I hope you find His original claim to be satisfactory. Now, may we have our loan?"

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  4. Don't Miss Convention Discount by Ben Bachrach

    To receive the published discounts for the LP of Michigan Convention and Success '99, your reservation must be received at the
    LP of Michigan Mail Processing Center
    604 N. Vernon
    Dearborn MI 48128-1553
    by 4/21/1999.

    Any meal reservations after that date will be on an as-available basis.

    Pam Collins suggests you mail your reservations by 4/17/1999 to insure that they arrive by 4/21/1999.

    If you need another registration form visit the LP of Michigan WebSite.

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  5. Emily Salvette Visits Macomb County

    Emily Salvette, former LPM Chair, Vice-Chair, Affiliates Director, and long-time Libertarian activist/organizer will be joining the Libertarians of Macomb County on Wednesday, April 14. She will share stories of Libertarian successes and of Libertarian not-so-successes, from the perspective that practically anything is worth trying if it helps us achieve our goals of affecting local politics, electing Libertarian candidates, growing LP membership, or raising money. Her stories are sure to warn us of potential pitfalls and remind us of basic organizing rules. Her organizational expertise and sense of humor are sure to motivate and encourage us to continue our diligent efforts with renewed energy and a positive spirit.

    So... if you're ready to shake off the post-election-year, post-winter blues and get ready for another hard-hitting, fun-filled year of Libertarian activism, be sure to join us at the USA Bar and Grille on April 14!

    Contact Stacy Van Oast for more info: stacyvo@eesc.com

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