1. I resolve to sell liberty by appealing to the self-interest of each prospect, rather than preaching to people and expecting them to suddenly adopt my ideas of right and wrong. 2. I resolve to keep from being drawn into arguments or debates. My purpose is to inspire people to want liberty -- not to prove that they're wrong. 3. I resolve to listen when people tell me of their wants and needs, so I can help them see how a free society will satisfy those needs. 4. I resolve to identify myself, when appropriate, with the social goals someone may seek -- a cleaner environment, more help for the poor, a less divisive society -- and try to show him that those goals can never be achieved by government, but will be well served in a free society. 5. I resolve to be compassionate and respectful of the beliefs and needs that lead people to seek government help. I don't have to approve of their subsidies or policies -- but if I don't acknowledge their needs, I have no hope of helping them find a better way to solve their problems. 6. No matter what the issue, I resolve to keep returning to the central point: how much better off the individual will be in a free society. 7. I resolve to acknowledge my good fortune in having been born an American. Any plan for improvement must begin with a recognition of the good things we have. To speak only of America's defects will make me a tiresome crank. 8. I resolve to focus on the ways America could be so much better with a very small government -- not to dwell on all the wrongs that exist today. 9. I resolve to cleanse myself of hate, resentment, and bitterness. Such things steal time and attention from the work that must be done. 10. I resolve to speak, dress, and act in a respectable manner. I may be the first Libertarian someone has encountered, and it's important that he get a good first impression. No one will hear the message if the messenger is unattractive. 11. I resolve to remind myself that someone's "stupid" opinion may be an opinion I once held. If I can grow, why can't I help him grow? 12. I resolve not to raise my voice in any discussion. In a shouting match, no one wins, no one changes his mind, and no one will be inspired to join our quest for a free society. 13. I resolve not to adopt the tactics of Republicans and Democrats. They use character assassination, evasions, and intimidation because they have no real benefits to offer Americans. We, on the other hand, are offering to set people free -- and so we can win simply by focusing on the better life our proposals will bring. 14. I resolve to be civil to my opponents and treat them with respect. However anyone chooses to treat me, it's important that I be a better person than my enemies. |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| You are encouraged to redistribute this commentary as long as proper attribution is given to the author and LibertyWire is credited as the source. LibertyWire is a service of the Harry Browne 2000 Exploratory Committee 3509 Connecticut Avenue NW / Suite 2000 Washington, DC 20008-2470 Mailto:LibertyWire@HarryBrowne2000.org or mailto:JackDean@HarryBrowne2000.org or visit http://www.HarryBrowne2000.org |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
WARNING! PLEASE READ IMMEDIATELY! THIS IS SERIOUS! If you get an envelope from a company called the "Internal Revenue Service," DO NOT OPEN IT! This group operates a scam around this time every year. Its letter claims that you owe them money, which will be taken and used to pay for the operation of essential functions of the United States government. This is untrue! The money the IRS collects is used to fund various inefficient and pointless social engineering projects. This organization has ties to another shady outfit called the Social Security Administration, which claims to take money from your regular paychecks and save it for your retirement. In truth, the SSA uses the money to pay for the same misguided make-work projects the IRS helps mastermind. These scam artists have bilked honest, hard working Americans out of billions of dollars. Don't be among them!
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I wanted to remind you all about the 2nd Annual LPM Affiliates Contest. The deadline for entries is February 15. Entries should be mailed to me, Stacy Van Oast at 26161 Dayton Road, Richmond, MI 48062. I need them by Feb 15 so that I can have the winner's banner ready in time to present *at* the convention May 1. Contest guidelines are below, contact me (stacyvo@eesc.com or (810)784-8783) if you have any questions. Here is a list of things the judges are looking for: Membership: Growth, participation of members, outreach for new members, renewal program/success, database maintenance, inquiry packets, follow-up programs (inquiries, new members, new meeting attendees) Political Activity: campaigns/candidates, individual members participation in community, affiliate participation in community/government Newsletter: Published regularly, quality (appearance, style), content (pertinent, interesting, exciting -- does it make members proud to belong and nonmembers want to join?) Finance: Budget/plan, fundraising program/events, what is money being spent on Meetings: Held regularly, productive, social incentive, defined purpose of meetings (and is purpose achieved?) Media: Media plan, press releases, affiliate coverage, letters to editor (with L-word) Leadership: Organization, professionalism, strategy/goals, success, assistance to new or neighboring affiliates ***There are several purposes for this contest. One is to encourage each affiliate to maintain a log of what they've done. This helps new and potential members see what you've been up to, it helps future leadership see what's been done and how, as well as how well it has worked. The entries/notebooks/journals provide bragging rights -- they'll be displayed at the convention for everyone to peruse. The contest should encourage a little bit of friendly competition between the affiliates. It should provide a forum for sharing successes, so that the successes can be emulated by other affiliates so that liberty will spread and membership will grow. The contest should provide guidelines, helping affiliates focus and get things done! It should be fun fun fun!!!! So enter enter enter!!!! ***The prize, as you may recall, is a banner with the winning affiliate's name and the fact that they won the contest. Tri-Cities LP won the contest in '98. ***Entries should be in the form of a "scrapbook" and can include any evidence to support that your affiliate has done the things suggested above (agendas, flyers, membership statistics, sample renewal letters, budgets, etc.). Have fun and be creative!!!! Thank you! Stacy Van Oast |
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