LPM Online

December 15, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Banking on the LP
  3. Wayne County Smoking Ban

  1. Upcoming Events

    December 15, 1998 - 6:00 PM
    The LP of Oakland County invite everyone to our 2nd Annual Christmas Party. We'll have great food, good company and dancing. Donation of $10 accepted by mail or at the door. Walkin's will be welcome, but if you know you're going to be there, please RSVP by December 7th.
    Location: Polish-American Cultural Center NW Corner of Maple(15 mile)and Dequindre
    Contact: Lorna or Dorothy Phone: (248) 588-6103 E-mail: LPOC2000@aol.com

    December 17, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    The Libertarian Party of Van Buren County meeting is cancelled. See you on the third thursday evening of next month. Call if you have any questions.
    Location: CT's Restaurant (M140 & Blue Star Hwy)
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: (616) 637-4525 E-mail: bbradley@cybersol.com

    May 1, 1999
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Annual Convention, May 1-2, 1999
    Location: TBA
    Contact: Pam Collins Phone: (248) 542-6885 E-mail: HRHCollins@aol.com

    June 30, 2000
    Libertarian Party Presidential Nominating Convention held June 30 to July 3, 2000.
    Location: Aneheim, California
    Contact: National LP Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext 227

    November 7, 2000
    Election Day - Don't forget to vote!
    Location: Precinct polling places across the state
    Contact: Your Libertarian Candidates Phone: (248) 740-0292

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Banking on the LP by Greg Dirasian

    I was reminded by the Wall Street Journal last week, that I have only a few days left to convert my IRA to a Roth IRA to take advantage of a tax deferral. For those of you who are unfamiliar, contributions to a Roth IRA are not tax-deductible, but the money is not taxed when you take it out of a Roth IRA.

    If I convert my regular IRA to a Roth IRA, I will have to pay income tax on the entire amount. I can convert at any time, but if I do it be the end of the year, I can spread the tax liability out over 4 years.

    I've been contributing to my IRA since I graduated from U of M in 1981 (17 years ago). Conversion would cost me a lot of money. It would also make an assumption that the tax system would not change by time I am ready to start drawing from my IRA - some 25 years from now.

    I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is. I believe that the LP will continue to grow. I believe that we will have more electoral success. And, I believe that we will repeal the income tax before I start drawing from my IRA.

    I have put a lot of time and money into the Libertarian movement. I have been a pledger since 1995 and plan to continue doing so. Now, I am betting my future on it as well.

    It's kind of like the old saying: The chicken is involved in breakfast, the pig is committed.

    Now, I am committed.

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  3. Wayne County Smoking Ban by Greg Stempfle

    Fellow Libertarians,

    On Thursday, December 17, the Wayne County Board of Commissioners will vote upon a resolution that would ban smoking in all restaurants, bars, and other public facilities. This presents a opportunity to show everybody that the LP is serious about out Smokers Right's campaign. I am planning on attending the meeting and encourage as many of you who can to also come.

    Contact me at gstempfl@gopher.chem.wayne.edu or 313-565-4407 if you want more information.

    Greg Stempfle

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