LPM Online

December 1, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. “Liberty Matches” Are Back!

  1. Upcoming Events

    December 3, 1998 - 6:45 AM
    Take pledge calls, schmooze with the local TV stars.
    Location: Eberhardt Center. Ch 35 has a fundraiser, and LPWM will take pledge calls. They provide all sorts of food, drinks etc. We need 10 members. It's a lot of fun.
    Contact: Erwin J> Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    December 10, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    LPWM will have a plenary session to allow members ot socialize, plan the next year, etc. Dinner for those who want it will be at 6:30, and the meeting begins at 7:30
    Location: Brann's dining room downstairs
    Contact: Erwin J. Haas Phone: (616) 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    December 15, 1998 - 6:00 PM
    The LP of Oakland County invite everyone to our 2nd Annual Christmas Party. We'll have great food, good company and dancing. Donation of $10 accepted by mail or at the door. Walkin's will be welcome, but if you know you're going to be there, please RSVP by December 7th.
    Location: Polish-American Cultural Center NW Corner of Maple(15 mile)and Dequindre
    Contact: Lorna or Dorothy Phone: (248) 588-6103 E-mail: LPOC2000@aol.com

    December 17, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting of the Libertarian Party of Van Buren County. Meeting will follow group dinner.
    Location: CT's Restaurant (M140 & Blue Star Hwy)
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: (616) 637-4525

    November 7, 2000
    Election Day - Don't forget to vote!
    Location: Precinct polling places across the state
    Contact: Your Libertarian Candidates Phone: (248) 740-0292

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. “Liberty Matches” Are Back! by Stacy Van Oast

    Remember the wildly successful book matches promoting the Libertarian Party’s “hands-off” position regarding tobacco? Well, due to popular demand... they’re back! And, once again, **we need your help distributing them!!**

    The project, which consisted of leaving boxes of 50 books of matches at smoke shops, bowling alleys, and bingo halls, was a huge success. The affiliates and volunteers did a terrific job of distributing the matches, and the store-owners (and apparently their customers!) LOVED them!

    These matches are available FREE OF CHARGE and are being distributed through LPM affiliates and contacts. All you have to do is pick them up and get them out!

    Matches will be shipped to the following “distribution centers” and should arrive sometime before Christmas. Affiliate chairs should order their supply of matches and make all arrangements to pick matches up from the nearest distribution center. Individuals should then contact the Libertarian affiliate nearest them to pick up a supply of matches and have fun!

    10 cases Tim O’Brien; TObrien321@aol.com or (313)562-5778; Allen Park -- Wayne, Macomb, Livingston, Oakland, Washtenaw, S. Central

    6 cases Dick Whitelock; (616)527-9263 or 527-4222; Ionia -- Ionia, Shiawassee, Mid-Mich, Tri-Cities, Lapeer/Genessee

    1 case Jim Anderson; User999186@aol.com or (616)334-3037; Traverse City -- Traverse City, Alpena, Muskegon

    1 case Bob Black; (906)875-3913; Crystal Falls -- Upper Peninsula

    2 cases Bill Gelineau; gelineau@iserv.net or (616)249-9735; Grand Rapids -- West Michigan, Muskegon, Van Buren, Berrien, Kalamazoo

    These are only suggested distributions -- pick the matches up from wherever it’s most convenient for *you*. It is your responsibility, however, to make all necessary arrangements to get the matches for your affiliate and then out to your members.

    Thank you everyone for making this project such a success last time! Have fun!

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