Each week this newsletter goes out I get a number of them returned as undeliverable by various e-mail servers. This is usually because a subscriber has canceled an e-mail account, although sometimes it can be a one time error somewhere along the net. I have instituted a practice of waiting for 3 weeks of returned mail before canceling someone's subscription. The waiting period is to insure that the e-mail account is indeed closed, not just a full mailbox error or some other error. If you are planning on canceling or changing your e-mail address I would appreciate it if you let me know at markheil@flash.net so I can make sure your subscription to the LPM Online newsletter continues uninterrupted. Thank you.
Citing its opposition to "the initiation of force as a means of achieving social or political goals," the Libertarian Party of Mid-West Michigan adopted a resolution opposing the slated expansion and improvement of Manistee County Airport, at its monthly meeting on October 10th. The resolution; which comes in response to the county's ongoing efforts to expand the airport by taking land from private owners, refers to the planned improvements as, "...a severe perversion of the legitimate functions of government, for the benefit of special interests." It not only calls upon the Manistee County Commissioners to. "...immediately terminate all plans for airport expansion or improvement," but also calls for the sale of all county assets connected with the airport to "...PRIVATE, individuals, groups, or corporate entitities. "The Board's insistence that the planned improvements constitute, "a matter of public necessity," is ludicrous," said Party Chair, Brian Kluesner in a letter to the commissioners. "The real debate isn't whether or not the airport needs improvement but whether it should be publicly owned and operated or privately owned and operated, and since the very existence of the airport represents no more of a public necessity than any corner gas station, the choice should be crystal clear." "This expansion scheme is just the kind of political pandering and bureaucratic brutality that libertarians would love to eliminate," explained Kluesner. "The only difference between this board's actions, and those of the average street gang, is that the board has the force of government at its disposal. I only hope that the young people of Manistee County won't follow the board's example, because no matter how you try to justify it; MIGHT, DOES NOT, MAKE RIGHT."
On Sunday, October 1998, I attended the ASMSU Debate at the Kellogg Center. I was there as an uninvited candidate. As I had predicted, the student attendence was fairly insignificant (perhaps 40 students were there at the beginning, and quickly diminshed after each debate), and most of them were there in support of either democrat or republican candidates. At one point, I was approached by two ASMSU officers, who called me by name. I was told "Mr. Brinkman, we're sorry, but this debate is for MSU Students, candidates and their staff only." I told them I was a candidate, and told them that I intendend to stay. I said they could call security if it was a concern to them, and they told me that would be their only option if I insisted on staying. Since I am not into publicity stunts, and realized it would not do anything to advance our cause, I informed them that I would be leaving on my own before the debate began, but I would like to say goodbye to some of the students I had spoken to. After talking with some of the students, I spoke with a reporter from the State News, informing her that I would not be participating and was asked to leave. I was then approached by the same ASMSU officers and was informed I could stay. When the reporter asked why I had been asked to leave, one ASMSU officer replied "We thought he was someone else." This in spite of the fact that they had referred to me as Mr. Brinkman just a few moments ASMSU claimed that inviting all candidates would have increased the cost—which may have been the case for only for the MSU Board of Trustees debate—the stage had four microphones available for all races, including 8th Congressional District, 25th Michigan Senate District and 70th Michigan House District. That means that at any time for those races, the stage could have easily accommodated all candidates. Perhaps the most rediculous instance was my race, for the 70th District. Laura Baird was the only candidate on stage. I had approached Ms. Baird prior to the debate, and told her that she would have to request that I be included. She declined to take this action—obviously she was not interested in debating me either. The most frustrating part of the whole event is that I am the only candidate who is an MSU Alumnus. Almost as frustrating was the fact that the MSU student body was subjected to a bland, uninformative and downright boring debate which did little to inform them or discuss alternatives to the Republicrats' fairly uniform standpoint. I would recommend to all those who receive this to take the following actions: If you are an MSU Student, you should request a full refund of your $10 ASMSU tax. Likewise, you should write to the State News about ASMSU and the poor job they are doing representing your interests, and the patent unfairness of the debate. If you are an MSU Alumnus, please write to the Alumni Association and let them know about your disgust over Michigan State Univerity's policy of non-inclusion for candidate debates. Peace, Liberty & Prosperity, Mike Brinkman |
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