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The following is a message from Laurel Pietrangelo, the recent widow of patriot and Libertarian activist Jim Pietrangelo. Jim made the following special request to Laurel, and she has asked me to make sure that this invitation is extended to friends around the state Before Jim died, he asked that Laurel have a party sometime after he passed away, with all their family and friends. Laurel has gotten the special band he requested and set a date, and now wishes to invite all their friends to join in the celebration on Friday, August 28, 1998. The party will be held in conjunction with the Brass Roots' Brass Cajones Awards Dinner on Friday, August 28 at Vladimirs, 28125 Grand River at 8 Mile Road in Farmington Hills (248)477-8050. Cocktails will begin at 6:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m., and the awards will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For more information, call 1800-555-GUNS. Mark Scott from WXYT radio will be the guest presenter of the awards, and Laurel will be accepting a Lifetime Achievement Award honoring James Pietrangelo. Other award winners include Arlynn Afton of the Families of Michigan for Concealed-Carry; Don McClure of the Elk Rapids Sportsmen's Club; Glenn Williams from Michigan Big Game Hunters; and Scott Johnson, an extraordinary activist. Please spread the word and hope to see you there! Stacy Van Oast
Please join me for a wide ranging discussion about the Party, where we've been, and where we are going! It's the political cloakroom!! WHAT: Libertarian Party Forum Chat on America Online WHO: Mark Tuniewicz, LP National Treasurer (special guest LP host) WHERE: Cloak Room public chat area (use keyword LIBERTARIAN, then double-click the list item "Enter the Cloak Room for Libertarian Chat...", followed by double-clicking "The Cloak Room") WHEN: 9-11PM ET, Wednesday, August 19th, 1998 (this is the normal weekly time). As libertarian guest host, I'll be responsible for specific libertarian content: topics, perspective, and spin. The Cloak Room is normally the home of continuous, "cocktail party" style chat, with up to 47 members at any one time (including hosts) keeping several interesting conversational threads going simultaneously. During Libertarian Party Forum Chat, we typically introduce several "formal topics," chosen by the hosts for their timeliness and amenability to libertarian analysis. But we also accommodate random topics, raised by the members in the room. For all topics, formal and extemporaneous, we try to illuminate the issues and ideas under discussion from a libertarian perspective. If you've never attended one of these regular weekly sessions, give it a try! MAT
I've added a new area to the LPM web site. I've named it "In Our Own Words" and its meant to be a collection of articles, letters and essays written by members of the Libertarian Party of Michigan. The topics can cover any part of Libertarianism, libertarianism, government, politics and philosophy. You can get to the site via the links on our home page or go directly to http://www.coast.net/~lpm/ourwords/ Currently you can enjoy two thoughtful essays written by Mark Owen and Eric Wojciechowski. I plan to add more as they become available. If you would like to contribute any article, essay or letter that you have written, please send it to me for consideration at markheil@flash.net.
At its August 12, 1998 meeting, the Libertarians of Macomb County elected a new Vice Chair to fill the vacancy left by Gary Bora who resigned due to relocating out of the county. The LMC elected Laurel Pietrangelo to fill the spot. Laurel is a long time activist for libertarianism and we are looking forward to her involvement as an officer of the LMC.
Every Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM PST. I am the official host of Microsoft Networks (MSN) "Political Libertarian Chat" . Now anyone with Internet, and IRC chat capabilities can join in, even if you don't have MSN access. If you have IRC Chat access look for Political Libertarian Chat in the Brainstorm2 Room. If you don't go to http://irc.msn.com/vchat/features.htm and download the VChat software, you don't need to use the Comic Chat ( I don't) to get it. This web site will walk you through the process. I hope you can find it! See ya later, Mark Hilgenberg (Hilgi) Vice Chair Libertarian Party of Orange County
1. URGENT! Republicans Attack Libertarian Party Ballot Access Despite a record 61,009 signatures to meet a 25,000 signature requirement, the ballot access petition filed by the Libertarian Party of Illinois is being challenged by the Republican Party. The Republicans are claiming that less than 20% of the signatures filed by the LPI are valid. Internal checks by LP officials show a validity rate well in excess of 60%. The challenge is seen as a desperate attempt by the Republicans to keep Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Jim Tobin off the ballot. Tobin, a well-known anti-tax activist, sought the Libertarian nomination after Republican Governor George Ryan reneged on his public, written commitment to support placing Tobin's Tax Accountability Amendment on the ballot. Tobin plans to make Ryan's broken promise a key issue in the campaign, which Republicans fear will cost them the election. The GOP issued a vicious press release attacking Tobin, calling him a "rogue candidate" who filed "bogus signatures," and "demonstrated a blatant disregard for election law." In one of the most malicious attacks ever against a Libertarian candidate, the Republicans go on to accuse Tobin of trying to buy a political base, of forgery, and of running a hollow and self-serving campaign. The Republicans hope that the Libertarian Party lacks the manpower and money to successfully defend against the challenge. The drive has already cost the national LP $18,000 -- nearly half of the money spent on ballot access this year. The Illinois party has spent even more, in addition to collecting over 25,000 volunteer signatures. To defend against the challenge, LP volunteers may have to spend weeks watching over the State Board of Elections as each challenged signature is checked, and ruled valid or invalid. An LP member must be on hand to immediately challenge a decision to invalidate a signature, or else valid signatures may be wrongfully thrown out. This is a direct attack by the Republicans on the right of our candidates to appear on the ballot! We have to fight back against this assault on our candidates. They have sacrificed sleep, wages, vacations, and family time to represent us in the election, and we cannot let them down by allowing this fraudulent Republican assault to succeed. We've spent over $42,000 this year on ballot access, including $18,000 so far in Illinois -- but $30,000 of that was in July alone. Our ballot access coffers are dry. To have the resources we need to defend our right to appear on the ballot in Illinois, to complete the drives we are funding now, and to stay on track for 50-state status in 2000, we must raise $46,000 in ballot access funds immediately. Can you please help secure our candidates' right to the ballot? Please call either Ron Crickenberger (202-333-0008 x227) or Steve Dasbach (202-333-0008 x228) with your contribution or pledge. Send checks to LPHQ at 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100, Washington DC, 20037 using the form at the bottom of this message. Or, if you have a recent version of Netscape or Internet Explorer, you can charge your contribution to your Visa or MasterCard online using the form at "http://www.lp.org/lp-ballot-access.html". 2. UPDATE ON RECENT BALLOT ACCESS VICTORIES The LP will be on the ballot in more states than ever before for a non-presidential election, and will be on in more states than the Reform Party. Some recent highlights: New Mexico - The national LP funded a paid effort to complement the Libertarian Party of New Mexico's ballot drive. Long-time LP activist Ed Nagel led the effort. With a three-way race between a Democrat, a Green, and a Libertarian for the statewide office of Land Commissioner, the LP is virtually assured of the 5% that will qualify us as a major party. Nebraska - LP activist Scott Kohlhass successfully completed a full party petition, primarily funded by the national LP. If any statewide candidate receives 5%, the party will gain ballot status for 2000. Pennsylvania - A strong volunteer effort by local LP candidates was supplemented by a paid effort financed by the Iannantuono for Senate campaign and the national LP, managed by Pennsylvania ballot access expert Richard Schwarz. We should easily retain our status as a qualified minor party. Massachusetts - The LP of Massachusetts filed more than twice the number of signatures required in a drive entirely run and financed by the state party. The party obtained over $13,000 in pledges in 10 days to fund the paid drive. Volunteers brought in thousands of additional signatures. If a statewide candidate gets at least 3%, the party will be ballot-qualified for 2000. Connecticut - The LP of Connecticut just completed their drive, also run and financed by the state party. New Hampshire - The LP of New Hampshire qualified 7 candidates by individual petition. The individual candidates, their supporters, and the state party handled all petitioning. If a statewide candidate receives at least 4%, the party regains full party status, including the right to participate in the New Hampshire primary. The $42,000 we have spent on ballot access at the national level so far in 1998 has drained our coffers dry. We spent $5,500 in Pennsylvania, $5,900 in New Mexico, $6,000 in Nebraska, $4,400 in New York (underway) and $18,000 thus far in Illinois. Over $30,000 was spent in July alone. To have the resources we need to get our candidates on the ballot in every state, we need to replenish our ballot access funds with $46,000 immediately. Please call either Ron Crickenberger (202-333-0008 x227) or Steve Dasbach (202-333-0008 x228) with your contribution or pledge. Send checks to LPHQ at 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100, Washington DC, 20037 using the form at the bottom of this message. Or go to "http://www.lp.org/lp-ballot-access.html" to contribute online. 3. BALLOT ACCESS 2000 - and a golden opportunity to "stick it" to the Alabama legislature As we complete our 1998 ballot drives, the ballot access effort for 2000 is already underway. Drives for 2000 in Alaska and Kentucky are complete, which will give us 2000 ballot status in 26 states with no further petitioning. We also have the potential of gaining ballot status in up to six additional states based on the 1998 election. In addition, a petition for full-party status for 2000 in Ohio is more than one-third complete. This will mark the first time that Ohio has ever completed the more difficult party petition (over 50,000 gross signatures needed) instead of the easier independent candidate petition (about 8,000 gross signatures needed) during a presidential year. This means that the LP in Ohio will be able to run a candidate in 2000 for all offices at all levels. Volunteers are completing one third of the drive, with the paid effort being jointly funded by the LP of Ohio and the national party. Besides Ohio, three other states with large signature requirements must be completed for 2000: Alabama (nearly 60,000 gross signatures), Florida (over 130,000 gross signatures), and Oklahoma (over 80,000 gross signatures). We can complete these drives as quickly as we can fund them. If we can complete these difficult drives by the end of 1999, the remaining small drives in 2000 should present no obstacles to our achieving 50-state ballot status for the third presidential election in a row. Our next target is Alabama. In 1995, the Alabama legislature tripled the signature requirement for party status. Fortunately, we had completed our 1996 drive early and were not affected by the change. Now, we need to show the legislature that we won't be kept off the ballot, no matter what they do. We estimate that the Alabama drive will cost the national party about $30,000 - IF we can begin right now. Most initiatives and ballot drives are now over, so the competition for top petitioners is at the seasonal low. It could cost us $60,000 or more if we have to wait very long to start. This window of opportunity will not last long. To be able to attract petitioners at a reasonable price, we have to be able to commit to completing the drive as fast as they can collect the signatures. That means we have to have $30,000 in hand (or pledged) *just for Alabama* before we give the go ahead to start the drive. We've spent over $42,000 this year on ballot access -- $30,000 in July alone. Our ballot access coffers are empty. To start the Alabama drive now while the window of economic opportunity is open, to complete the drives we are funding now, and to stay on track for 50-state status in 2000, we must raise $46,000 in ballot access funds immediately. Can you please help secure our candidates' right to the ballot? Will you help us save $30,000 or more by being able to start Alabama now? Please call either Ron Crickenberger (202-333-0008 x227) or Steve Dasbach (202-333-0008 x228) with your contribution or pledge. Send checks to LPHQ at 2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100, Washington DC, 20037 using the form at the bottom of this message. Or go to "http://www.lp.org/lp-ballot-access.html" to contribute online. Thank you for your support for the Libertarian Party and its candidates. Your help is greatly appreciated.
************************************************************ Ballot Access Alert Contribution Form Name:_________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ City:_______________________________ State:____ Zip:_________________ Phone:____________________ E-mail:___________________________________ Occupation:______________________ Employer:__________________________ Contribution amount: $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 $______ __ check enclosed __charge to: MasterCard Visa (Make payable to Card Number: _________________________ Libertarian Party) Expiration Date: _____________ Name on Card: ________________________ Signature:____________________________ Federal law requires political committees to report the name, address, and occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Political contributions are not tax-deductible. Mail to: Libertarian Party 2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 100 Washington, DC 20037
The Libertarian Party of Michigan has printed "candidate slate" brochures, which are available for affiliates, candidates, and individuals to distribute between now and election day. The brochure features our top-of-ticket candidates, Jon Coon and Diane Barnes, and includes photos and bios on each. It also lists ALL of the 94 Libertarian candidates that are running for office throughout the state of Michigan and encourages voters to "share our dream of a peaceful, prosperous and free America, don't waste your vote. This time, vote Libertarian." To order brochures, please call or email Stacy Van Oast, making sure to specify the quantity you want. (810)784-8783; stacyvo@eesc.com Help us spread the word! Contact me today!
The 1998 LPM “Defender of Liberty” Awards -- Who, what, where, when, how, why Who is eligible to win a “Libby”? Defender of Liberty awards will be presented to a maximum of four select individuals, Libertarian or otherwise, who have made notable personal efforts in the defense of liberty. Nominees must live and/or work in the state of Michigan. Three categories have been established: 1)Spokesperson for Liberty - a member of the community whose patriotism and conviction have inspired contributions to the cause of Liberty; 2) Promoter of Liberty - A Libertarian whose efforts have done the most to promote the LP and Libertarian principles; and 3) Producer of Liberty - a dedicated, behind-the-scenes Libertarian whose quiet labors over the years exemplify the backbone of the LP. (A fourth award is available to be given at the judges discretion.) How does someone win a “Libby”? Any LPM member can nominate a worthy local individual by submitting a brief essay (200 words or less) describing how the nominee is deserving and has worked to advance the cause of liberty. Nominations must include the author’s name, telephone number and address. Send entries to the LPM, 604 N. Vernon, Dearborn, MI 48128 by October 16, 1998. When do winners receive “Libbies”? Winners will be chosen by a panel of three "distinguished" judges. The nominating party will be notified of the winners. Their affiliate should then sponsor winner’s attendance at the banquet (in other words, buy their dinner!) so they may receive their awards. The 3rd Annual “Defender of Liberty” banquet is being hosted this year by Banquet Chair Nancy O’Brien and the Libertarian Party of Wayne County. The banquet will be held on Saturday, November 7 at the top of the Pontchatrain Hotel in downtown Detroit and will feature Mr. Jacob Hornberger, possible candidate for the LP presidential nomination and founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation, as the keynote speaker. For banquet information or to volunteer, contact Nancy O’Brien at (313)562-5778. Please help us make this year’s awards ceremony as successful and exciting as previous year’s. Don’t Wait!! Submit your nominations now!! And please announce the details at your affiliate meetings. *Previous Libby winners include the dynamic Barbara Goushaw (Jon Coon’s infamous campaign manager, founder of the LCMA, super achiever); Jon Coon himself; “Relevance Newsletter” editor Phil O’Halloran; and dedicated activist extraordinaire, Keith Edwards. |
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