LPM Online

August 11, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Defend the 1st Amendment -- Immediate Action Needed
  3. League of Women Voter's To Hold Teleconference
  4. Mike Brinkman for State Rep. campaign kicks into full speed
  5. LP Booth at Gibralter North Gun Show?
  6. Harry Browne Begins Weekly Radio Show
  7. Anti-Religious Persecution Bill Dies In The Senate
  8. Membership Cards

  1. Upcoming Events

    August 11, 1998
    The Shiawassee County Fair runs from August 11-16. The LPSC will host a booth at the fair, which will be manned the entire time. Please come by and visit if you can.
    Location: Shiawassee County Fairgrounds, Hibbard Road, Corrunna
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: (517) 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    August 12, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County
    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: (810) 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    August 13, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM
    Location: Brann's in Grand Rapids
    Contact: haas Phone: (616) 942-7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    August 21, 1998
    The Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County will have a booth at the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival from Friday, August 21 - Sunday, August 23. For Information contact Geoff Foster (734 481-3044) or Brett Cashman (734 481-1354).
    Location: Ypsilanti Heritage Festival
    Contact: Geoff Foster Phone: (734) 481-3044

    August 22, 1998 - 10:00 AM
    The Libertarians of Macomb County Adopt-A-Road clean up day. We will be cleaning up our assigned stretch of Metro Parkway, all volunteers are welcome.
    Location: Southwest corner of Schoenherr and Metro Parkway in Sterling Heights (bank parking lot).
    Contact: Rosemary Racchi Phone: (810) 776-2214

    August 28, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Brass Roots' Brass Cajones Awards Dinner Cocktails will begin at 6:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m., and the awards will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
    Location: Vladimir's, 28125 Grand River at 8 Mile Road in Farmington Hills (248)477-8050.
    Contact: Brass Roots Phone: (800) 555-GUNS

    September 1, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7:45m.
    Location: La Trattoria Restaurant, Michigan Ave. Dearborn West of Schaeffer across from City Hall
    Contact: Bill Shotey Phone: (313) 278-3673 E-mail: ben45@aol.com

    September 9, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County
    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: (810) 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    September 10, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM
    Location: Brann's in Grand Rapids
    Contact: haas Phone: (616) 942-7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    September 12, 1998
    Campaign Guerilla Tactics: Last minute things to do on the campaign trail, including debate tactics, press interviews, and poll lit.
    Location: TBA, but probably at the office in Ferndale
    Contact: Barbara Goushaw Phone: (248) 399-9177 E-mail: BGoush@aol.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Defend the 1st Amendment -- Immediate Action Needed by Paul Jacob

    Dear Friend of the First Amendment:

    The US House of Representatives will be voting on a bill that politicians consider campaign finance reform. Once you scratch the surface of this cleverly crafted legislation you see what it really is.

    Shays-Meehan, the so called "campaign finance reform" bill, is an all-out attack on the First Amendment. Politicians are taking away the peoples' power to openly speak out regarding the issues of the day. Under the guise of reform, the career politicians in Washington are trying to prevent groups from holding them accountable for their record and deeds.

    This bill violates our freedom of speech by preventing issue discussion 60 days prior to an election, trying to intimidate donors to political groups and ultimately placing the speech of groups like ours under the regulation of the FEC, which means in the end -- prohibition of speech. So Congress could raise your taxes, give themselves a payraise, or pass any legislation in the months of September and October and a group can not spend any money to identify the members of Congress voting for it, or educate the voters that these bills are under consideration.

    Please contact your Congressman at: (202) 225-3121 and tell them to vote NO on Shays-Meehan.

    For more information of the myths of campaign finance: http://www.ustermlimits/research/finance.htm

    I hope you can act swiftly and prevent this injustice.

    Paul Jacob

    P.S. For a list of your congressman's email: http://www.house.gov

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  3. League of Women Voter's To Hold Teleconference by Doug Hull


    You may be interested to know that the League of Women Voters is putting together a Teleconfrence Town Meeting on September 19th that will be used to discuss "campaign finance reform" They appear to be looking for people to be on this panel. I have been invited to be one of the panel members in an attempt to get a students perspective.

    I have already informed them that I am a political candidate, and that I am running for the Libertarian Party. They were fine with this, and I believe a little impressed with it.

    This e-mail is to ask you for two things:

    1.) Try to get on this discussion pannel yourself. I do not want to be the lone voice of reason on this state wide forum.

    2.) If you have some information, horror stories, etc to share. Possible research available, please contact me immediately by e-mail. I want to be very informed for this debate type atmosphere. Any research you already have would be helpful.

    I am planning on going to Heartlands, Cato, Reason Magazine, but anything else you can suggest, or lend to me would be great. This is my first public debate representing the Libertarian party, I want to be ready!

    Doug Hull
    pgp public key
    Challenge Big Brother: Use Encryption Today!
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  4. Mike Brinkman for State Rep. campaign kicks into full speed

    News from The Committee to Elect Mike Brinkman
    For Immediate Release: Aug 5, 1998
    For additional information:
    Darryl Schmitz, Press Secretary
    Phone: (517) 224-1211
    E-Mail: Darryl442@Voyager.Net
    Mike Brinkman for State Rep. campaign kicks into full speed

    EAST LANSING, MI — With 90 days left to go before the November 3, 1998 general election, Mike Brinkman, Libertarian candidate for State Representative in Michigan's 70th District stepped up his campaign on Wednesday, August 5, 1998. The 70th District covers all of East Lansing and Okemos, and most of Haslett. Brinkman was also the 1996 Libertarian Party candidate for the same seat.

    Brinkman has been spending most of the time prior to the August 4 primary preparing for the race, recruiting volunteers and raising much needed funds. "I'm very pleased with where the campaign is at this point in time," said Brinkman. "We're way ahead of where we were back in 1996, in terms of campaign funds, volunteers, preparation and organization."

    "We wanted to make sure we were ready this time," said Brinkman. "The 1996 campaign was a highly valuable experience, and taught us a lot of things which have enabled us to have a campaign which will be competing head to head with the Democrat and Republican candidates."

    "As far as campaign funds go, we're way ahead of 1996," commented Mark Owen, the Committee to Elect Mike Brinkman's treasurer. "We've raised over $4,000, and expect to raise at least $10,000 before the race is over." In 1996, the Brinkman for State Rep. campaign had raised only $3,500 for the entire campaign.

    Brinkman currently has around a dozen volunteers and is expecting more when Michigan State University classes begin at the end of August. "We received a very good response from students back in 1996." said Brinkman. "College students seem to be more open to the Libertarian message."

    Mike begins his door to door canvassing this week, and will be meeting with voters one on one. "This will be vital to our campaign, and it was something we didn't have the experience with last time." According to Brinkman, "We didn't have voter lists, and we didn't have precinct maps—this time we have both. We spent a lot of time knocking on doors of people who couldn't vote for us."

    Mike will be spending his time speaking with people about their concerns, and offer libertarian solutions to issues that matter to people—education, the environment, taxes, roads and less government interference in their lives. "I believe that when people get a chance to hear what Libertarians have to offer, they will gravitate toward our positive message, and away from the typical politics as usual of Democrats and Republicans," Mike said. In addition to the valuable experience gained from his 1996 race, Mike also honed his leadership and campaigning skills as the first Libertarian ever selected for the Michigan Political Leadership Program (MPLP) at Michigan State University. Mike believes he was selected for the program because of his performance in the 1996 State Rep. race, one which MPLP Co-Directors Lynn Johndahl (former State Representative in the 70th District) and late Ingham Co. Commissioner Bill Snow had mentioned they payed attention to. Mike has several reasons for running such a high profile campaign. "First and foremost, I'm hoping the effort I put into this race will help the Libertarian Party of Michigan to gain major party status." If Diane Barnes, State Board of Education candidate, and the Libertarian Party of Michigan's (LPM) top of the ticket, gets 5 percent of the vote, the LPM will gain major party status. Barnes narrowly missed the 5 percent mark when running for the same position in 1996.

    Brinkman hopes that letting voters know they can make electoral history will make them more likely to vote for Libertarian candidates. " Most people agree that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans. This is a way that voters can really have an impact on the political process, by creating real competition in the political arena."

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  5. LP Booth at Gibralter North Gun Show? by Eric Wojciechowski

    For those of you residing near (or willing to drive to) the Gibraltor Trade Center located in Mt. Clemens, I have been thinking of setting up a Libertarian booth or just handing out literature to the hundreds of gun enthusiasts that will be attending the gun and knife show coming up the weekend of August 22nd.

    I already have purchased 800 Libertarian brochures (100 of them directed towards gun enthusiasts) and need to hand them out. I believe that this would be an excellent place to start. I have attended a show a few months ago and found that there were literally hundreds of potential Libertarians in attendance. If all goes well, effort could be expanded to the computer shows where we anticipate other Libertarians are lurking.

    So, who is interested and has anyone tried to set up a booth at the trade center before? Please either reply to me directly at ewojo@cac.net or just post to our e-mail list.

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  6. Harry Browne Begins Weekly Radio Show

    Last Sunday, August 9, Harry Browne began a new weekly radio program, broadcast on the 60 stations of the Talk America Radio Network. The show will air:

    11pm - 2am Eastern time

    The show will be conducted in the normal call-in format. Harry will discuss current events and social/political issues -- approaching them from a libertarian standpoint -- and callers will offer their opinions, questions, and criticisms. The object is to provide listeners with a better understanding of how Libertarians are trying to set them free to control their own lives and their own money. Harry hopes that, the broadcast also will generate membership leads for the Libertarian Party.

    Harry guest-hosted the show in this time slot on July 19, and it proved to be a 3-hour discussion of how a Libertarian America would improve the life of each listener. There were calls from liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. Callers raised good points, voiced reservations, and made objections.

    We encourage you to call in. The call-in number is (800) 298-TALK (which is 298-8255). Raise questions, offer objections, argue, whatever; help keep it lively.

    Charter sponsors of the show are coin dealer Investment Rarities, store chain Cigarettes Cheaper!, and the anti-asset-forfeiture organization F.E.A.R. Additional sponsors are being sought, and interested parties are invited to contact Debbie Greeson at (615) 377-6482.

    A unique feature of the Talk America Radio Network is that all its shows are also broadcast live over the Internet, and so are available to anyone who has a computer with a sound board and speakers (as most computers have). The show can be heard by going to the Talk America web site http://www.TalkAmerica.com at the time of the broadcast, and following the links to hear RealAudio1. You need to have RealAudio installed on your computer in order to hear the show; if you don't have it now, you can download it from the Talk America site.

    When appropriate, the list of radio stations carrying the broadcast will be updated at http://www.HarryBrowne2000.org.

    Stations Carrying the Show
    Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, WKMI, 1360, 11pm-2am
    Cadillac-Traverse City, WMKT, 1270, 11pm - 12
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  7. Anti-Religious Persecution Bill Dies In The Senate by Glenn Whitt

    I have just become an editor for the online MissionNet news list. The mission for this list is to report on any news having any direct or indirect influence on Christian world missions. The following is a news piece I prepared and was published online by the Chief Editor, Ron Smith, M.D.

    Editor: trombonist1@juno.com (Glenn D. Whitt)
    Source: Religion News Service, 
    Sun, Aug 2, 1998, 11:05 AM
    Anti-Religious Persecution Bill Dies In The Senate
    The New York Times reported that the anti religious
    persecution bill sponsored by Sen. Don Nickles, R-Okla 
    has been effectively killed by the Senate Foreign 
    Relations Committee on 23 July 1998. If it had made it 
    to the president to sign as law, it would have given 
    authority to the U. S. president to choose from
    a broad range of options to punish foreign governments 
    that allow religious persecution to occur within their
    national borders. The list of options from which the
    president could choose include strict economic sanctions.
    Support for the measure came from several conservative 
    advocacy groups such as the Christian Coalition, the Family
    Research Council, and several Catholic, Protestant and
    Jewish groups, and the social conservatives of the GOP. 
    The opposing parties included the National Council of
    Churches, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, and any other 
    organization that strongly supports free trade and opposes
    economic sanctions. Though not reported in the New York 
    Times, the U. S. Libertarian Party, America's third largest 
    political party, would also oppose this measure.
    (C) 1998 MissionNet(R) Editors Unless Other Indicated
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    The original news source did not mention anything about the ibertarian Party. I felt that it would have been a good idea to do so.

    Glenn Whitt

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  8. Membership Cards by Mark Heil

    We've had some confusion over the LP membership cards that the national party issues and membership renewals, so I'd like to try to clear it up.

    Since the LPM joined the National Party's unified membership plan, we have not issued our own membership card. Instead, if you are residing in Michigan, and you have a National LP membership card, you are credentialed to vote at state conventions and advisory council meetings. This would also include lending your membership card to someone as proof of proxy for the advisory council meetings.

    The National LP office will issue cards to new members shortly after they pay their dues for the first time. After this, all members are sent new cards for each year usually in February, provided they have made a contribution of atleast $25 within the past 12 months.

    Any cumulative contribution of atleast $25 to the National Party will extend your membership for 12 months from the date you made your contributions. Thus, if you are in the monthly pledge program, you usually don't have to worry about your membership expiring.

    If you have any other questions, or have not received your membership card on time, please e-mail me at markheil@flash.net.

    Mark Heil
    LPM Membership Chair
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