LPM Online

July 28, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Tri-City Hosting Harry Browne
  3. Leading Libertarians Applaud The Restoration as it Starts Se
  4. PROFILE: Paul S. Woolum for Wayne County Executive

  1. Upcoming Events

    July 28, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    July 14, 1998 - 7:30 PM Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@gmeds.com

    July 30, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    ANN ARBOR CITY CAUCUS of the Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County holds its Nominating Caucus to choose candidates for Ann Arbor Mayor and City Council.
    Location: Dominick's Restaurant - Ann Arbor
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792 E-mail: aguli@provide.net

    July 31, 1998 - 8:00 AM
    You are hereby invited to attend the Ingham County Fair at the Libertarian Party of Mid-Michigan's booth. We will be having an Operation Politically Homeless booth and one of our members, Doug Mills, donated his authentic Stagecoach for the booth. The fair will be from Friday, July 31, 1998 to Sunday, August 8, 1998 from 8 am to 10 pm. If you are interested, e-mail or call Mike Miller to volunteer. All dates and times are open, simply volunteer when it is convenient for you
    Location: Ingham County Fairgrounds
    Contact: Mike Miller Phone: 517 351-0514 E-mail: brinkman1@aol.com

    August 3, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Tri-City LP meeting featuring Harry Browne.

    Advance tickets are only $25, and include a fine meal. For tickets, people can send a check for $25 (or more, if they wish to make a donation)---to the TRI-CITY LIBERTARIAN PARTY, 1084 Raven Dr., Bay City, MI 48706.

    Location: Grand Ballroom of the Saginaw Four Points Hotel, Saginaw.
    Contact: Clint Foster Phone: 517 671-TCLP E-mail: freelandmi@aol.com

    August 4, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7:45m.
    Location: La Trattoria Restaurant, Michigan Ave. Dearborn West of Schaeffer across from City Hall
    Contact: Bill Shotey Phone: 313 278-3673 E-mail: ben45@aol.com

    August 8, 1998 - 12:01 PM
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Picnic

    Hosted by LP of Shiawassee County

    Shiawassee County style-- Bring your guns (shooting contest) and fishing gear (catch & release).

    Hot dogs & Hamburgers for sale, or BYO.

    There will also be a meeting of the Libertarian Advisory Council at this event.

    Location: Looking Glass River Sportsman Club

    2 miles south of Laingsburg MI on Woodbury Rd. Take I-69 to Perry exit, go north to Grand River Road, east to Woodbury Road, and south to the club.

    Contact: Ben Steele II Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    August 10, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Teresa Pollok, LP candidate for the 66th district seat in the Michigan House of Representatives will be making a speech at the Business and Professional Women's Group meeting.
    Location: Ramada Inn in Howell.
    Contact: Teresa Pollak Phone: 810 229-0737 E-mail: tpollok@livingonline.com

    August 11, 1998
    The Shiawassee County Fair runs from August 11-16. The LPSC will host a booth at the fair, which will be manned the entire time. Please come by and visit if you can.
    Location: Shiawassee County Fairgrounds, Hibbard Road, Corrunna
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    August 12, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County
    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    August 13, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM
    Location: Brann's in Grand Rapids
    Contact: haas Phone: 616 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Tri-City Hosting Harry Browne by Jim Fitzpatrick

    My name is Jim Fitzpatrick, and I am a member of the Tri-City Libertarians here in Saginaw, Michigan. I would like to extend a sincere invitation to each of you to join us at our one year anniversary celebration next month on Monday, August 3rd, in the Grand Ball Room in the Four Pointes Hotel (Saginaw), at 7pm.

    Now, I know that alot of you have already went to the convention and that you don't feel like driving to Saginaw, or you think you don't have the time. But please hear me out before you hit your delete key!

    Our guest speaker is our last Presidential candidate, Harry Browne. I know all of you know what an exceptional speaker he is, and with him in our own state, wouldn't it be great to come to an intimate setting and hear him speak? Maybe add one of his autographed books to your Libertarian book collection? How about a picture? Or just some great conversation? If you're running for office, think of all the free advice you can get from someone who has done hundreds of interviews.

    But maybe your saying to yourself that you've already heard him, and that's not enough to make the drive. Then let me appeal to your sense of comradery. Since I know that many of you are already know each other, wouldn't it be alot of fun to get together and go to a Libertarian function where you didn't have to work? Where you can sit back and talk with others who are like-minded? If you are having monthly meetings in your groups, why not designate this the official field trip of the year and come on up? Perhaps you might even meet a new Libertarian friend or two.

    What's that? You've heard Harry and you have enough friends? Hmmm. Well how about this. Have you ever been in a bar full of Libertarians? You can do so in Rockies lounge (located in the hotel), right after dinner. That should be worth it right there! :)

    Seriously, as I had mentioned eariler, this is our first anniversary, and I would love to see this dinner be a success. We are fortunate enough to have some damn hard working officers who have made this idea over a few beers become a reality, and I know all of you know how hard that is to do.

    Still not convinced, eh? Well, I've checked the TV schedule, and think of how bad you would feel if you missed this great event only to stay home and watch Murphy Brown re-runs. That alone should at least make you run from the house! :)

    Ok, I've tried every angle I can. Maybe I've missed a few, but I hope you got the idea anyway. Tickets are only $25, and that includes meal, dessert, tax, and tip, and of course, a terrific speech by Harry Browne.

    Won't you join us?

    Jim Fitzpatrick
    Tri-City Libertarians

    PS - Please RSVP by August 1st, so we can make the necessary arrangements. You can do so by calling 517-671-8257, or just via email at JFitzpatrick@webtv.net. I hope to hear from you soon!

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  3. Leading Libertarians Applaud The Restoration as it Starts Se by Josh Mercer

    For release: July 22, 1998
    For additional information:
    Josh Mercer, Publisher
    Phone: (517) 631-0900
    E-Mail: TheRestoration@hotmail.com
    Leading Libertarians Applaud The Restoration as it Starts Second Year

    HILLSDALE –The Restoration, the only national college libertarian newspaper, found on over eighty campuses from Berkeley to Princeton, received praise from leading libertarian scholars. The newspaper is free for all interested college students.

    Professor Walter Williams said, “The Restoration is a wonderful introduction to liberty. It's clarity and readability make it a top-notch student publication.”

    Syndicated columnist Doug Bandow said, “The Restoration is witty, timely, and well-written. A must read for all students interested in liberty.”

    Don Boudreaux, president of the Foundation for Economic Education said, “The Restoration is a marvelous publication; it's first-rate in every way!”

    Jacob G. Hornberger, founder and president of the Future of Freedom Foundation called The Restoration “a breath of fresh libertarian air in the college world.”

    Lawrence Reed, president of the Mackinac Center, said, “In both content and appearance, The Restoration is the most professional student publication I've seen. It champions all the right ideas and does it in a way that attracts readers. Don't underestimate its potential to bring large numbers of students to the cause of liberty!"

    Students from all across the country send articles electronically. The editorial staff in Hillsdale edits, assembles, and prints the newspaper. The papers are mailed in bulk to “campus distributors,” who bring copies to campus meetings and events or place them at coffeeshops, libraries, and other campus locations.

    The Restoration prints seven issues yearly from October to May, excluding January. Non-student subscriptions cost only $20, which ensure that students receive free copies of the newspaper. The Restoration is a nonpartisan and nonprofit newspaper, unaffiliated with any college or university, which informs students on the libertarian perspective.

    Interested subscribers and students who wish to distribute or write should e-mail: TheRestoration@hotmail.com or write to Josh Mercer, PO Box 911, Hillsdale MI 49242.

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  4. PROFILE: Paul S. Woolum for Wayne County Executive

    Photo of Paul S. Woolum

    Being a citizen of Wayne County for 18 years has inspired me first of all to VOTE, and then to become active in causes that will benefit everyone's freedom and protect our constitutional rights. The people of Wayne County, and for that matter in many other counties across America are tired of having their hard earned money turned over to the state or feds, with no accountability.

    Many people are realizing that as government gets larger, it becomes more expensive to operate. Larger government also becomes a more dominate force in our lives, one that will continue to escalate our tax burden, legislate unfair laws and attempt to prevent "We the People" from having a government that is free and fair.

    The main short term goal as Wayne County Executive would be to get the County out of the airport business. Metro Airport would go to a co-op of business' that are currently operating within the airport and area.

    The second issue is to assess how all layers of government in the Wayne County area are working together, City, State, County and Federal layers of government and make sure that they are accountable to the people of Wayne County.

    I am not a career politician, I am a family man and an engineer with a vision for a better way. As a Libertarian I stick fast to principals of smaller government, individual freedom and individual responsibility and will always use these principals to guide me when elected.

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