LPM Online

July 21, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. LP Brochures Available to Candidates
  3. Ride Wanted - to LPM Picnic from Sounthfield
  4. Candidate Profile

  1. Upcoming Events

    July 23, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    Art Fair Wrap-Up and Social Hour.
    Location: Dominick's Restaurant - Ann Arbor
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792

    July 25, 1998 - 9:00 AM
    Libertarian Party of West Michigan I-196 road clean up week.
    Location: I-196 corner of College
    Contact: Erwin Haas Phone: 616 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    July 25, 1998 - 8:00 PM
    Campaign fund-raiser for Nick Stoner, candidate for 25th Distrist State Representative. There will be a wet t-shirt contest fund-raiser event for Nick's campaign. The doors open at 8:00 p.m. Advance tickets are $10, which includes cover charge and entry into drawing to judge the contest. There will also be a live band. Contestants get in free. If you would like to purchase tickets, become a contestant, or for more information contact Kristen Stoner.
    Location: B.Boomers Bar & Grille, 16006 Southfield Road in Allen Park.
    Contact: Kristin Stoner Phone: 313 928-3116 E-mail: kkstoner@aol.com

    July 28, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    July 14, 1998 - 7:30 PM Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@gmeds.com

    July 30, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    ANN ARBOR CITY CAUCUS of the Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County holds its Nominating Caucus to choose candidates for Ann Arbor Mayor and City Council.
    Location: Dominick's Restaurant - Ann Arbor
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792 E-mail: aguli@provide.net

    July 31, 1998 - 8:00 AM
    You are hereby invited to attend the Ingham County Fair at the Libertarian Party of Mid-Michigan's booth. We will be having an Operation Politically Homeless booth and one of our members, Doug Mills, donated his authentic Stagecoach for the booth. The fair will be from Friday, July 31, 1998 to Sunday, August 8, 1998 from 8 am to 10 pm. If you are interested, e-mail or call Mike Miller to volunteer. All dates and times are open, simply volunteer when it is convenient for you
    Location: Ingham County Fairgrounds
    Contact: Mike Miller Phone: 517 351-0514 E-mail: brinkman1@aol.com

    August 3, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Tri-City LP meeting featuring Harry Browne.

    Advance tickets are only $25, and include a fine meal. For tickets, people can send a check for $25 (or more, if they wish to make a donation)---to the TRI-CITY LIBERTARIAN PARTY, 1084 Raven Dr., Bay City, MI 48706.

    Location: Grand Ballroom of the Saginaw Four Points Hotel, Saginaw.
    Contact: Clint Foster Phone: 517 671-TCLP E-mail: freelandmi@aol.com

    August 4, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7:45m.
    Location: La Trattoria Restaurant, Michigan Ave. Dearborn West of Schaeffer across from City Hall
    Contact: Bill Shotey Phone: 313 278-3673 E-mail: ben45@aol.com

    August 8, 1998 - 12:01 PM
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Picnic

    Hosted by LP of Shiawassee County

    Shiawassee County style-- Bring your guns (shooting contest) and fishing gear (catch & release).

    Hot dogs & Hamburgers for sale, or BYO.

    There will also be a meeting of the Libertarian Advisory Council at this event.

    Location: Looking Glass River Sportsman Club

    2 miles south of Laingsburg MI on Woodbury Rd. Take I-69 to Perry exit, go north to Grand River Road, east to Woodbury Road, and south to the club.

    Contact: Ben Steele II Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    August 10, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Teresa Pollok, LP candidate for the 66th district seat in the Michigan House of Representatives will be making a speech at the Business and Professional Women's Group meeting.
    Location: Ramada Inn in Howell.
    Contact: Teresa Pollak Phone: 810 229-0737 E-mail: tpollok@livingonline.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. LP Brochures Available to Candidates by Mark Heil

    The LPM Membership Committee purchased a large but limited quantity of the "Is This the New Political Party You've Been Looking For?" brochure. To help utilize the various election campaigns to increase awareness and membership in the Libertarian Party, we would like to distribute these brochures to active candidates or affiliates engaging in campaign outreach activities.

    If you are a candidate or volunteer that is going door to door, making public speeches or working polling places we'd like you to have some of these brochures to use. The brochure is a great brief introduction to the Libertarian Party's political views and philosophy. It also has the national address and a membership form so people can get more information. In addition to that, there is a space where the candidate can personalize the brochure with their own stamp.

    Of course a candidates first task is to get his or her own campaign literature into the hands of the voter. This brochure can be used as a supplement when a person shows some interest in the LP and may want to know more. This will give you something to offer them in these cases. Its also a good piece to set out on any information table you set up at an event.

    If you are interested, e-mail Mark Heil at markheil@flash.net or call 810-468-0509. The brochures come in packs of 200, let me know how many you think you may use and we'll get them to you.

    Please pass this information on to any candidate or committee you know of that may not have received this newsletter.

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  3. Ride Wanted - to LPM Picnic from Sounthfield by Ben Bachrach for Bette Erwin

    Bette Erwin who lives in Southfield needs a ride to the LPM picnic in Laingsburg on August 8. For more info call Bette at 248-258-5075. Thanks.

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  4. Candidate Profile

    This is the first in a series of candidate profiles. Every week, from now until the election, we will be bringing you a new profile on one of our 1998 Libertarian candidates.

    Any candidates who wish to have their profile included can email their profile (and a photo if available) to Greg Dirasian at: greg@newsnetpipeline.com Please try to limit contributions to 300 words.

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  5. PROFILE: Terea A. Pollok - WHY POLITICS IS IMPORTANT TO ME! by Teresa A. Pollok

    Candidate for State Representative -- 66th District

    Portrait of Teresa A. Pollok
    If you are reading this article, you are obviously interested in politics, and I thank you for the opportunity to talk with you. This communication medium is important to me because I can afford it. You see, my race for State Representative is your classic "David and Goliath" struggle. My coffers aren't packed with cash from PAC lobbyists and big party politics. My political struggle is one about honesty, integrity and an obsessive commitment to the concepts of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

    Growing up on my family's 215-acre dairy farm in Stockbridge, Michigan, and working with my father in the pre-dawn mornings quickly gave me the clear understanding I was responsible for myself and my family; that it was up to me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of my family, friends, and community. The concepts of welfare, government-subsidized housing, and medical services were and are difficult for me to embrace. My family and I expected to receive only what we produced from our labors, not from anyone else. Times were not always easy, but we always stood proud and tall.

    Personal responsibility extends to many areas of life in this country. We should be free to make personal and economic choices as long as it does not harm others. If a choice interferes with someone else's liberties, we should take responsibility for our actions. If a personal choice harms no one other than the individual, the individual should be allowed to make that choice.

    My strong work ethic also conflicts with taxation as implemented in our country today which I believe is a form of legalized theft. People are working harder these days and most of the income is going to run government programs that are counter to personal beliefs and to pay for inefficient, but large, government bureaucracies. Even control of personal retirement funds is not allowed; it's lost in that great bureaucracy known as the Social Security System. Since we all work hard for our money, we should decide how to manage it! We should be allowed to reap the rewards of hard work and innovation. For that to materialize a truly Free Market Economy has to flourish. A self-regulating, free market economy will enable Michigan to grow and prosper. Government needs to get out of the way.

    Finally, individual liberty is critical. I view gun control as victim disarmament. We have the right to defend ourselves and our family -- the government has no right to tell us how to do it! Also, today's government run public education is a huge problem and a failure. I believe strongly in freedom of choice and having a voice in our children's future. The government has no mandate to teach.

    Thanks again for this opportunity to share some of my beliefs with you. I hope a fire has been ignited in you to stand up and be counted and to make a sincere difference in this great State of Michigan. I would enjoy hearing from you. You can reach me at (810)229-0737, via e-mail at tpollok@livingonline.com or at my web site at http://peyote.coast.net/~lpm/lpmcamp/pollok/.

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