LPM Online

July 7, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. Michigan Well Represented at National Convention
  3. Michigan TV Commercial Big Hit
  4. New LP National Committee Elected at Convention
  5. Delaware Campaign Training Seminar

  1. Upcoming Events

    July 7, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7:45m. Nick Stoner, Candidate for State Rep to speak. There will also be a debrief of the National Convention.
    Location: La Trattoria Restaurant, Michigan Ave. Dearborn West of Schaeffer across from City Hall
    Contact: Bill Shotey Phone: 313 278-3673 E-mail: ben45@aol.com

    July 8, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County

    The July meeting of the Libertarians of Macomb County will feature, Ron Burcham, a member of FIJA (Fully Informed Jurors Association), who will present how we may further the cause freedom by understanding the duties and powers of a juror. Ron is a longtime LP member and freedom activist and is currently running as the LP*,s candidate for State Representative, 28th District, in Warren.

    Schedule: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Drinks / Dinner available, 7:30 - 8:15 p.m. LMC business meeting, 8:15 - 9:20 p.m. Presentation

    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road,(810) 294-6660)
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    July 9, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    LPWC Business Meeting and discussion of the Libertarian National Convention. Also, final plans will be made for the Ann Arbor Art Fair.
    Location: Dominick's Restaurant
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792

    July 11, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    The Libertarian Party of MidWest Michigan will be holding it's monthly meeting at the Kountry Kitchen Restaurant. Join us for dinner at 6:00 with the meeting starting at 7:00.
    Location: The Kountry Kitchen Restaurant, 1920 N. Mitchell Street in Cadillac, next to the North End Crystal Flash station.
    Contact: John Willis Phone: 616 775-0187 E-mail: lpmwm@geocities.com

    July 14, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@gmeds.com

    July 15, 1998
    Ann Arbor Art Festival

    The Libertarian Party of Washtenaw County could use your help to man an information booth as it participates once again this year as an exhibitor to the Ann Arbor Arts Festival, Wednesday - Saturday, July 15 - 18, 1998. They also need signs, leaflets and other information on statewide and Ann Arbor area candidates to promote at their booth.

    Location: Downtown Ann Arbor
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792 E-mail: aguli@provide.net

    July 18, 1998
    Libertarian Party of West Michigan I-196 road clean up week.
    Location: I-196 corner of College
    Contact: Erwin Haas Phone: 616 942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    July 23, 1998 - 7:30 PM
    Art Fair Wrap-Up and Social Hour.
    Location: Dominick's Restaurant - Ann Arbor
    Contact: James Hudler Phone: 734 475-9792

    July 25, 1998 - 8:00 PM
    Campaign fund-raiser for Nick Stoner, candidate for 25th Distrist State Representative. There will be a wet t-shirt contest fund-raiser event for Nick's campaign. The doors open at 8:00 p.m. Advance tickets are $10, which includes cover charge and entry into drawing to judge the contest. There will also be a live band. Contestants get in free. If you would like to purchase tickets, become a contestant, or for more information contact Kristen Stoner.
    Location: B.Boomers Bar & Grille, 16006 Southfield Road in Allen Park.
    Contact: Kristin Stoner Phone: 313 928-3116 E-mail: kkstoner@aol.com

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

  2. Michigan Well Represented at National Convention

    Michigan had 39 delegates at the LP National Convention held July 1-5, 1998. Tim O'Brien, chaired the delegation and served on the Platform Committee along with Keith Edwards. Doug MacDonald served on the Credentials Committee.

    Fred Collins and Barbara Goushaw gave speeches from the main podium covered by C-Span.

    Fred Collins, Jon Coon, and Barbara Goushaw were speakers at panel discussions and workshops.

    Bill Hall was re-elected to the National Committee as an at large member, and Barbara Goushaw was elected to be our regional alternate.

    Dr. Ken Bisson was re-elected as our regional delegate.

    Voting as Michigan delegates at the convention were: Ben Bachrach, Andrew Bachrach, Anina Bachrach, Sven Barth, Scott Boman, Fred Collins, Pam Collins, Renae Coon, Jon Coon, Asa Davis, Chris Davis, Pat Dewan, Greg Dirasian, Keith Edwards, Clint Foster, Barbara Goushaw, Bill Hall, Andrew Hall, Mark Heil, Bruce Hoepner, James Hudler, Doug Hull, Edward Karpinski, Joann Karpinski, Doug MacDonald, Mike Miller, James Montgomery, Dave Nagy, Tim O'Brien, Nancy O'Brien, Jacqueline Racchi, Kerry Smith, Paul Soyk, Violet Steele, Ben Steele III, Michael Tanner, Al Titran, Stacy Van Oast, Ray Warner.

    The next National Convention will be held in Los Angeles, California on the 4th of July Weekend, 2000.

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  3. Michigan TV Commercial Big Hit by Ben Bachrach

    A 30 second TV commercial created, produced and directed by Tim O'Brien had its debut at the 1998 National LP Convention.

    This project was funded by the LP of Michigan to appeal to smokers. It is hard hitting, and fun.

    By popular demand, the viewing was repeated 3 times during the convention, and was partially caught by C-Span.

    Congratulations to Tim, and all the LP of Michigan members who participated.

    Thanks to all the contributors to our "Prospects for the Future" drive for providing the funding.

    The project was approved at the June LEC meeting, and in a week, Tim pulled together the film crew, the Michigan members shown on camera, and the editing, so the commercial could be shown in Washington.

    Phase II, showing it on cable stations in Michigan will begin in October.

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  4. New LP National Committee Elected at Convention

    (elected by convention)
      Chair:      David Bergland
      Vice Chair: Hugh Butler
      Secretary:  Steve Givot
      Treasurer:  Mark Tuniewicz
      At-Large:   John Buttrick
                  Mike Dixon
                  Bill Hall
                  Jim Lark
                  Mary Ruwart
    (elected by regions)
      Regional representatives: Ken Bisson, Joe Dehn,
         Bob Franke, Geoff Neale, Amy Rule, Terry Savage,
         Muni Savyon, Bette Rose Smith, Chris Spruyt
      Regional alternates: Jackie Bradbury, Barbara Goushaw,
         Ed Hoch, Gary Ilardi, Scott Lieberman, Ken Lindell,
         Deryl Martin, Jim Turney
      Dean Ahmad
      Bruce Baechler
      Steve Dillon
      Len Flynn
      Bruce Lagasse
      Eric Lund
      David Nolan
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  5. Delaware Campaign Training Seminar

    Don't you think that it's time to do more than talk about politics?

    Isn't it time we started putting Libertarians in office?

    HERE'S HOW...

    The Libertarian Party of Delaware, in conjunction with Kamioner & Associates, invites you to attend WAR AND THE ART OF POLITICS(tm), a strategic military exercise combined with a real-time interactive campaign simulation that will introduce you to the kind of real-world, high-pressure politics you won't learn about in a dull lecture. This is the REAL THING.

    WAR AND THE ART OF POLITICS(tm) will be conducted from 9:00 a.m. September 12, 1998 to 12:00 noon on September 13, 1998 at the Sheraton Suites Hotel in Wilmington, Delaware.

    The registration fee is $60.00 if paid by September 1, 1998 and $85.00 thereafter. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton Suites Hotel at a special rate ($105.00 per night single or double occupancy).

    WAR AND THE ART OF POLITICS(tm) is a creation and trademark of David T. Kamioner. Mr. Kamioner is President of Kamioner & Associates, a political consulting firm based in Reading, Pennsylvania. Mr. Kamioner is the Political Director of the Libertarian Party of Delaware and is a veteran of over 70 campaigns on the national, state, and local levels.


    "Kamioner runs a fast-paced, high-energy (some might say manic) campaign simulation. Warning! This is for people who play to win!"

    -- Janice Presser, Ph.D., State Chair, Libertarian Party of New Jersey and Libertarian candidate for U.S. House of Representatives

    "The seminar hits you like a tsunami! From the moment you begin, you're literally launched into the trenches of diplomacy, persuasion, finance and tactical maneuvers. Learning by doing is the way to go! You can read books and listen to lectures until Doomsday-- and never come near what you can learn from this seminar."

    -- Nancy Millionie, Chair, Libertarian Party of Baltimore County, Maryland

    "The pressure to get things done, to wing it, was intense. We didn't have time to sit around in endless committee meetings debating ... Not only was it fun but I learned more in 12 hours than in years of trial and error."

    -- Jim Larsen, Libertarian candidate for Delaware House of Representatives

    Telephone (work and home):
    My preference would be to work in the following area during
    the seminar:
    [ ] Candidate
           [ ] I am a candidate in the 1998 election cycle.
    [ ] Campaign media
    [ ] Campaign finance
    [ ] Campaign management
    [ ] Campaign opposition research
    [ ] Lobbyist
    [ ] Media production
    [ ] Broadcast press
    [ ] Print press
    Send with $60.00 ($85.00 after September 1, 1998) check or
    money order payable to "Libertarian Party of Delaware" to
    David Kamioner, 1251 Green Street, Reading, PA 19604.
    Hotel reservations may be made with the Sheraton Suites Hotel
    (telephone 302-654-8300) at $105.00 per night single or
    double occupancy.  (Be sure to ask for the Libertarian Party
    of Delaware rate.)
    Kamioner & Associates
    1251 Green Street
    Reading, PA 19604
    Telephone: 610-376-8588
    Email: conmgmt@penndata.com
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