LPM Online

May 26, 1998


  1. Upcoming Events

  1. Upcoming Events

    May 26, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@gmeds.com

    May 27, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the Berrien County LP and the Andrews Univ. Libertarian Society. Discussion of plans for the Berrien County Youth Fair to take place.
    Location: Beijin Palace Chinese Restaurant, Downtown Berrien Springs MI
    Contact: Glenn Whitt Phone: 616 473-5708 E-mail: whitt@andrews.edu

    May 28, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    LPSC Monthly Meeting. NEW GUEST SPEAKER! Aarne Frobom, National Motorists Association activist. Mr. Frobom has agreed to replace Jack Down of Citizens Against Represive Zoning, who had to cancel.
    Location: Risto's Bistro, 113 S. Washington, Owosso
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    May 31, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    LP of Berrien County will host a candidate training seminar for those who are on the 1998 ballot and feel they need training but have been unable to attend previously held traning seminars at the state and national conventions. There is plenty of room. Anyone feeling the need for training is welcome to attend.
    Location: James White Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs
    Contact: Scott Beavers Phone: 616 944-1852 E-mail: scottbeavers@qtm.net

    June 10, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County
    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    June 11, 1998
    Monthly meeting of the LPWM to be held at Brann's
    Location: Brann's on Leonard in Grand Rapids
    Contact: haas Phone:  942 7674 E-mail: haas@iserv.net

    June 14, 1998 - 1:00 PM
    Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee Meeting
    Location: Home of Keith and Marnie Edwards, 28960 Jane St., St. Clair Shores. Take I-94 to 12 Mile Rd., go east on 12 Mile and turn right on Jane which is one block before the light at Little Mack Ave. The Edwards' home is on the left past the first cross street.
    Contact: Tim O'Brien Phone: 313 562-5778 E-mail: TOBrien321@aol.com

    June 18, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    LPSC Monthly Meeting. Guest Speaker: Diane Barnes
    Location: Risto's Bistro, 113 S. Washington, Owosso
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail: bsteele1@tir.com

    June 20, 1998 - 10:00 AM
    The Libertarians of Macomb County Adopt-A-Road clean up day. We will be cleaning up our assigned stretch of Metro Parkway, all volunteers are welcome.
    Location: Southwest corner of Schoenherr and Metro Parkway in Sterling Heights (bank parking lot).
    Contact: Rosemary Racchi Phone: 810 776-2214

    June 20, 1998 - 1:00 PM
    The Picnic for the Advancement of Peace, Liberty, and Freedom a fundraising/cookout sponsored by Greg stempfle for State Representative. Admission by contribution to the campaign.
    Location: Ford Field in Dearborn, take Michigan Avenue to Brady and go North until you reach the park. The park is bordered by Brady and Cherry Hill.
    Contact: Greg Stempfle Phone: 313 565-4407 E-mail: gstempfl@sun.science.wayne.edu

    For more events, see the online calendar at:

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