About one year ago, the LP of Wayne County established
a Local Representive system. Each city and township in the
county was identified, and volunteers were solicited to take
the lead in their community.
Recently, Nick Stoner of Melvindale, has put into place
a detailed list of duties for each Local Rep, and is getting
good response from many of the volunteers.
Kathie Orvis the WC Local Rep for Southgate, Riverview,
and Wyandotte, has been busy calling people in the LPM
database in her area. As of April 21, she has received 7
confirmed attendees for the May 5 WCLP meeting. These
people are non-members, and have never attended a WCLP
meeting before.
Dan Riojas has accepted the position of WCLP Public
Relations officer. Dan's responsibilities will include
identifying and maintaining a list of media contacts within
Wayne Co., writing and assisting candidates with press
releases, distributing press releases to the appropriate
media contacts, and assisting candidates with answering any
questionnaires or surveys received by candidates. Dan has
excellent communication and writing skills and is adept with
a computer. If any candidates have any questions or would
like assistance in this regard, please contact Dan at
313-928-9526 or online at themastercylinder@juno.com.
Dan's first priority will be putting together a press
release for all candidates to announce their bid for office
to the rest of the world.
Dave Nagy is the new Local Rep for Canton.
Kathie Orvis is the temporary Local Rep for Livonia.
The Wayne County LP is still in need of more volunteers
to make calls to prospects who have contacted us. We have
1,000's of interested people who have contacted us (the
Libertarian Party) that we need to follow-up on. Again,
please volunteer if you can; this is not cold calling, these
folks contacted us and requested information, now we need to
get back to them. If interested let Nick know at
Our thanks to the following people for taking the time
on Sunday to get their candidate photos done: Dean Hutyra,
Mike Freymen, Linda Willey, Erich Trager, Michael & Karin
Corliss, Gary Lloyd, Kathie Orvis, Paul Woolum, Loel Gnadt,
and Mike Drummond.
Thanks also to Doug MacDonald for his time and
expertise as resident photographer.