Libertarian Party of Michigan

Newsletter of 4/28/1998


  1. Upcoming Events
  2. National Convention ride share
  3. Berrien County LP Elects New Officers
  4. News from Andrews University Libertarians
  5. Wayne County Local Rep System Working

  1. Upcoming Events

    May 4, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Teresa Pollok is announcing her candidacy at a Campaign Kick-Off Party. Speakers will be Diane Barnes and Teresa Pollok.
    Location: Mexican Jones Restaurant, 675 W. Grand River, Brighton.
    Contact: Teresa Pollok Phone: 810 229-0737 E-mail:

    May 5, 1998 - 6:45 PM
    Monthly Meeting - LP of Wayne County. Optional Dinner at 6:30pm. Meeting starts at 7:45pm. Diane Barnes to speak. Plans for participation in 4th of July Parade to be finalized.
    Location: LaTrattoria Restaurant - 13736 Michigan Ave. Dearborn MI (west of Schaffer across from City Hall.
    Contact: Bill Shotey Phone: 313 278-3673 E-mail:

    May 12, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail:

    May 13, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Meeting - Libertarians of Macomb County
    Location: Fire Station Restaurant, 31185 Utica Road, Fraser (on the southwest corner of Utica Road and Groesbeck, just north of 13 Mile Road.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail: LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM

    May 14, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    The monthly meeting of the LPWM will be held beginning at 7 PM.
    Location: Brann's on Leonard street in Grand Rapids
    Contact: haas Phone: 1616 9427674 E-mail:

    May 21, 1998 - 6:30 PM
    Van Buren County Libertarians - A Double Bill! Stacy Van Oast, Vice-Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Michigan will be in town to visit us. Also, Mr. Kenneth Maxwell owner of Accutek Inspection Service of South Haven will talk to us on the subject of "Home Inspection, Private and Public". Mr. Maxwell also writes a regular column featured in the Herald-Palladium. This should be another good program!
    Location: CTs Restaurant - Blue Star Hwy & M-140 - South Haven
    Contact: Bill Bradley Phone: 616 637-4525 E-mail:

    May 25, 1998
    Farmers of Cass County will hold a Hemp Rally on Memorial Day, 1998. The Andrews University Libertarians, LP of Berrien County, and South Haven Libertarians will be participating. The rally is for the promotion of legalised growth of industrial hemp. All other LPM members are welcome to support these farmers in Cass County.
    Location: Cass County
    Contact: Scott Beavers Phone: 616 944-1852 E-mail:

    May 26, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Meeting of the Committee to Elect Diane Barnes to State Board of Education. All people interested in working on this important campaign are encouraged and welcome to attend.
    Location: LCMA Headquarters (also Brass Roots) at at 1035 Hilton Road (West of I-75 between Eight Mile and Nine Mile Roads) in Ferndale.
    Contact: Paul Soyk Phone: 810 977-3523 E-mail:

    May 27, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    Monthly Meeting of the Berrien County LP and the Andrews Univ. Libertarian Society. Discussion of plans for the Berrien County Youth Fair to take place.
    Location: Beijin Palace Chinese Restaurant, Downtown Berrien Springs MI
    Contact: Glenn Whitt Phone: 616 473-5708 E-mail:

    May 28, 1998 - 7:00 PM
    LPSC Monthly Meeting. Guest Speaker: Jack Down, President of Citizens Against Repressive Zoning.
    Location: Risto's Bistro, 113 S. Washington, Owosso
    Contact: Ben Steele III Phone: 517 288-5616 E-mail:

  2. National Convention ride share

    Erin Hollinden will be organizing a charter bus from Indianapolis to DC for Conventioneers. They plan to add riders in Ohio, too. If you would like more info call:

    Erin Hollinden (317) 487-7745

    Your last excuse for not attending has just evaporated. See you at the Convention!

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  3. Berrien County LP Elects New Officers by Glenn Whitt

    The LP of Berrien County has just had elections for party officers during the monthly meeting of April 23rd.  The officers are as follows:

    Chairman: Tom Baker 
    Vice-chairman: Scott Beavers 
    Treasurer: Jay Sauve 
    Secretary: Glenn Whitt 
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  4. News from Andrews University Libertarians by Glenn Whitt

    The Andrews University Libertarian Society showed the documentary WACO: The Rules of Engagement on the campus of Andrews University.  Between the two showings we had a total of 15 viewers.  Among the 15 veiwers were two families, two Seventh-day Adventist Church pastors, a retired history teacher, and members of the LP of Berrien County.  The heads of the two families requested nformation from the LPM and and would like to purchase their own copy of the documentary.  I will have them send a donation to the Advocates for Self-Government to get their copies.  I consider it to be a successful event.

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  5. Wayne County Local Rep System Working by Ben Bachrach, Kristin, Stoner and Nick Stoner

    About one year ago, the LP of Wayne County established a Local Representive system. Each city and township in the county was identified, and volunteers were solicited to take the lead in their community.

    Recently, Nick Stoner of Melvindale, has put into place a detailed list of duties for each Local Rep, and is getting good response from many of the volunteers.

    Kathie Orvis the WC Local Rep for Southgate, Riverview, and Wyandotte, has been busy calling people in the LPM database in her area. As of April 21, she has received 7 confirmed attendees for the May 5 WCLP meeting. These people are non-members, and have never attended a WCLP meeting before.

    Dan Riojas has accepted the position of WCLP Public Relations officer. Dan's responsibilities will include identifying and maintaining a list of media contacts within Wayne Co., writing and assisting candidates with press releases, distributing press releases to the appropriate media contacts, and assisting candidates with answering any questionnaires or surveys received by candidates. Dan has excellent communication and writing skills and is adept with a computer. If any candidates have any questions or would like assistance in this regard, please contact Dan at 313-928-9526 or online at

    Dan's first priority will be putting together a press release for all candidates to announce their bid for office to the rest of the world.

    Dave Nagy is the new Local Rep for Canton.

    Kathie Orvis is the temporary Local Rep for Livonia.

    The Wayne County LP is still in need of more volunteers to make calls to prospects who have contacted us. We have 1,000's of interested people who have contacted us (the Libertarian Party) that we need to follow-up on. Again, please volunteer if you can; this is not cold calling, these folks contacted us and requested information, now we need to get back to them. If interested let Nick know at NSSTONER@AOL.COM.

    Our thanks to the following people for taking the time on Sunday to get their candidate photos done: Dean Hutyra, Mike Freymen, Linda Willey, Erich Trager, Michael & Karin Corliss, Gary Lloyd, Kathie Orvis, Paul Woolum, Loel Gnadt, and Mike Drummond.

    Thanks also to Doug MacDonald for his time and expertise as resident photographer.

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