For those of you planning to attend the 1998 National Convention in Washington DC, you can find all the information you need at
4/6/98 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Tim O'Brien, 313-562-5778 LIBERTARIAN PARTY NOMINATES 93 CANDIDATES FOR FALL BALLOT EAST LANSING. The Libertarian Party of Michigan held its annual convention at the Marriot hotel in East Lansing the weekend of April 4 and 5. Michigan's largest "minor" party nominated a total of 93 candidates for the November 3 election. The slate is headed by State Board of Education candidates Diane Barnes and Jon Coon. The two represent the party's "Top-of-Ticket" under Michigan election law. It is success in this race upon which maintaining Libertarian Party ballot status depends. Diane Barnes, well known in education circles for her support of home schooling and her opposition to fads such as 'Outcomes-Based Education' and 'Goals 2000,' was one of the LPM's candidates for this same office in the '96 election. She received more than 150,000 votes in that election which, had she rather than Harry Browne (the party's presidential candidate that year) been the top-of- ticket, was not only enough to keep the party on the ballot, but nearly enough to elevate it to so-called "major party" status. Jon Coon was the party's 1994 candidate for United States Senate. Undoubtedly the highest profile Libertarian Party candidate in Michigan history, Mr. Coon, a former home-schooler also very concerned about education issues but most well known as a strong proponent of gun rights, organized a campaign rally on the east lawn of the Capitol building for his '94 Senate bid that drew 10,000 supporters. His vote total in that race was also a mere fraction of one percent short of the 5% needed to raise the LP to major party status in Michigan. "We are offering voters some terrific candidates for public office," said party chairman, Tim O'Brien, who was re-elected to that office at the same convention. "Not only Diane and Jon, but our entire slate. These are a dedicated and patriotic group of men and women who understand the principles upon which legitimate government is founded," he concluded. "If the public really has had enough of having to choose between 'the lesser of two evils' as so many tell pollsters, perhaps they are finally ready to consider a genuine alternative and take a much closer look at the Libertarian Party candidates." #
Experience the youthful irreverence of your collegiate counterparts with the MSU Libertarians' homepage located at:
Please take the time to visit, comment and sign the guestbook. Let us know that the time we could have spent, wasn't wasted on the website.
In addition to getting the inside dope on our infrastructure and operating procedure, you can also check the calendar and visit the links recommended by your collegiate affiliate at Michigan's largest and most public university.
An online form is available to subscribe to our announcements list, as well as the new discussion group for collegiate issues: The.Loop for those who wish to do so.
So visit, comment, and don't be afraid to nit-pick! Remember: A better website equals a stronger party.
Attention all candidates!
I have posted a listing of all of our candidates on our web site at:
I would like to include information on how to contact each candidate. this information could include e-mail address, phone number and mailing address. If you would like me to include such information, plaes send it to
The Libertarian Party of Michigan has web server space available free of charge donated by Coast to Coast Telecommunications. We currently post information about the party such as officer directories, bylaws, platform, the Michigan Libertarian newsletter, candidate lists, etc. As a candidate of the Libertarian Party of Michigan, you will be able to post information about your campaign on our web site. Or if you'd like more control over your info and already have your own web account, you can have your site linked to the LPM pages.
Submitting your information:
(Methods are listed in order of preference)
Write your own files. If you can write HTML files, just write the files you need and send them all either on disk or via e-mail to the address on the back of this page. Keep in mind that all of your files will be posted in their own sub-directory on the server.
Send information in electronic format. You can submit your information in text file or word processor file format on disk or via e-mail to the address on the back of this page. Note that it may take me a while for me to process this information.
Send information on paper. Send it to the address at the bottom of this page with instructions on how you would like it to appear on the web site. Note that it could be several weeks before I can process this information and get it posted on the web site.
What to put on your Web site:
Contact information. Include campaign address, phone/fax numbers, e-mail address (it is essential that you have an e-mail address if you have a web page). If you have a campaign office, include directions and a map to the office.
Maps - You can get a graphic file of a local map from the Yahoo Web site at Just select the "Maps" option, enter the address and you'll see a road map of the area around you address. You can zoom in and out to get the right area that you want covered, then just save the graphic with your web browser.
Biography. Include information on family, occupation, interests, politically history.
Portrait. I suggest that you use a portrait done by a professional photographer. Many of the local photography studios can also give you a graphic file of your portrait. If not, you can usually get a color scan of your picture done at Kinko's.
Issues. Write short articles explaining your position on various issues that are relevant to your campaign.
Press Releases. Post any press releases generated by your campaign.
Calendar. Include any events you will be hosting or attending, basically any time you will be publicly campaigning, including when and where you will be going door to door.
Call for Volunteers. List when, where and why you need volunteers for any project. Give accurate instructions on when and where you want them to be.
Graphics. Keep graphics to a minimum since you don't want your readers to have to wait forever for your page to load into their web browser. I have the ability to scan black and white images for you. Once again, color images can be scanned at Kinko's.
A Link back to the Libertarian Party of Michigan Home Page. At
What NOT to put on your web site:
Topics and links that are irrelevant to your campaign. This should be self explanatory.
Dark background colors and graphics. You need to have good contrast between your text and the background of your page. I recommend black on white, but you can use a very light color for a background if you wish. Any background graphic needs to be very muted. Remember, this is a campaign page, you want it to be easy to read, not to win artistic awards.
Large graphics. Once again, you want people to read your information. If the reader has to wait too long for you page to download, he may just move on.
Where to send your Web materials:
E-mail: HTML Files and other electronic formats. You can send it via e-mail to markheil@flashnet. Include instructions on how you would like the information to appear on the web site.
Postal Address: Send disks or written information to:
Mark Heil 26450 Crocker Blvd., #1013 Harrison Twp. MI 48045-2496Questions: Call me at (810) 468-0509 or e-mail me at with any questions about putting your campaign on the Web.
LP Candidates may request address lists, labels, or files of all the people we have in the LPM database in their districts. State wide, we have more than 16,500 people who have shown interest in the Libertarian Party.
For more information contact: Ben Bachrach at
Through the generousity of LP of Wayne County Board Member, Loel Gnadt, the Libertarian Party of Michigan now has a phone number for deaf people to use to contact us. The TDD number is: 313 381 4125 TDD
A complete list of the Libertarian Party of Michigan's 1998 candidates is now available on our web site at
This list contains the office contested for, candidate name, home town, phone number and e-mail address. Please send any corrections to