The LPM has 93 candidates in 1998, 20% more than in 1996 (76)! For the second consecutive election, the LPM is contesting all 16 US Congressional seats. In 1998, the LPM is contesting 51 Michigan Legislative seats.
The nominated candidates for the November 3, 1998 general election are:
Representative in Congress: John Loosemore District 1 Bruce Smith District 2 Erwin Haas District 3 Dan Marsh District 4 Clint Foster District 5 Glenn Whitt District 6 Ken Proctor District 7 Ben Steele III District 8 Malcolm Johnson District 9 R. Friend District 10 Richard Gach District 11 Al Titran District 12 Dean Hutyra District 13 Mike Freyman District 14 Linda Willey District 15 Edward Hlavac District 16
Member State Board of Education: Diane Barnes Jon Coon Regent University of Michigan: James Montgomery Bill Hall Trustee Michigan State University: Barbara Goushaw Mark Heil Governor Wayne State University: Scotty Boman Tom Jones Justice of the Supreme Court: Jerry Kaufman David Raaflaub
State Senator: Connie Catalfio District 1 Michael Donahue District 5 Erich Trager District 6 Kristin Stoner District 7 David Nagy District 9 Don McCluskey District 10 Scott Allen District 11 Paul Soyk District 12 Gary Atkinson District 13 Tom Baker District 20 Richard Whitelock District 23 Mark Owen District 25 Richard Samul District 26 Dave Jackson District 28 Charles Gershfield District 38
State Representative: Joann Karpinski District 3 Greg Stempfle District 15 Kerry Smith District 16 Robert Irwin District 17 Michael Corliss District 18 John Tatar District 19 Doug MacDonald District 20 Jim Sager District 22 Gary Lloyd District 23 Kathie Orvis District 24 Nick Stoner District 25 Keith Edwards District 26 Tom Sydlow District 27 Ron Burcham District 28 James Pietrangelo District 29 Gerald McKeon District 30 John Fagan District 31 Robert VanOast District 32 Joe Zemens District 33 Terrence Ray, Adams District 34 Pam Collins District 35 Lorna Tate District 41 Mark Carney District 46 Dan Lafavers District 54 Teresa A. Pollok District 66 George Sise District 67 Mike Brinkman District 70 Glenn Barr District 77 Jay Sauve District 78 Scott Beavers District 79 William H. Bradley District 80 Peter Porcaro District 81 Max Dollarhite District 85 William White District 86 Allen Bauer District 97 Robert Black District 110
Houghton County: Doug Hull County Clerk Iron County: Christine James County Commissioner, District 4 Macomb County: Laurel Pietrangelo County Commissioner, District 6 James Runestad County Commissioner, District 23 Oakland County: Tonya Storey County Commissioner, District 15 Jeff Hampton County Commissioner, District 22 Washtenaw County: Kim Cashman County Treasurer James Hudler County Commissioner, District 5 Wayne County: Paul Woolum County Executive Thomas Casey County Commissioner, District 1 Karin Corliss County Commissioner, District 12 Loel Gnadt County Commissioner, District 13 Mike Drummond County Commissioner, District 14 Mike Johnson Jr County Commissioner, District 15 Wexford County: Floyd Willis County Commissioner, District 4 Greg Willis County Commissioner, District 5
Thanks to each candidate for stepping to the plate to help fill our slate in '98. For the next 7 months, until November 3, 1998, it is our job to support the candidates nominated by the LPM. Our candidates will be undertaking a number of time-consuming and costly projects in their campaigns. They will be carrying our message of freedom to many who have, as yet, not heard of our existence. Their actions on the campaign trail will benefit us all. So, please, help out wherever possible.
The LCC/LCMA have negotiated some very good sign prices, so many of our candidates will have yard signs. So, for the candidates that are on the ballot in your precinct, please let them know that you want one of their yard signs in your yard. Also, election day is the most important day for volunteers. We want people at their own poll location to hand out literature on behalf of our candidates. Our top of ticket race is very important this election cycle and will be on the ballot in each and every precinct in Michigan, so, if you can, please reserve November 3, 1998 on your calendar for working the poll.
The LCC/LCMA will be creating literature for our candidates for Congress, State Senate, and State Rep. Many of our other candidates will be creating literature of their own (including our top of ticket: Diane Barnes for State Board of Education). Literature for our candidates should be much more widely available than ever before. Please obtain literature for candidates in your general area and distribute it at your affiliate events.
Also consider volunteering to work on one of the campaigns. Help is ALWAYS needed! Consider contributing to the candidates. The costs of campaigning are steep and our candidates are often limited in their ability to campaign by funds available. Remember, all our candidates are putting in alot of their time as well as financing much of their campaign.
Most important of all: VOTE! Vote for our candidates and talk to your family, neighbors, and friends about voting for our candidates. We have double the membership of two years ago. We have more than double the candidates for the Michigan Legislature from two years ago. The Libertarian movement is continuing to grow. We ARE the future of politics.
You are on the cutting edge. Research has indicated that our viewpoint, socially liberal and economically conservative, is shared by over a third of the population. Yet, there is no major party which supports this position. We don't have to waste our time converting people, we just have to find the ones who already agree with us! The Libertarian political philosophy of freedom will reign in the next millennium. This is history in the making ... be a part of it! And, help make it happen!
Thank you!
Yours in Liberty, Doug MacDonald
PS Start thinking about running for a local office in 1999 and/or for an office in the 2000 election. No, it isn't too early to start making plans now ... In the meantime, please help out our present Slate for '98 in any way you can ...
As expected, Diane Barnes, LPM candidate for State Board of Ed in the '96 election, was nominated to run for that office again in the fall election this year.
Ms. Barnes was nominated for our all-important "Top-of-Ticket" slot both because of her reputation and activism in educational issues and because her 150,000+ vote total in '96 would have put us very near that elusive "major" party threshhold had she been our top-of-ticket in that race.
We were entitled to nominate two candidates for State Board of Ed and, so, also nominated Jon Coon (taking advantage of his high name recognition throughout the state.) However, only Ms. Barnes intends to run an active campaign.
While we will have nearly a hundred candidates on the ballot this fall and I would encourage to support any in whose district you live, EVERY LPM member should also contribute in some way -- financially and/or by volunteering time and effort -- to the Barnes campaign. Upon the results of THIS race hangs not only our chances for achieving "major" party status, but also our very existence as a ballot-qualified "minor" party.
Pictured left to right: Diane Barnes; Diane's Campaign Manager, Paul Soyk; and Teresa A. Pollok, candidate for State Rep. District 66.We would very much like to become a major party. But we MUST retain our ballot status for the presidential contest in 2,000.
So, here is a list of...
Five Things You Can Do to Help Elect Diane Barnes to the Michigan State Board of Education!
1. Identify Local Media Contacts – Find out who’s writing and talking about education issues and the State Board campaign in your local newspapers and on your local radio and television stations. Then let us know how we can contact them.
2. Identify Speaking Opportunities – Diane would like to speak to groups of parents and concerned citizens about her campaign and her ideas for real education reform in Michigan. If you know of any homeschooling groups, religious or private school groups, or concerned parents that would be interested in speaking with Diane, let us
3. Literature Distribution – We need other candidates and their volunteers to include Diane’s literature when they distribute literature at the polls and when walking their districts. If you are not volunteering for another campaign, we need you to distribute literature at your home precinct on both the primary and the general election day. If you can help, let us know your plans so we can get the brochures to you in time.
4. Sign and Banner Distribution – We need people to allow us to place lawn signs and large banners on their property, and volunteers to place the signs. If you own property in or near high traffic, commercial areas we need to hear from you!
5. Send Money – None of the above activities will be possible without the financial support. Please use the contributor form below to send your contributions. Thank you.
If you can help with any of these activities, contact Diane’s campaign manager, Paul Soyk at 810-977-3523 or LNUSGMB.ZZYQNH@GMEDS.COM
------------------------------------------------------ I’d like to help elect Diane Barnes! __ I’ve enclosed __ $25 __ $50 __ $100 __ $500 __ $______ __ I can place a __ yard sign or __ banner on my property. __ I can distribute literature __ I am a candidate who will be walking my district __ I am a candidate who will be distributing literature at the polls __ I will distribute literature at my home precinct Send to: CTE Diane Barnes, c/o Marnie Edwards, Treasurer, 28960 Jane St.,St. Clair Shores MI 48081 Michigan law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation,employer and employer’s address for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $100. Political contributions are not tax-deductible. No corporate checks. Legal contribution limit is $3400 per person. Name:__________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ City:___________________State:_____Zip:___________ Phone:__________________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________ Occupation:______________________________________ Employer:________________________________________ Employer’s address:________________________________ ______________________________________________
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Libertarians of Macomb County invite you to our “Macomb County Tea Party”, Wednesday evening, April 15, 1998.
April 15th is a great day to get across the LP’s message about taxes. It is a chance to let people know that the LP opposes the income tax (on a day when their disgust with that tax is likely to be at a peak) and to let them know how to contact the LP.
That is exactly what we will be doing in at the Warren Post Office on Mound Road the evening of Wednesday, April 15th. Late filers will be moving in slow line in their cars as they approach the post office. We will be there also handing out the National LP’s “Million Dollar Bills” jokingly asking them “How about some money to pay those taxes?” Getting a kick out of this, they will be eager to take our brochures about the LP’s position on taxes. We will also have signs such as “Repeal the Income Tax” and “Less Government. No Income Tax.” including the LP logo and phone number. To add to the fun, if you are so inclined, you are encouraged to dress up in American Revolutionary uniforms and costumes.
When: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 6:00 p.m. to Midnight (come and leave at whatever time is convenient to your schedule) Where: At the Warren Post Office, located at 28401 Mound Road, between I-696 and 12 Mile Road (additional locations may be added as volunteers allow) Action Item: Call the coordinator of this event, Al Titran, at (810) 776-2214 and let him know you will be there. We will, in turn, forward additional details and information to help make this outreach a success.
One year ago, LP of Michigan Membership was at 954. Following the 1997 Convention, the Michigan Libertarian Executive Committee set a goal 4/1/98 goal of 1250.
I am pleased to report that the goal has been exceeded. Our 4/1/98 membership total is 1272.
Achieving a 33.3% membership growth in a non-election year is probably a first for us.
Congratulations to everyone who worked to achieve this goal.
Ben Bachrach Secretary, LP of Michigan
On the weekend of March 14 & 15, the chair of the largest political action committee serving Libertarian candidates announced his intention to seek the office of National Chair. Gene A. Cisewski (40 - Washington, D.C.) made the announcement at the New York and New Jersey Libertarian Party state conventions.
"The focus of my campaign is simple: we have to have a better strategy, built around the grassroots of our party, to move forward effectively," said Cisewski in making his announcement. He explained how failing to develop the volunteer "people power" of the Libertarian Party has held back our success, "The LP has been around for 27 years. While we've seen some modest membership gains with various peaks and valleys, we lost political market share in the 90s. Consider that in 1988 LP presidential candidate Ron Paul came in at third place. In 1992 Andre Marrou won fourth place. Harry Browne's campaign only mustered a fifth place showing in 1996."
Cisewski pointed to other political indicators that he believes show why a more comprehensive strategic plan has to be implemented now. "At various times we've elected people to state legislatures, culminating with four members of the New Hampshire State House in the early part of this decade. Today we have no elected office holders at the state level," noted Cisewski.
Cisewski said that he believes that the party will move forward at a faster pace when we learn from the success at the grassroots, " Fortunately, there's exciting news on the grassroots front! Last year New Jersey and Pennsylvania Libertarians led the nation to reclaim our title. The third largest and fastest growing political party in the United States' was fast becoming false advertising until the grassroots went to work."
More than 100 prominent Libertarians from throughout the United States have already endorsed Cisewski's campaign, including Hon. Don Gorman from New Hampshire; Hon. Brian Higgins from Massachusetts; Hon. Bonnie Flickinger, Gail Lightfoot, and Richard Boddie from California; State Chair Janice Presser, Mike Buoncristiano, Murray Sabrin, and Ed Wiessman from New Jersey; Blay Tarnoff from New York; Jim Givens and Jackie Bradbury from Missouri; Ron Emery from Wisconsin; State Chair Steve Richardson from Wyoming; LNC Regional Rep. Bob Franke; Ken Sturzenacker and Tim Moir from Pennsylvania; Steve Boone, Jesse Markowitz, and Amy Rule from Maryland.
Cisewski is president and CEO of the marketing firm, The Monticello Group. In a volunteer capacity, he also founded and chairs the Liberty Council Political Action Committee, which funds grassroots Libertarian campaigns. Last year, he organized the Libertarian Victory 2000 campaign training program in Philadelphia and seven people who attended went on to win elections in November.
Cisewski, representing Region II on the Libertarian National Committee, served as state party vice chair in Wisconsin as well as state chair in the District of Columbia. He's made frequent speaking and media appearances on behalf of liberty. These include speaking at the University of Texas and the College of William and Mary, as well as televised appearances on NET and debating former California Gov. Jerry Brown on the former NewsTalk Television Network.
The author of "The Libertarian Party County Organizing Manual" and "How to Have Fun Losing Your Race for Congress," Cisewski told delegates in New York and New Jersey that this campaign isn't about throwing out rascals. "We have to teach people to win elections. And to do that, we have to attract political pros who know how to do it without compromising our principles. With your support and guidance, I will assemble a bigger team of talented people who can add to the things already done well so that our growth and victories can multiply. You see, this is not a campaign to throw rascals out of party office. I recognize the important contributions that many good folks make right now. No matter who you choose for National Chair, money will have to be raised and membership built. Yet we have to go way beyond that and better develop our grassroots people power if we're to achieve your goals and mine."
People interested in finding out more information, or volunteering for the campaign should contact Jesse Markowitz at 301-990-7512 or
The following 55 people where elected as delegates to the National Convention. Six Delegates remain open. Any Michigan member not on this list who would like to be a delegate should contact Tim O'Brien.
Jon W. Addiss Ben Bachrach Diane Barnes Glenn A. Barr Allen A. Bauer Scott A. Boman Brett Cashman Fred Collins Pamela J Collins Jon E. Coon Rebecca Coon Renae B Coon Greg Dirasian Sally Dobson Keith P. Edwards Clint Foster Geoffrey Foster Richard Friend Vicki L. Hall Mark F. Heil Bruce Hoepner James L. Hudler Thomas W. Jones Edward W. Karpinski Joann M. Karpinski Daniel LaFavers Judy Lamb Douglas K. MacDonald Dan Marsh Anna McAbee James McAbee Michael H. Miller James F. Montgomery James P. Mulonas David Nagy Nancy O'Brien Timothy O'Brien Kathie Orvis David Raaflaub Jacqueline Racchi Rosemary Racchi Jay L. Sauve Kerry Smith Paul M. Soyk Violet Steele Ben Steele III Greg Stempfle Albert J Titran Stacy VanOast Raymond H Warner David Westerhof Karen Westerhof William White Linda Willey Paul S. WoolumAny corrections should be reported to Ben Bachrach
The following people were elected as Alternates to the 1998 National Convention. Any Michigan Member not listed is eligible to be an alternate. If interested contact Tim O'Brien.
Anina E. Bachrach Robert Black Robert F. Broda Richard L. Clark Catherine A. Cove Barbara B. Goushaw William W. Hall Christine C. James Gary Lloyd Stephen Saletta Emily H. Salvette Robert VanOastAdditions or Corrections should be reported to Ben Bachrach