“Communicating Liberty” The LPM 1998 Nominating Convention
Registration Deadline is March 21st!!!
Everyone should have received a brochure by now announcing the details of the upcoming Libertarian Party of Michigan nominating convention which is being held at the East Lansing Marriott in East Lansing, the weekend of April 3-5.
The theme this year is “Communicating Liberty” and we have an exciting array of speakers who are masters in that field. William Winter, the National LP’s Director of Communication will speak at the Saturday evening banquet. It’s very apparent that under his direction the Libertarian Party has gained more and more media recognition. He’ll be sharing his experiences and secrets so that the future will be brighter for us all.
Other esteemed speakers include David Bergland, 1984 presidential candidate and author of “Libertarianism in One Lesson” and candidate for LP National Chair and Sharon Harris, president of Advocates for Self-Government.
If you want to effectively spread the word about freedom and responsibility that the LP advocates, this convention is a must. Whether you plan on running for office as a Libertarian candidate or building a strong Libertarian organization or talking with co-workers, friends, and neighbors about libertarianism, this convention will help you communicate our great ideas and plans.
Seminars include: Communicating with the Mass Media by William Winter; Interpersonal Communications and Effective Outreach Tools by Sharon Harris; High Impact Voter Contact with Fred Collins and Jon Coon; Libertarianism and Women’s Issues: A Panel Discussion with your favorite active women Libertarians; Candidate Strategy and Tactics with Barb Goushaw; and Organizing College Student Groups hosted by the Michigan State Libertarians.
This is also the place where bylaws and platform changes will be discussed and made; candidates will be nominated so that we run a full slate in ‘98; delegates to the ‘98 national convention will be nominated; and new officers will be elected to the LPM executive and judicial committees.
Wow! There’s a lot happening the weekend of April 3-5 in East Lansing! Can you afford to miss it??? It’ll be fun, inspiring, and interesting.
For more information, contact Mike Brinkman at Brinkman1@aol.com or (517)333-4857.
The following officers were elected by the LP of Wayne County.
Chair - Joann Karpinski Vice Chair - Bill Shotey Secretary - Helen Weaver Treasurer - Ben Bachrach Board Members - Loel Gnadt, Ed Karpinski, Kerry Smith
The LP of Wayne County opened nominations for candidates for the November General Election. Nominated State Reps Districts 3 - Joann Karpinski (Educational Campaign) 21 - David Nagy (Educational Campaign) 25 - Nick Stoner (Active Campaign - Nominations Closed) Wayne County Commission District 13 - Loel Gnadt (Educational Campaign). The caucus will remain open until the close of the LPM convention, April 5, 1998.
I invite all Michigan libertarians to visit The Injustice Line, located at http://home.earthlink.net/~ynot/
Operated by a member of the Michigan Libertarian Party, The Injustice Line concerns itself with injustices and atrocities committed by government against people. If you believe the government has tyranically seized power that rightly is not theirs; if you believe the courts blatantly refuse to follow the constitution, often by twisting clear statements of words into their opposites; if you believe that former drug users now in government calling for even more incarceration of drug users are hypocritical; if you believe the little guy stands little chance against determined government assault, regardless of who is in the right; you will find many stories on The Injustice Line that will confirm your beliefs.
Stories on The Injustice Line range from an in-depth look at cases of individuals wrongly crushed by government, to essays dealing with the broader implications of statist policy.
Every person who visits our site adds to our counter, and helps strike a blow for liberty.
Want to do something for someone in need? Visit The Floyd Caldwell Story, http://home.earthlink.net/~ynot/FloydCal.html
He needs you to e-mail Governor Engler. We have the Governor's e-mail address on the site. His story is of special interest to residents of Berrien County, but should be read by people all over the state.
Would you like to read about Michigan's outrageous drug laws? We certainly cover that. We cover the ruling of the Quebec Court of Appeals condemning Michigan as an international outlaw, as well as the incredible story of Mindy Brass.
Even though we originate in Michigan, our coverage is not restricted to Michigan, and we have many stories from other states, and a few from other countries. Best of all, we encourage visitors to our site to send in their own tales of injustice for posting on the site. Hope to see you there.
James Lawrence ynot@earthlink.net
The Libertarian Party of Livingston County (LPLC), founded in 1995, has become the FIRST Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) affiliate to fill the slate for ‘98. The candidates for Livingston County are:
Ben Steele III, US Congress, District 8
Richard Samul, MI State Senate, District 26
Teresa Pollok, MI State Rep, District 66
George Sise, MI State Rep, District 67
Ben Steele III had originally announced his campaign for State Senate last year, but Livingston County elects county officials in Presidential elections, as do most of the townships in Livingston County, so, when Richard Samul sought a position on the ballot, and preferring to run against Senator Mike Rogers, Ben graciously rearranged his campaign plans to run in the 8th Congressional District against incumbent Debbie Stabenow (D) and one of the hopeful Republican challengers: Dick Chrysler (former Congressman) or Susan Munsell (former State Rep in the 66th and Governor Engler’s favorite).
Matthew Dickinson, LPLC Treasurer, is considering plans for running for Hamburg Township Trustee in 2000.
Brian Ludwig, former Vice Chair of LPLC, married last year and moved to Oakland County where he has announced his campaign for State Senate, District 15. Some people say that he moved just to get on the ballot ... but we don’t know how true the rumor is ...
Doug MacDonald, former Chair and Membership Director of LPLC, also moved last year. Doug now lives in Wayne County and has announced his campaign for State Senate, District 9. Some people say that he moved just to get on the ballot ... and I DO know how true the rumor is ... but I ain’t saying ... I’ll merely quote that over used political expression, “I have no recollection of the events in question ...”
Livingston County exemplifies “state of the art” Libertarian Party political activism. Livingston County is OVERFLOWING with high caliber candidates. Livingston County has TOO MANY candidates.
Your affiliate, too, can fill the slate in ‘98. Libertarians, who are not professional politicians, and therefore have to work for a living, will occasionally volunteer to be candidates, but most of the time, they don’t want to step forward and take up a slot on the ballot which may prevent someone else from coming along who will run a more active campaign. At this late date, all the very active campaigns are already underway. The best way to secure candidates is for the Chair and the Secretary to call the LP members in your county(ies), and nearby unorganized counties, and ask them to run for office (please contact Ben Bachrach at Ben45@aol.com for the member list, if your affiliate doesn’t maintain a separate database). You’d be surprised at the response you get! Just ask Stacy VanOast of Macomb County who has been doing just that.
The Libertarian Party must have a strong ballot presence to build on its recent successes and push forward the Libertarian movement. Contesting the upper level races is a must. Winning the local races is crucial too. Our success depends on pursuing both. We NEED both. As Jon Coon has pointed out, “Either one without the other would be like clapping with one hand.” And, we NEED your help!
Help guide us to our fate, ... that be Liberty, mate, ... by filling the slate for this state in '98. AND, step to the plate, don't be late, be a candidate, it'll be great! HURRY! Beat the deadline date of April 5, 1998.
The Libertarian Party of Lapeer and Genesee Counties will be holding their first fundraising dinner on March 27th at 7:30pm and will be held at $25 per plate. The location is Walli's Restaurant and Motor Lodge, G-1341 S. Center Rd. Burton. For directions please call 810-743-9600. Mr. Michael LaFaive, who is the managing editor for the 'Michigan Privatization Report' put out by 'The Mackinac Center for Public Policy', will be the speaker. His speech is "Demystifying the state, how privatization is driving the freedom movement." and concerns privatization of schools.
Dinner will consist of the following for main courses:
1. Grilled Chicken Breast 2. Baked Cod 3. Sirloin Steak 4. Seafood Platter (vegetarians upon request)We need to limit it to the first 30 RSVP's. If interested please contact Peter H. Davidson at 810-797-2044 for a reservation.
A group administrator is someone who has the ability to enter calendar events and news items for this newsletter. Ideally, we will have at least one group administrator for each affilitate and student organization within the LPM. This will insure that we get accurate and up to date information entered into the LPM Online newsletter and to the Calendar of Events web pages for each affiliate.
We already have nearly half of these positions filled. However, we still need group administrators for the following affiliates: Berrien County, Ionia County, Livingston County, Mid-Michigan LP, Northwest LP, South-Central LP, West Michigan, Calhoun County and Ottawa County.
I've also set up groups for the libertarian college groups and we still need administrators for Michigan State University and University of Michigan. College groups that have administrators are Andrews University, Michigan Tech and Delta College. If you know of any college groups I am missing, please let me know at markheil@flash.net.
Group administrators can post calendar events for their group's upcoming activities and post news articles about their group's meetings, events and candidates. They are also able to add and remove subscribers to the LPM Online newsletter.
If you are a member of a group without a current administrator and are willing to be an adminstrator for your group, please let me know at markheil@flash.net. Thank you.
Mark Heil
Requesting additional Newspaper Address's in SMich, SWMich, MidMich, NMich area U.P. for LPM advertising focused for July, to highlight our LP convention & CSPN coveage. Currently have Metro Detroit & Grand Rapids papers.
Leave info at: lpmdnagy@aol.com Any comments or help greatly appreciated. D.Nagy, Print Ad Committee Chair
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