December 2021

Volume 50:12

In This Issue:

Contributions welcome

We welcome new contributions with careful attention to our guidelines. Articles for the next issue of the Michigan Libertarian must be submitted to chair@michiganlp.org, and newsletter@michiganlp.org no later than the 20th of each month. This allows for publication on the first of each month. We routinely post articles to the website homepage ahead of our publication date.

The Libertarian Party of Michigan depends on contributions to carry out its mission Please Visit us at MichiganLP.org and scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to gain access to our contribution form.

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Scotty Boman Defeated by Incumbent in Detroit

Scotty Boman asking Detroit Resident Zelda Anderson for her vote. Photo by Linda Moore.
Scotty Boman asking Detroit Resident Zelda Anderson for her vote. Photo by Linda Moore.

Detroit, MI - Scotty Boman lost Detroit's District 4 Police Commissioner campaign to the incumbent on November Second. Boman was one of two Libertarian Party of Michigan candidates on the ballot in 2021. The other was Alex Avery who unsuccessfully ran for the 28th District Michigan Senate seat. His campaign reached out to every household in the district. It included targeted mailings using professional quality literature. His campaign used phone banks, robo-calls, and a strong online presence.

Most notably, Boman personally knocked on every door in his district (over the past 4 years). Also he revisited about half of them in the 2021 election cycle. He also reached out to senior citizens living in residential communities. When contrasted with the campaign of his opponent, many of Boman's local supporters were surprised (and even shocked) that the incumbent won. Boman commented,

While I was never smugly assuming I would win, I was surprised that I lost by a greater margin than in 2017; my activities in the past four years should have drawn more support.
In 2017 he earned over 39% of the vote, but only received 36% this time. He won the election for Community Advisory Council in 2020 with over 97% of the vote, but voter turnout was more than twice as great.

Scotty Boman Looks Forward

Boman will redirect his political activities to address constituent concerns, as Community Advisory Council Chair, for the remainder of 2021. After that he hopes to redirect the efforts of Team Boman to better understanding why he lost. Libertarians interested in helping him, with this research, should contact him directly.

Opposing Organization Backs Incumbent

The one factor that seemed to work in the incumbents favor was the support of an organization called "Our Neighborhoods First." Their most visible action was a single 8.5" by 11" Mailer sent throughout the district. They sent it shortly after the City of Detroit sent out its last wave of absentee ballots. That piece highlighted The opponent's many years of service in the Detroit Police department. Boman commented that

If this is what gave him more support, then it points to a failure of both my campaign and Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight (DRACO), to educate Detroiters on what the purpose and mission of the Board of Police Commissioners. Anyone, so informed, would not see this as a qualification, but rather a source of bias that he would need to overcome. Those commissioners (who were also former Detroit Police Officers) who have done a good job, did so IN SPITE OF (NOT BECAUSE OF) this experience. Their core duty is to evaluate complaints against police officers (after a thorough review by the Office of the Chief Investigator), and impose disciplinary action where necessary.

Mayoral Connection

According to Deadline Detroit, "Our Neighborhoods First" is a heavily financed source of so-called "dark money" that supports Detroit's Mayor Mike Duggan and candidates he favors. They're run by mayoral appointees (former and current) and were, also, incorporated by a lawyer for the Duggan campaign. Boman noted, "It seems like we stepped up the quality of our campaign, but the opposition's supporters stepped things up to match us."

Boman told supporters,

I won't blindly run against this candidate, for this office again. I value the support each member of the team has provided, and I won't ask you to waste time, talent and treasure on an enterprise that has no reasonable chance of success. Please be assured that if I reach out for your support in the future, that I am doing so with informed confidence.

City Vehicles Being Used To Steal Signs Off Homeowners Lawns

Detroit employees get in truck after steeling Scotty Boman signs. Photograph by theft victim Wendy Clark
Detroit employees get in truck after steeling Scotty Boman signs. Photograph by theft victim Wendy Clark.

In addition to being challenged by financiers of Detroit's political establishment, Boman found his campaign to be targeted by Detroit's government, itself.

At approximately 12:30 PM on Friday October 15th, homeowner Wendy Clark initially saw one of three women step out of a pickup truck. They then attempted to steal political signs off her lawn. Mrs. Clark told the woman to stop, but she continued to take the last sign off her property, and threw it into the back of the pick-up truck. When the Mrs. Clark asked the perpetrator why she was doing this, the perpetrator said she her supervisor told her to do it.

The victim (Wendy Clark) retrieved the signs from the back of the truck, and put them back on her lawn. One of the women shouted obscenities at Clark and had a threatening tone.

Selective Suppression

Shortly after that, they returned and stole the signs. Based on the fact that the entire strip of roadway (East Outer Drive between Gratiot Ave. and I-94) was devoid of "Scotty Boman 4 Police Commissioner" signs after this encounter, and that this was the roadway where most of Boman's signs were posted, this had the effect of suppressing peoples vote for this candidate, and their ability to use signage to encourage others to do the same.

Political Intimidation

Wendy Clark said the perpetrators made her fear for her safety. She also felt the city workers intimidated her for her political choices.

Neither Boman nor Clark know the identities of the three women, but they were using a City of Detroit vehicle (White pick-up truck) with markings on it: A Spirit of Detroit logo and the numbers 206208. Mrs. Clark took some photographs as the three perpetrators departed. They were three masked women with black outer wear and some orange T-shirts showing.

Complaints and Excuses

Clark and Boman filed complaints with the Detroit Inspector General and the US Justice Department. An investigator responded to CAC Chairperson Boman on behalf of the Inspector General. Investigator Jacqueline Hendricks-Moore, confirmed that the thieves were city employees. She also defended them with claims that the easement of a residential property is public property. She implied that the City can legally confiscate private property (without compensation) from those portions of residential front yards.

CAC Chairperson Boman has repeatedly asked for links to specific laws that support her assertion. The laws she provided, however, were not germane to the specific situation, nor did they support any of her claims.

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Red Flag Legislation has Liberty in the Crosshairs

By Aaron Gardner, Webmaster

Red Flag laws may be enforced by militarized police raids.
Red Flag laws may be enforced by militarized police raids

Red flag legislation threatens individual rights; when we express the unconstitutionality of gun control laws we generally refer to the Second Amendment. This Constitutional Amendment legally secures the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Occasionally bills, like red flag legislation, have the potential to violate additional Constitutionally secured rights. One of the latest proposed gun control laws is an example of this. It violates of the Second Amendment, and flagrantly violates the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, as well.

Red Flag Bill in the House

HR 2377, introduced in the United States House of Representatives this past April, is commonly known as the "Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act" of 2021. If passed, it would empower the Federal government to prohibit an individual from purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm, without due process. Instead, it would do this with only a third-party affidavit.

It further empowers law enforcement to execute warrants, seizing any firearms and ammunition from the accused, upon issuance of the order, without trial-- violating due process of the law.

It simply allows any family member, household member, law enforcement officer, neighbor, or political opponent to accuse an individual of being a threat to themselves or others. This expansion of police power will potentially put the individual in imminent danger of a federal raid. No-knock warrants and seizures have already ended in tragedy, across the country. They would create this danger solely for the purposes of taking away firearms, and violating the individual's rights to bear those firearms.

The most unique aspect, of this bill, is the information provided to obtain such a warrant is admissible via a third party. Hearsay is inadmissible in a court, but is acceptable, under this new bill, to prevent certain individuals from owning firearms. Is it possible for law enforcement to kill innocent people based on false accusations in a sworn affidavit?

Stand Up For Your Rights

Regardless of where you stand on firearms, this bill is bad news. Don't stand by while Congress attempts to strip individuals of their rights (under the guise of protecting people).

Find your federal representative-- Tell them what you think of their excessive use of power, and to stop their unwarranted use of authority.

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Officers & Staff

General Contact: Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW.

Chair: Tim Yow. chair@michiganlp.org
First Vice Chair: Ben Boren. vcaffiliates@michiganlp.org
Second Vice Chair: Andrew Chadderdon vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org
Secretary: Daniel Ziemba. secretary@michiganlp.org
Treasurer: Norman Peterson. treasurer@michiganlp.org
District 1 Rep: Ryan Roberts. dist1rep@michiganlp.org
District 2 Rep: Steven Fox. dist2rep@michiganlp.org
District 3 Rep: Jordan Martin. dist3rep@michiganlp.org
District 4 Rep: Rich Theelon. dist4rep@michiganlp.org
District 5 Rep: Dave Canny dist5rep@michiganlp.org
District 6 Rep: Brandon Warzbyok. dist6rep@michiganlp.org
District 7 Rep: Brian Ellison. dist7rep@michiganlp.org
District 8 Rep: Joe Hartman. dist8rep@michiganlp.org
District 9 Rep: Mike Saliba. dist9rep@michiganlp.org
District 10 Rep: Joe. dist10rep@michiganlp.org
District 11 Rep: Bruce Jacquays. dist11rep@michiganlp.org
District 12 Rep: Daniel Muehl-Miller. dist12rep@michiganlp.org
District 13 Rep: Breona Arold. dist13rep@michiganlp.org
District 14 Rep: Paul Vainer. dist14rep@michiganlp.org

Judicial Committee Members

Connor Nepomuceno. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
Robert Roddis. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
Joshua Smith. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org


Webmaster: Aaron Gardner. Webmaster@MichiganLP.org
Communications Director: Connor Nepomuceno cjnepo1@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor: Scotty Boman. newsletter@michiganlp.org
Ciculation Directors: Jeff Pittel & Catherine Filus. catherine@catherinefilus.com
Social Media Director: Connor Nepomuceno cjnepo1@gmail.com
Historical Committee Chair: Emily Salvette esalvette@gmail.com

Affiliate Contacts

Capital Area: Luke Sciberras, Chair. 248-302-1064, capitalarealp@gmail.com
Genesee County: Chair David Canny, cannyds@gmail.com.
Huron-Raisin: James Hudler, (734) 475-9792, james.hudler@gmail.com or contact Larry Johnson at: michlibertarian@gmail.com
Jackson-Hillsdale: Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net
Livingston County: James Weeks II, (810) 422-8769, j.weeks@riseup.net
Macomb County: Mike Saliba, chair@macomblp.org
Northern Michigan: Philip Lindsay. philiplindsay25@gmail.com
Oakland County: Paul Vainer, paul.vainer@gmail.com or Vice Chair Ben Carr at 248-919-8152
Southwest Michigan: Jason Brandenburg. swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net
Straits Area: Chair Andy Evans, (231) 625-8403, . amevans_1968@yahoo.com
straitslp.com or facebook.com/StraitsAreaLP
Upper Peninsula Libertarian Party: Chair Ryan Roberts, (906) 420-2995, UPLP.org. ryan_r03@hotmail.com
Wayne County: Jami Van Alstine, jamiracquel2004@yahoo.com
West Michigan: Bob VanNoller . (616) 406-7784, Email Bob VanNoller at bob@rollaway.biz

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Upcoming Events

Please contact local affiliate officers to learn how to get involved in their meetings.

Some events are also posted by their hosts at the Meetup.com site. The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of the Events page of our website.

December 2, 2021 - Livingston County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Brewery Becker. 500 W Main St, Brighton, MI, 48116.
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email jamestweeks@outlook.com.

December 8, 2021 - Libertarians of Macomb County Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
BD's Mongolian Grill. 13150 Hall Road, Sterling Heights, MI, 48313.
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at macomblp@gmail.com

December 8, 2021 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County Business Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Location to be announced.
Please visit the Libertarian Party of Wayne County's new Website for updates.
For more information, contact Jami Van Alstine, jamiracquel2004@yahoo.com

December 9, 2021 - Huron-Raisin Affiliate Meeting, 6:00 PM
Pizza to The Wurst Bar. 705 W Cross St, Ypsilanti, MI, 48197
For more information, contact Larry Johnson at 734-475-9792 or email michlibertarian@gmail.com or call (734) 320-7237

December 12, 2021 - Straits Area Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 2:00 PM
The Thirsty Sturgeon. 11900 Scott Rd, Wolverine, MI 49799
For more information, contact Andy Evans at (231) 625-8403 or email amevans_1968@yahoo.com.

December 14, 2021 - Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Traveler's Cafe and Pub. 5225 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
For more information, contact Jason Brandenburg email at swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net

December 15, 2021 - Jackson-Hillsdale Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant. 311 W Louis Glick Hwy, Jackson, MI
Contact Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net

December 15, 2021 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.
Farmhouse Coffee and Ice Cream. 29936 West 12 Mile Road. Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Business starts at 7:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Paul Vainer at: paul.vainer@gmail.com https://lpocmi.org/

December 19, 2021 - Capital Area Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Harper's Restaurant and Brewpub. 131 Albert Ave, East Lansing, MI
Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email capitalarealp@gmail.com for event details and instructions to join.

December 26, 2021 - Libertarian Party of Genesee County Affiliate Meeting (Convention), 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
White Horse Tavern. 621 W Court St, Flint, MI, 48503.
Business is from Noon to 2:00 PM. To confirm the meeting email Chair David Canny, cannyds@gmail.com.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LPGCMI

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If you are new to the Michigan Libertarian, you can link to 2016 issues here, http://michiganlp.org/category/newsletters . Other issues are preserved in our historical archives here: http://old.michiganlp.org/resources-2/newsletter.

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Copyright 2019 Libertarian Party of Michigan, All rights reserved.

The Michigan Libertarian is a publication of the Libertarian Party of Michigan Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW. The Libertarian Party of Michigan website is paid for with regulated funds by the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee, Inc. d/b/a the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Not authorized by any candidate.