We welcome new contributions with careful attention to our guidelines. Articles for the next issue of the Michigan Libertarian must be submitted to chair@michiganlp.org, and newsletter@michiganlp.org no later than the 20th of each month. This allows for publication on the first of each month. We routinely post articles to the website homepage ahead of our publication date.
Special thanks are in order to circulation editor Catherine Filus for her continued work, behind the scenes, to get these issues to our readers. Also to Jeff Pittel and James Weeks who have been exceptionally helpful with the transition from MailChimp to CiviCRM, which we will be using for distributions moving forward.
The Libertarian Party of Michigan depends on contributions to carry out it's mission Please Visit us at MichiganLP.org and scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to gain access to our contribution form.
Back to ContentsBy Greg Stempfle, Chair
The Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) will hold its 2021 State Convention on the weekend of June 26th and 27th. This year the venue is the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
Interested members can read about how to suggest Bylaw and Platform amendments here.
A lunch program and the Liberty Fest Banquet will also be on Saturday. Please read about nominating a worthy person for a Defender of Liberty award here.
Anyone may attend the convention, but only delegates, or elevated alternates, will be able to vote. Alternates vote while filling vacancies created by absent delegates.
A second day full of training seminars and speakers will be held on Sunday along with breakfast and lunch programs. All official business will be conducted on Saturday.
Expect the official call to convention and registration in the coming month.
Donna Gundle-Krieg, Mancelona Township Trustee
This is the fourth in a series of articles about "How to Get Elected as a Libertarian." This article focuses on networking, and attending community events.
Being out in front of the public constantly is necessary for any candidate. The sooner a candidate starts this public exposure, the better. People vote for those who they know, like or trust. Therefore, you need every opportunity to let people know who you are, and show voters that you plan to work hard to represent them. They also need to know that they can trust you to make the right decisions.
In a previous article, we talked about the importance of attending your local government meetings and asking questions! Most of these meetings allow public comment. It is very useful to introduce yourself as a candidate during public comment, and also for you to speak intelligently about any relevant issues.
The possibilities for exposure by just attending government meetings are endless. The people who attend and run these meetings are often those who are the most involved, and speak to others.
Going to the meetings for all areas of your local government is very beneficial. For example, if you are running for a Township Trustee, you should go to township meetings as well as board meetings for the various township branches. In my township, these boards include water/sewer; fire department, roads, library and ambulance. You should also go to county meetings, village meetings, committee meetings, etc. Speak out whenever you have the chance and introduce yourself as a candidate!
In addition to government meetings, there are many other opportunities to network. If you are already a member of any organizations, or group: continue to show up, volunteer for projects, and make a point to let people know that you are running.
If you are not a member, contact these organizations and ask if you can visit as a guest. Almost all of these groups have public opportunities to introduce yourself.
Rotary Clubs and similar service clubs are very easy to find. These organizations exist in large cities and tiny towns. Between google and word of mouth, you should be able to find many options.
School events, including school board meetings, can be very valuable for meeting voters. Even school sporting events offer the chance to introduce yourself to new people.
Last but not least: Festivals, fairs, and community events are great networking events. Many of these will offer an opportunity for you to have a booth! If you decide to go this route, make sure you have a large banner or sign, as well as literature to pass out.
The topic next month will be about media campaigns, including social media. I welcome ideas and questions at any time at dokrieg@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
For reasons that require no repetition, the regular meeting venues of some affiliates will be closed. Please contact local affiliate officers to learn how to get involved in their meetings.Some events are also posted by their hosts at the Meetup.com site. The Michigan Libertarian recommends contacting an affiliate officer or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of the Events page of our website.
April 1, 2021 - Livingston County Monthly Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Due to covid-19 this event has been moved to an online platform, please contact that affiliate chair for more information. Some virtual meeting information is posted here
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email jamestweeks@outlook.com.
April 6, 2021 - Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Traveler's Cafe and Pub. 5225 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
For more information, contact Jason Brandenburg email at swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net
April 7, 2021 - Huron-Raisin Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM
Aubree's Pizzeria & Grill. 39 E Cross St, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
For more information, contact Larry Johnson at 734-475-9792 or email michlibertarian@gmail.com or call (734) 320-7237
April 10, 2021 - Straits Area Libertarian Party Annual Convention, 3:00 PM
The Thirsty Sturgeon. 11900 Scott Rd, Wolverine, MI 49799
For more information, contact Andy Evans at (231) 625-8403 or email amevans_1968@yahoo.com.
April 14, 2021 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Leon's Family Dining. 23830 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, Michigan, 48124.
Please visit the Libertarian Party of Wayne County's new Website for virtual participation option information.
For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email ScottyBoman@hotmail.com
April 14, 2021 - Libertarians of Macomb County Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ike's Restaurant. 38550 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights, MI 48312.
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at macomblp@gmail.com
April 18, 2021 - Capital Area Affiliate Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
CALP monthly business meeting, to be held in person at Renos North - 460 S. US Highway 27. Lansing, MI
If Renos is unable to open CALP will meet over Discord teleconfelerence app.
Contact Luke Sciberras at 248-302-1064 or email capitalarealp@gmail.com for event details and instructions to join.
April 18, 2021 - Libertarian Executive Committee (LEC) Business Meeting, 12:00 PM
Join Zoom Teleconference. Meeting ID: 813 4209 8007.
Call in at (312) 626-6799 [Then enter meeting ID and "#"] or join directly at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81342098007.
April 21, 2021 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County Affiliate Convention, 6:30 PM.
Farmhouse Coffee and Ice Cream. 29936 W 12 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334-3900..
Business starts at 7:30 PM. This will be their 2021 Convention, and we will be electing new officers, amending our bylaws, and appointing delegates to the June state Convention.
Anyone who can't attend, but wants to be selected as a delegate, can email Connor Nepomuceno at: cjnepo1@gmail.com https://lpocmi.org/
April 21, 2021 - Jackson-Hillsdale Libertarian Party Affiliate Meeting, 6:30 PM.
Steves' Ranch Family Resturant. 311 Louis Glick Hwy. Jackson, MI 49201.
Call ahead to verify that they are open and expecting a JHLP meeting (517) 787 - 4367.
For more information, contact Norman Peterson. norman.peterson@comcast.net https://www.jhlp.org
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If you are new to the Michigan Libertarian, you can link to 2016 issues here, http://michiganlp.org/category/newsletters . Other issues are preserved in our historical archives here: http://old.michiganlp.org/resources-2/newsletter.
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