August 2018

Volume 47:08

In This Issue:

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Click here to read about our need for a deputy editor!
Thank you for all of the articles. Keep them coming with careful attention to our guidelines. We are now on a monthly publication schedule. Articles for the next issue of the Michigan Libertarian must be submitted to chair@michiganlp.org, newsletter@michiganlp.org and vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org no later than the 20th of each month. This allows for publication on the first of each month.

The Libertarian Party of Michigan depends on contributions to carry out it's mission Please Visit us at MichiganLP.org and scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to gain access to our contribution form.

Beat the August 1 Price Increase! Register today for the August 25 State Convention

By Emily Salvette, Secretary

Register now and save!

Register now and save!

The Libertarian Party of Michigan Fall State Convention is on Saturday, August 25, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the Wyndham Garden - Detroit Metro Airport, 9191 Wickham Rd, Romulus.

Registration and credentialing begin at 10 a.m. Voting delegates to the convention must have joined the LPM no later than July 26 and will be elected by their affiliate or regional caucus during the period from August 14-18. Check with your local affiliate for the date, time and place of your local caucus. If your county doesn't have an organized affiliate, then contact Credentials Chair Larry Johnson at dist12rep@michiganlp.org.

Call To Order At 11:00 AM

The convention will be called to order at 11 a.m. when delegates will consider amendments to the LPM Platform. James Weeks is the Platform Committee Chair-contact him at j.weeks@riseup.net if you have suggested changes for consideration.

At the afternoon business session delegates will nominate certain state-wide candidates, including our candidates for Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, educational boards and Michigan Supreme Court, hear officer reports, and consider resolutions and other business.

Lunch will be a deli-board sandwich buffet. The price increases from $25 to $35 on August 1 and the deadline for lunch reservations is August 14-after that tickets are on an as-available basis-so register today. The lunch program will be Campaign Kick-Off 2018 featuring our newly-selected Libertarian Party nominee for Governor from the August 7 primary and unveiling of The Libertarian Promise to Michigan.

Vendors will be there offering information, Libertarian wares and campaign materials. Confirmed so far are the Mises Caucus, Tyler Palmer for State House-Dist. 93, Brian Ellison for Congress-Dist. 8, the, LP Audacious Caucus, the Huron-Raisin LP, and the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol. Tables are still available at $30 or $60 (prices rise to $40 or $80 on August 10). Reserve your table on the convention registration page.

It costs nothing to attend the business sessions of this convention. To keep costs low, there will not be an evening banquet, and we will email packets to those who register in advance to reduce copying costs. We're asking for a suggested donation of $20 to help offset the cost of renting the hotel ballroom.

Register Today!

Please register today at michiganlp.org. [Registration link is https://michiganlp.org/take-part-history-fall-state-convention-aug-25/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/register&id=36&reset=1] Even if you are not buying lunch or making a donation, please register so we can email your meeting packet to you.

Emily Salvette

LPM Fall Convention Chair

734-645-5809, secretary@michiganlp.org

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Libertarian Candidates For Governor Get Major Party Treatment

Major Party Treatment From Broadcasters

Wood Libertarian Gubernatorial Primary Debate. From left to right: John Tatar, Rick Albin, Bill Gelineau.
Wood Libertarian Gubernatorial Primary Debate. From left to right: John Tatar, Rick Albin, Bill Gelineau.
For the first time in the Libertarian Party of Michigan's history our gubernatorial candidates are getting media coverage that approaches that given to the Republicans and Democrats. Bill Gelineau and John Tatar appeared on veteran political reporter Tim Skubick's Off the Record show statewide on PBS, which had been notorious for its exclusion of any candidates outside the Republican and Democratic parties. They have also been featured in televised debates on both sides of the lower peninsula. There was a debate in the northern lower peninsula on May 20th, but it wasn't televised.

On July 15th The first televised Libertarian Gubernatorial Debate was broadcast on WOOD-TV. WOOD is one of West Michigan's most popular TV news stations. A Libertarian candidate for Governor has never before been included in such a debate on a major commercial television station. The debate was moderated by noted news anchor and political reporter Rick Albin.

After bumping elbows with Tim Skubick at the Michigan Small Business Association meeting (where Gelineau was introduced to, but denied a chance to address the crowd), Bill Gelineau was invited to appear on Off the Record. The show aired on July 13th. Later John Tatar * was also granted an opportunity to appear on the show. He was in the episode that aired on July 20th.

In southeast Michigan the duo went head to head on the Fox 2 show, Let it Rip, which was moderated by Charlie Langton. The show aired at 9:30 am on Sunday, July 22nd. They also had individual appearances with Chuck Stokes on the WXYZ TV Show, Spotlight On The News. WXYZ also featured John Tatar in a "one-on-one" interview. This leaves WDIV News 4 as the only holdout of Metro-Detroit's big three TV News stations.

Some additional media appearances have been:

Other Developments

John Tatar received an endorsement from the Michigan Vaccine Freedom PAC .

Bill Gelineau has had radio commercials produced and aired.

* As of the writing of this article the link to this video stopped working, but WKAR staff indicate they are working to resolve the problem.

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Vote in the Libertarian Primary August 7

By Bill Hall, State Chair

By any measure, the upcoming August 7 primary election is historic for the Libertarian Party, and for Michigan. In "The Historic Nature Of Our Libertarian Governor Primary" Greg Stempfle explained that this is only the sixth time since the primary election law was changed in 1932 that a political party other than the Republicans and Democrats qualified to hold a primary election. And the Libertarian Primary will be the first time in Michigan history a political party other than the Republicans and Democrats will hold a contested primary election for Governor.

Vote Here Sign.

But aside from taking part in history, why should YOU bother to vote in the August 7 Libertarian Party primary? And why should you make it your personal mission to urge all the Libertarian activists and friends you know to vote in the August 7 Libertarian Party primary?

  • To support your favorite candidate for the Libertarian nomination for Governor. In appearances across the state, media reports, and on their websites, ComeTogetherMichigan.org and www.JohnJTatar.com, Bill Gelineau and John Tatar have demonstrated their individuality, emphasizing different principal campaign issues, different life experiences and different campaign styles. These gentlemen have been working hard since last year to garner your support. Come show it.
  • To support the 41 other candidates on the Libertarian primary ballot. While the other Libertarians on the primary ballot will advance to the general election, they still need your vote to legitimize their nomination. Please support them in return for all the groundwork they have laid for their general election campaigns.
  • To help elect the many Libertarian precinct delegates running across the state. These are your representatives to the local affiliate conventions to be held August 14-18 to elect delegates to our August 25 statewide candidate nominating convention in Romulus. And it's not too late for you to run as a write-in candidate for precinct delegate.

In order to qualify as a write-in candidate for precinct delegate, you must fill out this form, called a "Declaration of Intent" (https://www.michigan.gov/documents/Dec-Int-Prc_152628_7.pdf), which must be notarized. Then file the form with your city or township clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 3. You can also file the form with your board of election inspectors on the day of the August primary any time prior to the close of the polls. For more information, email vcpolitical@michiganlp.org.

  • The media, and public, will be watching. Participating in the primary has gained the LP and its candidates unprecedented media and voter attention. The more votes cast in the Libertarian Party primary, the more seriously the media, and the public, will take our candidates in the fall general election. We need a strong showing of people voting the Libertarian primary ballot to continue to make the point that the LP is NOT just another third party, and deserves the same attention accorded the Rs and Ds.

This is a chance for the LP to demonstrate it deserves to be treated on par with the Republicans and Democrats. Don't blow this chance to send a message that it is no longer "politics as usual." There is a real choice. Vote Libertarian on August 7!

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Fourteen Libertarians Endorsed By Michigan Vaccine Freedom PAC

By Scotty Boman, Editor

The fourteen LPM Candidates who were endorsed by MVF-PAC were sent frames like this one to put on their social media profile pictures.
The fourteen LPM Candidates who were endorsed by MVF-PAC were sent frames like this one to put on their social media profile pictures.
Roseville, MI - The Michigan Vaccine Freedom PAC (MVF-PAC) endorsed fifteen Libertarian Party candidates. This is likely the largest number of endorsements of Libertarian Candidates in Michigan by a single PAC. Since these were pre-primary endorsements, they are a direct consequence of The Libertarian Party of Michigan's primary party ballot status.

Their Libertarian Party Endorsements are:

  1. John Tatar for Governor.
  2. Gregory Creswell for District 1 State Representative.
  3. Ryan Manier for District 28 State Representative.
  4. Brian Wright for District 38 State Representative.
  5. Norman Peterson for District 64 State Representative.
  6. Jason Rees for District 65 State Representative.
  7. Patty Malowney for District 77 State Representative.
  8. Tyler Palmer for District 93 State Representative.
  9. Joseph LeBlanc for District 7 State Senator.
  10. Chad McNamara for District 17 State Senator.
  11. Erwin Haas for District 26 State Senator.
  12. Nathan Hewer for District 28 State Senator.
  13. Max Riekse for District 34 State Senator.
  14. Jamie Lewis for District 72 State Senator.

To be endorsed, candidates needed to affirm three positions:

  1. I support an individual's right to make vaccine decisions for themselves and for their children.
  2. I support the legislative process as it relates to vaccine choice. I do not support the practice of un-elected state or local agencies placing undue burdens on individuals seeking vaccine waivers.
  3. I do not support mandatory vaccination by employers or educational institutions that receive tax-payer funding.

In some cases, more than one candidate was endorsed for the same position in the same primary, so this appears to be the only criteria.

The relevant plank of Libertarian Party of Michigan Platform states:

"XI. HEALTH CARE The most fundamental property right is an individual's right to own and control his or her own body. All individuals have the right to determine their own health care needs and treatment. Exercise of this right does not remove the moral obligations not to violate the rights of others. We recognize the state, when it exists, has a duty to protect the rights of others, particularly those in society who are the most vulnerable, including: the very old, the very young, and the mentally handicapped. The state, where it exists, does have a duty to protect the life of all individuals, and should prosecute those who utilize force or fraud to end life."

Editor's note: This article concerns candidates seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides fair coverage of any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidate's views. Neither does the Michigan Libertarian necessarily endorse the views of the Michigan Vaccine Freedom PAC.

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News Briefs & Announcements

Tim Yow Files As Write-In Candidate For Libertarian Primary

Editor's note: This article concerns a candidate seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides fair coverage of any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidate's views.

Vice Chair Tim Yow at the 2018 "I'm That Libertarian" Convention.
Vice Chair Tim Yow at the 2018 "I'm That Libertarian" Convention.
Detroit, MI - The Libertarian Party of Michigan's First Vice Chair, Tim Yow, has filled a Declaration of Intent to run for United States Senator in the Libertarian Primary. To win the primary, and be listed on the general election ballot, he must receive the greater of 0.15% of Michigan's total population (9,883,640 based on the 2010 Census) , or 5% of the highest number of statewide votes for a listed candidate in the LPM primary. This effectively means he will need at least 14,825 write-in votes.

According to Yow, "I'm expecting to get confirmation that it [Declaration of Intent] was received and accepted on Monday. I filed as Tim Yow, but Timothy Yow will be accepted."

Tim is an entrepreneur residing in Metro Detroit. He launched YowSeo Online Marketing in 2012. He is also the creator of LibertyBusinessDatabase.com, a nation-wide directory of libertarian-owned businesses. He is on the Board of Directors of the Southfield Area Chamber of Commerce. He currently serves as the Communications Director for the Libertarian Party of Oakland County. He became a Libertarian due to his desire to see an end to debilitating business regulations and laws that create criminals where there are no victims.

"Cannabis Wagon" Returns To "The Biggest Little 4th In The North"

Dana Carver Escorts Float (Cannabis Wagon) at Greatest Fourth in the North. Photo by Kristy.
Dana Carver Escorts Float (Cannabis Wagon) at Greatest Fourth in the North. Photo by Kristy.
Onaway, MI - Dana Carver and Walker once again took the "Cannabis Wagon" to the "Biggest Little 4th In The North" in Onaway. The event is the community's Independence Day Parade. Other members of the Straits Area Libertarian Party were also involved.

Carver thanked those who helped on Facebook:

"Thank you to all my helpers: Carrie Lane, Alina Bond, My ol' man, and the kids....love you all. Thank you, Andy Evans, for getting that awesome party banner. Thank the gods we did not die of heat stroke. I am not sure it has ever been this hot on the 4th EVER. BTW....I got them to say 'more freedom, less government' and 'taxation is theft' at all three announcement points! Woot, woot! Biggest 4th in the North, don' cha know!"
Dana Carver Escorts Float (Cannabis Wagon) at Greatest Fourth in the North. Photo by Kristy.
Dana Carver Escorts Float (Cannabis Wagon) at Greatest Fourth in the North. Photo by Kristy.
Dana Carver Escorts Float (Cannabis Wagon) at Greatest Fourth in the North. Photo by Kristy.

Macomb County Affiliate To Have County Convention On Different Date Then Regular Meeting

Sterling Heights, MI - The Macomb County Affiliate has changed the date of their meeting in the month of August in order to comply with new State and Party guidelines regarding county conventions. The Convention will be on August 16th As with other county conventions, they will select delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan Fall Convention (To be held on August 25th in Romulus Michigan).

It will be at Ike's Restaurant, 38550 Van Dyke Ave., Sterling Heights, MI at 7PM.

Greg Creswell Endorsed By CTV-PAC, Featured On "Detroit Is Different

Gregory Creswell on
Gregory Creswell on "Detroit Is Different.
Detroit, MI - State Representative Candidate (Dist. 1), Greg Creswell, has been endorsed by the Citizens for Traditional Values Public Action Committee (CTV-PAC). The endorsement ( http://www.ctvmichigan.org/endorsements/ ) is a "Primary Endorsement," meaning it would not have been available prior to the Libertarian Party of Michigan achieving primary ballot status. He was the only candidate for his district receiving their endorsement.

Creswell was featured on the "Detroit Is Different" online publication.

Editor's note: This article concerns a candidate seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides fair coverage of any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidate's views. Neither does the Michigan Libertarian necessarily endorse the views of the Citizens for Traditional Values PAC.

Wayne County Affiliate To Have County Convention In Addition To Regular Meeting

Detroit, MI - The Wayne County Affiliate has scheduled a second meeting in the month of August in order to comply with new State and Party guidelines regarding county conventions. The Convention will be on August 17th As with other county conventions, they will select delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan Fall Convention (To be held on August 25th in Romulus Michigan).

Check-in will be at 6:30 PM followed by business from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. They will meet at Tijuana Mexican Kitchen (West of Southfield Rd.). 18950 Ford Rd. Detroit, MI 48228. Members wishing to participate electronically may contact Wayne County Chair, Scotty Boman, directly to arrange access.

Scotty Boman Leads Detroit Effort To Stop Charter Revision

Scotty Boman on the WHPR program
Scotty Boman on the WHPR program "Feedback". From left to right: Commissioner William Davis, Host Theo Broughton, DRACO Founder Scotty Boman.

Detroit, MI - Detroit activist Scotty Boman has been leading an effort to prevent revision of the city's charter. He has made multiple radio and TV appearances as the founder of Detroit Residents Advancing Civilian Oversight (D.R.AC.O). In the most recent appearances he has stated that civilian oversight of the Detroit Police Department would be in jeopardy if the charter revision passed. Appearances include The Robert Ficano Show and the Bankole Thompson show on 910 AM Superstation, as well as a recent appearance on the WHPR show, Feedback.

After receiving over 39% of the vote in his run for Police Commissioner in 2017, Boman formed (D.R.AC.O.) . On the group's website he says, "While campaigning door to door, I found that Detroiters were terribly misinformed on the role of the Board of Police Commissioners (BOPC). I founded DRACO to fix that."

Boman has said, "The most important ballot item has received the least attention," in reference to the charter revision which appears as "Proposal R" on the Detroit August 7th primary ballot.

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Officers & Staff

General Contact: Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW.

Chair: Bill Hall. chair@michiganlp.org
First Vice Chair: Tim Yow. vcaffiliates@michiganlp.org
Second Vice Chair: Greg Stempfle. vcpoliticaldirector@michiganlp.org
Secretary: Emily Salvette. secretary@michiganlp.org
Treasurer: Jason Brandenburg. treasurer@michiganlp.org
District 1 Rep: Donna Gundle-Krieg. dist1rep@michiganlp.org
District 2 Rep: Mary Buzuma. dist2rep@michiganlp.org
District 3 Rep: Jamie Lewis. dist3rep@michiganlp.org
District 4 Rep: Tim Coon. dist4rep@michiganlp.org
District 5 Rep: Mark Sanborn. dist5rep@michiganlp.org
District 6 Rep: Wendi Parker. dist6rep@michiganlp.org
District 7 Rep: Norman Peterson. dist7rep@michiganlp.org
District 8 Rep: Jeff Wood. dist8rep@michiganlp.org
District 9 Rep: Mike Saliba. dist9rep@michiganlp.org
District 10 Rep: John Kanan. dist10rep@michiganlp.org
District 11 Rep: Paul Connolly. dist11rep@michiganlp.org
District 12 Rep: Larry Johnson. dist12rep@michiganlp.org
District 13 Rep: Adam Zientarski. dist13rep@michiganlp.org
District 14 Rep: Ben Carr. dist14rep@michiganlp.org

Judicial Committee Members

Kerry Morgan. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
Ken Proctor. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org
James Hudler. judicialcommittee@michiganlp.org


Webmaster: In Transition. Webmaster@MichiganLP.org
Newsletter Editor: Scotty Boman. newsletter@michiganlp.org
Deputy Editor: Volunteer Wanted. newsletter@michiganlp.org
Ciculation Director: Catherine Filus.Catherine Filus catherine@catherinefilus.com

Affiliate Contacts

Capital Area: Luke Sciberras, Chair. 248-302-1064, lpsciberras@gmail.com
Genesee County: Chair Alex Cooper, alexcooperliberty@gmail.com. VC Dustin Reamer, 810-522-3136, olddrumbelly@gmail.com
Huron-Raisin: James Hudler, (734) 475-9792, james.hudler@gmail.com
Jackson-Hillsdale: Norman Peterson, (269) 330-2980 norman.peterson@comcast.net
Livingston County: James Weeks II, (810) 422-8769, j.weeks@riseup.net
Macomb County: Mike Saliba, chair@macomblp.org
Mid-Michigan: Tim Coon, timothycoon1982@aol.com
Northeast-Lower: Zach Boyle, 989-255-4521, livovivo@gmail.com
Northern Lower: Dana Carver, danacarver103@yahoo.com
Northwest Michigan: Donna Gundle-Krieg. nwmichiganlibertarians@gmail.com
Oakland County: Greg Stempfle, (313) 929-1789, gregstempfle@gmail.com
Southwest Michigan: Jason Brandenburg. swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net
Straits Area: Chair Andy Evans, (231) 625-8403, . amevans_1968@yahoo.com
Wayne County: Scotty Boman, (313) 247-2052, scottyboman@hotmail.com
West Michigan: Jake Andrews. (269) 967-4071. jwandrew@mtu.edu

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Upcoming Events

Some events are also posted by their hosts at the Meetup.com site. It is recommended that you contact an officer for an affiliate or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of the Events page of our website.

August 1, 2018 - Huron-Raisin Affiliate Meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Classic Cup Cafe, 4389 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103
For more information, contact James Hudler at 734-475-9792 or email james.hudler@gmail.com

August 2, 2018 - Livingston County Michigan Libertarians social meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Cleary's Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843
For more information, contact James Weeks II at 810.422.8769 or email j.weeks@riseup.net

August 2, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tijuana Mexican Kitchen, 18950 Ford Rd. Detroit, MI 48228
Business and speakers, for the Wayne County affiliate, are normally scheduled from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, but people arrive around 6:30 PM to order dinner. For more information, contact Scotty Boman at (313) 247-2052 or email ScottyBoman@hotmail.com

August 7, 2018 - Southwest Michigan Libertarian Party monthly meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Theo and Stacy's, 5225 Portage Rd. Portage, MI 49002
For more information, contact Jason Brandenburg at swmi4liberty@be-innovative.net

August 15, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County Convention, 6:30 PM dinner, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM meeting,
We have returned to Shield's Pizza! 1476 W Maple Rd. Troy, MI
For more information contact County Chair Greg Stempfle at (313) 929-1789 or gregstempfle@gmail.com

August 15, 2018 - Jackson-Hillsdale Libertarian Party monthly meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant, 311 W. Louis Glick Hwy. Jackson, MI 49201
For more information contact Norman Peterson (269) 330-2980. JHLP Website: https://www.jhlp.org/

August 16, 2018 - Libertarians of Macomb County Convention meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ike's Restaurant, 38550 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at macomblp@gmail.com

August 17, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County Convention, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tijuana Mexican Kitchen, 18950 Ford Rd. Detroit, MI 48228
This is the Wayne County Caucus of the Libertarian Party of Michigan county convention, at which we will select delegates to the Libertarian Party of Michigan Fall ConventionCheck in at 6:30 PM. Business 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. Members wishing to participate electronically may contact Wayne County Chair, Scotty Boman, directly to arrange access: (313) 247-2052 or email ScottyBoman@hotmail.com

August 18, 2018 - Straights Area Libertarian Party (SALP), 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM will have its Affiliate Convention on Saturday 8/18 at 3:00 PM, Great Lakes Grill at 817 E State St. Cheboygan, MI
49721. Contact Andy Evans at (231) 625-8403 or email amevans_1968@yahoo.com For Updates visit: www.fb.com/StraitsAreaLP

August 19, 2018 - Capital Area Affiliate monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
AW Body Shop. 3303 N East St. Lansing, MI 48906.
Contact Martin Mashon at (517) 894-7157 or emailmartinmashon@yahoo.com to confirm location.
Times and locations may very from month to month.

August 25, 2018 - LPM 2018 Fall State Convention, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wyndham Garden Detroit Metro Airport, 9191 Wickham Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
For more information, Register Here
Toytown. 122 S Mitchell St. Cadillac, MI 49601

August 26, 2018 - Genesee County, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Jan's Bar and Grill. 7499 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473
For more information, contact Alex Cooper at alexcooperliberty@gmail.com or Dustin Reamer at olddrumbelly@gmail.com

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If you are new to the Michigan Libertarian, you can link to 2016 issues here, http://michiganlp.org/category/newsletters . Older issues are preserved in our historical archives here: http://old.michiganlp.org/resources-2/newsletter.

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Copyright © 2018 Libertarian Party of Michigan, All rights reserved.

The Michigan Libertarian is a publication of the Libertarian Party of Michigan Libertarian Party of Michigan: PO Box 27065, Lansing, MI 48909; Phone: 888.FREE.NOW. The Libertarian Party of Michigan website is paid for with regulated funds by the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee, Inc. d/b/a the Libertarian Party of Michigan. Not authorized by any candidate.