The Libertarian Party of Michigan depends on contributions to carry out it's mission Please Visit us at and scroll down to the bottom of our homepage to gain access to our contribution form.
By Emily Salvette, Secretary
In previous election cycles, the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) has nominated and selected candidates for state and federal offices at their convention held in the spring of the election year.
This year is different - and historic. For the first time in state history, the Libertarian Party will be on the ballot for Michigan's August 7 primary, owing to the fact that we qualified for status as a major party with our number of votes for Gary Johnson in the 2016 election.
This first nominating convention, held under the same election laws as the Republican and Democratic Parties, will take place on Saturday, August 25, 2018 at the Wyndham Gardens Detroit Metro Airport.
Delegates to the convention will select our nominees for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. Up to two nominees for State Board of Education, MSU Board of Trustees, U of M Board of Regents, WSU Board of Governors, and Justice of the Supreme Court will be chosen as well.
Delegates will also debate amendments to the LPM platform among other items of business.
During lunch, our Libertarian Campaign Kick-Off will take place, featuring remarks from the first LPM gubernatorial primary winner-Bill Gelineau ( or John Tatar ( a special presentation by the Campaign Committee and our other Libertarian Party candidates.
There will also be a vendor area. We are selling half of an 8-foot table for $20 if payment is received before July 20, $30 if received July 21- August 10, and $40 if received after August 10. A full 8' table is double these prices. Tables will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact Paul Connolly (, 248-494-6086). Please contact him to reserve one or for more information.
Registration begins at 10 a.m. Convention business will start at 11:00 with platform debate followed by the Campaign Kick-off Lunch at 12:30. Candidate nominations will take place during the afternoon session that begins at 2 p.m. Business will adjourn at 5:00. The Libertarian Executive Committee will have a short meeting after adjournment. An evening banquet is not planned, but the hotel restaurant and bar open at 5 p.m.
The Wyndham Gardens has a block of rooms for the nights of August 24 and 25 for us at a discounted rate of $79/night. Mention you're there for the Libertarian Party convention in order to receive this reduced rate. Please call the hotel at 734-728-2800 and make your reservation directly with the front desk staff. (Don't get transferred to the chain's national reservation system!)
As this will be the third major LP convention this year for many Libertarians, we are doing our best to keep costs low for this convention. For participants, the cost of the Campaign Kick-Off Lunch is only $25 ($35 after July 31). As a further cost-cutting measure, convention packets will be emailed in advance, with a minimum of paper documents on hand on August 25.
We're asking a voluntary $20 participation fee to cover the cost of renting the hotel ballroom. Please consider making this donation so we can reserve our LPM funds for the crucial task of promoting our candidates in this election year.
Wednesday, July 11th at 7 PM - 9 PM GVSU Seidman College of Business Management Department 50 Front Ave SW, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Hosted by Libertarian Party of West Michigan
By Greg Stempfle, Political Director
Kalamazoo, MI - At their Sunday June 3 meeting in Kalamazoo, the Libertarian Party of Michigan Executive Committee (LEC), selected James Weeks II to chair of the 2018 Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) Platform Committee. Weeks, who serves as chairman of the Libertarian Party of Livingston County, previously chaired the Committee in 2015.
If you would like to serve on the Platform Committee or have any suggested amendments to the LPM platform please message James Weeks II or email him at
Delegates to the August 25th LPM State Convention in Romulus will vote on the proposed changes. The current platform of the LPM can be found here:
By Ben Carr, District 14 Representative
Cheboygan , MI - The Straights Area Libertarian Party (SALP) will have its Affiliate Convention on Saturday 8/18 at 3:00 PM, Great Lakes Grill at 817 E State St. Cheboygan, MI 49721. For Updates visit:
Our America Initiative's latest project is directed to stopping the duopoly.
If you encounter abusive, biased or obstructionist actions to shut out candidates of alternative parties, such as the Libertarian party, register a complaint here. To support this effort, one can contribute here, or promote the Stop The Duopoly Money Bomb.
By Bill Hall, State Chair
As we count down to the August 7 primary, it's becoming increasingly clear where Libertarians differ from Republican and Democratic candidates on the important issues facing Michigan voters. And those areas of difference are where we need to focus our efforts to pick up voters disgusted with the status quo. Here are a few takeaways:
Corporate Welfare - The Mackinac Center recently published an amazing study, detailing how R and D legislators have voted for $16 billion of corporate welfare over the past 17 years. This is a bipartisan problem; those legislators who resisted the temptation to do so are few and far between. Click here to see how much the R or D you oppose in the general election voted to shell out to special interests. And share that information with the voters who were robbed to fund those handouts.
No-Fault Insurance - Michigan suffers under some of the highest auto insurance rates in the nation, to the point where thousands forgo insurance entirely, because they can't afford Michigan's mandated "Cadillac" coverage. Last fall we supported a bill for limited reform as a step in the right direction, but the Rs and Ds torpedoed reform when the hospitals, lawyers and other special interests making excessive profits under the mandate yanked them into line. Now many of those same Rs and Ds are campaigning for reform - something they've lied about every 2 years for the past 20 years. We need to expose their hypocrisy.
Marijuana Legalization -- While we are no longer the only supporters of marijuana legalization in Michigan politics, most Republicans and many Democrats are way too shy to openly support marijuana legalization. And many of those who have now publicly embraced legalization are drug warriors from way back, who changed their mind solely for political expediency. We need to make that point to the voters.
Taxes - Many Republicans are saying they want to lower the Michigan income tax rate. LIARS! It was a Democratic Governor and House and Republican Senate that imposed the "temporary" income tax increase a decade ago. And it was a Republican legislature and Governor who amended the "temporary" income tax increase to freeze the increase in place. And they have repeatedly rejected efforts since to lower the tax rate. We need to call them out on this.
Spending - Virtually none of the R's and D's are campaigning for cutting spending. Democrats may claim Republicans have cut spending for some programs, but the opposite is true. Both are big spenders, and Libertarians are not. A substantial number of voters support spending cuts. Those voters should belong to us.
Now is the time to refine our message, and promises, to Michigan voters. The current Michigan political dialog highlights several issues where we differ from the Republicans and Democrats, and substantial numbers of voters support our views. By focusing on those differences, and the hunger among voters for candidates who can be trusted to promote real solutions to the problems facing our society, Libertarian candidates will have many openings they can exploit in this election season.
By Scotty Boman, Editor
In the days leading up to the event, news reports and website confirmation showed that the SBAM planned an event on June 21, in which "the 7 candidates for Governor" would be given an opportunity to present to the conference, and Libertarians had not been invited.
The Michigan Libertarian contacted SBAM President Robert Fowler and asked why they chose to exclude the candidates of only one of the three parties who are in the primaries. He said that he didn't see Libertarians as viable, even though each Libertarian had collected more signatures than some of the invited candidates. He said the Libertarian candidates would be briefly introduced if they were there.
John Tatar already had a busy schedule of other appearances, but Bill Gelineau attended as a guest.
When it became clear that the SBAM wasn't going to let him speak, Gelineau made a last minute decision to buy tickets for himself and his team. He also ran a Facebook live broadcast from the event and snagged a quick interview with Tim Skubick.
In addition to getting introduced and hearing a couple of "let him speak" shouts to the podium, Gelineau said his team distributed about 400 pieces of literature and he shook every hand he could.
Gelineau said, "I met with each of the 7 R's and D's in casual conversation. The only one of whom that wasn't pleasant was Gretchen Whitmer, who simply said 'I know who you are' in a nasty voice." He went on to say, "Many of the folks we talked to at the tables came up to me as they were leaving to shake my hand, offer some encouragement, and let me know they're going to push the SBAM to include me in their general election vetting."
Prior to the event, Libertarians made phone calls in protest. They made an impression. According to Gelineau, the key admin assistant said, "We get group calls all the time...and lots of folks are nasty. The LP callers were the most polite we've ever seen."
Tatar team member Ernie Speck commented on a Facebook photo, "My friend retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. John Tatar speaking at the Second Amendment March rally state at the Michigan Capitol Lansing. John is a candidate of Governor for the state of Michigan. John is a statesman, and by the reaction of the crowd his speech was the best received by those attending."
Tatar said, "We made quite a stir. By the way, the only one who spoke with any length of speech was Colbeck. Schuette made an appearance. The others said a few words."
By Scotty Boman
Editor's note: This article concerns a candidate seeking the Libertarian Party nomination through the primary system. The Michigan Libertarian provides fair coverage of any Libertarian Party of Michigan member who is seeking the nomination through this process without endorsing one candidate over another, or the candidate's views.
Ellison was charged with Disrupting Government Operations, and Resisting or Obstructing a Police Officer. Both infractions are misdemeanors. Prior to being charged, the arresting officer said Ellison would be charged with disorderly conduct, and officers had also suggested trespassing charges. Ellison claims, "There was nothing disorderly about my conduct, so they had to make up a new charge after I was in custody... This was either a private event or a "government operation" but it can't be both."
According to Ellison,
"We scheduled a protest and called it "Only Guilty People Run". Our goal was to cause awareness of the need for police reform, transparency, and justice for the victims. I intended to run with the chief, while he ran with a bunch of kids. We had about 15 protesters, a mix of LP members and victims' families. I was constantly followed and shadowed by 3 police officers in uniform throughout the event. I approached various officers and asked for their opinions on body cameras and got some feedback, but not much. I also approached the chief and asked him about body cameras. He pushed me away and called his officers over to push me further away, rather than answer the question. He then offered to meet me on Monday morning in his office.What happened after (including Ellison being dragged) can be seen on this videoJust before the "Run with the Chief" event, I saw one of the officers talking with the chief, looking at me and pointing in my direction. Immediately after that exchange, an officer approached me and told me I could not be in the road during the race. I told him I could and he reaffirmed that I could not. I walked away from him at that point and began stretching. This is the point that the video began. I was basically being surrounded and the officers were closing in on me. I tried to cross the road to avoid them and they followed. I turned on my megaphone to bring attention to them stalking me, and to tell them to stay back."
On Memorial Day Ellison and others organized an event called, "Justice For Victims & Cameras For Cops". He said approximately 30 to 40 people showed up, and that many of Nino Gordon's family and friends were there. Ellison gave a brief speech just before the parade started. Participants continued to protest throughout the Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade. He told the Michigan Libertarian that, "We were respectful of all veterans in attendance. Our protests were focused only on police and elected officials."
The alleged murderer, Keith Richard Beirenga, is on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation. The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is in charge of this case. Gordon family attorney, Joseph Dedvukaj told Fox 2 News that the Royal Oak officer fired four or five shots - hitting Gordon once in the chest and once in the arm as he sat behind the wheel of a black BMW. Gordon was not armed.
Royal Oak Police Chief Corrigan O'Donohue told the Detroit News that Gordon had backed into a car behind him (at the drive through), and struck a police car while driving away, but Royal Oak Police Officials told a WDIV TV reporter that, "an officer saw him, approached the car and shot Gordon." They told an Mlive reporter that Gordon was "...waiting in the drive-thru line before he was shot." The Michigan Libertarian attempted to clarify the matter with the Royal Oak Police Department and was referred to Sargent Don Swiatkowski, but he didn't respond to the message left on his voice mail.
Dedvukaj told MLive, White Castle had surveillance video, but investigators had seized the video and camera system. White Castle Staff have yet to respond to inquiries from the Michigan Libertarian.
The Oakland county medical examiner's office told the Detroit News that Gordon died of gunshot wounds, and his manner of death is a homicide. According to Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper, the case has been picked up by Genesee Prosecutor David Leyton, but Leyton has not replied to our inquiries yet.
Ellison is selling shirts to support his legal fees.
By Katie Nepton, Libertarian Candidate for State Senate in District 24
I believe in freedom. I believe each American should be given as much freedom in running their lives as possible. I believe every time we take away any freedom we undo the possibilities of tomorrow.
More specifically I believe in the freedom to marry the person you choose; I believe in the freedom to have access to medical procedures and medical products; and the freedom to do with your body as you see fit.
Marriage should be open to all adults, and only adults. The right to divorce should exist. The right to have an abortion should exist. The right to end one's life should exist. The right to ask for help, from a trained medical professional, in ending your life should exist. The right for that trained medical professional to assist someone in achieving their death on their own terms and at their own time should exist.
I believe bigotry is wrong but if you cause no harm you have not given the government a reason to play a role in your bigotry. I believe when you act against a protected group because of the reason they are protected (for example hating someone because of their skin color, ethnicity, age, religion, who they love, etc. is revolting but not a government issue; refusing to hire/lease to/do business with that person because they are in that category is illegal and is a government issue.)
I believe the more we can keep the government out of our lives the better.
I believe businesses should be left alone to exist and be and grow or remain the same as they see fit. I believe businesses left alone will feel the pressure of the free market and conform or perish under a free market system. If the government insists on invading businesses then I believe a ratio wage instead of a minimum wage would be better for America. This is where the CEO's hourly rate (including bonuses, etc.) cannot be more than X times more than the hourly rate of the lowest person on the totem pole. If the CEO gets a raise, everyone else must too. In the event America is stuck with a minimum wage then in any company where any employee qualifies for a government sponsored social program the company must bear the burden for those employees. My taxes should not go to pay for the food/medical care of your full time worker because you don't want to pay a real wage. A multi-million dollar company who knows their employees will get their needs from the government should be held accountable to the government, in full, for that bill.
I believe local small businesses would do a better job at taking over some of the state infrastructure. The state employee in the green plow who drives into my mail box and sends it flying through the air should not have government immunity. A small local company which was hired by the government to accomplish a task would be better suited to achieving that task.
Getting the government out of the non-governmental areas of our lives will improve our lives, our economy, our America.
Readers may connect with Katie Nepton at:
Upcoming Events
Some events are also posted by their hosts at the site. It is recommended that you contact an officer for an affiliate or check the Website (or Facebook page) associated with the meeting host (if they have one) before arriving at a meeting. Some meetings can get canceled, or locations can change with short notice. Contact information connected to most events can be found by expanding the item on the "Agenda view" of the Events page of our website.
July 11, 2018 - Libertarian Gubernatorial Debate, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
GVSU Seidman College of Business Management Department. 50 Front Ave SW, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504
Another Debate has been scheduled between the Libertarian Party of Michigan gubernatorial candidates. The moderator will be Rick Albin, political reporter for WOOD TV 8 in Grand Rapids. We are doing all we can to drum up media coverage and attendees. Please alert all of your local news broadcasters and news publications about this event, and make an effort to attend this professionally-staged debate. Free parking is available in the GVSU lot.
Hosted by Libertarian Party of West Michigan
July 11, 2018 - Libertarians of Macomb County monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ike's Restaurant, 38550 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights
For more information, contact Mike Saliba at
July 12, 2018 - Capital Area Affiliate monthly meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
AW Body Shop. 3303 N East St. Lansing, MI 48906.
Contact Martin Mashon at (517) 894-7157 or to confirm location.
Times and locations may very from month to month.
July 12, 2018 - Dinner & Dialogue: MI House of Representatives Candidate Forum, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
This is not an official LPM Event, but may may be of interest to some members. Detroit Police Athletic League Headquarters Banquet Hall. 1680 Michigan Avenue. Detroit, MI 48216.
All primary candidates (Yes that includes Libertarians) are invited if they have a ditrict that includes some portion of Detroit. The event is free, but advance registration is required: Event Website
July 13-15, 2018 - Blissfest Outreach, Dana will be at Blissfest (Emmet County), 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM.
If you wish to join her - you will need tickets. The event website is: The event appears to be sold out so contact Dana for special vendor ticket arraingements. Blissfest is not an LPM event, but may be of interest to some members.
For more information, contact Dana Carver at:
July 17, 2018 - Northwest Michigan Group Meeting, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
For more information, contact Donna Gundle-Kreig
Toytown. 122 S Mitchell St. Cadillac, MI 49601
July 18, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Oakland County monthly meeting, 6:30 PM dinner, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM meeting,
!!!NEW MEETING LOCATION!!! National Coney Island, 1812 N Main St, Royal Oak, MI 48073
For more information contact County Chair Greg Stempfle at (313) 929-1789 or
July 18, 2018 - Jackson-Hillsdale Libertarian Party monthly meeting, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Steve's Ranch Restaurant, 311 W. Louis Glick Hwy. Jackson, MI 49201
For more information contact Norman Peterson (269) 330-2980. JHLP Website:
July 22, 2018 - Genesee County, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Jan's Bar and Grill. 7499 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473
For more information, contact Alex Cooper at or Dustin Reamer at
August 1, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Huron-Raisin (Washtenaw & Monroe), 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Classic Cup Cafe', 4389 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
August 2, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Livingston County monthly social meeting, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Cleary's Pub, 117 E Grand River Ave, Howell, MI 48843
Catch up with each other at 7 while we order food and introduce any visitors. Occasionally, we will have a guest speaker.
August 2, 2018 - Libertarian Party of Wayne County monthly meeting, 6:30 PM social, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM meeting
This will serve as our Fall county convention to select delegates to the August 25th state convention.
The Daly In The Alley outreach table and last-minute primary campaign activities will be discussed.
Tijuana Mexican Kitchen (West of Southfield Rd.) 18950 Ford Rd. Detroit, MI 48228
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